(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

yeah had bronchitis .. maybe cause too overtired with my granny funneral bah somemore before that was visiting the hospital almost daily ..
sporty> once u get ur iphone we will be in the fs and ip gang together! LOLLLLLLL
liew @ mm6j ... soooo bad .. i no fs .... YET ... im soooooo tempted to get from TLL spree manz .. anyway i saw a boy set of "tang" clothes at cheenatown sooo tempted sia ..
ayukie, sure will join iphone gang next mth!! wah, u so much milk ah? need so many bottles?

mm6j, u n ur gangsss...lol

btw gals...any suggestions on makan place for next lunch?
which part of chinatown you saw e clothes? me now left with my son's clothes have not bought. headache! my house here don't have. only got gals one..
blessedcyn, i keen on durty nellys but hor very near to my office leh...dun wanna see my colleagues during lunch...LOL...
I think I will be starting work next week...quite excited even though it is just freelancing cos I long time no work already :p
sporty - no lah i where gt alot of milk my yield is pathetic manz .. but i exclusive pump mah and i erm dont really store in milkbags (actually dont really like storing in milkbags) and i dont freeze my bm also mah haha ..
saintbaby - smith street along there the lim chee guan there .. im gg there tml lunchtime to get the set .. hehe .. or im gg down later with hb to see the set hehe ..
let's go for high tea again!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *winks anyone?? lol

sporty> yah, u are in my gang....... lollllllllllllll

ayukie> i also no bottles.. i damn tempted to pump and erm throw but better NOT do it later kena 'punished' so i use milk bags. ur ss sounds good lah, no need to join fs gang liaos . lol

ashley> congrats and all the best for ur new job!!
MM6J, will bring my son to u so that u can remind him to be filial to me. haha,my hubs say must kep all the receipts to show him how much we spend on him.

Sporty, he was in ICU cos his lungs were not mature and then also had high pressure in his lungs, most likely due to having a GD mummy. Then his PDA in the heart was still open. Aftter that he was in special care cos he could not suck well and also because his breathing not stabilise yet.

I realise that my supply up by a little bit, got abit of excess this couple of days. Hope I dun curse myself for saying got excess. I think its due to me doing some extra pumps over the weekend. Instead of 3 hr per pump, i change 2 pumps to 2hr per pump. Quite happy. now very motivated to pump.
Thanks MM6J....actually it's back to the crazy ad agency life and hours but just freelancing for a short while, I dun mind lor. Hopefully I am not too rusty to work!

Anyone's babies like to suck their own hands? My baby is always putting her hands to her mouth and suck on the fingers...is this normal? I can't possibly stop her all the time unless my eyes are on her 24/7.
Saw many of the mummy here did cluster feeding during evening time. Is it true after cluster feeding, bb can sleep through the night without waking up?

My lochia last for 8 weeks, juz stopped two days ago. Anyone same as me? I think it is too long le. For my #1, my lochia only last for 6 weeks.
blessedcyn> *winks

mitsy> can lah, i see him yesterday i can tell he is a mummy's boy
i also kept my son's receipts lolllllllll but more for memory lah. loll. good that ur ss is up!!! maybe cos u met us more often also ahhahahahaha *bhb

ashley> dunno is it i dense or wat but i realise i don have frens who do advertising although erm i have lotsa frens (See my fb. lol) sounds so exciting!! no lah, u wont be rusty.. and yes, our bbs are all eating their fists at this stage
My bb now 8 weeks old, now also like to put her finger into her mouth. Sometimes I will give her pacifier to stop her sucking her own finger.
MM6J, must be because i was sitting beside u yesterday so u pass some power to me. haha. next time, must sit near u again. I dun need to be 600mlmitsy, 300mlmitsy can liao.

Ayukie, i also got c section scar to show him. must take picture now while the wound is still new.
YO! I'm back.. finally some ME time w/o my terror.. She's at MIL's hse cuz tonight I've got class again..

sporty & chris: Yesh.. I kana tekan-ed by my girl lor.. plus she's not drinking well recently n i dunno why my ss like dropping.. now each pump only abt 160.. sobz.. Must be more hardwking liaoz.. if not cannot last till 6mths..

mm6j: your nick damn cool la.. Lol!

Sorry to miss lunch yday.. I could not get my girl to cooperate at all.. cant bathe her.. cant feed her.. cant pump.. pengz.. Who's gg to org the nxt outing??
mitsy> lol, okok i pass u more 'power'
but it's more of ur own hardwork. jiayou jiayou!!

mitsy and ayukie > i also got c sect scar.. nvmd lah, our own kids, don so 'ji jiao' lollllllllll
<font color="119911">ashley</font>, good luck for ur new job ya! my girl also sucking her hands and fingers. now she even grab my finger and suck too! yest evening she just bua her wet fist all over my face!!! lol.
wah you change your nick so many times in one day eh! more food? would love to!! hopefully can make it! havent talked to most of you guys yet eh..

thanks for paying first!
have transferred already,
pls check! n anyway 1 pig head is much more expensive than this amt.. so you hang pig's head on everybody;s door really waste $$ eh.. =D

ya loh finally met you after so long.. i use another email add for my facebook eh.. i PM you can? dowan to get spammed so i always use a separate one for sgmotherhood stuff.
mm6j - har .. haha ok lah nw in office use water also nt i pay for the water .. yea no need keep washing and sterilising but like very wasteful still leh ..

hmz my lochia i think more than 8 weeks wor ..
Let's organize the next outing!!! Hightea sounds good too. Guess we do nelly's after sporty goes back to work next month?
wahhhhhh i oso wan sit next to mm6j then also !!! i want increase my ss .. speaking of ss i need pump again soon haiz ..
Jane, tink ya mistaken. My fren did not make the whole cot for me. My Micuna cot is bought frm tt lousy bbavenue, but it comes without drawers, my fren oni made the drawers below for me not the whole cot. He's not expertise in making cots, they specialise in making cabinets and sometimes feature walls. Tink u can get bb to toddlers beds frm the shops except not much design to choose from.
xuanting> yes
sounds like very long hor...

magical u mus now call me MM6J if not u say Jane hor i wont respond liaos.. lol
yes yes come for next outing i only said hi and bye to u yesterday lei. lol

ayukie> ya but at home use mah.. ya lo super waste..but boh bian lah...okok, u wan sit next to me next outing u better come!!! go pump go pump
yah lo, i bet when ur bb looks into ur eyes and call u mummy knowingly for the first time, all the xin ku everyting will be written-off!! cant wait for that day right?!!!!!!!!!!!
shirlin> u better zz more tonight! poor ting kena tekan..

rachelle> *faints. u want to "gen wo shang chuang" lollllllll
Tink I'm gonna b the first person to die frm over talking. My notti gal made me tok to her from 8am till now then she finally sleep!!!
Shirlin, mine also not drinking well at all... why huh? wonder what's wrong or if it's normal.. Mum said perhaps their systems can store more nutrients and energy le so sometimes wun need to drink as much... Anyone heard of this theory?
mm6j: I can only slp well provided my terror slps well too.. She's not staying at MIL hse tonight.. Hb will go bring her hm ltr in the evening while I'm in class... I miss you lehz... Wahahahaha~~
chris: I nv hear b4 la.. but my girl is like on n off.. sometimes ok.. sometimes crazy.. She can go 5hrs without milk in the day till I had to coaz her to drink...den after tt every 2hrly wanna drink..
MM6J - oh yes, pls pass some milk supply magic to me. My boy is really sucking me dry. He is MM Lee aka milk Monster Lee while I;m also MM = Milk Machine. but this milk machine a bit overworked liao. need some surge of power from MM6j!!

Just booked my appt to do massage on fri. bringing pump out cos dun want to miss my pumping session else ss will drop. a bit leychey to being the PISA out but no choice

does cluster feeding happen in the day? my boy is sucking his finger every 2 hourly. think he hungry. he used to last 3 hours in the day. does sucking finger or sucking our clothing (or even hubby's nipple) a sign of hunger? or just want comfort?
Oh.. I'm enjoying my B&amp;J Choc Fudge Brownie now.. shiok shiok~~

Am supposed to be studying for my test ltr but cannot concentrate...

sporty, recently i pump around 4 or 5 hrs apart.. cos after feeding my boy.. then i can pump.. during weekdays.. my mum will look after for me.. but i used to pump 4 hrs apart. and somemore going back to work.. so trying to keep at 4 hrs apart.. cos at work i think cna only 5 hrs apart.

MM6J.... if can.. i also hope that you can transfer some good energy to me.. i dun wan to be excessive.. just hope that i can have enough to last him every day.. if i go work.. i wil pump during lunch and try once before going home.. which is silly.. but once i am home.. i won't have time to pump.. cos need to shower, eat, and bring baby back home.. and once i am home, i have to carry.. cos MIL not free.. and my husband cannot deal when bb crying.. i bu fang xin.. then will stop the pumping..

actually i feel that exclusive pumping.. i have even lesser time with bb.. cos i need to pump very long.. and cannot play with him.. and after pumping.. i feel very very drained..may be body is producing..

somemore i need to exercise.. due to pressure from husband..
