(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

sharon, i'm trying to get some info abt e items u r selling too. But ur pm function has been disable. Pls activate it so we can pm. Thx

anyone bought pregnancy bras oredi? dunno what they are called.. maternity bras? nursing bras? Did u feel funny going into the shop when the tummy is not even showing yet? I m ok with my clothes but the bras are suffocating me.. i think good to get some support at night too in case of sagging in future..
Hi mommies, Im a Jan'09 1st time mom who has a few baby items for sale
1. Brand new Philips Avent Express Steriliser
2. 2 My Brest Friend BF pillows. 1 gently used, other brand new
3. Moses basket used for 1 week. Excellent condition, will throw in 2 fitted sheets
4. Moms in mind baby carrier in grey satin. Package opened but never used
5. My First Years baby sleep positioner. Used twice
Offering gd rates for all items, and all self collection pls
PM me if u nd more details / images. Thanks
veryfstmum, i was told not to buy nursing bra so soon, because your boobs will keep growing until delivery and after you stop bf, your boobs will start shrinking gradually too. so am just buying bigger regular bras for now.

hi sherine. =) i m here.
Easter Sunday i make soya bean milk after hearing that is good for bb complexion..

Next wk i will start to shop for some bras too.
Hihi Mummies, sorry to intrude.. im actually from the Aug 09 thread.

wonder if any of you ladies would like to go for the AQUA FITNESS class by KKH starting from 2 May 2009?

Commencement Date: Saturday, 02 May 2009
Time: 2.00 - 2.45 pm
Venue: Hydrotherapy pool, Rehabilitation Department, Basement 1, Children's Tower
Fee: $111.30 for a total of 4 sessions

The reason i need to give up the class is because now my gynae n the prof frm NUH order me to rest more n that i shld avoid all exercises since one of my twin is smaller. (she is slightly smaller nw..which is quite norm.. but juz to be save to avoid further difference in their sizes la). well, initially my gynae gave me the go-ahead to do some light exercises de...which is good for preggy ladies la... but since nw... so.... ya..

hence, if anyone interested, can pls PM me.. or can add me in MSN ([email protected]) to discuss on this pls?

also, I hv a new set of tankini from Motherhood (size L) to let go..

Good morning mommies.

Welcoming new mummies to this thread.

Went Carrano at TPY last Sat, bought a pants from there. Limited vartiety but cheaper lor. Prefer the bottoms.

Heartburn kept striking me for past 2 days, Haiz.....
Soya bean milk I heard is good for bb too.but not good for women in the long run cos it can cause joint problem.but I still drink sometimes.mostly I drink fresh milk
ya chen ma ma. i also heard that soya bean is good for bb complexion. I been drinking vitasoy.

Sometimes, i also encounter heartburning too. Is it normal?
For bras, I bought one size up during my #1.maybe becos my boobs r small so didn't really turn out that big even after birth.so I save $$.I sleep braless..hopefully won't droop in future(too small to droop anyway.haha )
Good morning MTBs...

Welcome to all new MTBs...

Went to first visit at ACJ last Thu, baby in 8week 3 days on that day, measured 2.0cm. Can see head and body only... Gynea said heartbeat so strong, so no worry. Next visit 7th of May will do Oscar test at S$300. Applying SBI soon for 10% discount. Save $$ :p
mummies. i just started on ANMUM Lacta powdered milk for preggers today. its choc flavour n tastes really good. u should all try. =) good recommendation by all who recommended. =)

Heartburn can happen throughout the whole pregnancy. If possible, avoid spicy food and too heavy meal.

I had heartburn after eating spicy stuff and stop consuming for few days liao.
i bought my seamless bra already, size just about 1 size bigger than before preg. nursing bra no nid to buy so early, later nursing should be bigger than u can imagine. haha...

SBI is a program in TMC, can use for 10% deduction of bills. For example, my Oscar test in lab can get discount immediate if I am a member lo. for first time mom, should apply FBI, subsequent is SBI lo. have to pay registration fees for 2 years membership
Morning ladies,
Last Sat I went to a new Gynae, recommended by sis-in-law, also in KKH. Was told that my EDD is 11 Nov (not 3 Nov, from online calculator). So I'm still in Week 9. My baby is 2.79 cm and heartbeat is 180 (normal range is 160-180). Can see the baby waved hands n moved around...my hubby grinned from ear-to-ear
haha...when i heard the heartbeat, i got tears in my eyes. So relief that baby still ok, and amazed that really has a small life growing inside me. So dazed that we forgot to ask any questions after that.
ya i heard about it too much is not good for mama joint..
seem i have the soya bean machine, i tot to make 2 to 3 times weekly. also make almond soya bean milk
oh.. forgot to update my EDD is 15th of Nov, but due to #1 early by 5 days, so this time round chances to get early is high (might be also 5 days early)
i think is ok too. i will be attending my hubby's friend wedding on May.. i should be 17wk by then..
yeah, cant eat sharkfin..
is it? wah.. so much different hor.. i still can remember gynea gave me 3 days MC before my delivery... haha, yet i didn't actually submit my MC coz i straight away went in hospital and on maternity leave liao... haha...

issit? soya bean milk not good de ar? hmm.. but i heard can slim down if take sugarless soya bean milk....hehe, not sure true or not la...
morning mummies :D

hws ur wkends? i didnt come online coz lying on bed half the time
Sat went for salsa class and then spin one time i ran to toilet liao.. so stuck on the chair for the rest of the class.. Haizzz.. hope MS get over soon.. thn me and hb can dance again or else wont feel gd to see him dance with other women more often than myself

Ohhh yest i was reading some books from my hb's aunty about mummy's mood affecting bb.. and if mummy has a lot of emotional stress and daddy is not supportive, tend to produce colicky babies.. so we must at all times be positive and not let bb be insecure and emotionally stressed together with us :D I heard tt my hb was a very happy and quiet bb (seldom cried and played with himself).. wish i have such happy bb oso :D So though worried abt finances but cannot let bb feels the stress with me...

yaaa... i think can attend weddings, unless the couple pangtang and dont wana let u attend lor.. i knw of such couples... but cfm cannot be jiemei.. haizzz.. Me and my July mummy fren supposed to be jiemeis of our frens in June09 but now both cannot.. she ended up has to find another two frens to 'top up'...
huh?cannot eat sharkfin?
My fav leh and i just ate last thurs at wedding dinner..somemore i ate 2 bowls cos hb know it's my fav he put the extra bowl aside for me..
Hi ladies.. i'm down with flu since yesterday.. felt so terrible, having bad headache at night too.. felt like taking medicines...
I'm on leave for 2weeks, and my block having upgradings, so dusty and noisy. Cant have gd rest.

Last fri went to marton bell at Novena sq, bought 2tops @ $49.

STmama, last time carrano have more designs de, but guess economy nt gd so they dun wan to produce too much stocks until their current stocks mostly clear..
zentan: sharks have high mercury so cannot eat sharkfin... my fav oso lor.. but canot lahhh.... anyway now i smell fish will puke... so dont knw will puke when smell sharkfin or nt too...

u dont have MS mah?
Hi mummies! Hows everyone doing? My MS now change routine le..daytime feel okay but at night super terrible..even hubby noticed.. =(

Anw Jolene, dun worry so much abt finances 1st ya..we also worried but my SIL say dun always feel so worried, baby can sense de..so for the time being, just try to cheer up ya.. =)

Your block having upgrading? Where is your block near to?

2 tops at $49, quite cheap leh. Marton Bell having sale? Was at suntec yest, wanting to buy some top but on 2nd thought, da han till 2nd trimester reach that buy. Can still live with my current clothes except for the pants and bras....
shirlin, i'm about the same as you..... late aftern and evening time, my MS is at the peak and has been like this last week .... but dunno why today, it started again from morning and seems worse...... sigh...... wonder when it will get better....
ayukie...... for me i control puking...... i kept swallowing the saliva so that i don't puke..... sometimes at the end of the day, i think i am tired from the control of the urge to puke....
ariesgal, i understand the tiredness..sometimes my hubby see liaoz also just ask me go puke lor..say see me ren till so jialat... whole face no colour.. =\ somemore tt day gynae say it may get worse in the coming 1-2 wks..i dunno how am i gg to survive it lor..somemore i cannot keep taking mc..hai..

later gg for exam somemore..hope bb will guai guai and let me complete paper with no problem...
shirlin u also control ah? my hb also dun understand why i wanna ren... say puke out will be better but i worried that once i start doing that, i'll lose control each time the urge came and will definitely affect my work esp at long meetings ..... sometimes the stuff like come up my throat liao but i kept swallowing the saliva to push it down and i cannot open my mouth to talk cos if so, i'll merlion... then now i'm also very scared to sneeze cos will also trigger puking easily.... sigh....
i've not taken MC so far... *touch wood*.... but very tempted to...... i think i'll take MC when i go for my oscar test.....
ya...i control my vomiting lor..cuz if not bb get no nutrients from me if i keep puking everything i eat.. wad i do is when i feel like puking, i eat the mentos green apple, it helps a lil for me.. so far i took 1 day mc onlu since boss know my pregnanecy cuz tt time got serious crampz..
duno is it bcos i'm sick, dun really have ms recently for past few days.. duno isit bcos my ms goin to be over soon therefore i fall sick?

ayukie, your boss know already ah? for me i've not told my boss.... wanted to tell him last week but see him like so stressed so didn't managed to..... then my hb say if can wait then wait till 12 wks then tell cos my company dunno if will have another round of retrenchment or not so better protect myself first.... so that's why till now i dare not take MC at all...... only took 2 days of Child care leave so far....
