(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

i eat le still get hungry..
Hi Ladies,

Sorry that I always MIA cos due to my heavy work load, I m not able to see the mails that u send until going home but today exceptional.
Tis is my #2, and very different from #1 cos tis one giving me alot of backache and ms is terrible form morn to night. Any advice from you all.
saintbaby, i didn't know tat preg will fall sick de, on last sunday i'm down with flu and fever, and terrible headache.. Yest logon awhile thn logout liao.. On leave for 2weeks.. guess my mornin sickness over liao.. keke...
But dunno why certain parts of my body sometime aching.. like above my stomach the centre part quite painful yest.. and my left side of my stomach too.. anyone know y is it like tat???
Morning mummies :D

rue: yaa, i also wonder why i dont feel like eating dinner leh..
But i get hungry into the night and will eat nonsense like cupnoodles or Macdonald :p My hb brought me the munchies from Mac on his way home frm studies... I ate 1/2 of the whole box.. with 4 munchies, 4 nuggets and 4 wings...yummy...

today no MS yet.. phew.. ate my bee hoon breakfast and soya bean drink frm canteen.. hope thgs remain tis good for me :D But abit worried oso when no MS.. we are so in a dilemma...

Ask ya ah.. we cannot stretch our tummy now ah? I used to love to stretch my body but nw i worry my bb 'snap' wor.. so scary...
jocelyn, so nice. 2 weeks leave. if only i can take a long leave too. really need a break from work. dread coming to work everyday. sigh.
morn lovely MTBs

I puked during shower too. But feeling much better aft that. Will feel nauseous but not so bad liao.

I tink your tummy is stretching? Dun wori too much ok.

i oso wish i can take the whole mth leave. Coz nex mth is 2nd trimester liao...
saintbaby, i dun0o leh, should b cramps ba, my hub say above the stomach there is muscles leh.. hehe.. thn he say is muscle cramp.. i worried cos is really like swollen pain..

Swanston, by right i no need werk liao, who knows my ex boss need my help thn help lo, but who knows i'm preg thn very tired to werk wor..
Like dragging ur foot to werk lo.. 2weeks later hope i'll have enuff rest ba..

I told my hub tat i wanna buy children dvd, thn he says too early liao, as if tmr i'm giving birth le.. hahax.. so funny, i bit kiasu ma..

Btw, those who drinkin Rebina, cn try Welchs grape juice.. no need add water and high in calcium.. very tasty.. NTUC gt sell..
Dev, i hope so lo.. finally tmr cn visit my gynae liao.. hope this time round my consultation wun be too short.. tat time oly 10mins nia...
Jocelyn: but is the queue v long? Mine was short oso but the queue was superb long.. i waited for 1hr and my consultation about 20min max...
I've been drinking Ribena quite awhile liao. I wonder if it's too sugary...hmmm
oh dun forget to ask more questions ya....make your $$$ worth it. Whateva is on your mind, just ask.
lemon tea: ooo, shld i sign the FBI card when i sign the package with the gynae? I am abit confused... will the gynae gives me the discounts?
jocelyn: yaya.. can help me ask ur gynae? Hahaha my next visit is 24april.. a long wait ahh :p

coz my MIL keep asking me dont stretch my tummy when i hang clothes in my wardrobe so i was thinking why ah?
Jolene, urs consider fast liao.. mine is super super long loh.. the 1st time i went down at 6.30pm, get a queue no at 8.30pm, only get to see the gynae at 10.30pm, it's already very late, gynae already very tired liao, only see mi for 10mins, my hub say nt worth it.. But he's really gd gynae, cos alot of my frens having gd comments bout him, and 3mins walk frm my house, bobian lo, this time earlier 7.15pm get queue no, thn mayb 9plus cn see him liao.. His clinic like freezer loh, very very cold.. as if air-con free de. haha..

Dev, try welchs, ribena like too sweet, thn if u add more water bcme tasteless.. once i tried welchs, i dun like ribena liao.. haha.. welchs seems beta in quality..
jolene, those normal height should b okay, last time my fren preg says tat only when u wash ur clothes and wanna hang up, thn beta dun, cos will stretch ur tummy, no gd, especially when ur tummy gettin bigger..
Eg, when closing shop, cnt let preg woman pull down the metal gate..

but wil help u ask gynae if i cn rem.. cos i've been forgetin many tings recently.. duno isit due to preg..
in fact i dun really know wat to ask, always gt quest in my mind, thn after seein gynae liao, all forgotten.. Cn help mi tink of wat quest to ask? keke.. i wanna write down nw..
Dev, Some time in the mornin or when i'm werkin i do stretch also, but my stomach just dun feel comfortable after stretchin it, so i hardly stretch my body liao.. But someting u do gtto pull out ur hand one, try not to do it lo.. Just heard some said tat, cos some time bb pressing on u.. u'll feel pain on certain parts sometime, thn if u stretch out ur hand to reach for someting tat u cant reach eg, thn u will shake the bb or injure urself.. but i nt confirm with all these info..
i think its normal to be forgetful coz i oso like tt :p kekeke jialat.. boss asked me do smthg, if i never write down, next second i forget le.. when he asked me for it, i was like HUH? totally cant rem wat he asked me before... hahaha

ahhh maybe i abit short ba.. only 1.58m.. so my wardrobe consider high for me, i need to tiptoe when i hang the clothes on my wardrobe :p

wahhh ur gynae really so long queue but means he is good mah :D heehee.. 3min frm ur hse.. ok lah..maybe u shld go take num oso then go hm eat dinner + supper then come back see him :p
Jolene, haha tat's wat i tink also..
keepin clothes shouldnt be a prob, just tat u dun stretch out ur hand to reach for someting tat is difficult for u to reach espcially when nw u're preg.. eg, goin ntuc and wanna take someting frm much higher shelves.. Or stretching out ur hands to pull something.. duno hw to explain also, hope u noe wat i meant..
Fieda, dun drink too much, nt gd for u and bb.. some preggies will suffer frm diabetics during their pregnancy.. my hub's colleague wife just kenna.

I also tryin to cut down too much of the sugary and salty stuff..

So u tmr no werking? on leave?
swanston, u know horz, i always ask my hub to get for mi someting tat i cn reach too haha.. thn he say it is just beside u, and it's much more farther for mi to take lo.. thn i will tel him, but nw i'm preg wor, thn he bo bian have to take for mi.. haha.x.

depends on which gynea and which clinic u are in. ACJ in TMC does not give discount for FBI or SBI card members. But some clinics do have, so you better check it out first. But afterall, delivery charges will have discount too, so it's worth to apply if u are delivering in TMC...
yaya.. i heard of an ex colleague got diabetics during pregnancy.. arghhh i hope we are not talking abt the same person!!!

i am so bloated now with my bee hoon and soya bean milk from breakfast.. cham.. lunchtime soon
sianz.. hw to eat like tt...

ohhhh... i v clumsy one lah.. bumping here and there.. my HB so used to it.. but now my MIL so worried hahaha.. treating me like small kid asks me dont jump ard and walk slowly :p

But i understd wat u mean by not stretching the hands to get the thgs.. hee.. wait drop on us lor :p kekeke...

i think i need a weighing machine at hm..go carrefore get one tonite :p
Jocelyn, i seriously think i am having mood swings. I have been trying hard to think positive already. My mum has gestational diabetics.. i'm also trying to cut down. I'm taking time chit tom.. and maybe after tom my HR may start to suspect....
orhh orh...

i realised no one here using WC Cheng Clinic gynaes wor... *scratch head* Hmmm dont knw if got discount or not.. nevermind, next visit will ask them before i sign the package :D
Oh you know babycenter has a site where you can estimate your weight gain during the pregnancy using yr height and weight before preggie. I calculated mine.. it's from 12 kg to 18 kg!! Hope i can just be at the lower range.
oh.. ur boss didnt know tat u're preg? Although nw retrenchment, bt i dun tink they cn retrench preggie if u're a confirmation staff rite? i not sure..
Dun worry just eat healthy.. Mood swings only when u're unhappy, or takin someting too seriously thn will come out de.. cos hormones change ma..
Just relax and calm urself down by doin some shoppin, meetin up frens, watch comedy show will help also..
fieda, maybe he is busy with the wedding preps? dun be upset ok. i explained to my hubby alot abt the implications of pregnancy, e.g. hormones unbalance, depression etc, that will affect both mother and baby. he has also seen b4 wat can happen so he is more understanding.

talking abt diabetics, i have been drinking so much sweet milo outside tat i scared of milo now. rather drink plain water.
I read an article from the net that the reason being not to stretch your body when you are pregnant is mainly not to cause any contraction in your uterus and may result in miscarriage.
