(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

catechins: Why is ur hb pressuring u??? That's not very nice of him.. I also counted almost exclusive pumping..but still can find time with bb..how long do u pump each session?

blesses all with her MILK MAGIC (if she really has) *sprinkles flying stardust
Shirlin,i calculate the timing for you ah.

before going out pump first. that takes half hour. so, after that, another half hour to travel to spa. then start massage which is 1 hour. then travel home anohter half hour. so total 2 and half hour but then is very very rush. so, if i take pump out, i can pump at the spa and then can even go for a short shopping spree before coming back!

Same thing as tmr night wedding dinner. I;m going to pump at marina sq first then go wedding dinner at mandarin marina and then quickly rush home to pump again.

I really think pumping mummies are very wei da!

Catechins, actually why must pump so long ah? i heard my fren say the trick to increase ss is not to pump long but to pump more times. so if you pump 1 hour each time, the yield is not as good as if you pump an additional time a day. so, my fren suggested that i pump till the second let down. for my case, my second let down usu comes around 15 min after pumping but then the milk flow is a little bit only. then i will stop. else is like torturing my poor nipples!
shirlin, in that case she should be getting enough for the whole day... mine is drinking poorly both day and night.. so combined, not enuf for his weight...
catcheins - taking care of baby is hard work and hard exercise ... so thats your exercise already .. if your hb pressure you just tell him if he can produce milk for your baby as well as give birth then talk to you abt it ..
catechins and ayukie> ya lo, i jus told the gals at lunch yest, husbs shld be the one producing milk if not they have nipples for wat sia!!
momoko, haha..so talkative...my girl also the same, like to face to face talk to her & must have face expression & she will keep anguuu...eee..aaa...and ..smile only can see her toothless grin. Sometimes also tired. Only 2.5 months want to talk so much.

So envy mummies like MM6J , so much of milk...My ss also only just sufficient enuf for my girl daily + 150 ml EBM( night time pump ), my #01 will finish the EBM coz my girl still refuse to drink from bottle.
Rachelle: For me, if its 2.5hrs.. I'll not bring pump lor..But like wad u say la.. cannot go walk walk after tt.. But lugging a PISA ard is really heavy lehz.. I usually dun bring pump if I'll only be out ard 4-5 hrs max is 6 la.. but come hm 1st thing is pump lor.. If not den I bring my avent manual out.. Sun when i went for wedding lunch like tt.. I pumped at 12 b4 I headed out.. lunch ended at ard 4 den i still keh kiang go walk walk awhile.. den left ard 5 but reach hm 1st thing is pump cuz super engorged le.. but cannot always like tt la..
chris: Thanks but i thk is gone case le.. Ecommerce is my worst module.. I dun even like the lect.. Walk in class only i feel like leaving le.. hahahhaa~~ When is ur nxt PD visit? Maybe wanna ask PD abt ur boy's poor appetite?
shirlin and Ayukie,

to him no... cos now i very fat.. and i also thinking to change job.. and he thinks that to change job.. must have good appearance too..

or maybe he just plainly wants me to slim down..

i also feel very tired and stressed.. but very difficult to talk to him about this.

once i go jogging.. but i cry while jogging so pathetic.. now i try to pyscho myself to exercise without feeling self pity.. so just be it..

Rachelle, cos once i watch tv.. and forgot about the timing. then i realised.. i can get 200ml.. i super happy.. so i pump for 1 hr.. to get tat.. but sometimes only 160ml... if i pump lesser time and more frequent.. what will happen when i go back to work?.. i was thinking at least duringlunch i can try to pump longer...
ler ler mum> no envy lah.u jiayou ok!! *hugz..

rachelle u very funny u type catch all the dust like i very dirty like that loll
catcheins - well .. anyway you still bfeeding and bfeeding will slim down mah so dont worry lah .. i also need slim down hehe so you nt alone but me no exercise haha ..
shirlin> u miss me so come for next outing!!

catechins> i understand how u feel abt spending time with ur bb now that i am back to work i do my pumping more or less in office unless i can 'sacrifice' my beauty sleep. anyway, ur husb din marry u becos of ur looks ok. don get emotional over it. cheer up *hugz

maybe u don like jogging. u can consider swimming since it helps u to tone ur 'whole' body at the same time
the feeling of the water will also 'cool' u down and make u feel fresh

blessedcyn> sharing my milk magic, so not pumping :p
catechins, you can tell your hubby that bf helps us to lose 500 calories per day. so, you are losing calories by bf mah. wow! pump 1 hour can get 200ml?? i think if i pump 1 hour, my nipple will protrude like 2 pointed needles!

Shirlin, I dun dare to leave my breasts without emptying it 3 hourly (max 4 hourly) cos i so scared of blocked ducts. kena once b4, ss dropped, breasts pain pain. i dun want that to happen!! i just ordered medela harmony manual pump from USA. So once i got it, will bring that pump out instead. now bo bian, have to carry PISA out.

by the way, all medela users, do we have to replace the spare parts after some time? i notice my breast shields are a little yellowish. is it normal? spare parts very ex!! i just went to buy the breast shield and the connector (2 of them). cost me $60+!! wanted to buy from USA but cannot wait cos need the extra set for the wedding dinner tmr
shirlin i think sporty is napping now. but she shld be back after she 'picks' her son. i think she'll org bah since more or less now we decided on high tea *taiji to sporty :p

rachelle> yes, i replaced my breast shields liaos. u can order more now froms prees since it takes time for the shipment to reach sg
High tea outing

Details later

who's in?

1. Jane
2. Shirlin
3. Blessedcyn
4. Superwalker
5. Magical
6. Sporty
7. Ayukie

(auto inclusion) whahaha

min, mitsy, rachelle, chriszinc, rachelle?
rachelle: Oh.. no wonder.. I also scared of blocked ducts.. everytime block den I will faster latch my girl on to unblock for me cuz use pump more difficult..

mm6j: Okay.. let her org lor.. hehe.. I just make sure tt I'll be there can le.. LOL~

2 more hrs to class.. Zzzzzzzz.. Gg to buy salmon sushi to eat ltr for dinner in class.. Wahahah~
shirlin> wah salmon sashimi, later let down in class. kekekek

yah let sporty 'chor gang' i quite preoccupied with work.. lol. can come here post very good le. wahahhaha :p
shirlin> she also auto inclusion ah?? lol

High tea outing

Details later

who's in?

1. Jane
2. Shirlin
3. Blessedcyn
4. Superwalker
5. Magical
6. Sporty
7. Ayukie
8. momo mummy

(auto inclusion) whahaha
mm6j: Wun la.. I also not eating alot so wun so fats let down de.. LOL~ Just gotta make sure I pump once I reach hm if not ltr block once ss goes up.. haha!
High tea outing

Details later

who's in?

1. Jane
2. Shirlin
3. Blessedcyn
4. Superwalker
5. Magical
6. Sporty
7. Ayukie
8. momo mummy
9. swanston (mon)

JOIN JOIN JOIN. probably last outing before the BULK of mommies go back to work! :
I wan to go!

High tea outing

Details later

who's in?

1. Jane
2. Shirlin
3. Blessedcyn
4. Superwalker
5. Magical
6. Sporty
7. Ayukie
8. momo mummy
9. swanston (mon)
High tea outing

Details later

who's in?

1. Jane
2. Shirlin
3. Blessedcyn
4. Superwalker
5. Magical
6. Sporty
7. Ayukie
8. momo mummy
9. swanston (mon)
10. Mitsy
11. Rachelle Ling

:) JOIN JOIN JOIN. probably last outing before the BULK of mommies go back to work!

Rachelle> can bring bb along?
wahhh so happening ah...
i went to koonz with my gal, woke up with one side of boobs lau hong cuz she latched while she koon and i koon! so now pumping!
wahh u all never wait for me...post so fast ah!!

ashley, great tha u starting work next week esp u had a "long" break
all the best!

ayukie, i think ur ss is power lor esp tha ur son drinks 160ml, u almost tbf liao juz tha he's a big drinker

blessedcyn, yes ah...cuz dun wanna halfway eat at durty nellys then my colleagues came over to di siao...hahha

mm6j, next outing is high tea? u taiji to me to organise??! wah, even got list prepared liao!! whahhaha

mitsy, icic...great tha ur ss increase...pump more pump more...jia pump jia pump

xuantingmum, my bb does cluster feeding during evening time then she can sleep thru for 6 hrs tho...but not really sleeping thru the night (12am to 6am) tho...

shirlin, finally u come in liao...missed ur presence lor...u shd pump more la...think thas why ss drop or u never rest well...

magical, okies...thks for ur trf...ok will check my PM

superwalker, yes...we can do nellys in feb

xuantingmum, added u on fb

rachelle, so shiok ah...go massage!!

catechins, if u can latch ur boy fully and whatever u pump is bonus lor...so u mean ur ss dropped becuz whatever u pumped out is lesser than before after latch?? u very hardworking, still go and exercise...
sporty> i knew it. u went to koon.. lol.. yes pls share ur organising skills
yah headstart for u first as usual. wahahahahhahaha......
Yesh I'm here~~ Missed posting here too.. like got withdrawal symptoms.. Wahahaha~~ But heading out soon for class.. will try to come in again tonight when I'm home.. Faster plan the nxt outing b4 u go back to wk.. I die die also will come this time.. hehehe~ And ya.. I gg to start pumping very punctually again.. or maybe like wad u say..not enough rest ba.. ltr gg to buy milo.. no more at home le~
mm6j, ya...cuz my gal kept wanting to "chat" so i brought her to the bed, stuffed my nipple into her mouth and KOed...

shirlin, hahhaha...u got withdrawal symptoms meh?? ok ba...hehhe... good luck for ur test later... ok, i go see whats nice for high tea then will post!
<font color="119911">shirlin</font>, got it. thanks dearie.

any advise on choosing the correct fit for the breast shield ar? i feel like the m size like too big for me leh. so dunno wana order s size from spree anot. headache ar!
sporty> *envious of ur nap
my sis photographing some office event ..now the officeb ldg dwonstairs damn re nao..waiting to go bk with her to c my boy!
sporty, i go exercise.. is something like no choice... my friend told me.. exercis also good for me.. but the thing is i very difficult to slim down no matter wat i do.. last time already proven liao..

he is siao about going gym now.. so trying to influence me too.. but i just not tat kind.. and so unfair y i cannot slim down..

tmr is my wedding anniversay.. but dunnoe whther he can take leave or not.. i totally forgot about it.. unless he remind me.. if he can.. maybe going kushin bo..keke..

i really envy all ur outings.. but i very shy... keke..
<font color="119911">mm6j</font>, i saw le but still dun understand. also went to the medela site also dun understand. lol. brain not working well these days.
another outing? i wanna join too .... hee..

swanston, u using which pump ah? i got a BN breast shield for FS s size but i think i'm ok with size M so s size never used. if you wan, i pass to you when i see you (maybe at the next outing) but provided u using FS lah.
shirlin, i also no posb a/c lor...lol

mm6j, talking abt pics...u haven load the pics hor...hee

catechins, how many kgs to go before u are back at pre preggy weight?? dun be shy la, come come...join us

ariesgal, add ur name to the list tha jane collated...so easier for me to plan...thanks ah!!
High tea outing

Details later

1. Jane
2. Shirlin
3. Blessedcyn
4. Superwalker
5. Magical
6. Sporty
7. Ayukie
8. momo mummy
9. swanston (mon)
10. Mitsy
11. Rachelle Ling
12. ariesgal
