(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

My last pump is at 12pm. Then I will sleep with baby till the next day. So meaning 7 hours plus no pumping.

And my girl only latch one side and I everyday do alternative sides. So I will still wake up for a while to change sides.

I am also trying to give bottle feed to my bb in the afternoon now. But so troublesome.. got to wash the bottles... and recently have been waking up so late..almost 12 noon...... dunnoe how to get used to working
sharon, since ur bb already sleep thru liao...shd be ok mah and ur body will be used to the 7 hrs no pump schedule... unless u need to up ur ss for ur gal's intake in the day, if not can no need to pump in the middle of the nite...

blessedcyn, same lor...whenever i think of work...i super sianz liao...u teaching AM session isit? then have to wake up early...more sianzz

The school offering the Mum and Baby Yoga classes juz called. For those interested, the class will start in March, 3 time slots, Mon 5.15pm, Wed 10.30am and Sat 10.30am.
I want to up supply...... now only got 100-120ml every 3 hours pumping... Going back to work next week.. I think I will wake up at 3am to pump now.. Thanks for your advice sporty...

How I wish I can join you all for the high tea outing.... But I will be back to work already.. haha.. don't know can get leave..

I just weigh my girl... 5.8kg... very small right? haiz...
blessedcyn, u still very "relax" hor...going back work in feb still will call in feb to ask :p kekkeke

sharon, now 100 to 120ml is after latching or pure pumping? if after latching is not bad liao mah...but waking up to pump after u gone back work may be tiring lor... 5.8kg ok mah...quite the normal weight, not small la...
ashley> yes, we're hiring.. LOL

sharon> i read ur post for " My last pump is at 12pm. Then I will sleep with baby till the next day. "

i got a shock! lolllllll cos u wrote 12 pm instead of 12 am. i thot wah. u can tahan like almost 20 hrs. LOLLLLLLLLLL
If bb just whine or make "lips" noise but not cry out in the middle of the nite, can I stretch the time of feed?

Cos sometimes he just in his sleep, make such noise 2hr after his last feed...n i quickly feed him.
mm6j, maybe u can add "HR" to ur nick also since now u also offer jobs...whahhahahhahah :p

kimifin, i wun feed my gal unless she cries out loud or after at least 3 hrs...hahha...i juz ignore her and i go back to sleep even tho i'm tempted to latch her... if not they will treat it as a habit tha they will be fed every 2 hrs and very diff to teach them to sleep thru...
sally darling
wow, so envy, so many helpers. at night I have to take care of them myself and sometimes with my husband's help.

just now brought my gal for 6in1 at 8weeks (tml 9weeks), her weight now is 5.8kg le. doc said good weight wor. her weight at birth is 3.6kg.
sharon, icic
u intend to pump every 3 hrly when u go back to work? maybe u can try latching during evening times instead of giving the bottle? at least it may help u to increase ur ss??
sharon, ur gal is not small as my gal only 3kg+..
dr said as long as she's gaining weight is ok.. although is quite slow.. :p
ehh, i worry if he cry out, n i feed late, later 3am, his eyes wide open after feed n we stare at each other till morning

my gal birth weight was 2.9+, then got prolong jaudice which only clear 2wks ago.. tt's why she's so light. ppl always tot she's premature.
Oh.. Lucky she is not small.. My MIL and mum kept on saying she is small... and wanna give bb more FM.. made me so sad man......

Thank you girls.. made me rest my mind at ease...
wah... my boy really tekaned me today! was so fussy the whole day...wonder if its becos we did not go out today.... then by 4pm, i buah tahan, decided to put him in the carrier n walk him around the house. Ta daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... now he is sleeping in the carrier while i m happiky surfing the net!
funne, if the PD never say its any concern then shd be ok...maybe ur gal is the jiao xiao ling long kind...

xuantingmum, abt 3 to 4 mths bb shd be doubling their birth weight...

sharon, dun worry abt ur gal's weight...she's ok...juz tha old pple always say bfed bb very small...we juz hear one side in, the other side out lor...

superwalker, hahhaha...think ur boy like my gal...got flower legs...my gal if never go gai gai also buay song kind...hahha

I'm also interested to bring my bb for swimming..but maybe not to HX..thinking of buying the inflatable swimming pool..Must we wait till bb's neck strong enuff before we introduce swimming?

Btw, who's going for the mummy and bb yoga class? Where are the courses held?
superwalker: my girl is exactly the same. likes to go out walk walk see things. I fed her after she woke up from nap, wanted to sit down with her in my arms and surf net, but she refused, kept making noise! so decided put her in carrier and walk to supermarket to buy junk. Halfway there, she is asleep. and now we r back, she is sleeping.. wooo.. so happy.
Blessedcyn & sporty, our babes are the same huh! Lol!!

my boy is also getting fretty before his sleep at nite. Now I wonder if I shd put him in the carrier too at nite....but I m so afraid to get him used to it.
blessedcyn, I hope Luke is fine .. but as of now, his mummy isn't..worried sick by the poor feeding... today he drank only about half of his usual amount...
Can see that his cheeks are not as chubby and he feels lighter already.. so sad

*darling, pls drink milk milk*

Shirlin, his next PD visit is after CNY for his 3rd month 5 in 1 jabs.. long time away... if he is still like this the next 2 days, we will bring him to PD bah... hope yr test was ok?
MM6J should be SSMM6J (super sharp MM6J) .. am and pm also cannot miss her eagle eyes.. haha..

Anyway, anyone has any ways to make babies drink more milk? Guru Sporty?
xuantingmum, wah very siong for your husband and you. Really peifu. Are you planning to leave your elder one in childcare soon?

sporty, your hubby very capoable, can work and take care of your gal. I don't think my hubby can make it.

Chris, don't worry too much. Babies go thru' cycle. His appetite will come back again. I remembered my elder also went on milk strike for 2-3 wks at one stage but subsequently she started to drinlk again. Same applies when they are on solid.
chris, my gal also went thru a stage where she cut down on her milk... even now sometimes she still cannot finish her usual 100ml. what i do is i give lesser qty but more feed... so if say she only feed 70ml then i will give her milk again in 2.5 hrs time.... then slowly stretch again to 100ml for every 3 - 4 hrs... i always do that when my gal on milk strike... even for my elder gal i will do that too...
blessedcyn/superwalker, my hb always complained saying tha i bring my gal out too much tha she dun like to stay at home!!

chris, ur lil luke seems to be on milk strike! break down his feeds to smaller and more frequently feeds? did u check on his temp, is he well?? if he seems very lethagic...better bring him to a doc...cheer up la, bbs like to be "on strike" sometimes...


sally, had no choice la cuz my mum was supposed to help with #2 but she cant as she has to take care of my sick dad...so bo bian, we have to help ourselves lor...
Sporty, I asked my hubby to transfer $14.50 to you.

My gal usually drank 90 ml (have been since week 3 though), but lately drank less..can be 30-75 ml. Then sometimes can drink 120 ml. Today she drank least amount, total 475 ml only. The most is 780 ml. I read in this forum, that the other babies have been drinking at least 750 ml every day. When I added up today's milk intake only 475 ml...I'm worried that she drank so little, except that she's gaining weight well, poo n pee ok. N still looks chubby.
Sporty, thanks for the link! I order liao! Hahah..! Chop chop sia!

Btw..now is compulsory for bb to get the Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine? My GP's nurse asst say it's compulsory wor..coz i'm bringing my gal for her 5 in 1 jab..then also want to get the rotavirus vaccine. Then the asst tell me to get the pneumococcal jab as well..she say compulsory..Initially I wanted to wait for bb to be older before i give her the jab..

Is it compulsory now? Anyone take the 5 in 1 jab, pneumococcal jab and rotavirus together?

ayukie> lai lai lai

sporty> wahahha wait until ayukie join first then i consider to have "earned" this credential.. lol
agata, ok sure...will look out for it, pls lemme kno after he trfed!

yanyan, i'm letting my gal take the pneumooccal jab when she's 7 mths old...so first 2 appt now is 6 in 1+ rotavirus...

MM6J, hahha...hope ayukie make it thru!!
Sporty: Goodwood park is tempting...is really shy plus no confident travelling alone w baby....

yanyan: My baby have 6 in 1, rota virus and pneumooccal jab in the 2nd mth
Master Jane & Nicole..How is your bb's reaction that time? Ok? Any fever after that?

Sporty..that was my initial plan of letting her have the jab at 7th mth...until the asst kp psycho me to let her have the jab 2wks later..HMM..
Yanyan: normal leh.. nothing happen to my baby just slight fever ard 37.8 on the next day after the jab but after feeding him w one dose of the fever medicine he is okay by night time
Sobz sobz..me reading back previous posts...You all going for High Tea on 1st Feb? Sob sob..i wanna join but I'm reporting to work THAT DAY...any outings during wkends? Sob..
If the pneumococcal jab and rotavirus jab are compulsory, then does it mean we can go to the polyclinics and get it for free?
Rotavirus is not compulsory..optional..
Hmm..actually i did read that pneumococcal jab could be compulsory..but not sure when is the effective date..anywhere we can check?

was scalded just now during the wedding dinner. the waitress accicdentally poured hot water over my shoulders. the skin all turned red. i was pissed but then kept my cool cos is my good fren's wedding. the mgr came and apologise. the compensation?

1) bott of red wine
2) box of choco
3) free laundry service for my wet dress
4) complimentary meal for 2 at the hotel restaurant

Not too bad after all.

tho i had a bad time at the hotel, i was happy just now when i pumped out 140ml of milk! My highest record so far! I kept thinking what could have caused it. there are a few things which i can think of

1) the scalding of my shoulders suddenly made my body produce more milk (ok, silly reason)

2) I ate the "juice" inside the prawns' head (my sil swore by this method tho this is the first time i drink the juice)

3) before dinner, i was pumping milk at marina Sq with my fren who can pump out 140ml of milk. i think mayb her power spreaded to me. just like how MM6J spreaded her power to someone in this forum. (if this is true, Jane, i wanna sit beside you during the hi-tea!)
