(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

i sling my gal most of the times.. lot of strangers didn't know tt's bb inside!

ardenz, i apply olive oil and comb her after 10mins then wash with J&J shampoo.

morn all!
finally i can wake up @ 6am after a few days of failed attempts during the trial run! hahah

zhenzhen, yes i agree tha carrier can shop longer but if its a quick bite nearby and i dun wanna bring bottles, i'll go with the sling!

jolene, peifu u can juggle with stroller alone...i cant tho cuz the stroller is already heavier than my bb, if my bb dun wanna sit and wanna be carried, cant imagine carrying bb+pushing stroller...shiong!! thas why my gal's always in carrier/sling when i bring her out alone cuz its easy as i usually take bus/mrt with her
Sporty, u on trial run this week ah. So cute!

Jolene, peifu peifu! I cannot handle the stroller alone!

Dunno why I ganna nose bleed in the middle of the night....heaty???
superwalker, yes...have to la...cuz have to pump, shower,dress up, prep my #1 for skool etc etc...so have to make sure mah....kekkeke... maybe u are heaty, thas why nose bleed
sporty, yay! congrats on successfully waking up at 6am today.
i only use stroller when i don't need to take bus.. :p coz can't carry the stroller and baby and the bag at the same times!
sling is still my first love.. waiting for my gal's neck stronger tahn i'll try the ergo..
sporty, i think our kids are the best alarm. my girl eh eh a bit, i can wake up. but i can just sleep thru when my hubby is getting ready for work.

funne, i thot ergo can use from baby?
funne,i alos cant wait to use the ergo also...hehhe...

swanston, u really blur lor...hahhaha...

zhenzhen, ya man...i slept thru my alarm for the past few days lor!! ergo can be use from bb if u use it with the infant insert, if not its when bb's neck strong enough...
<font color="119911">sporty</font>, this sunday also 7 mah. i din look at the month only the date lor. lol. i confirm with my hb then confirm with u.

alarm clock also cant wake me up. only my girl can.
think my baby really trying to jian fei. he drinks less per day now as he sleeps 5 hours straight and drop one feed. then morning only drank 40ml and lasted 3 hours before his next feed. normal right?

i tried to latch him this morn cos i know usu the early morn feed, he will drink very less but he just cry and cry at my breast without even want to touch it. i felt soooooo demoralise. sigh... mummies, enjoy latching your babies. i still think the most wonderful thing is that baby can drink directly from you and the special bondage is thr.

velo, i also think one child is very lonely. but then like wat jolene said, having baby is very ex! cos i have prob concieving, i spent nearly 13k just on pre pregnancy for the treatment and stuff. then plus deloivery cost and everything, the amt is high. somemore, the post delivery is more ex. lucky he's on bm, else spend more $ on fmilk.

Do you all buy education fund for your children? can I know roughly how much per mth are you putting for the fund? just met an agent and he proposed that we put aside $288 per mth for 25 yrs and after 25 yrs, can get $100k. somemore baby is covered under life insurance for life even tho we stopped paying premium after 25 yrs. so dunno is it worth the while. imagine if i hv #2, i need to put another $288? like very ex lei!!
morning mummies :D

ehh, come to think of it, i never thought wat if my girl doesnt want to slp in the stroller leh!!! OMG.. i hope she always want to slp in stroller :p hahaha.. but when the stroller stops, she wants to be carry sometimes lah :p

wahh... but i think i will try to go with my new carrier and a backpack next time when i go out for short period :D the current diaper bag i have seems to be too overloaded!!! i sometimes wonder if i need to bring so many thgs out!!! Maybe we too kiasu liao
Maybe the experiencec mummies can give me some advices!

my current diaper bag content:
- 4 pc of diapers
- min 4-7 feeds of milk powder, depends on how many hrs i will be out.
- 2 milk bottles
- 2 sets of extra clothing
- 1 face towel for feeding
- 2 small packets of wet baby wipes
- 1 puree nappy cream
- 1 ruyi oil
- 1 fan
- 1 300ml mineral water bottle
- 1 500ml thermoflask
- 1 pacifier

Is it too much?

And hor i cant find those bag organiser for backpack leh.. any good BP to recommend?

Oh ya,my girl's head botak now (i shaved her when she is 1mth old).. and always have deadskin like that... but duno hw to remove the deadskin..

And hor i realised the head there is oily sometimes!! OMG, i hope she wont be like my hubby with oily scalp!!!

Wow... 6am.. I think its a miracle i woke at 8am lor! usually after my girl's first morning feed, i will doze off with her till 11am :p hahaha...
Had a bad evening and nite.. Lucas missing my neh neh so much and keep crying and searching for nipple... is the 1st time he can’t latch on for the 7pm feed and the mid nite feed... he keep crying and even when bottle feed he refuse to drink... he is so ke lian.... and i hv bad engorgement in the middle of the nite, pump at 11pm, 3am and 6am still can’t clear the engorgement... Used my avent pump cant clear use medela FS oso cant clear... i think only Lucas can clear my engorgement...

I hv recovered from my fever this morning and I called my doctor today and ask if i can change my medication so that i can BF... and he say "if u want your baby to be sick like u then u can change, if not u can choose not to eat the medication and stay sick and let it recover by itself...." If my hands can stretch across thru the phone I will give this doctor a big SLAP... already so upset that cant BF and lucas so Ke Lian...
my boy upgraded from eh and eh sounds to wake us up to raising his legs in the air and lettin them fall .. louder sounds .. cfm wake us up .. -__-" and that day i latch my boy .. he like bite my nipple damm nipple .. wonder if he is growin teeth soon manz ..
ayukie, heeee...my bb also bites my nipples a few times! He will bite my nippe, then stretch his body n bite harder! I kept scolding him....butof course he still happily bites. LOL!
Hi Momo mummy, dont bother with the stupid doctor. He no understand mother's heart!
Hope you feeling better.

Hi Rachelle, i also looking through the various saving Edu fund as well as life insurance for my boy. I bought hospitalisation &amp; accident policy for him already under Great Eastern. Wow, insurance these days really expensive. All those insurance ppl think we very rich, all have to fork out at least 200 plus per month to be insured for only 30 - 50k.

Me &amp; hub studying Standard Chart policy which ties in with FD also. It seem OCBC also have study fund. But i not sure how it works and whether good or not. Not sure Shirlin knows or not and can advice? But really hard to understand all those insurance policy...my head big reading all the info :p
wow.. $288 very ex leh.. tot normally is like $100-$200? hmmm do we need to put more after they are passed 21yrs old? Ermmm paiseh.. i am a child who stop spending my parents' money after i m 18yrs old... so i wish my child will be financial independent from us after 18yrs old too. But of coz they need help, we can lend, like CPF for studies but need to pay back lah.. other than tt, i think they need to learn hw to plan their own lives leh... :p

hmmm.. i used to enjoy latching but then i think i m getting lazier.. coz bottle-feeding equal more free time for me :p hehehe...
wahh the doc is a guy ah? how come doesnt understand the mummies' feelings... arghhh...

so ur babies all kicking very high nw oso rite? mine oso!! kick kick kick and alwasy remove her legs from the blanket... aiyohh...

think my bb more violent leh.. she will 'slap' me (think she is trying touch my face) to wake me up if she cries and i cant wake up :p hahaha... coz now she is slping next to me :p
momo mummy, your dr very bad! really must slap!
hmm i thought sick still can breastfeed..can pass antibodies to baby
and me on antibiotics also because of my wound.. gynea say safe for breastfeeding wor..

haha jolene, your girl so fiesty!

most babies here are 3 months le.. mine is only 2 months today!

ohhh my breast hurts big time, n got fever yesterday!
dunno if its blocked ducts cos no lumps and not red..
going down to parentcraft later...
momo mummy > wah the doctor too much sia.

jolene > maybe u can dun bring ru yi oil? bring 1 less bottle? I only bring 1 packet of wet wipes. Agreed that i also kiasu. I sometimes bring 1 set of clothes too! But wat to do, sometimes cos just in case need it

Ayukie > same! My girl will raise her arms and legs and left it fall on to the bed to make loud thumping sound to wake us up. But so far only me kena woken up. My hubby sleep through.

argh.. my baby making noises eh eh and ah gu noise at me cos i am ignoring her. Putting her on rocker while i surf forum :p
momo mummy > wah the doctor too much sia.

jolene > maybe u can dun bring ru yi oil? bring 1 less bottle? I only bring 1 packet of wet wipes. Agreed that i also kiasu. I sometimes bring 1 set of clothes too! But wat to do, sometimes cos just in case need it

Ayukie > same! My girl will raise her arms and legs and left it fall on to the bed to make loud thumping sound to wake us up. But so far only me kena woken up. My hubby sleep through.

argh.. my baby making noises eh eh and ah gu noise at me cos i am ignoring her. Putting her on rocker while i surf forum :p
YES, momo is very upset
stupid doctor... i been pouring away my EBM everyday.... only can let Lucas smell my neh neh but cannot suckle... I can see Lucas but cannot touch him....
waaaa momo .. ur doctor 1 kind .. mine at least he only says i made things difficult for him when i sick and i told him i bfeedin whahaaa

verda - my boy only raise legs nt hands cause his fingers will usually be in his mouth haha so if raise up he cant suck whaha
momo - hmz when i sick that time i contd bfeed my boy only have to be careful to sneeze/cough at him .. i even gt mask to cover myself ..
my diaper bag consist of

1) 1 X water bottle 300ml (bpa free whahaa)
2) 1 X thermosflask 500ml
3) 1 set long sleeves shirt/long pants
4) 1 set short sleeves shirt/shorts
5) 1 bib
6) 3 handkies
7) 10 diapers
8) 1 tub baby california aloe vera cream
9) 1 tub baby california calendula cream
10) 1 kiddotamus change away mat
11) 1 nursing cover
12) 3 feeds of milk powder
13) 2 nuk pp btls (small)
14) 2 travel pack pigeon baby wipes
15) 1 travel pack pigeon hand and mouth wipes
16) 1 nuk pacifier

soo dont worry i gt moreeeee whahhaaa
oh yeah i gt 1 packet of pigeon small size cotton buds as well and 1 packet of pigeon cotton balls whahhaa

17) cotton buds
18) cotton balls

hmz i nt gg take any edu fund for my boy cause i open regular savings acc for him le .. but i will get life insurance for him ..
my big bag only have 3 diapers, 1 wet tissue, 2 rompers, 1 alove vera gel, 1 zambuk, my water bottle, umbrella, wallet, handphone &amp; camera.
small bag which use when we out for dinner like 1-2 hrs only have 1 diaper, 1 wet tissue, my wallet, handphone and camera.. :p
Velo and Rachelle, hehehe.. I am in this line ley... but I am not active in sales lah... After got Lucas liao dun wan to run Sales liao.... now i take up a more adminstrative role dun like to do sales... (Hehehe)

Now in the market got a life plan very good under Tm Asia it covers up to 2.5 times the sum assured for 10/15/20/25 yrs depending how you want it to package...

I am buying for Lucas for SUM ASSURED of $100,000 Asialife will give 2.5times which is $250,000 sum assured and monthly premium only $90+ nia and just pay for 25yrs and he cover for life time.... (Is a RELATIVELY CHEAP and GOOD PLAN)
i used normal bags, not those diaper bags..

big one when go out for 4-5hrs.

small one when go out for short while..
Momo, which doc is tat? let us all boycott him! so insensitive! ^@&amp;^$@* how abt getting 2nd opinion?

Ayukie! I;m amazed! you have so much things in your bag!! need to bring 10 diapers ao many ah? i tot i brought a lot liao. to think that you have mmore than me"=!!

My diaper bag has these items

1) 4 diapers
2) 1 500ml thermoflask
3) feeding bott and ebm (depends on how many times i need to feed. if 2 times, i will bring 2 +1 extra)
4) 1 romper
5) travel size tissue pack
6) travel size wet wipes
7) desitin cr squeezed out in a 5g small container
8) 1 towel
9) 1 face towel
10) 1 changing mat
11) 1 bib

Velo, apparently, the plicy which my agent proposed is one of the better ones. cos the life plan is like you pay for 25 years (every mth only $75) and baby is covered 100k as long as he survives. then combine with an endowment which pays out 100k when he is 25 yrs old. total premium per mth comes out to $288. then we no need to provide pur child any more money liao. i think the life plan sounds attractive cos many life plan now is you pay till you die. you stop paying, coverage stops

Min, your symptom, sounds like blocked ducts cos that was what i experienced that time. so must really work hard to clear the ducts soon. dun be like me cos i nmot hardworking, it took 2 weeks to clear and my ss dropped a lot then!
momo, yaya, the agent proposed Tm asia to me also. think we are talking about the same plans! wah, since you in this line and bought this plan, then must be good. i shd be signing to buy soon then!

Funne, wah!! your diaper bag looks very compact and not messy!i like the pouch which you put the diapers and stuff all together. whr you got it? Jolene, that pouch could b your solution!
Rachelle two weeks?? Wow that's long how u tahan the pain?
Did u go see an LC? Or u just massage urself? Read online say shld clear in 2 days?!
me going down thomson parentcraft later but kept wondering need anot but it's damn painfuln when I squeeze in the shower also little milk come out while the other side can

Jolene, my episiotomy wound not recovered yet.. N my boy is two months old!
Funne, ya the blue got flower pouch, with rompers and wet wipes one. you sew yourself!?!?! you very li hai lei!!! i thought it was very good cos it organise the stuff
