(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Do u all feed bb diff amt each day like today is 130ml per feed, tmr is 100ml per feed? I have to calculate everyday the amt to feed my gal coz sometimes she slp thru the night then the amt of times to feed is lesser so have to feed more to reach the required amt for the day. Do u all do that?

saintbaby, mine will scream one lor...i thot something happened...then realised shes chit chatting and she got excited...duhz...hahha

starrz, okies...will add u NOW!

tanly,dun worry la...ur bb sitter is ur family mah, she wun reject u one...
lolx.. my gal sometimes after a while i don't hear any sound from her.. i know she's happily eating her chicken drumstick.. aka her fist! haha..
i added you on msn too..
Sporty n saintbb, hehe thanks. Later I go accept, nw canot move much...

Exactly 1 more mth to work... Sianzz, dun feel like going back, haha.
saintbaby, ya man...dunno why they like their fist so much!!

starrz, wahh 1 more mth...thas looong! envy
u already had a looong break liao lor...of cuz will feel sianz...
Sporty, ya long long break liao! Gt to go back earn milk powder money liao.

Argh gt the urge to go toilet but can't move nw... Alamak.
Aiyo, I am very different from you all leh. I wish to go back to work. Atleast I can have my freedom back.

Maybe I am not a bb person hence I prefer to go back to work.

I think my hb rather upset with me now cos I told him I don't enjoy motherhood at all and may be no #2 liao. Hb want me to bring along our gal for lunch with his friend and I say "No Way, if she cranky I die". So he was rather upset with me last night.

me too. I thk at least got more ME time during work, n can fan xin do lunch n sneak out for shopping b4 going back home!
Hello~~ I just woke up from my nap.. Feeling damn shiok.. My girl fell aslp at 12ish last night and only woke up at 7 for milk.. So happy~ hope it continues.. She's still slping now btw.. Latched her just now at 10plus.. She 1st time suckle both breasts sia.. cuz usually she only take 1 side den feel full le or fall aslp..

sporty: Add me.. [email protected]

I this few days like come in awhile den disappear.. haha.. Dunno what I'm busy with lehz.. Oh, went to Ion tt day and saw this leather bag tt cost 177... super tempted to buy.. been thking of the bag for so many days le.. But den I keep telling myself 177 can buy alot of things for my girl wor.. LOL! Still thinking......
starrz, how many mths in all were u away from ur job? u feeding ur gal isit, thas why cant go toilet?

tanly, hmmm...think when u go back to work, u will miss ur bb liao... if ur hb going along for the lunch, juz bring ur gal along la...he's also there to help mah

shirlin, wahh...ur gal so sweet to u...seems like she sleeping thru le!!okies, will add u on msn...what bag is tha??
Sporty, since oct I aldy off frm work liao, 4 months plus of break..
Oh my gal laying on my tummy, tats y can't go toilet.
Dun wan put her on cot coz she zz so soundly... Scared woke her up. She can zz better on my tummy, 1hr liao.. On cot can only half Hr leh.
sporty: Yah lor.. she super sweet to me.. I thk her slping time is improving ba But I dare not put too high hopes.. hehe~~ And I forgot the brand of the bag le.. only rmb it starts with 'R...' the shop sells all leather bag de.. and the leather is good~~ Plus I like the peach colour so much~~ Ahhhhh~~

Chris: Not gg for the high tea?
starrz, icic...shiok wor...already 4 mths...hahha....then u very cute leh, u cant move until she wakes up?

shirlin, if u like...juz buy lor :p hehhee

oh yah, those gals who love sashimi and oysters hor... got 1 for 1 at aquamarine @ marina mandarin for lunch leh!!! hahhahhaa
Sporty, ya lot can't move.. Lucky gt my phone to keep me busy..
Haha for the sake if my bb beauty sleep... Gt to stay still. Haha.
Shirlin, time to reward yourself! or better, get hubby to buy it as Vday present lor..hehe

High tea ah.. dun know if baby will cooperate that morning or not.. but most prob will try to make it...
i wana complain...
i was saying bb sleeping on my tummy right?
then my FIL came home... wana carry n play with bb and ask me to go prepare milk for bb to drink so he can carry her. BB is still sleeping so soundly and not hungry yet although feeding time is up but i fed her 130ml earlier so may notbe hungry yet then FIL insist to carry...
then MIL say bb like sleep until hot hot... aiyah sleep in same position without the fan of coz will hothot lah... then PIL ask me not to let her sleep in that position again...
Sian sian sian...
sporty: Still thinking hard lehz.. Haha~ Oh ya.. gg to order my macs liaoz.. Feel even more hungry after my pump.. LOL~

chris: My hb n I dun give each other Vday gifts de.. Its a common agreement.. But I did tell him abt the bag.. He didnt object to me buying la.. So i guess its okay for me to buy just tt I need to convince myself 1st.. Wahahaha~ And come la! Luke cfm will guai guai cooperate de.. Tell him you bringing him out to see all his future girlfriends.. =P If not thk hard to org another gathering le since both our masters back to work.. Hee..
starrz, baby can zzz long on your tummy cos feel safe and secure mah... hais pil sometimes can be difficult! mine too..

shirlin, time to pamper yourself since hubs already agree!
my hubby last time tell me to control my shopping.. the strategy is if you dunno whether to buy something or not, walk out of the shop first and if you are still thinking of it like one or two days later then return to the shop! ey it works for me and sometimes when i go back, i see see dun like le.. but if you still think its nice, you should just get it! hahah!

future girlfriends haha! hmmmmm...
Min: Yeah.. I used the same strategy too! Thats y now since I'm still thking abt it after 4 days.. I think I shld get it lor.. Wahahha~ Maybe will go get it on Mon! This wkend busy with MIL's bday lehz..plus dun wanna go with hb in case he try to talk me out of buying it den I sian 1/2 le.. =P

And ya! There's alot of potential gfs around for the lil boys!
starrz, i think staying with in-laws is like tat. but just close one eye loh. i have been doing tat for the past few mths liao. i think older pple always scared baby not enough to drink. they also like bui bui babies so they like to feed and feed. like my MIL, she will want to feed when my boy just "eh" one sound. i usu wait till baby cry till nobody biz then feed.

i thnk as mummies we always neglect ourselves. buy things for babies and just spending $10 on ourselves is like a sin. so sometimes once in a while shd pamper ourselves, shirlin! i have been eyeing a wallet also. but then hor, hmmm...... still thinking..

you gals gave babies water to drink liao? i tot no need cos bm is 70% water liao? i read that giving to omuch water will cause sodium inbalance in baby's body.so if on fm, can give baby up to 2 oz of water per day. but for bm also need?
sporty: Wun de la.. you'll end up feeling more hungry ltr den will eat even more.. I drink bb tea dun feel full at all de.. Go eat la!! Am waiting for my macs.. With iced latte~~ Woohoo!
rachelle, i never feed my gal with water...no need for tbf bbs...

shirlin, hahhaa....eat more i dun mind la :p best if got buffet to eat!!
Sporty, my hb can't handle my cranky gal leh. The more he carry or coax my gal, she will cry louder. So with him ard also not much help.
opps sporty, its not the seventh month yet!
hmm most ppl breastfeed, get hungry easily hor?

hmm the yaolan, will consider consider, hourse absolutely got no more space le!

ayukie, are you around? where where in chinatown got CNY clothes for baby? want to go over the weekend leh
Rachelle: Haha~ Den go buy la.. See the mummies here all asking me to go buy my bag liaoz.. They got gd convincing power de~ In case you dunno.. the mummies here are the ones who convinced me to page my gynae tt time b4 I admitted myself to hosp to deliver.. Haha! Cuz I stubborn still wanna continue play game den kept dragging.. sporty super gan chiong for me la.. more gan chion den me.. hahahahah~ I still laugh when I thk back..

and I asked my PD b4 le.. He said its okay to give some water even if we're bfing~ But not too much la..
tanly, juz try lor...theres always the first time lor...if u more scared of crankiness, very diff to bring bb out next time...pple will understand one mah cuz its normal for bbs to cry as tha's their only way to communicate

min, yes lor...bfing makes us hungry...i had chix rice, nasi bryani (1/3) and bubble tea for lunch lor...hahhaha :p

shirlin, if i dun kan cheong for u...u will be lovie #2 hor...hahhha
ya lor... sometimes really buay zi dong.. cant stand! And they are staying with me... alamak

ya lor... they feel secure hor... so happy bb sleep soundly on my tummy yet FIL have to kao jiao..

Ya i know muz close 1 eye open 1 eye but sometimes hard to ren...
Haha so have to rant here lor... if not also duno go where rant... rant to hubby also not tat good...keke..
shirlin, you so funny!!! wan to play game, dun want give birth!!

min, ya bf ladies get hungry easily. but then we get fat easily too cos we tend to think aiya we bf mah, so must eat more. so sometimes, i will ignore my hunger pangs. but then most of the times, i will surrender and eat sth. usu is milo cos thanks to the good reccommendations by our masters here, milo before pumping does help to increase ss a little
We got the same gynae leh.. tat time when i deliver i also page for him.. early in the morning.. think he pek chek kena kao jiao in the morning..keke..
shirlin, four days le? hmm i think you shld go back.. n without your hubs!

rachelle, still thinking huh.. go back to the shop! hehe! me is bad!!

yah loh, pils always scared bb not enough to drink, first few weeks my mil keep asking me to feed the baby, like every less than an hr, say he's hungry. then when she saw someone else's baby who was like v big size altho on BM, she ask me to feed baby less! then when i feed EBM, i give 100ml, she say feed halfway pull out, dun let him finish! alamak.. *confused*
Rachelle, yes, many cute potential gfs available to choose from... There's Lil L, Lil M, Lil R, Lil A..etc etc... hee.. the gatherings are actually matchmaking sessions in disguise..haha

Yah, actually I'm going back to work after CNY also.. okie, will try doubly hard to make sure Luke cooperates and go.. buy the bag! then bring to show us... hehe..
starrz, bo bian la...but at least u stay with them...they can help with bb mah :p

rachelle, when u are bfing, u wun get fat la...only when u stop, u will cuz appetite became bigger liao :p

min, ur mil so cute lor...ask u dun feed ur son...ahhaha...

chris, who's taking care of luke after u go back work ah?
min, the yaolan hor.. just helped my niece to buy from kiddy palace... spring cot plus the motor about $270 bah... but it really freed my sil a bit.. or else she will be coaxing her to sleep or feeding whole day long...
sporty, my mum will be helping.. even now, i bring luke and come over very often for free meals... haha.. or else will starve at home..

But i really feel like going part-time to spend more time with bb... but finances dun allow... sigh!
sporty: Yah lorz.. I thk if you all didnt 'forced' me to page for my gynae.. I prob would have gave birth at home.. LOL! So xie xie ni la! =P

Rachelle: Ya lorz.. I can be super addicted to online games de.. but now no more time to play le cuz of bb lorz.. I was playing the whole day even thou I was having the cramps..haha!

Starzz: Haha.. tt time when I called Dr Woo, he also super cool and just ask me admit to TMC 1st.. den he came ard 7hrs ltr but he was nice la.. still trying to comfort me when I was in pain..
Min: Yup.. 4 loong days le.. so I guess I really really like the bag lor.. even b4 I fall aslp.. will still ask myself if I shld buy.. Wahahahaha!
me so tired.... was tekan by my gal ah... last night woke up at 3am to pump and then bb woke up at 4am but doesn't want to latch nor drink milk. eyes open so big and wanna chat with me! jialat leh.... i ignored her and she zzz again and then 5am woke up again! this time i latch her to zzz and then again at 6am.... don't want to latch again but wanna chat! faint! this goes on till 7am and i pass to the maid to take over while i zzz for another 30 mins before i send the elder gal to sch but then i overslept and end up the maid send her to school instead..... so tired.... then logged in to office and kenna asked to attend a concall next tues .... seems like reality is hitting hard now..... going back to work soon.... i wanna be tai tai!!!!!
Chris: hao ba! Shall show you the bag during our high tea gathering.. so MAKE SURE you bring Luke n be there ah.. Wahahah~ Its a simple bag la.. but I like the colour n the leather~ Hee~~

min: Yaolan can help you de.. I also gt YL at hm but my girl dun really depend on it to slp la.. only when she cranky n dun want to be carried or placed in her usual rocker den I will 'throw' her inside yaolan den yao yao yao den she ZZZZZZZZ liaoz..
for me hor.. Dr Woo came to the hospital abt 1 hr later and told me i will have a long labor! scared me... so faster opt for epidural...
Ya he very cool and calm.. ask him anything, he always say normal lah... hehe
Go buy the bag lah..dun think liao... hehe...
chris, ur mum stays near u ah? good leh...got free food :p hehhe

shirlin, hahha...ya la...u still dily daly then...buy ah buy ah...buy the bag!!

ariesgal, aiyooo...sounds like a tiring nite...hahha...tell ur hb tha!! tai tai!! hehhe
chris and shirlin, really ah..
hmm i shld get one hor..

ariesgal, your maid so li hai can take care of baby and also can send your #1 to sch...
hais, mine like so blur blus, i wouldnt want her to take care of the baby...
I realise my skin also dry liao. my hands esp. mayb is due to the washing of breasts ppump parts and bott. every day 8 times lei! i rem someone mention abut washing spare parts in a big bowl of soapy water then rinse with tap water. can enlighten me how it is done cos i realise i m wasting a lot of detergent by washing one by one under running tap. i tot like tat cleaner.....

Aries, poor thing, so deprived of rest! later got time, rest more!i also wanna be a tai tai!! but then hor, is so diff in s'pore where everything needs money! no money very diff to get by.

Chris, hahah, so have you found a lil gf for your lil luke?

Shirlin, what games you playing? i used ot be addicted to viwawa sushido. now think of it my hnds itchy but then i must curb myself!!

I going for massage later. must pamper myself liao. the massage includes a steam but then i am skipping it cos steam will make me leak milk. my milk very precious since me not enough ss. but have to bring pump. so pumping at the spa thr. now i'm very obssessed with recording the amt of milk baby takes and the amt of milk i produce. everyday is like planning strategies cos sometimes i dun produce fast enough for baby to cluster feed. a bit like fighting battle haha.
sporty, my hb say i can only be tai tai if i can also earn income while staying at home..... so in other words is.... keep dreaming lor....
min, it's my mum's maid and has been with us for about 10 yrs liao.... no lah... my mum was around so my mum handle my #2 while maid send #1 to school hee....

rachelle ya lor... very hard to be tai tai in sg.... wah going massage.. shiok! i think i better do one before i go back to work.. really don't look forward to it cos i know a lot of changes happening at work place...
