(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Ashley - polyclinic dont have rotavirus yet .. and both pneumococcal and rotavirus nt yet compulsary but pneumococcal can use medisave pay ..

MM6j, i see, you wash breast pump parts under running water ar? me use a big basin, soak them in soap water and wash them one by one, then rinse each part under clean running water, then i collected all the water to flash toilet, kekeke...

superwalker, going to work when bb is 6 month is envious too, hehe! i have to be back to work when bb is just 4 month le...

Rachelle, same headache, me also v hard to predict my bb feeding time, not v regular yet, is trying to make them a routine (fixed the timming at night) and hopefully she can sleep throughout at night...

Jazz, i have a good recommandation (malay massage lady who is v good in clearing ducts) i engage her when in confinement, highly recommanded among my friends, let me know if you need her help...meanwhile, try to use warm towel and massage when pumping...

min, you are v funny! you have a good suggestion that we will all sit srd mm6j to get the milk magic duct, hehe! i will try to join you all for the gathering, will cfm again with sporty, had to neg. w my mother, see if she can take care my bb for me

sally darling, enjoy your shopping! so envy...had been a looong time since i last went shopping!

funne, your girl is sooo cute and sweet!
ayukie> aiyos take care lei! haha i think everyone here is a tai tai wanna be, including me!

alicia> wah u mus ask until so detailed ah. lol. *don share with u my secret of washing breast pump parts*. awhahahahah! but it's safe to share that since i delivered, my utilities has gone way up!
afternoon mummies,

Today finally manage to sling bb out for a one hour out to nearby plaza to buy thing.. Yeah

Need advise... do u all feed bb with grip water?
I mixed with water but duno how much to feed leh..
insutructions say 1 teaspoon(5ml) but i duno is one whole day 5ml or one time 5ml... how much u all feeding ah?
alicia> i no magic "duct" lah lol..but yes, do come for the outing!!

superwalker> erm, r u saying my husb? my husb only shit at home and not outside. Wahahahah

rachelle and blessedcyn> if i am home, i will wait for him to cry for milk then warm up the milk, meantime i will latch him whilst waiting for milk to warm up, if now daytime i am at work, i make my mom warm the ebm 15 mins before the next feeding cos my boy quite zhun one and cannot wait. yes, the trick to warming up chilled bm fast is to 'change' the hot water... hth
Alicia, i can so imagine what sporty will say to you... "bring your baby along!" She has a powerful but subtle way of helping us challenge ourselves (at least it's effective on me)..hehe.. *give sporty tall hat to wear again*
blessedcyn> as in, u pour away the "first batch" of hot water u put the bottle of chilled bm in and pour in "fresh" hot water cos u r using conduction to warm up the bm so after some time the 'first batch' of hot water will be cold liaos mah. u save alot of time like that. my son will drink from bottle even though i latch him first. he's a very erm, not confused boy. lol. jiayou!
let me know if my method saves u time cos so far, it has for me..
Starrz, we feed baby gripe water every morn after his bath. MIL said dun feed so much so we gave only once a day.

mm6j, you so lucky tht your boy very zun in his feeding. mine can change everyday. headache man. how i wish he is zun zun. then easier for all of us.

i read somewhr tht baby's bowel movement tend to follow one of the parents. so if let's say i poo once a day and my hubby poo 3 times a day, baby will follow either me or hb. but then i dun see the logic behind lei
Rachelle, okie but how much u feed ah? how many ml or how many teaspoon and u got mix with water?

My bb drank jus now and think she likes it... still crying for more when finish..
back from lunch...

funne, ur gal looks very alert
does she looks like ur #1?

ariesgal, ur #2 cant reuse ur #1's cot ah? ya la...better let ur #2 sleep by herself la...if not she become PR on ur bed...hehehe

ashley, icic thas fast! so u will send amanda to ur mum's pl every morning before u go to work?

chris, emotional tekan more painful than physical tekan...LOL :p whhahah...u kno me well eh...kno i will say tha to alicia...hahhaha...

blessed cyn, i will wait until bb make noise then heat up...in the meantime juz distract bb...heheh

ayukie, hope u get well soon...bfing working mums fall sick easily...take care

sally, i thot u so excited abt the taka sale tha u kept posting!! hahhaha

alicia, bring ur bb along la...dun fret...i can take care for u...kekekkkeke :p

swanston, maybe ur gal trying to distract herself so chit chat with nurse! LOL

starrz, paiseh i never feed grip water to my kids before so cant advise...
swanston, your girl so poor thing.. pat pat.. but she is a brave girl! nv cry...

mm6j, wah you hypnotise your boy.. i try to tell him to sleep until i want to sleep le he still dun want to sleep espcially in the day time..

ladies, how many hrs your baby sleep in the day? mine like only sleep max 3-4 hrs, then at night about 9 hrs, like dun need to sleep hor?

rachelle thanks for sharing on your bill

ladies, erh may i know who is the mummy who had thrush on the nipple huh? today i felt like sharp shooting pains in both my breasts and dunno if that is thrush...

anyone of you joined the bp for chinese new year clothes? so cute leh esp the ones for girls.. i wanted to order a red red one for my boy but all oss.. anyone saw chinese new year rompers selling outside? chinatown have?
rachelle> but if i am slow, i will really have to WATCH OUT FOR HIS WAILS!! i tink bb bowel movement shld follow urs cos ur bb "eats" wat u eat mah

blessedcyn> like tht then u latch her whilst heating the ebm, that;s what i did when i wasnt so aware of his 'schedule' yet. is she not so 'zun' cos the amounts she drink differ at varying times?

alicia> u can def come for the gwp lah, sporty handsfree taht day! confirm can look after for u..

min> i jus tell him nicely lo. i say mommie must work lei if not no $$.. lol
my son will wake up when i am up for work, have his bath by my husb, first feed then go back to sleep till next feed. i heard from my mom that my son rarely sleeps in afternoon most close eyes like 15 mins nia. then evening a bit cranky liaos cos maybe anxiously waiting for me to 'pang gang' lol
Sporty, yup will have to send Amanda to my mum's place in the morning before I go to work. My poor dog will be home alone liao....
min, my gal dun sleep much in the day...juz naps here and there lor...but she sleeps better if i bring her go gai gai...hehhee....why dun u see a doc for thrush?? CNY clothes, i already bought from BP for my boy n gal 1 mth back liao...whahhaha :p if not u can buy at metro...i saw at metro too

ashley, aiyooo...then u must do the throw treats and run away stunt again...LOL :p

blessed cyn, so far i haven put on gal on her tummy to sleep yet...hehhe
blessedcyn, mine like abit weird weird when i put her in tummy position...hehehe...

updates on payment...

<table border=1><tr><td>NICK</TD><TD>MAIN COURSE</TD><TD>DESSERT</TD><TD>GRAND TOTAL</TD><TD>STATUS </TD></TR><TR><TD>Magical</TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD> $8.45 </TD><TD> $18.72 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dingdong</TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rue</TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chen mama</TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD> $8.45 </TD><TD> $18.72 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sporty</TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD> $8.45 </TD><TD> $18.72 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>Superwalker</TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD> $8.45 </TD><TD> $18.72 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>Momo Mummy</TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD> $8.45 </TD><TD> $18.72 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ariesgal</TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD> $4.23 </TD><TD> $14.50 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>momoko</TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD> $8.45 </TD><TD> $18.72 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane</TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD> $8.45 </TD><TD> $18.72 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mitsy</TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>Agata</TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD> $4.23 </TD><TD> $14.50 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Thanks Momoko!

Sporty, hahaha...u still remember! No lah, my dog is ok now. He knows when he can come with us and when he cannot.
sporty and blessedcyn> when i put my boy on his tummy he always try to turn his head left adn right very funny one..and i will always go exclaiming "aiyo aiyo"
ashley, of cuz i rem
cuz i used to do tha to my dog also...whahhahahha :p

mm6j, ya lor...i find it very weird...thas why i seldom put her on her tummy!!
going back to back clothes n CNY clothes...

Pants all cannot fit, need to wear back the tighter maternity pants, but still v loose sometimes..

Thk my pelvic bone area expanded, any idea where to get fitting pants? I used to wear size 28...
kimifin > wat is going back to back clothes? if u r saying work clothes then can go to takashimaya third floor to buy (near kids dept)
<font color="119911">superwalker</font>, my hb have to poo at home one. at my mum's place also cannot. lol. he will die die lun until go home.

<font color="119911">sporty</font>, if true hor then she really clever girl. hahaha.

<font color="119911">mm6j</font>, my girl will rub her face on the bed when i let her sleep on her tummy. and when she fall asleep, her mouth will open then look as if saliva going to flow out like tat. lol.
yes, going to back working clothes...haha, typo.

size 28 when buying jeans or pants.. i duno waist of hip.

today went far east plaza cos looking for dresses, but not v suitable, like the korean kind, lace n light color, but dun look good.

maybe have to go Tangs.

Yes, next thurs, will "take 1/2day leave" from mum again to go shop during "brunch".
mm6j, your boy sounds like an angel baby
so ting hua! my boy is sleeping less and less in the day n when he wants to sleep aiyoh, cry until like kena bully like that cannot just sleep..
n you har very sharp leh, like english teacher like that, next time must check for mistake before posting or mastermilky600mlteacherjane will correct us hehe

Sporty, ey see gp or pd or gynea? will dr check my boobs or baby's mouth? cos i dont see anything wrong with both leh.. my nipples look normal except when aft pumping funny shape haha! and baby's mouth clean clean leh.. could engorgement have this kind of pain? hmm i wish boobs are transparent then can see what is wrong!
you very fast hand fast leg, bought CNY clothes one month ago?! okay i will check out metro!

and Ayukie, chinatown where where?

kimifin, my hips also expanded! hais
kimifin, think our mums shd be glad tha we go out for a one for breather la...dun say until like must take leave from ur mum...hahha

momo mummy, slowly figure out...not tha diff la...dun worry

min, u can see GP first...i think they will check on bb's mouth or something...last time i had this pain...i thot its thrush then i called mrs wong and after hearing what i said, she said its not, so i didnt go and see doc...
sporty, cos my #1 cot is at my MIL's place. we put it there cos initially tot we will still go back quite often but apparently now we only go back once a week and sometimes none at all.... so the cot there now white elephant but when we go back, my #2 will zzz in there and my #1 zzz with MIL. then if i bring the cot back to my mum's place i scare later MIL went into panic mode thinking we not going back there anymore so now i gotta find another cot to put in my room now lor...
blessedcyn: i put lucas on his tummy... he can sleep LONGER... but got to watch over him cos at times he wants to turn his head then i will hv to put him cos his neck not strong yet... he will cry if he can turn over... hahaha
kimifin, think our mums shd be glad tha we go out for a one for breather la...dun say until like must take leave from ur mum...hahha

momo mummy, slowly figure out...not tha diff la...dun worry

min, u can see GP first...i think they will check on bb's mouth or something...last time i had this pain...i thot its thrush then i called mrs wong and after hearing what i said, she said its not, so i didnt go and see doc...

ariesgal, hahah...no wonder lor...hehhe...so now u all dun have ur own place la...so stay with ur mum and mil la...
sporty, we have own place but we rented it out hee.... cos i find it easier to stay with my mum since she looks after both kids and morning i no need to rush here and there... so rent out the place to cover my housing loan lor.. hee...
blessedcyn, I warm the milk for her only when she make noise coz she's quite unpredictable and my bm bery precious coz limited ss. Sometimes she cry till horse for her milk but I bo bian.
sporty, okies, i observe first cos after i pumped out, no more pain le.. any idea what was ur pain due to the other time? ey maybe i can call and ask too tmr..

ariesgal, i agree with you too! my apartment was ready when i was like almost due.. then consider consider, decided to stay with in laws and rent the place out cos to save on trouble and now i am thankful for extra help esp when baby is crying.. can play pass the parcel keke
ariesgal, my friend is selling off her cot. she only used it for less than a month cos her bb is sleeping on the masterbed with her. She bought at 40++ and I think letting go for 200. u interested?

swanston and mm6j, hahaha... my hubby does the same!

emm... think my boy is his 9th week grow spurt now. Feeding every 2 to 2.5 hours ....emmm.... hope that this only last for a few days! ohh.... i fed him with 1.5 month old fbm and he is still taking it! heee... keeping fingers cross that he contines to take it.
wow! so many posts, have not finished reading, my girl not guai today, keep on eh nei, want me to carry, now backache liao...but she is such a darling..

mm6j, is it! is it! sporty can look after for me when i go high tea, i will be very happy and fang sin...since she is a experience mummy of two!

Sporty, why u did not bring your bb along? (sorry if you have say the reason, have not finish reading the postings) do you all usually bring bb out for gathering? then how to eat when carrying bb? use bb carrier?
min, i think she told me its the veins or dunno what at work...i cant rem also...paiseh...

alicia, ohh for hi tea tha gathering, i'm not bringing my bb cuz i going facial before tha...thas why if u need help, can help u look after ur bb... usually i will bring my bb out for gathering...some gals as well but some dun...those who bring will leave them in stroller or bb carrier or sling while eating...

Min, my gal also cry until the house can come down if she want to sleep. Like fighting with someone for sleep like that.

Just now my gal very very cranky and cry very loud and non stop until my bb sitter gave up. Oops, now I worry she doesn't want to take care of my gal. Not sure why my gal so cranky these few days.
