(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

sigh, aries, who likes to go back to work? i already know that i have extra workload upon going back to work. very sian. last time i used preg as an excuse to siam some of the work. now cannot liao!

Sporty, MJ sounds so good!!!! actually can also organise sprees and earn some money from it. do some online biz. i see some spress very suceessful lei.
Shirlin, simplicity has its beauty..quality more important for such a price tag..

Sporty, yup, about 3 bus stops away only.. ;p

Ariesgal *sayang* i know the feeling of being tekan-ed!

been thinking of doing massage or acunpuncture for the longest time... coz both my hands kept getting numb.. the right one stretch to the shoulder... very scary feeling.. like paralysed..*touchwood!* mostly during feeding or carrying baby..but last night, even while i slept.. dun know why.. anyone also?
wow the thread is moving v fast.....So many BBs born on 11th Nov..

Sporty: I guess maybe join u gals next time.. really no confident to bring BB out alone and so happen mon noone to help me look after bb. My bb loves his fist too haha.

Starz: staying w in laws is like that one and their school of thoughts are just v different from us.

Ariesgal: I have been applying to be a taitai to my hubby but application is turned down. He said no way.....

Rachelle: Haha how to pump while doing spa... but must be super shiok.. i must try to go for a massage
MJ? me so gian! hands itchy

chris, sounds bad ah..
when i just gave birth me also like that but not so jialat, my massage lady told me the numbness could be due to water retention.. but yours might be some injury? due to carrying and feeding baby, maybe the positioning of the hands? do go get it fixed! soon!
ariesgal, wow maid has been with your mum for 10 yrs, more like being part of the family le hor..

hais me still thinking of where to put my boy when i go back to work in march..
both mums working, dun feel like infant care, baby sitter also a bit bu fang xing.. then the maid at home is like 20 yrs old nia, summore blur blur.. pils say put with her, i so scared!
sporty, the pd is at the hdb/town council building opp the mrt. 2nd floor.

chris, i also had numb hands but now getting better. my gynae gave me vit b to help the nerves transmit better.
my gal zz from 11ish till now...juz woke her up!!
so nice to sleep meh!!

rachelle, enjoy ur massage
sounds good wor but troublesome must bring pump :p

chris, very near lor...3 bus stops away :p my wrist only pain sometimes...think its the angle i carry bb ba...

nicole, come join us 1 feb...u onz??

min, if i were u...i wun leave bb with maid lor...i rather send bb to infant care...hehe...

mitsy, ohh there ah...didnt kno cuz i moved away when tha ntuc juz opened...
yes, i sew a nursing cover yesterday and when i try on her today..sigh!
she cry and try to pull it away..
Aiyo, she just dont like to be cover..Or she is hot inside??
Sporty> oysters and sashimi at marina??? Both my favourite! Buffet or ala carte? Wanna go with hb leh... But I'm sure this kinda offer not available on wkends rite?

Bb poo: my bb poo watery and seedy kind once a day, and normally is mega poo... and if he doesn't poo for a day, he will 'make up for it' the next day and poo twice like Yesterday damn funny... He had mega mega poo TWICE and really mega till full to the brim on his diapers don't even have spare space on diapers and even leaked out... Tsk tsk... See also scared..

Sally Ng> Haha my baby also called Jayden! Exactly same spelling! Height also same during birth and we are gg back work on same day 1st march! Welcome to the forum

Pil: actually I'm grateful for their help, really.. My mil takes over bb in the morning from 8 onwards and I will zzz all the way till 12 plus hahaha like today weather soooo nice to slp... And she does laundry for bb and does all the housework cos my pil both clean freaks and would rather clean the house themselves... So the only hsework I do is wash my own clothes... I don't even wash hb clothes... Actually maybe Is I bu Zi dong to offer to wash... But hor... Last time I don't Need to do housework one lehhh I don't even know how to wash clothes... Now is I anyhow just dump my clothes in laundry bag... So I'm really thankful tat I don't need to do much housework... My pil maybe thinking bad of me tat I don't do housework, but seriously when I start work also no time to do housework one lor... Haizz...Although sometimes the way pil handle bb I really don't like but really got to close one eye...
ya actually i am also grateful to my MIL.. she is a clean freak also... and she do the housework..tat i really appreciate tat...

Now still learning how to close one eye open one eye... but u know lah... sometimes v hard to ren lor..keke..

Yesterday my bb poo is bright yellow... usually is more of paler yellow... bright bright yellow means heaty?
chen mama, i think maybe she's scared inside la cuz cant see mummy's face...oh ya, the pics taken tha day...upload to FB leh...i wanna see

carinez, yes...its buffet...weekday lunch only lor...
chris: yup.. i thk the quality's not bad.. thats why I like it.. And my wrist will ache too! getting bad i think.. and like sporty.. thk mine is cuz of the angle i'm carrying bb.. may have to go tui na 1 day b4 it gets worse..

sporty: my girl even worse.. She slept from 12plus last night to just now ard 1plus wake up for feed.. den I play with her and just finish bathing her.. Placed her in rocker, switch on the vibration den I go wash bathtub n when I walked past her, she koonz liaoz.. less den 5mins la.. LOL~ thk weather super shiok la.. plus she like to have the fan blowing at her..

rachelle: I used to play games like CS.. Diablo.. and when I was abt to deliver.. was playing Red Cliff.. haha.. super boy games right.. My hb influence lor.. =P

nicole: you wanna give it a try n bring bb out for the high tea? Cuz alot of us initially also dun dare to bring bb out.. but once u try once.. Its not so bad de.. There's always a 1st time.. Ask chris.. she tt time also abit scared of bring her darling out.. but now I thk she's okay with it le.. hehe~~ Me too.. 1st time also scared.. den got gurus like mm6j and sporty to encourage me.. Wahhaha
i also wan to be tai tai... keke.. but also no way.. if only strike toto then can..haha

i will be going back to work on 1 feb... i kinda of worry whether i can adjust back...

just fed my son 60ml of fm.. trying to test whether he is okay.. so in case i go back to work and not enough supply.. he can still take fm..

i thinking to give fm.. only when there is no bm.. so there is no fixed timing.. do u think its okay?
yeah, maybe she is scare inside..??
will try to upload this evening when she Zzz..

whenever i start to sew she will stop crying.. i think she like the sewing machine sound Or
she know i am sewing her dress
Rachelle Ling,

8 times wash?
I pump 3 times I already sian. I put them in a lock-lock, put a drop of detergent and soak in water.

Heard some ppl say put in fridge also can, since u pump so frequently. But I m not daring to try.
I am back! I am sooooooooooo satisfied! Had a beef baked rice at ion orchard's swensens, then had a yoguru yogurt at Tangs, then had a shilin fried chicken cutlet at Far EAst Plaza. Then guess what? I WALKED all the way home!!! heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
sooooooooooooooo happy!!!
min - yeah i still around haha semi .,. paiseh at work .. along the smith market the lanes there
alot of shops selling ... the lim chee guan there whole lane .. the smith market also have ..
shirlin, yes ah...weather shiok today...my gal also went back to zzz liao...i very worried tonite she cant sleep!!

catechins, u can feed fm like tha w/o fixed timing but rem hor, fm must be consumed within 1 mth after u opened...

chen mama, i think she scared la...inside dark dark mah... i think bb likes those white noises like vaccum cleaner and hair dryper...thas why sewing machine sound ur bb like...hhehe

carinez, i juz spent at bb fox on mon...was having sales...now not sure wor...

superwalker, u really live up to ur nick leh...SUPER WALKER!!
Super walker where did u stay?? Walk home!!!

Sporty:- 1st feb..hmm okie I like to join hopefully then baby is more stable

Kimfin: I just put into the fridge ...because i do exclusively pumping and so far my baby still okay
Hi Nicole, that's the spirit! ;p
Actually for me, the key is to be well-prepared (aka kiasu -- i have a big diaper bag) and thick-skinned lah..baby crying is nothing embarrassing... once mine pooed big time in a cafe..and there wasnt any nursing rm nearby, i had to change him there and then... another time he screamed and wailed in the train.. so i walked him from first cabin to the last..and then he slept.. haha
So there are 41 baby Boys and 47 Girls. Lots of potential girlfriends for the baby boys here.

Any of u gals having post-natal blues? About work n baby, I'm of mixed feeling too. Yes, there are times when i look at baby, I'd feel love. Then there are times, I feel overwhelmed...prob having post-natal blues. I know I'm having a baby, but the idea of the baby having me...or the idea of being a mother now, feels scary. Work...I'm not a career woman type, so couldn't say looking forward to go back to work. Though I do miss ME time...can go wherever n whenever i want. I guess next week, I'll take a day off to go shopping. Need to buy CNY clothes and also need to get an evening gown to attend my friend's wedding in March. Sorry to complain here...
sporty: My girl now shouting non stop in the living room.. not screaming but talking very loudly.. Scared I cannot hear la.. haha.. Hope to keep her awake den tonight she'll slp early again...

superwalker: You steady la.. Pei fu you..
Nicole, ya
but my barang barang not a lot cos I latch when I go outside

anyone interested to go walking with me??? Kekeke
superwalker,u power lor...30 mins walk!!!!

catechins, ok...added u liao

chris, u good leh...now very li hai to bring bb out le!! kekke

nicole, yes...come come join us

agata, cheer up la...i'm sure shopping next week will cheer u up!!

shirlin, mine juz now scream until suddenly no sound cuz she fell asleep...LOL
Agata, I think its a very normal feeling. sometimes really feel like shouting at my boy but sometimes really think he is an angel. by the way, did u receieve my ping message, my network is abit nuts, sometimes cannot send out.
Maybe we should plan the next outing at Botanical Gardens or something... Have a picnic and bring babies to walk around, talk to trees and flowers etc.. help their naturalistic intelligence grow.. right superwalker? hehehe...
agata, cheer up, is normal to have this kind of feeling. Go shopping and destress a bit.

I am back to work for a week already. workload piling but still not in mood to work yet, but next week meetings coming already, so no choice. Yesterday out of office for training, and went to shop at Marina Sq the course is at town area if not seldom go town. Target shopping went Robinson, Marina Sq, chop chop 3 hours settle everything.
starzz, my pd says that never poo is ok as long as the baby looks contented, feed well, sleep well. but i think i will go to the pd if my baby never poo for 1 week.
Will get my baby bjorn synergy tommorrow as it is now at post office
request for redelivery tommorrow morning. Will try whether can walk as much as superwalker with the carrier :D

time to knock off, will go buy Subway from canteen for dinner, take cab to fetch my bb and go home. Hb having a short drinking session with his col, let him enjoy a while as he is the one who send and fetch bb back in stroller everyday :p

chris.. oicic...

jus now i try to help my gal to poo... she tried hard to poo but cant.. oni saw tiny bit of poo... think shld be heaty since her shit is like bright yellow...
Lets say she is heaty, i shld let her drinkw ater right? but also canot give too much water right?
