(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

fieda, i take ard 40min (include washing up etc). that's why pumping 3x was impossible for me.

re: mats
my advice is don't use the ABC mats, cos the pieces can come out. so it can be quite inconvenient when you want to clean. it's better to just get the plain large pcs if you're intending to get foam mats.

When back to work on Wed and realise that I dun hv much time to pump.... end up only pump once and felt alittle feverish when i went home... Not good for SS if keep decreasing my pump... P/S: I DUN WANT TO GO BACK TO WORK
so not use to getting back to work... came home got headache and here pain there pain everywhere...
momo: you n mm6j steady la.. so fast planning #2 le ah.. thk for me i either stop at my lil L or wait till she asks for a didi or meimei den i'll discuss with hb to try.. hehe.. anw, green n yellow also unisex colour wad...
Haitong, Think u dun buy from small small world 1st la... i check out JB side what is the quality, if realy good then maybe I help u to get 1 playmat oso??? I try to get picture from my fren.. if not 1 of these day i go down take picture.... hehehe...
Shirlin, Aiya I am a FAN of RED ma... if u notice I have alot of RED if not WHITE clothes / bag / panties / Bra.... Hahahahaha....
Then hor must plan ma if not accident how? Now must plan with hubby dun anyhow shoot.. Whahahaah...
Bumper mat is really good investment. Think now selling cheaper? Got it from Alien77 but think she no longer organize such BP. Some have alphabets on one side and now my 21mth #1 is starting to get interested and kept pointing to the alphabets to ask me to say what they are.
Spreeing for Doidy Cup from DeBabyShoppe >>> http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3558993.html?1264649503. Collection at Yew Tee mrt stn. Other venue can be arrange to my convenience or we have another gathering? Will target for at least 13 cups to get free delivery. Will terminate the spree if target is not hit or payment not done by 31st Jan 2359hr. If keen, pls note down your name on the list and transfer $11.61 to my POSB saving acct no. 057785608. Will refund if the spree doesn't go thru.

1. Esther - Cerise Sparkle
2. zhen zhen
3. carinez1 - Orange
4. Fieda - blue
5. Fieda - green
6. Shirlin - Cerise Sparkle
7. momo_mummy - red
8. zentan - blue
Any mummy has Mac Claren XT stroller? Any idea how much issit selling??

Any mummy using Avent steriliser? where do i get the cirus power to wash the steriliser huh?
juz let my gal tried on the bumbo seat...her thighs were so fat tha i need to slowly slot her in...whahhahhaa :p

shirlin, ur colleagues very cute...still prepare the notice for u! hehe...wah, u really stopping at 1?!

momo mummy, ohhh ic...if quality's the same then worth it lor...hehhe... u have to set a time tha u wanna pump at work to maintain ur ss lor...if no specific timing, u will tend to forget tha u need to pump...if u looking for maclaren xt stroller, i saw tha spring maternity selling at $398 for 2008 version...

fieda, peifu u can squeeze 3 times to pump @ work...not easy to pump @ work lor cuz sometimes whne bz sometimes can forget abt pumping time...hehe
Fieda, he started to sleep for about a week plus. I am not sure if it is a coincident but then after we started massaging with the baby oil my massage lady gave me after his wipe down at night, he started to sleep through from abt 10 plus all the way to 7. Usually, we will'dream feed' him at 12am and then wake him up at 7am to drink.

My bumper mat is a gift from my cousins for baby full month. Its the LG one with cars on it. Super duper big so I also dunno where to put it.

momo mummy, I also dun feel like gg back to work. I think will miss baby so much and so much logistics to plan. What to bring and when to pump.
Sporty, Ya loh i tend to overlook when i work then keep saying pump after i finish this... end up forget to pump.... haiz.. plus is really not convenient to pump then wash... got to bring a big bag to put pump and container to sterilise the parts... think now the whole company knows I am moo moo ing...
Spring Maternity still selling ah? I am asking for my JB galfren... her baby very big size so she needs to change stroller... haha
momo Mummy, I think we can wait cos dun think our group will start to use the cup so early. I was chatting with zentan on msn about using it on our 3mth old babies but both of us feel quite impossible that our babies are able to control the flow at this stage. I'm thinking to let my #1 use first as she as yet master the skill of drinking from an adult cup. Then can pass down to #2 and start training her to drink at an earlier age but of course not now!
blessedcyn, yes she can but i let her sit for 1 min nia cuz i think her neck not strong enough yet...their neck will be strong after 3 mths...

momo mummy,there's nothing wrong for the whole company to kno tha u are a moo moo...we are juz providing the best food for our lil ones... yes saw at spring maternity few days back...

esther, whats ur msn??
Esther, YEAH, thank U with a big kiss cos i am such a FAN of RED! Hehehe.. ya i was thinking oso 3 mths cant even sit how to hold cup? They will be pouring the whole cup to their face and end up we got to clean them up. Btw, how old is ur number 1? when can start to use the cup?
Sporty, no lah i am just paiseh cos some male colleague like to ask stupid question and give stupid look like pumping nehs in office is not right... okie thanks for ur info, i let my galfren know... any idea abt teh Avent steriliser?
momo mummy, ok u help me to see the quality in msia..and do u know how much? If not bad, maybe u can help me to get...

Me also a fan of RED (actually my hubby is so i also follow..hehehhe)! But in soccer, I am not a fan of the RED (liverpool)....hehehhee
sporty, add me >>> [email protected]

momo_Mummy, i think we can start to let our babies try when they are 5/6 mth old or when they are able to sit? Dun think they are able to hold properly still but can try holding for them and let them sip from it. Due to the design, they are able to see the content so guess may be easier to learn the skill. This is just my opinion, not sure whether is it feasible as this is also the first time I'm buying. My #1 gal is now 21mth old.
momo_Mummy, last time I even have a male colleague offering my milk to other male colleagues when they are making coffee! Total embarrassment to me lor... lol.
Esther, these male colleage (especially those not married ones) to them Breast milk is like so ailen to them... at times i just feel like slapping them lohz..
momo mummy, not sure abt avent sterliser cuz i dun use avent pdts except for bb monitor...hehe,...u maybe wanna call philips and ask??

fieda, i kno u haven gone back to work la...but planning 3 times sounds WOw liao :p

esther, added u liao
ur ex colleague made fun of u...at least better than ur ebm gone missing, which happened to one of my ex colleague! haha
Sporty, Wah... ur ex colleagu EBM gone missing... that is horrible, which "Yao Gui" drink it manz... hahaha
I call Philip liao... can get from their Avent centre $10 for 10 packs...
Haitong, My gf went to measure her LG play mat. Is 200cm, 180cm and 0.5cm thick and has the sliver insulated at the back. I told her to take picture for me. Once she take she will email me.
me back from facial..... shiok cos it also means napping for that 2 hrs.... hee..... dunno if i got snore or not wahaha...

sporty, i literally laughed out when i read about the ebm missing... wahahaha so funny....

momo mummy, you got a lot of young colleagues ah? my team members quite a few are new mums so the dept fridge is always filled with ebm.... now we gotta label which bottles belong to who... machiam nursery school.... but hor very stressful cos we can see how much the other mummies pumped and some will start comparing... hahaha....
those male cols so insensitive.

actually my female col always pump b4 we go off with the male cols (take car ride), she seems shy about it.
I duno if I shd just be open, n say, i need to pump. so 1st time say, subsequently they will understd. most of the male cols here are married.
momo mummy, I dont hv msn..or rather i never access for soooo long time already...even facebook, have not log in for the past 6-8mths already...

Let me check small small world playmat size...
momoko.. where's ur order? send mi... shall wait for urs..

momo_mummy.. send me the order if you interested too.. I having the same thoughts as u, dun wanna bring parts everyday so best is to get additional part =)

haitong.. u just need to sign up on their website and they will send u the discount code. =) u betta get a cooler bag.. i also need about 1hr 15 min on travelling.. Tink i will always zz all the way.. hehe

sporty... i intend to pump about 4 times a day as well.. timing roughly the same as urs =) another 2 more days and i m back at work.. sianz bor
carinez1.. i tried and smelt fbm before.. even my gal drank one bottle.. so far ok for her.. she still drink... I can't tahan the "plastic" smell thus when i tasted abit i wanna puke.. my fresh ss is not bad.. sweet bor.. i tink it's coz u dun take milk that's why u keep tinking it's bad. Ask ur hubby to taste for u..
Thks anise and zhen zhen on the discount code! Anise , where are u staying and working? Lucky for me got direct bus to work. at least no need to change transport.
Haitong, My gf says small small world is 1cm thick and the JB one is 0.5cm thick. Price goes with the thickness.... Hmmm I will get 1 from JB try try loh.... cos small small world really expensive ley...

BlessedCYN, 1st time mummy recommend this site: http://www.babyearth.com/medela-freestyle-spare-parts-kit.html

Anise, are u getting together with 1st time mummy? cos she says http://www.babyearth.com is cheaper.
My order:
1 set Medela Freestyle Spare Parts Kit $13.95 each
2 set Medela SoftFit Breastshield $9.95 each

Ariesgal, ya man my office has quite a number of young man some age only 20 nia (cos we take intern from poly to work for us) so very ma lu....
Anise> but the smell how? Issit sourish smell? Dono issit cos the procedure of pumping wrong...I don't drink milk but the smell like wrong leh.. I taste also got abit sour.. But I din taste the warmed up one I just tasted the thawed and still cold fbm..

Ask u mummies ah, when u all pump after latch do u all clean ur nipples first? And the pumps can be kept in the agent sterilizer for 6hrs right? Breast pad change how frequently? Haiz.. Think somewhere along the way the procedure went wrong I must find the reason if not go back to work I die...

Breastfeeding can rebond or dye hair or not ah? I doing soft rebonding for my short short hair so it's more natural at the hairdresser now... Haha abit too late to regret liao.. But still contemplating abt dyeing my hair.. The salon got organic dye leh... So tempted... But scared will take damn long... Cos don't like to leave bb at home with mil for too long..
carinez: i rebonded my hair when my baby turned one month and currently still bfing.

momo_mummy: thanks. i saw tan leng leng one.. but her spree just closed. duh.. intend to get one set of spare parts n put at work. i am afraid i will forget to bring some parts along or back home.
Carinez, I rebond and dye my hair when i was pregnant loh... i think is up to individual how u feel lahz... my gynae says do wat u like think too much u will suffer urself... want to eat wat do wat just do it....
BlessedCYN: Tan leng leng spree cheaper meh? If cheaper Anise maybe we order from Tan leng leng? Her sprees is always on going 1.... can still order from her... i met her personally she is a very nice lady....
Hi Esther, can I collect the cup from you @ Eunos MRT like the last time when we ordered from littledreamers?

I may also order some clothings from the BP....

Spreeing for Doidy Cup from DeBabyShoppe >>> http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3558993.html?1264649503. Collection at Yew Tee mrt stn. Other venue can be arrange to my convenience or we have another gathering? Will target for at least 13 cups to get free delivery. Will terminate the spree if target is not hit or payment not done by 31st Jan 2359hr. If keen, pls note down your name on the list and transfer $11.61 to my POSB saving acct no. 057785608. Will refund if the spree doesn't go thru.

1. Esther - Cerise Sparkle
2. zhen zhen
3. carinez1 - Orange
4. Fieda - blue
5. Fieda - green
6. Shirlin - Cerise Sparkle
7. momo_mummy - red
8. zentan - blue
9. carolorac - Cerise Sparkle
How abt dyeing of hair ah? But if dye I will be tempted to do highlight and everything also... Ex leh... 170bucks... Still contemplating at the salon..
