(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

anyone tried sacred tea and mothers milk tea?
which one is more effective?
need to build up my supply badly, now baby on formula.

jazz, cannot service the PIS eh? ya lor...juz use the manual pump to maintain ss first before ur new pump arrives... the mother's milk tea worked for my frens who took it...i haven tried it tho...
tanly, you can set the routine on your bb also. I started setting mine before send to bb sitter and i ask the bb sitter to kind of follow certain routine like when to bath, and feed every 3 to 4 hours and etc... come back home, also kind of on routine. Maybe they are still small and like my hb says, she only eat, sleep,shit, play and cry
Ya loh, bb sitter back out so now last minutes need to come out with solution.

Karen, if get a maid, I'll leave my gal and maid at mum's place
<font color="119911">jazz</font>, ida 94249829. i used her for the post natal massage. normal massage she charge $40. but she dun do the east side.
<font color="119911">sporty</font>, lol. ya lor. i used to it liao. in a way also good coz he will miss us more. muahahaha!

<font color="119911">tanly</font>, coz my hb 24/7 on standby for work de and usually he is not at home at night. so dun make sense for me to rush up and down after work every day esp i bf-ing bb. so we decided that we will work with this arrangement for now.

i'm sooooooooooooooooooo sleepy!!!!
tanly, of cuz the advantages of getting a maid is tha...u dun have to do night shift urself if ur gal haven sleep thru and she can help u with the household chores lor...u better decide fast as u need time to train the maid lor

swanston, ya man...then weekends will be ur "relax" day cuz ur hb more hands on :p
thanks swanston, but i stay in the east, haha...
i've booked massage with kimifin recommeded massage lady liao, coming tomorrow.
Jane, so qiao! i;m teaching in the north also Pri 2! hahaha. but i still dunno what to teach cos they mayb doing STELLAR.

Sporty, I stay in woodlands. near to causeway point. so my favourite hangout is thr. esp when everytime i only have 2 and half hour to walk walk (cos need to pump 3 hourly).

Jazz, I am taking this. http://www.motherlove.com/product_more_milk_special_caps.php
My supply is going up slowly. tho not as fast as I would like. It went up from 100ml per 3 hours to 120ml per 3 hours in 1 week. so hopefully it can go up somemore lah

Tanly, sounds really streess. how come babysitter dun want take care of baby liao?

Sigh... now i very sian about the cleaning of my pump parts. I just bought SoftFit shields from US. now they say cannot steam sterilise so often. i really dunno how to clean. somehow i feel just clean with soapy hot water not enough. then after tat, what did you girls do? just air dry it then after 1 hour use the parts to pump again? what about feeding bottles? also the same? so sorry ah, i really need inputs cos i have been using steam steriliser for pump parts and feeding bott after evry pump and feed. now i worry that got chemical leak from plastic....
jazz, I got good massage aunty oso... she is very good and she charge $40 to $50 depends on location. I PM u her contacts as well, in case u want to try her out after u try Kimifin massage aunty...
Jazz, i oso drinking mummy milk... been drinking since day 1... guess it did help abit... but i drink Milo b4 i pump too... so i wonder if is milo or mummy milk effect... ehhehehe
min.. ya i agreed all mummy all wei da as compared to daddy... no song for daddy lol.. good that your boy starts to sleep thru ya

tanly... ur baby sitter back up?? i thot need to give advance notice?? so u getting a maid.. train n put her at ur mil or ur place.. if u need one, i gt a fren gt maid to transfer.. lately she gt one, train her to take care of her coming nb but who noes, her bb didny survive when reaching week34. sad case. so nw she dun need. initially i wanted to use her BUT my hb dun wan some1 extra at hm.. haiz =(

shihui.. ya my mum told me not to say anything since she offer to help me.. just let her handle the way she wants.. as wat u mentioned, she sure carry till her handache lol
Tanly, where u stay? I see got any baby sitter can recommend u bo... cos that time i post in forum so alot of nanny reply my post... so i got quite abit of contacts. I stay Hougang area leh.... hope u get a nanny soon...
My Lucas is at nanny now but i put lucas till 3pm nia cos i hvnt started work...
Ya loh, she say she cannot cope with her own family and my gal together. True also lah.

Now think about it, it may be good to have a maid too. So when I am tired on weekend I could let her takecare of my gal and hb and I can have a more relaxing weekend. Hb kept telling me to think on the bright side.
sporty.. my mil wanted to help mi take care so my prbm of where to put my gal at is solved.. just dat i dont really like e way she take care but den..... just let it b... oh its sent by devlina regarding e ebm..
Anise, your fren maid is phillipino? I am looking for a phillipino maid. Can gv me your contact?

Momo mummy, hb and I decided to get a maid then sending our girl to another bb sitter liao. Atleast the maid can help out over the weekend.
mummies who've done the 6-in-1, is the jab given at buttock or baby's arm? need to know what clothes to put on for baby when she goes for jab hehe
sporty, the blow eyelids no use.. haha.. he still eyes big big stare at me.. dream feed haven try.. cuz at ard 10pm, when he figit abit, i quickly talk to him and wake him up.. haha. then he can sleep till ard 3am..

kimifin, how big is ur bb liao? i also wanna bring my bb to hua xia.. how much is the package?
is the service good?
Sporty/Min, yup, not letdown, girl mouth oso no white white, it feels like period cramps but at the nehs =.= dun tink see gp will help hor?
mine at the thigh area too.
Doc will ask u to hold bb in your arms and talk to bb to distract. Doc says bb normally just let out a "ahh" and dun cry.

can view my facebk 4 the video
he's 9 weeks +

The lady at PS is nice, offer a free massage if I sign up on the spot.
pumping now. din realise time passes so fast when i surf online and pump at same time. last time time passed so slow when i just pump and stare into blank space!

yest went rebonding. 4 hours din pump nearly burst!! in the end, i pumped my record high 160ml. heehee tho still low as compared to MM6J, i was still happy!!hahah
kimifin - my fridge to go states it can last for 16 hrs lor .. but i so far use for 12 hrs i think depends on where u place the fridge to go as well because inside car it doesnt lasts that long i tried ...
Hi all..

I'm back again.. today got some ME time again cuz my girl is still at MIL hse.. Coming back tonight le.. Miss her so much.. Anw, thk i gotta start freezing my BM le.. this few days when I'm sick.. ss went up so much.. every pump cfm more den 200.. den i look at my fridge.. cfm will expire b4 my bb can drink de.. so thk I better freeze it better den throw away ba.. keep for rainy days.. Wahahaha~~~

sporty, mm6j, momo, blessedcyn, superwalker, zen, chris... WHERE ARE ALL OF YOU???
i dropped my super shields in toilet floor so sian .. nw no shields i also dunno hw to pump haiz .. sian .. have to wait till go home wash with detergent before i datre use haiz ..
Ardenz, my gal's jab at thigh area too.

Jazz, I took the mothers milk, erm no effect for me. Now taking Mother's love special blend, seems abit better.
Cyn: yah lor.. like all go missing liaoz.. LOL! Must put up missing person notice.. Wahahha.. Yah.. i go over to MIL hse to see her everyday lor.. but dun dare to carry her too much thou..

momo: yesh I miss you sooo much.. =P Your lil L got miss my lil L?? HEhe~~

momoko: Haha.. u want my virus ah.. ss will go up but must stay away from bb wor.. very bu she de one lehz..
jeanie: The one at HBF also not bad.. they not pushy abt packages lor.. cuz me and hb planning to get own pool for her.. so tt day didnt sign package.. the lady also nv show face.. so i thk is not bad.. plus they also interact alot with bb.. My girl eh eh abit only, they faster walk over to help out le..
shirlin, if sign package, can visit both PS and HBF right? hmm.. i still cant decide whether to buy own pool or go hua xia.. but HX pool can maintain the warm water temp right? if at home, i scare awhile then the water cools down le..
Sigh...mummies really cannot fall sick man! I m now feverish n my tummy is still feeling wierd after I puked out my totally undigested dinner in the middle of the nite. Clogged my sick somemore! Silly me! Did not sleep last nite as tummy was cramping. Then this morning brought my bb to get his 6 in 1. Now I m feverish myself, so can't use my hands to feel if my bb is feverish. Was very seh...and bb refused to sleep. Then finally put him on my chest n he slept for 2 hours
tanly, need 1 mth for maid to come? how abt trf maids?

rachelle, i also like to hangout at causeway pt...heheh...maybe we can meet for waffles at gelare!! lol

anise, since ur mil wanna take care n u ok...juz let her be lor...

ardenz, my gal's 6 in 1 done on her thigh area...

jeanie, think the eyelids thingy dun work for every bb...heheh...

momoko, u juz monitor the pain or call parentcraft lor

shirlin, hope u feeling better now...i went to stock up on cheap bottles n buy bb stuffs to prep for going bk to work lor...so was MIAed...

blessedcyn, aquamarine not yet...later this week! juz now went amk nia...hee

superwalker, alamak! hope u get well soon...get ur mum to help if u need rest!
I realized that my mum n mil cannot really help one leh, cos everytime the baby cries, they will bring the bb to me and ask my what's wrong with the bb. They will usually say "go to mummy". Penz!
yesh sporty you're wanted for gg missing for soooo long.. Wahahhaa

cyn: yah lor.. Nvm.. Mon I cfm bring lil L to HT.. ardy asked sporty to chomp seat for me liaoz.. die die will go... Hee

superwalker: Hope u're feeling better.. And really, mummies cannot fall sick.. I totally understand that lor.. tmr my girl is gg for her jab.. Hope i'll fully recover by then cuz nw still coughing n a lil runny nose...
sporty: No wonder u MIA-ed la.. Ya, better stock up now b4 u start to get super busy with CNY..

chris: yeah yeah.. much better ardy plus this 2 day got ample sleep.. only got up to pump den straight go back to slp again.. hehe
