(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Jo and Bidosoh,
can PM me the add and contact of the tui na?

Feel like bringing my bb for the tui na

haitong, its normal. the initial milk is the foremilk which is diluted and does not keep the bb full. the milk that comes later is the hindmilk that is creamy and keeps the bb full. hence when u latch or pump, its important to do it long enough so that the bb gets hindmilk.

tanly,heee...i decided not to get the bumbo seat cos my bb's thighs are quite bah bah....think fat thighs cannot go into the seat - waste $ la.

Qn1 : aircon
Qn2 : max 7 hours

xuanxuan, before my bb was born, i dreamt that he could talk and walk around! hahah!! no such dreams thereafter...think too little sleep liao :p

sporty & veryfatmum, emmm...right..good point...the bb may crash into the furniture and walls with the walker...emmm...scary thought!
xuanxuan n momo mummy,
my bb is the smallest!! She's 5.7kg at 4 months.. imagine my horror when the missy at polyclinic tell me, "your girl is in the 15 percentile. Can drink more" I'm so worn-out forcing her to drink, now I dare not look at the leftover milk in the bottle after each feed. So long she's happy after each feed (she'll give me a BIG grin). stil psychoing myself it's ok, it's ok...

Starrz, PM you liao
HI ladies!!!

Hai havent had a good wkend coz my gal is down with cough & blocked nose! No one in the fam is sick !! and she din go out...cant possibly be the vaccination rite?? anyway she is super congested now.. just praying she will recover soon..so poor thing.. haii.. any remedies??

Jo + Bidosoh can PM me the tui na contacts

BTW how old should we wait b4 we venture into TCM medication for our babies?? i prefer natural ones..any good ones to recommend at bt batok area??

Hi Chen ma ma =) good to see u here again!! I dunno abt the constipation le, my mum give my niece prune juice but tat time my niece over 6 mth le..i think last time got other mummies face this prob too..

Q1. Do you let your bb sleep in aircon?
Yes but not everyday, only when daddy + mummy wants to haha
Q2. Does your bb sleep more than EIGHT hours in a stretch?
Yes, in between i dream feed her at 6 am. Usu she sleeps at 10.30-11ish pm to abt 9am with the dreamfeeding..
Starrz, bb can tui na for overall health purpose (bao3 jian4). Improves blood circulation so improves overall health. Though can focus on some problem to tui na also. For example bloated tummy, improve appetite, improves eye sight, improve sleep, etc...
haha, superwalker, my baby also has big thighs and no point for me to get the bumbo seat but it will be cute to see him sitting on it!

Jo, ya, not to worry. as long as baby is growing, pooing and smiling well, she shd be ok. my SIL's girl is only 7kg at 1 yr old. even lighter than my 3 mth boy. but she's still healthy. so dun worry so much!

I;m so happy that baby finally pooed after 4 days!!! i think i must have looked so funny when in law showed me the poo and i kept looking at the poo and praising my baby hahahah

re watching TV, i heard my fren say that her baby watched the Baby Bright series and now is able to point where the eye, nose watever when nobody taught her baby yet. so tot it could be useful but of cos also scared will become addicted.

we need to file income tax liao. mummies must rem to file for the new parenthood tax relief. quite a lot lei. $5k for both parents. also got this working mum child relief. interesting that tax got so many things to claim and tax!
tanly, I have the jumbo seat. I bought 5 years back for my son. I find it a good investment. Good for feeding bb and he also enjoy siting in it. But he outgrow it very fast. Once he knows is a very apt crawler, he don't want to sit in it already. I think only use less than 6 months. Its still in very good condition, so will use it for my girl.

BTW, not all bb are the same, some like it, some may not.
sporty, so altogether you pump and latch 6 times per day? i tried to feed her when she is very hungry before, but she just refuses to drink, just wail and scream. then i gave in to her. today my mum comes to help out and i ask her to feed, my gal though struggles a little, but at least she drinks (though 70 - 80ml only, she used to drink 120ml). will try to get my mum to feed her bottle these few days exclusively, hopefully, by Thursday, she will take bottle willingly and forget about my breasts!

momo_mummy, stringe feed? first time i heard about this leh. it will also take very long to finish the bottle right? but my gal already can differentiate between breast and bottle liao. sometimes i just find her being too smart...
tanly, try to aim the syringe to the back of ur gal's tongue...so she wun spit out or u can add med to her milk la but since u said she got probs finishing her milk, so its not a good idea also... for bumbo seat, u can always sell it on the WTS section cuz sure have pple wanna buy one...for u can keep for #2 lor

chenmama, u are not alone...my hair kept dropping alot these days also! arrgghh... for the poo-ing part, try to massage her tummy for her...push her knees towards her tummy...

haitong, the diluted bm initally its the foremilk which is more to satisfy bb's thirst! after tha then the bm becomes thicker...

xuanxuan, wow...ur bb can sleep very long! thas good...what other toys did u buy this time?

superwalker, i think if u put walker at ur place, Lil T dun have much space to "crash" also lor :p hee

ztaciep, yes its abt 6 times a day lor...cuz the first latch after tha i follow by pump liao...
sporty....hahaha..ya loh!!..think he may even crash into the glass windows! wah.....might even crack! ok, CONFIRMED not getting a walker liao! haha!
superwalker, last time my old house alot of platforms...so i didnt get walker for my boy cuz dun want him to topple all over...whahhahah :p
superwalker, i think your son no need walker cos he has your genes prob bacome super walker like you :p maybe exersaucer or jumperoo instead?
big hello to u

Hows baby? u start work?

will massage her tummy and also push her knees toward her tummy.. thanks
Now she is having her nap..gek sai for 10 mins still dont have, she cried

Hair Fall
i hope using aloe vera will help my hair to grow back soon..
dont plan to intro walker to Valerie

Now she swim every other day at home. Very good for hot weather

i join her sometime..haha..
I tried looking for flashcards at Popular over the weekend but no luck. For those mummies who has gotten the popular flashcards for your babies, may I know if there's a brand and the price?
superwalker, maybe wanna train Lil T to become a superjumper? haha!

sporty, veryfatmum, the 25% discount was too good to be missed lor... being kiasu singaporeans, we must make full use of this! We bought:
- Spin and explore the sea gym which has a cushioned support that can rotate 360 degrees. My gal doesnt like tummy time so this is perfect to train her.
- Teething toys - since she is always sucking her fists, we bought this to try. But realise that she still cant grab them properly yet! haha!
- Baby Einsten CD (Baby Mozart Series) - the vibrant images kept her captivated for a while!
- Soft toys and stroller mobiles
- Munchkin inflatable tub - for travel
- Munchkin First Feeding Set - to blend and prepare fresh fruits for bb (a bit early to buy... but got discount mah!) =)
chenmama, dun worry la...i'm sure her sai will come out soon...my gal also didnt poo for 2 days and yesterday had an explosive one!

ashley, mine's novum brand...its abt 7-8 bucks a box at popular...

xuanxuan, sounds like good buy! my son loves the bb einstein series last time...but i haven intro to my gal yet!
ztaciep, my friend had get back to me. Basically as what sporty has brought up. Also it will take a while for them to get use.
chenmama, remember to massage tummy clock-wise. Going the other way round will reverse the effect.

BTW, highest record no poo record for my son is 9 days and my girl is 6 days while they are on full breastmilk. Never seen them 'gek' before.
Flash card, i use "my baby can read". I also have the full CD set. Now I am teaching my girl zoo phonics. So i use "ABC" flash card too. She likes the zoo phonics alot!
bidosoh, 9 days??!! wow...record leh! btw, how long did u bf ur #1 last time? how old is he? my boy love zoophonics too!
chenmama, my fren who has a dec 09 baby no poo for about 1 week recently. At her in-laws' insistence she brought bb to see pd. the pd told her the highest record he ever seen was 30 days w/o poo and there was no problem!! dun worry ok?

xuanxuan, wow so many things!and the sea gym sounds cool! think your girl muz be very happy now : )

bidosoh, i boughte 'your baby can learn' books.. so chim!! pentagon, hexagon.. even i find it chim : / Haven't bought 'your baby can read'.. Good huh?

What's zoo phonics?
regarding flashcards .. im thinking of getting those cloth books for lil E you all think gd? the bp got one spree going on ..
Xuanxuan - Spin and explore the sea gym which has a cushioned support that can
rotate 360 degrees. My gal doesnt like tummy time so this is perfect
to train her.
got pic ? i also wan see? where you got from? still got discount ?
sporty, maybe even longer than 9 days if we didn't bring him to PD. PD simulated a bowel movement as we seems to be concerned and disturbed. I bf only 9 months. As a new permanent job came along, so I took it and have to wean my boy. Also that time my son shown lesser interest in latching and he liked to bite me. So I wean him. He just turned 5 this feb. With zoophonics I noticed that he can read well.

VFM, if my kids don't poo for 30 days, I need 3 boxes of bb wipes and 3 packs of cotton to clean her up as it will be super duper explosive!!!

"My baby can read" flash cards is quite good. Zoophonics is a fun way of teaching phonics. Something like,
"Ally aligator, a, a, a"
"Baber bear, b, b, b"....

The a,a,a is the phonic sound of "a", and b,b,b is the phonic sound of "b",....
VFM, forget to mention that you need hands/leg action for the zoo phonics plus you have to flash the a,b,c cards. So they are actually learning phonics, alpabets, actions, animals and names all in 1.
went giant yest they changed their pampers promo to purchase with purchase .. need get $30 then get discount didnt get any .. last week i got them at same price but does not require additional purchase ..
ayukie, last week's promo no purchase required huh? was there yesterday n me n hb was running around getting $90 worth of purchases so that we can buy 3 boxes of the diapers. so hilarious! when there is another promo without purchases required, u let us know ok?
veryfatmum, 30 days w/o poo??omg...i hear liao and felt terrible for the bb!

ayukie, cloth books is good too
bbs will eventually learn to walk one la...u dun need a walker... some pple dun like bb to walk too soon cuz old pple say tha the early the bb walks, the harder their life will be!

bidosoh, icic...but i think my son got all his zoophonics mixed up...all the sounds sometimes anyhow one! haha
i try your method just now and she ger until face red and tear
got abit only

wow 30 days.. the baby must be very siaz

thanks , i did clock-wise..

Zoo phonics sound good and interesting. Where th get them?

where you get the sea gym? sound fun
superwalker - yeahlor its supposed to end yesterday the promo think they cut short that promo and change to pwp .. i got 2 boxes last week .. cny week .. sianz ..
sure will let you all know again if i chance upoon pampers promos ..
ayukie/chenmama, u can bring ur bbs to go for zoophonics class when they are 8 mths old at Growing Up Gifted...i sent my #1 to their classes when he was 15 mths...will intend to do so when my gal's older... they do sell their cards and stuffs online but its quite ex

chenmama, give her abit of time la...
zoo phonics sound fun! Wanna try on my girl too!

Re: Bumbo Seat
We started to let our girl sit on this 2 weeks ago... She looks very cute on it. She can guai guai sit on it for a while while i do things... Agree that if your bb has pui pui thighs, better dun buy it... scaly later cannot take baby out of it!

Ayukie, let me know if got good deals on pampers, wanna stock up toooo

Xuanxuan wah the sea gym on the link looks so fun, feel like buying cos my bb dun like tummy time too. But will it be a waste money if I oredy got those normal gym mat huh?

I oso wonder if bumbo seAt will be useful? I heard the best deal for bumbo at baby Hyperstore, true or not huh?

Also will bb be bow-legged if prolonged in bb carrier?
