(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

momo_mummy.. jb got sell the small small world play mat?? if so i oso wanna get.. can help help =p I had maclaren XT stroller.. i got it at 399.

haitong.. my cousin had the mat.. not bad in term of quality

Anise, my orders is
1. 1 set Medela Freestyle tubing @ 9.95
2. 1 set Medela Freestyle Spare Parts Kit @ 13.50

Thanks gal.
Anise, small small world play mat is 1cm thick the 1 in JB is ard 0.5cm thick but is much cheaper lah... is ard SGD90. Is LG brand also my galfren staying in JB and she got it... she says her violent boy fall afew times on the mat oso didnt cry... so i think 0.5cm thickness is good for my Lucas... Whahaha... if not small small world playmat very expensive ley..
If u want must wait ley... cos my JB galfren need to order and must wait for her to come in...

Any mummies oso want?? I order for u mummies?
LG Play mat (with sliver insulated backing)
Size: 200cm;180cm;0.5cm
Price: SGD90 (estimated after exchange rate)

1) momo_mummy
2) Anise? (u want??)
momoko, i just got my freestyle... so i am not sure wat parts to get... issit impt to get the tubing oso?? Cos i tot tubing dun need to wash so wont spolit 1.. so i am only get the 1 set Medela Freestyle Spare Parts Kit $13.95 each
2 set Medela SoftFit Breastshield $9.95 each
BlessedCYN: i think they selling different ones compare to small small world.. i think small small world cheaper if ur compare they size...
Anise & SPORTY ,
medela FS must get which spare parts? I just got my FS so I dun noe wat is impt to get... softshield i getting 2 set ley (Kiasu or not huh?) must get the tubing? Cos i see momoko getting the tubing oso ley. I very Kiasu 1... tell me wat must get i will get... if not later very mafan...
MoMo_mummy> haha u r right... Want to do just do it don't think so much... Haha I always got this prob of thinking too much.. Hey btw u want to share cab to hi tea nx mon? U stay at kovan area right? I'm only 10mins from u by car I think...Anyone else wanna share cab?
the playmat there is only 1 design nia... hmmm i waiting for my galfren to send me her picture... once send i show u...

Then hor the medela parts seems like 1st time mummy one is cheaper ley. Cos add alittle love site the soft shield only has 1 piece oredy $6 but 1st time mummy site is $9.95 for 2 pieces

Anise (http://www.addalittlelove.com/freestyle_parts.htm)
1 set Medela Freestyle Spare Parts Kit $13.50 each
1 set SoftFit Breastshield $6 x 2 pieces = $12

1st time mummy recommendation (http://www.babyearth.com/medela-softfit-breastshield.html)
1 set Medela Freestyle Spare Parts Kit $13.95 each
Medela SoftFit Breastshield $9.95 each (comes in 2 pieces)
Carinez, i canT share cab with u. I started working liao so will be going from shenton way. and I will be going handfree (no lucas
Any mummies oso want?? I order for u mummies?
LG Play mat (with sliver insulated backing)
Size: 200cm;180cm;0.5cm
Price: SGD90 (estimated after exchange rate)

1) momo_mummy
2) Anise? (u want??)
3) carinez1
Carinez, Ya i mean i CANT share with u... type too fast le.. hehe...

Btw U want the playmat must take note this LG playmat is cheaper cos is not the same thickness as small small world playmat...
Small small world LG playmat is ard 1cm thick
JB LG playmat is ard 0.5cm thick
Any mummies oso want?? I order for u mummies?
LG Play mat (with sliver insulated backing prevent baby getting cold when sitting on top)
Size: 200cm;180cm;0.5cm (my galfren bb proven can fall and wont cry liao.. hehe
Price: SGD90 (estimated after exchange rate)

1) momo_mummy
2) Anise? (u want??)
3) carinez1

Will send u mummies the picture before u all really decide to buy, cos only 1 design nia and i trouble my galfren from JB to buy for me...
<font color="119911">momo mummy</font>, me very tempted to buy but i got no space for such a big mat leh. buy liao like no need.
sporty: ya.. i kept laughing when they told me.. cuz i super open abt breastfeeding in branch.. And yup, if my girl nv ask for didi or mei mei den most likely i will stop at 1 lorz.. and i can sense tt my girl will not want a didi or meimei to share our love for her.. dunno y gt this feeling... lol

cyn: I work in OCBC.. Alexandra Village br.. 4 bus stops away from my hse nia...
Shirlin> where did u get the ameda spare parts from? I also wanna get the custom fit shield cos my nipple think abit too big for the funnel then damn pain when pumping... And rechargeable battery what brand u using buy from where ah?
haitong.. i stayed at commonwealth but work in pasir ris.. =p.. i need to take bus n train =(

carinez.. abit "plastic" / metallic smell. not sour but den abit weird.. the fresh one confirm not fishy nor sour. I use a pair of breast pad everyday =p
Anise> ya lor I also think damn weird leh...Heard from alot of mummies it's metallic fishy smell but dono y mine so sourish.. I keeping in the blueegg milkbag and I smelt from the ziplock area.. Maybe the milk at the ziplock area contaminated the milk inside... Haiz dono la...
back from my nap...pumping now before i go out for dinner...

momo mummy/esther, think my ex colleague's ebm might be added to someone's kopi liao...hahhaa

ariesgal, not funny la...after tha we dun dare to store our ebm in tha fridge,we all bring our own fridge to go...

anise, 2 more days for u...9 more days for me! hehe...sianz la but bo bian...in fact, i'm looking forward...hahha

carinez, i dun clean my nipples before i latch/pump...haha..yes, i keep my pumps in the sterliser before any use...i dun use breast pads at home...normally i use when going out... bfing can rebond and dye hair la...i dyed my hair for bb's full mth party tha time...can go do up ur hair before cny...

momo mummy, fs u can get the replacements parts + shields...thas what i intend to get but i'm not getting from anise as i still have spares... tubing its up to u...

swanston, the bumper mat can fold one...so no worries on where to put it...hehhe

shirlin,aiyoo...u no need to announce to everyone where u work la...LOL...u and ur hb still young...sure have #2...#3...#4 one...hahah

blessedcyn, tha day i juz ordered strapless tube bras...hehhe
Medela orders:
A. Spare Parts Kit
B. SoftFit Breastshield
C. Tubing
D. personalfit breastshield 24mm

So below are the confirm orders:
1. momo_mummy: Ax1 + Bx2
2. momoko: Ax1 + Cx1
3. mitsy: Ax1 + Dx1

Anymore?? I will order tonight.. If interested, just add on
Ask u huh... the SoftFit Breastshield comes in 1 piece right so like that I must order 4?? or 2? cos if is from 1st time mummy site is 1set got 2 piece but add alittle love only sell 1 piece for $6. So if u order from add alittle love then i need 4 piece liao
Swanston, ya i waiting for my friend picture also... btw, how u all paste picture on the forum 1... how come my file become attached file and not directly shown on the thread?
Changing colours... hee

Spreeing for Doidy Cup from DeBabyShoppe >>> http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3558993.html?1264649503. Collection at Yew Tee mrt stn. Other venue can be arrange to my convenience or we have another gathering? Will target for at least 13 cups to get free delivery. Will terminate the spree if target is not hit or payment not done by 31st Jan 2359hr. If keen, pls note down your name on the list and transfer $11.61 to my POSB saving acct no. 057785608. Will refund if the spree doesn't go thru.

1. Esther - Cerise Sparkle
2. zhen zhen
3. carinez1 - Orange
4. Fieda - blue
5. Fieda - purple
6. Shirlin - Cerise Sparkle
7. momo_mummy - red
8. zentan - blue
9. carolorac - Cerise Sparkle
Anise> I seldom ebm as I normally latch.. Then today let bb try fbm cos I gg out then no time to pump and wanna try see if my fbm got sour smell or not... But tat time I left my ebm In the fridge less than 48hrs ALSO sour... Dam frustrating...

Nicole> which part of serangoon? Mind pm me ur contact and address?

Shirlin> thanks for the link!
Carinez and Nicole, u all stay so near... next time we can hv small gathering "NorthEastLine Mummy get together" hahaha...
I stay at Kovan near heartland mall...
Momomummy> hahaha mini northeastline gathering sounds cool... But I'm only available till end feb.. Coming march when I start work will be hellish working hrs... Eh I using ameda not medela hee tat bp got sell ameda parts?

Momoko> I don't exercise leh but I sweat alot.. Even when slping in aircon room I Also can sweat one...

Just finished my soft rebonding and hope it lasts! After rebonding can wash hair or not ah forgot to ask hairdresser how to maintain hair.. Blur sia
wow.. okie.. will fast fast action n make reservation.. hehehe..

zhen zhen,
ya.. maybe i will be a better mom working.. :p now really very 不舍得... but i think if drag for another few mths, may be even more difficult liao....

heee.. not bad leh.. for me, i will never enjoy this nice misunderstanding leh.. out of the 3 siblings, i'm the only one who did not inherit the youth factor.. :p

shall chat with u more on Mon..
i nearly join SGH few years back.. :p

i will be doing pumping at work n latching at night.. already trained baby with bottle in the day n latch at night liao.. hopefully i will be able to pump 2 times at work.. but most of the time, i will only have time for 1 pump..

rue, ayukie,
i can wear my old jeans liao... but, my tummy drops out lidat leh... super not toned!! :p

if u put the milk in freezer, it will be frozen liao.. but the gd thing will be tt it will remain cold during ur journey home.. den bb will need to finish this batch within 24 hours..

how abt putting the milk in the chiller compartment and transport back with cooler bag??

i hav the playmat fr small small world... it's ex, but very durable n gd..

momo mummy,
philips avent showroom sells the citric acid for washing.. if not, juz buy the citric acid meant for konnakyu jelly fr ntuc... they r the same.... :p but, u will hav the aga aga the amt the use lah...
