(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

I hv a unopen tin of s26 for sales. Expiring in nov 2010. I can let go at $20. My boy taking similac now. I can meet at pioneer/tanjong pagar/suntec/city hall mrt.

Hi chriz,
I bought happy bellies Frm bp liao. Hvn't let my boy try cos pd say 6mths then gif.

Hi pei pei,
take care. Me having cough & flu since last week. Hv been taking al, ml or mc almost every wk since I go back after cny. My boss muz be tinking why so many problem hv to keep taking leave. My mil take care of my boy & my niece. She not well, Qing ming, niece not well, etc.. I hv to take leave. Haiz...

sporty.. Paper's at 2pm ltr.. Ya, left lil L at mil place last night cuz she fever after the jab den I dun wAnna bring her up n dwn.. So left her there to rest lorz..
have anyone try feeding ur baby w cereal? My boy drink abt 150ml every 4 hr. Do u tink is enough? His leg not bah bah leh. He is on similac & bm. Tink of feeding him w cereal?

Btw, usually ur baby take nap how long? He dun slp long. <1hr wake up. Heard tat baby hv to sleep longer to grow well. Sigh...
shers, its like tha one...once u have a kid, u always need to take urgent leave/mc/cc leave etc...and most of ur leaves will be used for all these purposes lor... ur boy drinks more than my gal lor...my gal usually nap more in mornings, afternoon onwards is all cat nap, max is 1 hr kind

shirlin, okies...good luck good luck
<font color="119911">sporty</font>, u call tat cat nap my mum call it dog shit nap. lol. she say like dog shit abit abit at a time. oops!
sporty> preparing for tomorrow's meeting. husb bz also so i decided since i at work so jus work lo..my boy same as ur gal..also nap more in the morning than in the afternoons...

shirlin> good luck! and hope u don meet any more indian dom. LOL...KOI again?

swanston> wah leu, ur mom say dog *** plus smelly baby.. u sure she likes ur kid? :p
mm6j - i oso gt a bit of lump block in my boobies too again cause too lazy to pump last nite whahaha .. i also feels like taking mc/leave today haiz .. and today im wrkin late whaha
Tks sporty, tanly n mm6j..

mm6j: yeah.. Seriously considering gg to buy koi after my paper.. Reward myself.. Hee! Gonna try the ice cream thingy..
i let my boy tried ceral already he didnt take much cause i sooo tired feeding him ceral whaha ... 1 small spoon take like ages to feed him cause he dun really knows hw to really swallow yet ..
swanston, hahaha...ur mum said its dogshit nap in english or chinese? so cute lor...what a saying!

mm6j, ya la...juz work la...we are here to "accompany" u mah...hahah... wah, shirlin also DOM's target ah?! hehe

piggym, aiyoo...apply nipple cream!
swanston - paiseh abt yesterday .. i erm rush my mthly report urgently and forgot the time .. i even forgot to eat lunch till 2+pm !! .. *&amp;*%&amp;^&amp;^$
nipple no more bleeding liao. haha!

do u have any idea what brand of cereals have "white rice cereal" besides nestle?
ayukie, u met ur 6 mths target for bfing liao...so striving for 1 yr now?

shirlin/mm6j, u all kept saying koi...dun tempt me! hehe

piggym, i think bellamy have also...if i rem correctly la
Sporty: ya! Was complaining to mm6j tt this stupid Indian man was staring at my boobs on the bus yday!! Den I covered with my bag n stared back at him..I continued staring even when he stopped looking.. Wahaha!! And...... KOI KOI KOI!!! Lol!
morning ladies,
hope u enjoyed yourselves at the lunch meet! the coming one this sunday too far for me hope i can join u gals soon again. gg check out the pics now!

bak bak bbies..good meh? now ashley too bak bak im trying to slim her down..hahaa..

mbj, you havent answer me which block faith u place your #1 leh..can share? =)
<font color="119911">mm6j</font>, we talk like tat at home de. alot of funny terms.

<font color="119911">piggym</font>, sayang.

<font color="119911">ayukie</font>, working late again? oh, u din go ar? she din call me leh. nvm lah. u can apologize to her on sunday. lol! sunday pls come on time hor.

<font color="119911">sporty</font>, in cantonese!!! lol! so it's fan gao xi (sleep dog shit).
Shirlin, he cannot help it.. u too hot le... haha.. but it's considered outrage of modesty le..

me also on leave yest to recover from my whole day sinus that became a fever ... lack of sleep really a killer for me...

the lunch yest sounds like so much fun! ;p

this sun will be awesome too ya.. *excited*
Chris: I where got hot!!! And is lil L still slping late everynight?still the 1-2am range ah?
Sunday I wun b gg.. Firstly is too far.. 2nd is my hb not ard on Sat, Sun come back den wanna let him spend more time with his darling.. You ladies enjoy ya.. More photos!

Shirlin> we damn "suay" yesterday. now i admonish all who drive 7 series. i also tempt sporty!! wahhaha. try it with the jelly hor then WA me nice or not..

swanston> ur family very funny.. poor lil XY keep getting called "names"
shirlin, yirrkkk...i can imagine...yucks! i have no koi near me lor..heheh

stacey, yes...pls join us for gathering soon...wanna see ur 2 gals...both are so guai

swanston, whahhahhaa...so funny in cantonese!!

chris, try to rest more tonite also...so u will be well by sunday! hehe

mm6j, stop KOI-ingggg
mm6j: agree.. Super suay.. And mine started after u WA me abt the dom.. How I wish I have a cup of Koi with me now.. Lol! Sporty go buy during lunch la.. Hehe!
Lucky nw still bfing.. Can affords to koi koi koi since it helps me to boost ss.. Lol! After stop bfing le den gotta control myself.. Mm6j, by then you'll be nice and wun tempt me right.. Wahaha..
shirlin, occassionally yes... nowadays he likes to chat me up at night... haha...but usually at abt 12mn he will ko.. still late lah... coz he'll wake at abt 5plus in the morning...

sporty, yup yup.. I'm taking this friday off to cath up on sleep again! haha
hi morning everyone, ya yezday lunch never talk much to some mummies itz oki lah join lunch more often then sure hav chance to talk to everyone, right? Hee...

Gotta pia delivery and coordinating orders from today til Sunday. Phew...
No gai gai til next lunch day.
shirlin, no koi near me la...i can buy teh peng nia! hahhaha... i agree tha bubble tea boost ss leh! hahha...dunno why!

chris, 12am to 5am+ already very good le
at least 5 hrs of zzzz
sporty> never mind lah, if u don get to drink, u wait till sun, i be NICE and buy for u. lol..

shirlin> u syaing i "spread" DOM to u ah! wow, this thread very steady, everything also can "spread" one. lolll i also want koi lei but can't drink everyday, i jus drank yesterday so shall wait for tomorrow. next time wanna drink koi also sure can one lah cos lil LA will be moving so fast u'll be "burning all the pearls" to catch up with her. wahahahah
swanston - yeahlor didnt get to go as i erm forgot abt the time when i was rushing the report haiz .. i also missed the lunch at nellys yesterday also .. by time i realized it lol the time hor flew away le ...
Sporty: go Chinatown to buy?? Hehe!

Chris: well, at least now you're getting min 5hrd of slp!
why lil L wake up so early ah?

Mm6j: bo la.. I'm saying so qiao.. Not u spread to me la..
my hb now ardy complaining say bb tea very sweet n fattening, not gd for my health.. Now I can use bfing as excuse.. Nxt time bo excuses le..
ayukie> don pretend hor! u were HIGH ON TWO CUPS OF KOI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! see lah! everythign also din "do" or "go" whahahah
mm6j, wahh...sounds like another good thing (KOI) to look forward to on sunday! hahhaha

shirlin, chinatown too far le...i will have my teh peng gao later!!

ayukie, next time ur KIV = most likely i am not coming!
actually shirlin and mm6j - u both nt nice ... i wanna abstain from koi today 1 .. this morning wake up think of koi already but yesterday i overloaded with koi .. i had a large grass jelly milk tea and 1 small/regular ice cream milk tea at a shot whahaa
sporty - ..........

mm6j - yeah i v v high after i finish the 2 cups hor .. i kept laughing lolz .. damn shiok till high manz ..
U all make me gien koi... I want also... Lol,.. Jane gt my shares??? Lol...

Chriz.. U make me wanna take leave to slp too.. Haiz but I take leave, I dun wanna send my gal to il place lei...
Hmm... was thinking does KOI do delivery? Maybe can order for Sunday and ask them to deliver. (fat hope or dreaming)

Bringing bumbo for photo taking on Sunday?
shirlin> then bf longer lah! prolong ur bb tea drinking period. lai lai lai, join me!

ayukie> *faints, i can imagine hor u in office then suddenly u just burst out laughing, ur colleagues / boss think u siao.. lol

sporty> Yea yea!

anise> hahaha wat u want? now i not "fierce" liaos ah. LOL

tanly> u go try ordering.. good luck! i am bringing bumbo but i think lil jo wont stay inside for "long period" one..
ayukie, hahha...i think u seriously overdosed of koi!!

tanly, i heard before koi does delivery but dunno whether its true!
I'm so gg to buy Koi ltr after my paper!

Mm6j: follow you?? 2yrs lehz.. I got no confidence la..now I 1yr also thk gt prob le..

Suddenly miss my hb.. Heard our song on iPod.. 勇气..
Tanly.. Ya I tried gong cha! In fact I find it nicer than koi leh...
And koi do delivery but mus min $50 order than can...

Yeah I bringing the bumbo chair also... Take photos!!

Eh btw.. U all bringing pram mah this sun?
shirlin, dun miss ur hb la...he will be back in few days time! heheh...

starrz, the stroller is always in my car...i will go and take it if i need it!
sporty> koi does cos yest zen went to buy they were preparing for delivery!

shirlin> we don c so long term jus tahan to one year first!

starzz> how much barang u wanna bring? later function room no space to walk!!

tanly> u gather orders lo, if everyone orders large cup about $3+ so u need abt 35 cups.. lol
Starz, I also like gong cha.

Shirlin, this song sound sad leh. Seems like u and your hb went thru quite a fair bit.
morning mummies!

wahh yest my girl kept waking up in the middle of the nite and cried..
thanks to my not so funny joke to her during dinner time.

met a fren who was relocated to china to work and came back for hols for dinner. His wife wanted to carry jamie so we let them. Then i 'joked' with jamie and said mummy is gg home now, byebye.. then Jamie suddenly burst out CRYING SUPER LOUDLY until the whole restnt turned to look at us!!! OMG.. I didnt expect her to understand wat i mean by 'byebye'... faintz.. and i carried her over and patted her for a good 15min with her sobbing away bu gan yuan-ly... hahaha...

and she 'punished' me by having nightmares and waking up frequently through the nite.. haizzz...

think kids nowadays are growing too fast, cannot assume they dont knw anythg liao..now when me and my hb wana go out, we always inform jamie before we go off so she knws we are gg to be home. Then she is willing to quietly wait for us or slp...

koi sound yummy! dun think west side have though.

<font color="119911">piggy</font>, are u here? waiting for your transfer.

date: 11th april 2010 (sunday)
venue: hillington green condo fn room (hillview ave, near bt batok/rail mall)
time: lunch (11.30am to 2.30pm)
cost: S$18/pax

pls transfer payment to POSB Savings 037-68465-1. indicate your nick ya!

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>pax</TD><TD>status</TD><TD>payment </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>swanston </TD><TD>2AA + bb</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>sporty </TD><TD>2AA + 1 tod + bb</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>MM6J </TD><TD>2AA + bb</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>tanly </TD><TD>2AA + bb</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>Piggy </TD><TD>2AA + bb</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Raerae </TD><TD>2AA + bb</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>Chris </TD><TD>1AA + bb</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>devlina </TD><TD>2AA + bb</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>saintbaby </TD><TD>1AA + bb</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>on the way </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>sponge </TD><TD>2AA + 1 tod + bb</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>ayukie </TD><TD>2AA + bb</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>dingdong </TD><TD>2AA + bb</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>zen </TD><TD>1AA + 1 tod + bb</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>ariesgal </TD><TD>2AA + 1 tod + bb</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>Shihui </TD><TD>1AA + 1 tod + bb</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>mitsy </TD><TD>1AA + bb</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>anise </TD><TD>2AA + bb</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>Pei Pei </TD><TD>2AA + bb</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>Agata </TD><TD>2AA + bb</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>Starrz </TD><TD>2AA + bb</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>Blessedcyn </TD><TD>2AA + bb</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>22</TD><TD>Sharon Lee </TD><TD>2AA + bb</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>23</TD><TD>Jazz </TD><TD>2AA + bb</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>24</TD><TD>bpmama</TD><TD>2AA + bb</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>25</TD><TD>wendy lim </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>26</TD><TD>fieda </TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>27</TD><TD>Shirley Ho</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></td></tr></table>
