(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

morn all
sunday again! seems like the dreaded feb coming soon!!aargghh

dingdong, hope u didnt have a tough nite last nite...so what time did ur gal wake up for milk?

sally darling, i think carinez and me went to the same outlet, AMK HUB...tha one no more sale liao...haiz...

jeanie, hahha...tha method was a bo liao method tha i tried myself when i was desperately trying to make my #1 sleep...juz gently blow some air over his eyelids so he cant open his eyes...then he will doze off la...but dun do this often la...i dunno whether it will cause bb to have dry eyes or not :p dream feed is to feed bb when he's sleeping so tha bb will wake up for milk later... ie...if ur bb sleeps at 9/10pm, try to dream feed at 12am (provided ur bb cooperates and open his mouth) so as to "delay" his waking up... if bb dun use alot of energy to poo or grouchy, poo shd be ok la...dun worry!

superwalker, good that your bb is happliy sleeping

Rachelle, my bb also sleep from 9 plus to 2 plus, wanted to change the timing to 12 to 5, try to feed her again at 11pm last night, but she koon like nobody biz and do not want to suck so had to throw away he milk
got to think of other way...

i rem. someone mention "dreamfeed", does it mean feeding when bb is sleeping?

shirlin, catch this chance and sleep more tonight!
wah so many posts! got no time to read!
now quickly post a quick one

help me take my name out the high tea list can? Sure can't make it.. my facial booked together with my friend, at 330 pm.. will join for next one.. promise must org goodwood park high tea again hor!

sporty & alicia: Yah. i koonz gao gao lazt night.. Went to bed at 12.30 after pump.. slept all the way till 6 cuz cannot tahan my boobs liaoz so woke up n pump den went back to slp again ard 6.30 and den up again at 11 to pump.. So i had ard 8hrs plus of slp.. shiok.. but still feeling sick la..

Just called my MIL.. my girl still slping soundly.. ltr gg over again ard 1plus cuz her ebm finishing le.. Fox sales.. OVER ARDY? I yday still ask SIL go see den can buy for her 5 kids.. Nv buy clothes for my girl for CNY.. only got her the CNY romper from BP and since she still got so many new clothes so no ned to buy la.. haha.. =D
Chris: Ya! Momo is also Lil L! So means my Lil L can choose from the 2 Ls... Wahahaha~~ Am still sick lehz.. Like quite jialat this time.. dunno if I'll bring my girl hm tonight..
so fast weekends ending.... meaning feb coming and meaning i'm going to start work soon! super duper lagi sian..... really not looking forward man...

sporty, hee.... that's the good thing about staying with my mum..... but i can only do night shows when my #1 zzz liao and so my mum only need to handle #2 and usually #2 will cluster feed and then zzz so easier to handle at night... no need to force her to feed... she was on milk strike the last 2 days again during day time..

i think the Fox 50% sale no more.. just now went to great world and i saw it was replaced by 15% sale by dunno which credit card...
alicia, dream feed means feed bb when bb's sleeping lor...

magical, okies...will take out ur name...no prob
next high tea ah, will try to organise la cuz once i go back work, will be quite bz le...unless other gals here wanna organise lor :p

shirlin, good tha u slept well!! if not well, better rest more today and let ur mil take care one more day lor...

ariesgal, ya man...shiok to stay with mum...hhehe...now if i wanna go out with hb, will have to make "special arrangements" to deposit the kids...if not have to bring ALL!! haha
sporty, ok, many thanks! Will try out ur mtds! Haha.. I think i tried dream feed once but nt successful. Even sometimes when he wake up in wee hrs, only suckle 5 mins then doze off. Put down cry again, suckle awhile then doze off.. Can last for half hr, then 2 hrs later start again.. Avg twice per night
sporty: Yah lor.. see how I feel tonight.. if still ah-choo-ing den I prob will leave her there another night.. Today cant really rest cuz its MIL's birthday.. gotta be there to help out and show face la..
Hey hals, saw the news on Straits Times about medela Softfit shields? Apparently, the part went yellowish after 1 mth of usage. they said it;s due to steam sterilisation. i'm using the personalfit shield and also turned yellowish. I steam it 8-9 times a day depending on how mnay times i pump. it turned yellowish after 2 mths. i just replaced it. now i wondering whether there's any health issue.

Medela said that no need to sterilise after every pump just was can liao. how do you gals do? sterlisie after every pump right?
Rachelle: I just wash the shield w hot soapy water and soak it hot water for a while... so far the shields have not turned yellowish
jeanie tan, no prob, hope it works for u
dream feed also dun work on my bb...but she tends to cluster feed at 7ish to 9ish before she KO for the nite...

shirlin, pls see a doc and take care!

rachelle, my medela softfits shields also turn yellowish due to sterlisation...now i still sterlise after every pump...but after i return to work, i wun do tha liao cuz at work no sterliser...
Sharon, I got my parts from USA amazon cos it's so much cheaper than in s'pore. but i think where you buy is the same. it will still turn yellowish.

sporty, there is this medela sterlisation bag which you can put in microwave to sterlise. so you can still sterlise at work. else can use tablets. anyone using tablets? is it good? i think tablets quite ex huh if use every time. then how you going to sterlise at work?

nicole, how long have you been using the shield? just soak in hot water is good enough huh? i think i am being very kiasu. i will scrub with detergent and then steam sterilise.
Any of your bb will cry when u gave her milk? I gave my girl milk but she can cry out loud and refuse milk even thou it is time for milk. And this occur almost every feed. Any idea what happen?

Sporty, how u know your girl need cluster feeding?
My personal shield also turn yellow, have just change to new pair, the previous one not sure if my maid scrub to hard, the glue come out and there is a leak of air so cannot use liao...

tanly, does your bb have blocked nose? mine also always cry when drinking milk, she find it hard to breath and drinking the milk and doc give nose spray which clear her block...
Alicia, sometimes when I just put the teat in only she start to cry and scream. I also not sure she got block nose or not.
Tanly, are you breastfeeding? If you recently then intro bottle, then she might cry for your breasts.

Maybe also due to the formula milk. Maybe changing the other brand.
Rachelle...I have been using for a month.. I guess should be good enough .. I follow the instruction in the manual booklet.. first time sterlise it, after that just wash with hot soapy water...
sharon, i bought the spare parts from the bulk purchase section and mums and babes...the shields from mums and babes cost 30 bucks for one pair...quite ex...think bulk purchase and sprees are cheaper!

rachelle, yeah i kno abt the medela sterlisation bag...but most likely i will use hot water to soak method back at work...wun be using any sterlising tablets...

cheryl, u using medela FS too?

tanly, my gal every nite when we feed her milk...last feed before she sleeps...she sure struggle and cry out loud...dunno why...anyways after she finished tha milk, she will juz KO...my gal feeds more frequently from 7 pm to 9pm...cluster feeding, she juz kept requesting for more by crying and like very impatient like tha
my boy this morning threw trantrum only wants latch dont want bottle .. bottle feed he spat all the milk out .. 1st time ..haiz ..

i havin diahorre also due to i think bad sashimi .. can take charcoal?
Ayukie, you can take charcoal. 2 tab. if you have diatrol (or loperamide) can also take 2 tab, then after that, take 1 after each diarrhoea. usu the diarrhoea will go after you take the first dose of med.
Hi all,
I brought my son to Hwa Xia for bb swimming this morning.
He enjoyed it, so I signed the package & the lady offered to give him massage. Supposed to give him massage today, but I already dressed him up.
Also got a free gift of the odour remover charcoal.

Will post his photos in facebk tml...
Hi Ayukie, Charcoal is save when breast feeding cos doctor say safe.

BTW, any mummy have babies that vomit like flowing tap. My boy had 2 such incidents and its scaring me alot. Also he fuss alot when bottle feed. I am doing partial breast feeding as I dont have sufficient flow for him.

Appreciate advice. Thanks
tanly, oic, cos for my case, she cry after drinking a while then we realise she had difficulties breathing cos there were "spider web" in both her nostrils...or if this problem is really affecting her intake (her intake of milk drop or bb is not putting on weight) can see PD? my baby PD i think is quite good, she will help you to find out the problem and provide solution as long as you discuss in details about your bb condition, you can write down the list of questions and ask her, my bb PD station in sengkang...where do you stay?
Back from MIL hse.. Just finish pumping.. Engorged like hell.. Had to pump for almost 30 mins to clear it and used almost the highest suction.. haha..

sporty: I went to see doc le.. Hate seeing doc on Sundays.. ex sia.. 53 bucks and given 3 meds plus lozenges..

Just now so funny.. My girl took photos with 3 other cousins of hers and while the 3 is crying away.. she gong gong keep staring at camera.. I kept laughing at her.. LOL!
ayukie, yes can take charcoal pills...dun worry

rue, nvm...take ur time la...lemme kno after u have tfed

kimifin, looking forward to see ur boy's pics on FB

shirlin, last time i used ameda, i always use highest suction one, if not cannot pump...hahha...hmmm...ur doc cannot claim from co meh? if can claim then wun be so heartache mah...
tired weekend.. full of events on Sat n Sun.. housewarming, wedding dinner, birthday party, co lunch... pocket hole big big liao.. :p

juz bought a cute swimwear for my gal fr the ON spree.. hehe.. can't wait to bring her for a dip when she's old enough.. :p

i used the sterilisation pill once... got strong chlorine smell... ended up washing the parts again n sterilise using my steam steriliser again.. :p and i never ever use sterilisation pill again aft tt.. :p
No one around pumping?

My hubby n I went to bring baby out to East Coast Park for the 1st time. Just to take a walk for an hour. Man, it was so tough to find a parking spot. Baby was sleepy cause barely slept in afternoon, but she seems to enjoy. It's good first outing outdoor, even if only for an hour. Hopefully next time can last longer.

My baby drink very little milk on some days...the worst is only 440 ml, the best is 780 ml. Could it be cause need to change the bottle teat to M size (Pigeon)? Now day time, baby barely slept at all because there's construction going on besides my house.

Kimifin, I'm looking forward to see your photos. Is Hwa Xia's water clean?
morn!! anyone ard??

shihui, when do u intend to bring meimei for a swim? i was thinking 4 mths...

agata, i dun pump anymore in middle of nite...hee...think i very zzz nowadays...yes, shd bring bb our for fresh air more!!
Pardon but anyone has baby that have vomited before during feed? (all milk flow out) My boy has 2 incident and its scary. can share advice?

Also he fuss alot when bottle feeding at times, should I change his formula?
hahahha, 4 teachers here! My Ml ends on 8 mar. so just nice starting in term 2. but then i was hoping to start in term 3 cos term 2 is a bad timing to go back. File checking, SA1 etc sigh....

Ayukie Charcoal is ok for bf. just that i always eat once cos if take too many will constipate. charcoal works by absorbing toxic so i kept having this idea that if it's not pass out, the toxins are still in your body, so, i dun like to take charcoal. prefer diatrol (loperamide).

Velo, my baby also vomit during feed. but mine is bmilk. for him, i think is reflux cos i could smell acid in his vomit. i think is due to he swallow too fast and cannot stomach it fast enough.sometimes, it could be he doesn;t want to drink but we tot he wants to drink so he vomitted out. but i think one or two episodes are ok. if it's a lot of times, better see doc.

Shihui, eeeks got chlorine smell? i hate that. reminds me of toilet. then i beta not buy. i think i still stick to steam sterilisation. shd be ok bah.

i going rebonding later. hopefully won't get engorge breasts due to the long hours. now adays if dun pump 3 hourly, my breasts will be very uncomfy. sigh.... if only i have bigger storage tanks, then perhaps won;t be so engorged!
Hey morning.. Trust everyone had a great weekend! Blessedcyn, yeah me in the east primary sch.. U?
Agata east coast park is v v crowded on weekends right.. But I'm sure u enjoyed urself hor

Shihui, I also dun like the sterilization pill!

Rachelle I also read the straits time article.. Hmm so many conflicting theories! Some say must sterilize, some say boil, some say dun even need to sterilize so often, just wash?? Alamak How?
Let's share how u sterilize? I just sterilize everything like 4 times a day.. It can last for 6 hrs n so anytime I want to use anything it's ready.. I dun have a fixed schedule for pumping, anytime I feel like it..
suddenly breast supply come in n bb lapse 4-5 hrs between feeds(alternate breast), though only 1 duct block, is pain even when I breath! I cant imagine those entire breast like dat!
So must pump or squeeze out where possible.

Oh, when I feed on bb on 1 side, the other side leaks quite badly. Does it mean I need to use hte breast pads?

I got the Avent disposable ones, not v nice to use, cos too thick.

normally, when do u know u need to put on the breast pads?
urs is the sticker type or washable?
I put sticker type, will come out, maybe cos i wear 1/2 cup. Intend to "slot into" the place where the cotton pad was originally with, but the leak may stain the bra 1st.
Kimifin, i wear breast pads 24/7 also. you can try pigeon breast pads. i find it quite ok. ya, beta squeeze the lump before it got worse. try pumping every 2 hourly or feed frequently to clear the duct. by the way, avent and medela has this milk collection shield. so , it can collect leaking milk when you are bfing one breast. I just bought the avent one but haven try. if you heartpain the waste on the leaking milk, can try buying those.

Min, cos i do exclusive pumping, i sterlise 8 - 9 times cos i pump 8 - 9 times a day. (ya, initially was so painful but now kinda got used ot it liao). so basically, i steam sterlise after every pump.
you in prim sch too? me also lei. i;m in the north but teaching P2 this yr. tho i prefer upper level but i think p2 workload lesser and is in noon session so may be good for first time mummy like me.
Rachelle steam so many times a day I wonder if it'll b okay on the plastic parts..

Kimifin, I previous use medela collection shells when I feed one side the can collect the leaking milk n add into those in the fridge.. But now I just put a hankerchief on the other side.. Only use breast pads when going out.. I find breast
pads a bit too rough on the nipples, me using pigeon also..

These days dunno why my boy refuse to drink from the
bottle.. I latch myboy but from the third week, I trained him to take a bottle a day for most days.. Then suddenly these few
days he rejecteD the bottle! It happened when I went out without baby n husband for the first time n left him with my mil.. Then on my way home they told me he was crying
ncrying until no voice dun want to drink... Poor thing n poor mummy also kena scolded for leaving him home *sob* but mil gave me permission

Haiyoh then now me trying to retrain him... (v bad like train animal like dat) I read online, it's the standoff method..

I gave him bottle just n he cried n cried on the bottle only managed to drink 50 ml then fell asleep... So ke lian...

Do you know which training center(corporate or public service)) I can apply to learn how to engage to students?

I am teaching in a classroom environment too.
