(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

We dun ignore ppl de~~ We're sooooo friendly.. Right mm6j and sporty?? Hehe~~ Go pompom liaoz.. if not ltr late for class.. hehe~~


u can go down to mums and babes, they have this ruler with different sized holes for u to try to see which size is suitable.
Brought my boy to see my therapist today and he helped to identify a problem which is my boy is tongue tied. Tongue tied means the band of tissue that attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth is attached close to the tongue tip. No wonder i always feel that his tongue shape is a bit odd. Feel so sad that my boy has this problem, no wonder he breastfeed with so much noise.
sporty - my 100+ to 200ml per pump is nothing compared to jane's 600ml .. if i can consistent 200ml i v happy ler ..
Shirlin, Hahaha.. thanks for adding me into the auto inclusion list.. WHAHAHAAHA.. ya without Lucas time passes very slowly and keep thinkin of my Lucas when he is not ard, is good to go out with u mummies so that 3pm will come fast and I can see Lucas

Mmilky600mlJ, (ur nick is super COOL now) Dun want to just call u MM6J, cant stop laughing away while typing out ur nick...
YA YA, u can always auto include me in every outing liao... cos from now till i start to work i will be super free... in any case even when i start work i still can lunch u you mummies

Sharon, Hahaha yes my SS did went up alittle BUT not so so much like our mastermilky600mljane lahz... is good enuff for my little lucas but not good enuff to talk about it yet... will continue to work hard... hehe

meaning if baby is feed 8 times a day,so i need to bring down the needed quantity to fridge to defreeze, then take out and pour into bottle the needed amt and warm up right?
MM6J, hey actually hor we have 3 friends in common (see FB) and i know them from the ad agencies I worked in!~ Hahaa...so you do have friends in advertising la....or least they were in advertising before.

Swanston, your baby is very funny leh...even suck on your hands! I think your baby looks like my baby leh...very adorable with lots of hair...hehehe

Sporty, ya quite happy to start earning my own money again even though this time the money is quite little
I noticed some babies as young as 2 months old are already enjoying their tummy time cos they can lift their heads already. My girl still cannot leh. Is this normal?
ohhh.. count me in for the high tea!!

High tea outing

Details later

1. Jane
2. Shirlin
3. Blessedcyn
4. Superwalker
5. Magical
6. Sporty
7. Ayukie
8. momo mummy
9. swanston (mon)
10. Mitsy
11. Rachelle Ling
12. ariesgal
13. Shihui

my gal oso not enjoying her tummy time yet... she can't really lift up her head.. she's slower compared to my boy.. my boy was able to lift up his head when he was less than a mth old..
Yah nip the band of tissue but so afraid that will the person accidentally nip too much. Have u encounter such case before? Actually just found out that my boy have inherit it from me but i have no problem in my speech so dunno necessary to nip or not.

Rachelle Ling,
Dunno yet, think have to go to seek PD advice first cause also dunno where to go for the operation.
Piggy, how do you freeze your milk? if using bag, then you take out how much you need and put in fridge to thaw. but i won;t thaw for the whole day cos once thaw, milk has to be consumed within 10 hours. depending on how you store your milk, got many ways to reduce thawing time in fridge.
Count me in too but avoid Wed n Fri

High tea outing

Details later

1. Jane
2. Shirlin
3. Blessedcyn
4. Superwalker
5. Magical
6. Sporty
7. Ayukie
8. momo mummy
9. swanston (mon)
10. Mitsy
11. Rachelle Ling
12. ariesgal
13. Shihui
14. Tanly (except wed n fri)
fell asleep with my #1...juz woke up to pump *yawns*

taurus, i hope ur son's tongue tied prob can be rectified...

piggy, u bring down the no of feeds for tom and defrost in fridge first and then take out those tha u need to feed first and defrost further outside using a warmer or hot water in cup...

ashley, the little money also can go shopping mah...at least no need to ask hb for shopping $$, where's ur new workplace at? my gal also cant do tummy time much now cuz i seldom put her on her tummy but anywyas eventually they will learn how to do it...dun worry!!
Sporty, new workplace is at Clarke Quay.

Would love to join you ladies for gatherings but I think quite hard for me now. Will there be gatherings next time on weekends, after everyone has finish ML?
ashley, no mah...asking where u working so next time can jio u lunch if u are near me mah cuz i going back to work soon... yeah, can have gatherings next time on weekends la but maybe we need a bigger space like function room or someone's house so we can order catering etc...
see? i learn fast right!! =D next outing must get round table ah! but hor then in the end will just talk to left and right person only.. haha..!!

that day rue also suggested function room. actually some restaurants also have function room kind of setting.. that day i saw jack's place at marina like got another section that seems to double up as a function room too. but prob gotta order food from them also la..

Re: Frozen milk
actually frozen milk can be consumed within 24 hrs from the moment it completely thaws in the fridge.

what i do is i place a bag of frozen milk in the chiller, then when it completely thaws, just transfer into bottle. eg. 1 bag i freeze abt 200-240 ml. and i store milk into my pigeon bottles in 120ml when i got time so easier to just take a bottle out and pop into warmer at every feed. my thawed frozen milk i just pour 120ml into a bottle, remaining pour into another bottle and top up with fresh milk to 120.

actually i didnt want to feed fbm at all coz ebm got more nutrients, but freezer really no space already. but the stupid thing is, everyday i feed 1 pack of fbm, i have to freeze another 2-3 packs of fresh milk coz not enough bottles to store ebm loh.
Thanks. Have accepted ur invitation in the facebook.

Regarding the cluster feeding, I haven't try on my gal yet. She only sleep through 6 hrs once or twice in a blue moon. The rest of the night she will wake up 4 to 5hrly to drink milk.

My gal now also likes to talk alot. Aiyo really dun have time to talk to her cos my #1 now a days so cranky and I have to entertain her most of the time. So when my #2 wants to look for ppl to talk when I'm not free, I will put her into the electric yao lan to yao her then she will keep quiet and enjoy the yao lan, but hope that she wun depend on the yao lan.
I thot that my girl now can sleep from 12 till 6 (she has been doing that for the past few night) then now wake up at 4.30 for feeding again. Sian.
morning, anyone around?
tanly, i also tot my gal can sleep thru but she woke up screaming for milk at 2.30am.... and just again at 5+.... sigh....
Sporty, will definitely jio you for lunch when I have the chance!

tanly, my baby also wakes up in the middle of the night for feeding just when we thought she has settled into the mode for sleeping throughout the night. Guess the babies are still unpredictable at this stage.
<font color="119911">mitsy</font>, icic. but if dun buy from them very paiseh leh.

<font color="119911">ashley</font>, babies are just so adorable hor. i also saw a baby tat looks like my girl the other day too. dun worry, each baby has their own pace.

<font color="119911">taurus</font>, *hugs*. ur boy will be ok.
Hmm, any tactic to allow bb to stretch longer thru the nite between feeds? I am not talking about sleep thru the nite, but feeding 3hrly instead of now, 2hrly.

I only bottle feed at 10pm, where bb can last 3-4 hrs. after dat, its back to 2hr feed. I pump after the 10pm feed, duno if cos after that, bb drk more of the hind milk. Another old issue is bb feeding off 1 breast for 10mins, n go back to sleep again, if i "disturb" him to drk more, he shut his mouth, n I dun wish to wake him up.

bb now is 9 weeks old. Duno how to cope when gg back to work.
Swanston, I think I am very impatient. Thought most ppl become more patient when they become mothers, but not me lor. Always want my baby to drink milk fast, sleep fast, develop fast, stop crying fast...hehehe....very bad mummy.
kimifin, if i were u , i will wake up the baby to suckle another 10 to 20 mins, so that bb can sleep for another hour. Try to change bb's diapers when bb falls asleep - sure to wake bb up to suckle for another 10 to 20 mins.
sigh. i also tot my baby will cluster feed in the evening and KO long hours at night. who knows yest dunno what happened, he woke up 3 times in the night and drink only half of what he normally drinks. he's always changing his mood. worse than his mum. i tot i already very temperamental. He is more temperamental than me!

Kimifin, since you going back to work, why not try to bott feed your baby more? if bott feeding can last him longer, then perhaps can try 2 bott feeding one day and slowly increase. in any case, he also need to get used to bott feed soon.
Kimifin, my gal is on toatal formula. My gal just stretch to sleep longer by herself. I tried cluster feeding and dream feed but both also fail to let her sleep longer. So I just her be loh.
morn all
me juz came back from mac breakfast...heheh

magical, ya lor...must find such restaurants tha could house many pple...hehhe

xuantingmum, u take care of #1 and #2 by urself now??

tanly, wow...ur gal slept thru liao...good for u

ashley, sure
kimifin, yeah, my girl on bm.... somemore she cluster feed last night and still wake up at 2am.... arrggghh.... so tired.... then 5plus woke up again but only suckle 5 mins niah... tried to make her suckle more but she simple refused to open mouth or if she does, she gave me a wanna vomit look.... what is this man.... end up i woke up to pump.... but cos of interrupted sleep, i really couldn' wake up to send my elder girl to school and so my mum's maid brought my girl to school instead.... later i better go fetch her... hee...
Me on TBM..

yes tried that, change nappy, he still refuse to open his mouth...

if I bottle feed in mid nite, then I need to pump n feed right? double work...:p
But if bb can z 3hr, then worth to pump.

so far, I do not bottle feed, cos heard will nipple confusion or wat.

I thk bb now able to feed both from breast n bottle, shd be ok for me to take over right?

2 times from bottle, shd be nite feed or during midnite for the best result, right?
For the past 2 nights, my boy has been sleeping for 6 hrs plus, like from 12 to almost 7am but then he never cluster feed or dream feed or ask for more milk. He is already drinking less than he should be drinking, then now i am worried that he is not drinking enough.
hha, I thk bb start to learn this "wanna vomit" look.
Also my boy now start to "pout his lips" when unhappy..

thk now our bbies cry less, but fuss in many other ways!

so irony right? our bb wake up too frequent, we not happy, but if my bb suddenly sleep 4 hours in a stretch, i also worry.
mitsy, ur boy seems to have slept thru...isnt it good?! dun worry tha they are not drinking enough...if they hungry, they sure wake up one!!
Our high tea date!!
Date : 1 Feb 2010 (Mon)
Venue : Coffee Lounge @ Goodwood Park
Time: 3pm

1. Jane
2. Shirlin
3. Blessedcyn
4. Superwalker
5. Magical
6. Sporty
7. Ayukie
8. momo mummy
9. swanston (mon)
10. Mitsy
11. Rachelle Ling
12. ariesgal
13. Shihui
14. Tanly (except wed n fri)

add ur name in if you are keen
kimifin, Ya loh, everything also have to worry, from the moment we got pregnant, worry until now and will worry for life, i think.

sporty, ya its good that he sleep through but still worried about his feeding. he is really a super small eater, he is 7 kg now but then still only drink 110ml every 3 hrs. if we try to give him more, he will start vomiting. But still super thankful that he is sleeping more, yesterday is the first night in a long time, i slept 7hrs at a go.
Updates on payment...

<table border=1><tr><td>NICK</TD><TD>MAIN COURSE</TD><TD>DESSERT</TD><TD>GRAND TOTAL</TD><TD>STATUS </TD></TR><TR><TD>Magical</TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD> $8.45 </TD><TD> $18.72 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dingdong</TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rue</TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Chen mama</TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD> $8.45 </TD><TD> $18.72 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sporty</TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD> $8.45 </TD><TD> $18.72 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>Superwalker</TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD> $8.45 </TD><TD> $18.72 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Momo Mummy</TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD> $8.45 </TD><TD> $18.72 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ariesgal</TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD> $4.23 </TD><TD> $14.50 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>momoko</TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD> $8.45 </TD><TD> $18.72 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane</TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD> $8.45 </TD><TD> $18.72 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mitsy</TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>Agata</TD><TD> $10.27 </TD><TD> $4.23 </TD><TD> $14.50 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Pls trf to POSB sav a/c 126-34558-5. thanks
Hi mummies,

I am a silent reader of this thread. I am a second time FTWM by accident. Similar to Xuantingmum, my elder gal (currently 15 mths) and younger boy is 12 months apart. My details are as follow

EDD:21 Nov 2009
Actual date:6 Nov 2009
Gynea: Yvonne Chan
Gender: B
Name: Warren
Weight and height: 3kg and 50cm
Delivery method:Elective C-sect w Epidural

xuantingmum my elder gal like yours, kept throwing tantrums.Also, she kept crying in the middle of the night and will only stop when I appear.I can tell she is trying to get my attention, everytime I carry and feed the brother, she will cry for me. When I am not ard, she will kiss and pat pat the brother.

I saw your earlier posting how you had been thru so much for your pregnancy, it must be really tough for you.

&amp;hrs, your bb giving you time to rest!

7kg, how many weeks?

mine still 5kg, but he's small at full term.
mitsy, dun worry la...7kg is of good weight lor
he zz more means u can zz more also, isnt it good??

sally, welcome
will update ur details later

kimifin, mitsy's boy born on the same day as my gal...11 weeks today
kimifin, you are so right! when baby's awake most of the times at night, we get frustrated; when they managed to zz zlonger hours, we got worried. haha. If you really want baby to zzz longer, bott feed at night. at least you know he is drinking that qty and he will be full. then he can zzz longer. as for pumping, ya lah, no choice, a bit double work but then if long term, may be less tiring for you lei

try tommie Tippie milk bott. it's shape like a nipple and mimic breasts. i find that my boy can do both breasts and bott just that he prefer bott cos of the faster flow and he need not suck so hard.

Mitsy, i also worry that my boy not drinking enough. he drinks less now. is it true that someone mention baby gets more efficient in drinking such that they take in less after sometime but absorb more nutrients?
normally, in the middle of the nite, 12-6am, how many times do you pump if you do not latch or bb latch only alternate sides?

Cos I find 1 side engorged easily when bb feed 1 side each time only.

N the thing is, our breasts produce the most milk during this time!
