(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

taka got sales? how come they seem to always have sales?

yest kena scalded at the shoulders. this morn got dark pigmentation there. think skin is burnt. lucky is not on my face!

Superwalker, i envy you lei. savings can last you for no pay for so long! i think i can only go no pay for a few mths. then i have to crawl back to work! that's why hubby refuse to let me take no pay. sigh.

MM6J, i also wash those parts very thoroughly. sometimes wash them twice cos i cannot tahan them oily. must wash till squeaky. then i'm changing my parts liao cos yellowish.

My boy feeding schedule all mixed up again. think he is doing trial and error to see which schedule fit him the best. it;s quite tiring to keep track esp in the middle of night when it;s diff to predict what time he wanna feed. so i will pump out milk and leave in the aircon room. then when he want to feed, will warm up for him (takes less time than warm chilled ebm). if after 4hours he never wakes for milk, will chill the milk. by then, i would have pump another time and this continues. i hope he will sleep thru the night soon. quite tiring to pump and feed!

Swanston, your bb is so cute, likes to poop outside! I know someone's bb who only poops at home n refuses to poop outside! Lol!
sorry was bz looking thru BP section and ordered PJs!! haha

jazz, try massaging ur boobs before u pump, have a hot drink also... do u still latch ur bb? if u do, latch and they will help to clear the blocked ducts faster...

swanston, so cute leh...btw how's ur gal's condition now? abt the bcg thingy?

superwalker, u really tai tai lor...envy

rachelle, isnt it good tha taka always have sales?? aiyo...hope ur shoulders are ok...u shd send ur medical bill to them and ask them to pay also...
blessedcyn, sporty, you both throw away milk that baby dont finish? aiyoh heartpain leh.. not freezing for a rainy day? or when going back to work? sporty you have so much excess that you can donate? are you also the 600 ml that mm6j was talking about?

rachelle, you hospital bill q reasonable.. was it single or double bedded? i though gleaneagles supposed to be v ex..
hope your shoulder is ok.. yah huh, shld have ask for a free night's stay heh

mastermilky600mljane, maybe you shld sit in the centre and all of us sit around you! then spread your mik magic dust to us! ure a super mum!

chris, my boy, these days also dun want to drink.. worried too but think baby also got temperament.. sometimes feel like sleeping then dun fell like drinking, some days feel like drinking then dun feel like sleeping..
my kai boy is want to go out dun want to sleep dun even need to drink for 7 to 8 hrs when at home every 2 hrs!

saintbaby, i hope soon my kai would be like your baby drag the timing himself! aiyoh, im still waking up twice a night to feed.. think it might be his pattern to wak up around the same time, cos even when i feed him more, thought can tahan longer, he still wake up same time! sianz..

sally darling, taka sales? i also want to go.. update good buys leh..

swanston, your girl so cute, poo when she goes out? haha

superwalker, still envious of you!

sporty, mm6j, i want to go for the next outing to meet you ladies and to get some milk magic.. but still must seek permission first... maybe after my performance yday, hubby will be more fang xin..

brought kai to hubby's investiture.. then was alone mah, then fed him, change him, carry barang, hmm so shld be pass lah...

argh, when i started typing this msg, i just rocked him to sleep in the rocker, he was crying his eyes out and i refuse to carry him to sleep, must break bad habit that my mil cultivated, let him carry carry and yao yao to sleep..
then now he is wide awake!! only a few minutes nia..
yes taka sales.Members additional 10%.Going to top up my wardrobe and bb stuffs.Will update u ladies if there are gd buys.Almost reaching liao.
Chris: actually now my girl also drinks like 100ml and last her 5 hours. that night she went to bed at 12midnight and slept all the way till 7am, taking note her last feed was at 9.15pm. I tried feeding her at 11.30PM BUT she kept on crying for almost half an hr. I dunnoe is it bcos she3 was too tired or what bcos she did not sleep since afternoon .

But now she dun really wake up in the middle of the night giving me good night sleep. I will latch her onfor both breasts from 12.30midnight to ensure that she is full so she can sleep and mummy can sleep!

sporty: Do u bring her out frequently? Do u always go out gai gai when u were pregnant?

Superwalker: *envious* i m going back work soon! 24 days time!!
Mm6j, how you train your boy to sleep thru the night? Give some tips leh. My gal use to slept thru for 3 nights and now back to square 1 woke up for feeding in the mid of the night again. Last night worst woke at 12.30, 2.30, 4.30. I am deprive of sleep now.

Sporty, u ordering PJ? I am also looking for PJ for my gal. Looking for those sleeper. Any suggestion where can I get them?
min, my #1 hates fbm so i dun freeze for #2...dun wanna waste milk bags also leh...going back to work can pump today for tom's feed mah...go day by day lor... i dun wanna throw away so i donate as its better than pouring it away la... come join us for next gathering

blessedcyn, yes...i bring her out almost everyday lor...whahhaha :p maybe thas why...24 days eh? we can countdown tog...sianz

superwalker, shd i say tai tai lifestyle but self paid one...kekekke :p

funne, have interest la...i saw interest credited in the month ene statements...

tanly, i juz ordered gap PJs...3 of $33... but not the sleeper kind, if u want, can give u the link...
<font color="119911">sporty</font>, the bcg site heal le. just went kkh to see specialist yest. did 7 blood tests to ensure immune system is ok. surprisingly she din cry when the nurse took blood from the back of her hand. the nurse prick the needle in and press to push the blood out from the head into the tubes. my girl some more very kapo 'talk' to the nurse. lol.
tanly> dunno lei i jus told him please go to sleep. wahahaha. u still on leave right? take cat naps

swanston> ur bb is very steady
thks jane &amp; sporty!

my gal now can zz fr 8pm+ till next day, BUT alway wake up at 3 or 4 or 5am! she latch on a lot during day time, and since i'm 100% latching, i also don't know how much she's taking now.
Hope all the mommies looking for a new job can get something fabulous soon! Including myself..hehee!

Superwalker, so now you are a SAHM? I also dipped into my savings when I wasn't working. Too bad, my savings cannot last me for two years...heheh..have to look for work now cos money running low.

The other day, I kerna explosive poo from my baby when I was changing her diapers. She was farting and pooping at the same time. LOL! I end up having to wash my bedsheet, quilt cover and myself at 6am in the morning.
yes taka sales.Members additional 10%.Going to top up my wardrobe and bb stuffs.Will update u ladies if there are gd buys.Almost reaching liao.
funne, when u plan to return to work??

ashley, when u starting on first day of work ah? u very hyped up abt working now...kekkeke :p

sally, enjoy ur shopping!!
buy more buy more!!
mm6j, yes can take cat nap but still prefer to sleep thru the night loh. If not my hb kanna disturb by my gal and he need to work.
sporty, no lah, only #2 sleeps with me on my bed while hb now downgraded to mattress on the floor... then my #1 sleeps with my mum.... i think i need to spring clean my room and then maybe buy a 2nd hand cot and let #2 sleeps cos now she cannot zzz if i'm not beside her at night... i think she knows when is night time etc cos at night i'll swaddle her tight tight and put her beside me and she very fast knock out... even wake up middle of the night sometimes i pat pat a while only or swaddle her again and she will also continue zzz.. but day time she hates to be swaddle.

blessedcyn, ya me stayed in RH and in 1 bedded....

tanly, you looking for the sleeper kind? (like romper one?) you can try fox... i bot quite a bit of those PJs from Fox for both my gals... my elder now still using those hehe.....
i very envy those who can take no pay leave lor... i cannot cos if i do, i will also end up no pay leave forever.... now i already have to start working from home or start reading up emails liao so that i don't lag behind when back to work... so sian...

swanston, good that the bcg site healed liao.... and your girl very good, didn't cry... 7 test somemore...
ariesgal, don't envy me coz tt's a risk tt i might not have the job after my no pay leave! i will start look for job around oct/nov..
sporty, but this is emotional tekan too! haha..

blessedcyn, yippee for u..one more baby sleeping thru the night, one less tekan-ed panda mummy!
mummies, can i check with u all? do u heat up the milk when it is about time r bb to drink eg 4 hrs since the last feed? or do u wait for the bb to make noise before heating up the milk?

cause sometimes when i heat up the milk n bb might not want to drink, then the milk will be wasted.
Funne, your baby has big eyes! i like the hat. whr you got it from? lucky mine is a boy else i will spend more $ buying clothes and stuff!

Min, mine was a single- bedder but cos they dun have single bedder, i was upgraded to superior room. ie bigger size single room. i have to be at Glen e cos my gynae is thr only. the nurses at the ward was good. i really like their service!

blessedcyn, i also have the same dilema as you. in the noon when the feeding time of baby more predictable, i will warm up milk first then feed him. during night cos sometimes he streches long hours, i will express out milk and leave it in the aircon room to max of 4 hours (cos i pumpj every 3 hourly, so before 4 hour is up, i will replace the milk with the frewshly expressed milk if baby din wake up to feed) EBM which is freshly expressed can stay at 25deg C for 4 hours.

I know what you mean by wastage. yest i warm up 120ml of milk. he only drank 90ml. i poured away the remaining. heartpain lei! who knows half hour later he woke up and wnt to drink!!! argh!!! so i gave him 30ml of fmilk instead. actually you can keep remaining milk which baby cannot finish till next feed but then i dun do that cos i scared will be contaminated liao.

i think it's a lot of trial and error now but once baby';s feeding schedule stablise, shd be easier

I';m still finding ways to warm up chilled ebm fast.then we need not waste the milk if baby din wake up to feed. if anyone has a good way, pls share ya?
Rachaelle: i just throw away. I also dont keep.
i just wait for her to make noise before warming up the milk. so at least minimise wastage. if not might not have enough milk for her to drink if this goes on. thankfully i use electric kettle so i just boil a small amount of water and it is very fast. meanwhile just carry her and walk her around.

ya think the rest have a better way.
rachaelle, the hat from pumpkin patch and i just add on the flower.

i feed my gal on demand.. my gf who wants to have fix timing for her gal will wake her gal up every 3 hrs, tt's why she can heat up the milk around the timing and no wastage lor..
blessedcyn, yeah, my gal goes to the PD at RH... I've been with Veronica Toh since my #1... i like her a lot, very patient too and quite detailed.

tanly, all Fox outlets now having 50% storewide. i always go to great world city cos it's near my mum's place. united sq also has it. i think ion may also have the kids outlet. if not, marina sq or suntec should have it too...
yes taka sales.Members additional 10%.Going to top up my wardrobe and bb stuffs.Will update u ladies if there are gd buys.Almost reaching liao.
i took off today too shagged my boy woke up twice to feed yest .. haiz and my cough still nt gd somemore gt blood on nipple dont really dare pump/latch nw still engorge sian ... so tired ..

i wanna b a taitai .. im a tai tai wannabe ..
yes taka sales.Members additional 10%.Going to top up my wardrobe and bb stuffs.Will update u ladies if there are gd buys.Almost reaching liao.
sorry mummies for the repeated post.i did not switch off my phone properly.accidentally kept pressing on the same button.any idea how i can remove them?
