(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Wana ask, any1 of your babies still got this Moro reflex? means during sleep, startled easily with arms flexing up?

Cos mine used to have during newborn to mth old and swaddling helps. He grow out of it in 1 n 2 mth but now is back...
i dun wanna swaddle him, n he's so strong now too to pull away the swaddle.

It is a peaceful CNY cause can't go back Msia and celebrate in SG. Basically stay at home except went to Jurong Point on 1st and 2nd day of CNY to have "restaurant" lunch (fish & co and korean). Today 3rd day, will be going to my HOD for visiting and steamboat. Hopefully my gal will be guai guai.

These few days my gal likes to talk alot, when her daddy hold her standing, she keep "talking" till screaming type, so fierce!!!
taurus, yes i got married when i was 24...didnt have kids till i was almost 30...but prefer it this way la, at least we have our fair share of er ren shi jie before the kids come along! maybe ur boy absorbed all the milk liao, thas why not much pee?! how much water do u feed ur boy daily?

kimifin, mine only have this reflex sometimes but i still swaddle her tightly when she zzz
my boy very tired out .. hes been slping for full night these 2 days .. ard 10-12 hrs at night think he too over simulated also ... anyway my hb also no v day pressie oso no flopwers not even a nary plastic one bleahz .. he says married le gt kids le so dont need .. bleahz .. i rom him 3 yrs ago got married 2 yrs ago and have his kiddo last yr .. ever since rom no flowers le .. haiz ..
Hi mummies, happy new yr!

hais my boy fell sick after visiting.. Think caught a bug from someone, coughing n sneezing with mucus.. No dr summore.. Clinics closed.. Super sad la, felt like a bad mummy, nv take good care of him

mummies who are breastfeeding, do u give ur bb water? Really confused leh, books n other sources say better dun give but others say give... My boy's pooing like not regular leh... Though it's watery but not seedy... Is there something wrong.. Help!
ayukie, wow...ur boy can koon 10 to 12 hrs at nite...thas good...he must really be very tired!

min, u can bring ur boy to those 24hrs GP if he's sick during public holidays... i dun give my bb water as bm is 60 to 70% water...think too much water for bfed bb also no good... ur "others who said need to feed water" isit those aunties tha u saw during cny ah?! hahha... i met many of those ah! i got one aunty who was against me bfing my #1, said bfed bb very skinny but i proved her wrong cuz i beefed up my #1 to a big boy even tho he was born small... tha day she saw my gal, asked me still no FM? i told her yes, fully bfed, she juz smiled and said very good and kept touching my gal's bak bak thighs...hahha
My boy still easily startle even now but i didn't swaddle him since 2-3 weeks old. Let him sleep on his tummy which he feels very secure and can sleep better.

I didn't measure the amount of water i fed as i feed with a spoon but is very little perhaps less than 5ml. And i didn't feed him water after every feed, perhaps only 3 times per day. Wow so u er reng shi jie for 5yrs. I only er reng shi jie for 1 yr cause i married at 27.

For me i need to give water even i'm fully breastfeeding as my boy pee very little and he often feel warm. He's on the heaty side. If ur baby's urine is dark yellow then is better to give him some water. Cause their urine should be clear light yellow.

Is like that when u have kids, there's no more celebration for valentine's day sometimes even birthday.
sporty, taurus, ya. my poor girl also passed around like ball. then cannot sleep very well when outside. today, by evening time, she got really cranky. the minute i got back, put her in her cot and she cry a bit then KO. poor girl...

kimifin, like taurus, i let my girl sleep on her tummy. it helps a lot. she doesn't startle as easily, and she sleeps better too.
hello, anyone know if we can keep the formula powder for more than one month once opened?
cos at birth i got one tin as back up, but then only latch on and total breastfeed, but the formula opened already, till now three months, hmm, dunno if can keep or must throw, so wasted
taurus, i noticed my gal got less pee than before, does it mean tha she's heaty?! but then i cant really tell whats the color of my gal's pee from her diaper leh...other than being er ren shi jie for 5 yrs, we wanna make sure tha our kids will live a more comfy life before we decided to have one la...cuz dun want them to slog with us during initial yrs...hehe...

myboyjovan, its recommended tha u throw away the FM after 1 mth la... urs already 3 mths i think better throw la...
i just throw away 600ml of ebm, this morning with yesterday's throwing adds up to abt 1 litre le cause dont smells soo gd .. so tempted to feed the plants instead but i scare dont smells gd wait my late granny plants kennaed harmed ..
ayukie you should have feed the plants.... they will be very pui pui one..... my mum's plants also pui pui after being fed with ebm but now my #2 the plants don't get to "drink" much bm cos my #1 drank the excess....
Min, no need to give baby water if on TBF. cos bm contains a lot of water liao. too much water intake will cause sodium imbalance in babies. no good. but sometimes i do give one or 2 teaspoon a day to clean the tongue. it's ok to give in very very small qty if you really want to.

Ayukie, i also wasted my ebm. but not as much as yours. i spilt 50ml. heartpain ah!!

gals, i noticed that my ebm colour has changed to a darker yellow. it used to be more white but now more yellow. I will express the milk out and leave at room temp for max 4 hours. and noticed recently that the colour quite yellowish. normal?
No it doesn't really mean she's heaty with less urine. Like what u said maybe they absorb really well thus less urine. But for my boy he always feel really warm till my husband thought he's having fever and his urine was dark yellow (managed to see it when he pee during diaper change or washing his butt at the sink) so had to give him water. Plus i brought him to see TCM and yishi also said his body is quite heaty. Yesterday half an hr later after feeding him water he pee and his urine was clear light yellow cause he pee during diaper change. Books all said no need to give water for breastfeeding but i feel it depends on each individual babies' health. If baby is not urinating much and urine is dark yellow (the ammonia smell is quite strong when is dark yellow color) then there's no harm to give some water. Just make sure not to give too much.
mummies, if my BB dun wanna drink warmed EBM, can i keep back in fridge if its been left out in room temp. for 4 hours? dunno why these few days bb reject bottle and every time i discard so heart pain..already 3 bottles of 100ml each all thrown away cos bb dun wanna drink *sigh*
morning all...
back to work today...arrgghh

ayukie, dun heartache la, u can produce more than 600ml definitely! jia you

rachelle, the content of the bm will change with the growth of bb...sometimes my bm can be more "concentrated" than other days...i read,after eating food like banana will make ur bm more thick and concentrated...

taurus, what i worry is tha i tend to eat alot of heaty food...i worry my #1 and #2 will be heaty after drinking my bm...

ardenz, if u warmed the ebm liao, better dun keep back into fridge cuz there's already a temp change in the milk... think maybe u have been latching during cny period? so bb prefers latching? my gal also like tha...abit bo shim to drink frm bottle these few days, kept wanting to latch...
sporty, ya ya becos of the holidays been latching bb all the way, now she dun wanna bottle liao.......im thinking i may just warm half feed so if bb dun drink and need to throw not so wasted..
ardenz, ya lor...good idea! i'm slowly training my gal to take bottle again as she always cannot finish her bottle feed these few days...
Hi Ladies =)

Blessed CNY ...Wish all an awesome start to a roaring Tiger year!!!

Wow i see alot of you had quite a time visiting. Thank goodness for mine we had "consolidated" visiting hee heee so only 2-3 places to go!

Ayukie: I've oso the same prob. Nowadays i smell the EMB b4 i feed & it does smell weird but when i taste it ( now i qc abit, coz i rem someone din know the EMB was not good liao den feed to bb) anyway when i taste it, its ok le..not sour or anything.. So i oso confused on whether to feed or throw..so heartpain coz now my ss goin abit down due to working hours. So prob start to take the Mother's milk tea soon again!

Milk drinking: My gal has certain times whereby she oso dun wanna feed le.. like drink less.. though i force her anyway..i usu stop halfway den burp her rest awhile b4 i make her finish the rest

Flipping: my gal has began to flip too..while its comforting to know she is physically apt, it does pose a prob coz when she sleeps she keeps flipping to her tummy so really got to watch over her..in case her nose or something gets blocked.
aries but erm they smells nt like v nice leh .. altho pour toanother container smells ok .. maybe erm i will try nxt time bah haha think i gt quite some lol but soo heartpain wor
re: flipping .. ive been strapping my boy since the day before i found his head on his swing bed his body on the floor luckily i brought down the swing bed height so horrifying and i dont know how long hes been there think he too shagged out to cry so nw i strapped him up at night ..
ayukie, compared to throwing into the sink, it's less heartpain when you feed the plants lah.... hee.... my mum even feed her plants with the remaining of the formula milk that my #1 couldn't finish lor...... hee...
raerae, not to worry la...if ur gal learnt how to flip liao means her neck shd be quite strong...so no worries abt her unable to breathe lor...

today so quiet hor...everyone haven gone back to work eh?! :p
raerae, is ur office very quiet now? mine's quite quiet cuz most pple still on leave lor...even today on the train, not much crowd also...

ariesgal, fret not...my gal also cant flip yet...i also juz letting her take her own time to flip! think i more kan cheong when its #1's time abt development :p
Sporty: Yes!! We are like 50% only..so can slack slack abit lor..plus my boss is not around hahaha

Ariesgal: Yup agreed with Sporty ..fret not! anywayz our babies are out different times in terms of weeks so mayb tat plays a part!! hee hee
Hi gals, woke up with a horrible headache. hb was on leave today and wanted to go par tor but looks like now cannot liao. sigh...... I had panadol just now and I expressed my milk after tat also. wonder will my milk has the panadol and make my boy drowsy later haha

Ardenz, i read somewhr that it is ok to re-warm ebm if after you warm, baby doesn't want it provided that it is not opened and exposed to air. What I normally do is that i used the medela bott to warm.when baby wants to drink, then transfer to feeding bott. so, it is not exposed to air. I did this before. after warming, I left the milk in room temp for a while and then put in the fridge to keep. Cannot be too warm then put in fridge. not good. at least let it cool down a little. in any case, sometimes immediately we expressed out, we also put into the fridge mah. so it;s ok. so far, have been doing tat and no prob.

I read that the more you warm, th emore you are destroying the nutrients. so last time, i will put the bott in the warmer for quite sometime cos i tot just in case baby wakes up then no need gan cheong. but nowadays i try to warm as close to the feeding time as possible. if not possible then bo bian, let him cry a little while i warm. haha
raerae, ya lor...i also went out to kia kia and have looong lunch today :p

rachelle, hope ur headache's better after the panadol...pls rest more today!
Sporty: Where are u working? At least can go kia kia, i work in Bouna Vista, nothing much to kia le..the nearest is Holland V..Manzz i am SSOOOOOOOOO sleepy now. No one seems to b around the thread as well..Geezz..

Juz a random Qn, if u r breastfeeding and are not having ur period, how would u know u are pregnant?
raerae, i work at suntec area
thas why can go shop shop
actually u can see whether u got any discharge or not cuz rightfully when we are bfing, we shd be pretty "dry"... if not use pregnancy strips to test!
Sporty: Wow so shiok. Although one thing is if ur eye not good den will chalk up tonnes of bills.

Not that i think I am preggie but I am planning to try again sometime 3rd quarter of this yr..so wondering since i will b breastfeeding den how le?? Wat do u mean "dry" coz i do have whitish discharge from time to time ...

Where is everyone?!?!?!?!?!
Happy Chinese New Year to all mummies and babies!

I'm also a Nov 09 mummy and my gal was born on my birthday thru natural delivery! I have been a quiet follower in this forum... If it's ok, we will like to join u all in the weekend gathering.=)

1st Weekend gathering (with bbs and hbs)
Date : 7 March 2010 (Sunday)
Time : 11am to 3pm
Venue : Park Green Condo @ Rivervale Link (Seng Kang)
Organising Committee Members: Sporty, Devlina, Jolene428 & Melodie

1. melodie (2A + bb)
2. sporty (2A+ 1 tod+ bb)
3. mm6j (2A + bb) (KIV)
4. ayukie
5. verda
6. Alicia (2A+ bb)
7. Jane (2A + 1 toddler + bb)
8. Piggy
9. jolene428
10. devlina (2A+ bb)
11. ashley (2A + bb)
12. fieda (2A + bb)
13. Kimifin
14. shirlin
15. Mitsy
16. novbaby (2A+ bb)
17. Nicole (2A+bb)
18. Tanly (2A+bb)
19. Sharon Lee (2A+bb)
20. swanston (2A+bb) (KIV)
21. Xuanxuan (2A+bb)
rachelle, thanks for the advice will try that....usually i feed direct from the medela bottle that i pump ....i only change the medela teat to Nuk........btw any faster to warm up ebm? i use the pigeon warmer and it takes 6-8mins. but my bb is like a Big Boss will scream like mad if milk is late so end up i panic and latch then the warmed up ebm will supplement..usually bb cant finish so wasted....
Has anyone tried Motherlove More Milk Plus? Coz my ss is kinda low abt 240ml/6hrs which i think will nt b enuff soon coz my gal is drinking more..and anyone knows where to buy it at a cheaper cost?
btw hv been getting pampers at ntuc at $20.90....then over the long hols went to carrefour and saw newbaby S is $16.90...wah cant believe the $4 price diff!!!....wont buy ntuc anymore lor...feel cheated
hihi i am here. *waves*

went back to office this morn for half day then off till next mon..totally no mood to work then since husb not working so i also clear my ml...

went with husb and bb to city sq mall jus now.. now pumping

happy new year to everyone!
Ardenz, I also use pigeon warmer. another faster way but i dun really like it cos it kills nutrients is to use boiling hot water. Dip the bott into the hot water and swirl the bott. do a few times till the milk becomes warm. sometimes i use this method. I will put the pigeon warmer to 70 deg C and then siwrl the bott as i take it out

Actually AMK hub thr sell pampers even cheaper. Pampers NB S is at $14.90. the place is near AMK hub. you come out from the entrance near the old chang kee thr, walk towards those shops. the first cosmetic shop sells it. Think is venus or beauty language cannot rem. cos i only went thr one to buy. my MIL often helps me buy.

Raerae, I took this


It really works to increase ss. my supply has been increasing like 5-10ml increase per week per 3 hours.I buy direct from USA. But besides taking this, you need to punmp frequently also to increase ss. this only stimulate the production but to really increase, need to pump or latch more often
MM6j, i also pumpig now hahaha

think hor, after frequent pumping, my neh neh like longer. i so scare it will become papaya next time! i prefer neh neh to be rounder lei!
Thanks Rachelle! Sigh i can only try to pump more only coz now i working liao..hard to pump more often..

Juz a survey, how many times do the working mamas pump at work?!?
ya, working very hard to pump more. i also scare my ss will drop once i return to work. so tempted to just take no pay leave and stay at home to pump! haha i think when i return to work, i can only manage to pump 6 times a day (instead of the 8 i;m doing now). sigh..... talking abt giving mothers better support. if we cannot even have time to pump, how can?

Is it cos of the bah kwa and tarts and junk food? I feel that my milk supply was more these few days. think too oily.
Then try to cut down on heaty food. My boy is heaty so i try not to eat too much heaty stuff. Cause the food we eat really affects the baby. I also afraid my milk is heaty due to my lack of sleep.
dear all,

back to work for 2 wks.. and really super busy everyday.. work and then time to pump again.. then lunch then work, then pump, then go home.. everyday so busy!!

Any good baby monitors to recommend? i thinking to let baby sleeps on his own.. keke..

how much does ur baby drinks each time? mine still drinks 140ml..
Hmm, any one for u realising that bb is more cranky or cry more recently?
Mine did, n refuse to sleep or drink (more)...

He cannot sleep for long in his cot...before this, no issue, n no need to swaddle. V funny if I swaddle him now. Cos i find that he get startled (moro reflex) easily n wakes up, to suck his fingers. the more he suck, the more he cannot settle to sleep.
Yup mine also cried more than usual but after 2 days of staying at home and back to his routine, he's back to normal.
Post-CNY blues? hha, i thk happen to coincide his growth spurt with CNY and me moving back home after staying at my mum's place.
raerae, ya lor...thas why sometimes i juz ta bao back lunch to prevent myself from overspending :p btw i pump twice at work...how abt u? as for discharge, i have nil discharge now so save on pads and panty liners lor...

xuanxuan, welcome to the thread!
yes pls join us for the gathering...when was ur gal born?

ardenz, i use hot water in cup to warm ebm...i dun use bottle warmer...if i need it real fast...i will change the water after a few mins...

mm6j, so good to be on half day...envy

rachelle, i peifu u...still wanna pump 6 times after u return to work
i also ate lotsa junk food these few days but nvm la...the milk more oily lor :p actually hor, bfing is the time tha we can eat alot w/o gulit! hahhaha :p

taurus, but i couldnt help it leh cuz i love heaty food :p sometimes i feel i'm heaty when i woke up with dry throat etc lor

catechins, i'm using the avent bb monitor...so far so good as my gal had been sleeping alone in her room since she was back from hospital... as for ebm, she drinks abt 120ml every 3 hrly but at times she cant finish also


got ur message on the sleep positioner.

By right, bb shd be adjusting well. duno why he get startled easily now after a few mins of sleep in the cot.
