(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

shirlin but if i say it out now, i'm not protected leh... cos we are protected only from 12 wks onwards right? and i don't want they use that as an excuse. so at least if anything happen then which i think it prob won't happen in the next few wks, i'm entitled to the 4 mths maternity payout.... anyway, i'm 2 wks away from 12 wks.... so ren ren ren.....
hmmm..in tt case ren ren ren 1st lor.. =) Lucky for me..company announced tt there wont be retrenchment..hope it'll last lor..2wks will pass soon..am only in my 7th wk..long way to go b4 MS ends... =\
shirlin ya if only my company say no retrenchment then i will also let my boss know le.... i worried later he say why i so late then tell him but since he ang mo, i can always use the excuse that chinese are pantang.... hehe...... my ex boss who is chinese and sitting behind me knew and also asked me to ren for 2 more wks.... just to play safe.... and use that as an excuse... and partly cos another team member of mine is due in june so i don't want my boss to later go into panic mode....
ahhh... at least u all MS once a day
Mine is twice a day.. in morning and at nite... now esp so at nite
I got no mood for dinner.. but always hungry after tt :p

But i realised my tummy ok when i eat unhealthy food :X coz on Sat i ate half a plate of beef fried rice, 1/4 plate carrot cake and a big glass of lime juice + plum :p

and Sun i no mood for dinner and my hb brought me out to eat old chang khee curry puff and yummy yoghurt..
my last preg was found out by my boss himself, i didn't really intend to tell him but he was asking me if I'm expecting and he seems so understanding for my MCs.. that was last time 3 yrs back, now market bad, not sure how boss will think of about my this preg.. sigh... i also worried about retrenchment....
ur hb so good, no mood for dinner will bring u out for other variety. My hb seeing me unwell still ask me why not u help this, why not u help that.... sigh.. that day make me eye drops cannot tahan anymore and i like so wei qu asking why u never understand me i'm not well throughout the whole day....
i keep having cravings for mee rebus and fried carrot cake (black)... so unhealthy. Ate them twice each over the weekend.

i never step out of the house the whole long weekend, haiz... no mood & no energy.
Ariesgal & Shirlin,
I also tried to tahan the vomit. Scared once started, cannot stop n all nutrients cannot reach bb. Be careful not to eat too much sweets though, cause I heard my sis' friend's ate so much sweets during pregnancy, that she got diabetes now. Try to put some sour plum in your bag.
agata, yeah..i understand..but sour plum doesnt really work on me..tts y i control my sweet intake to only when i feel like vomiting which is now! =(

Anw, take kk all mummies..am gg to prepare to go for exam le..wish me luck! =) Hope i wun feel like puking ltr on...
eating prawn noodles at my table nw.. wahhh the uncle last day of stall and gave me so much prawns and sotong 0__0 which i cannot eat nw.. gg to waste the food but i love the chili.. thk i cannot do without chili.. it makes me feel non-puky.. (i hope)...but since Sat i been popping wu hua guo and it at least calms my the butterflies in my tummy lor..
lemon tea: ur hb doesnt have frens with preggy wives ah? i think some guys are very insensitive to preggy women's suffering.. but the gd thg is my hb's frens' wives were worse than me lor.. they got to rush home and cooked for the wives halfway through the men's gathering..

and i m considered quite independent liao coz slp alone almost every nite
coz he alwys go mac and study throughout the nights... so shld pamper me abit when he taking breaks wor :p
devlina: cannot ahhh... i dont wan my bb to be blur like sotong :p hahaha... and oso my mum said seafood like prawns, crabs and sotong is bad for bb skin... so better not...

but the problem is i cant eat oso coz i will puke out.. nw even fish makes me puke
aries - yeah i told my bosses .. well i had to give a reason for the mc rather tell them the truth then they wiat think otherwise ...
me im in my 11th week but then i need someone to cover me when i go on maternity leave and hor my backup hor needs special clearance so better tell early bah ..
shirlin, same as you, sour plum doesn't work for me and in fact makes it worse it seems.... wu hua guo was working fine for me till wk 8+ and then i realized that the more i ate, the more i will puke and that was when i puked a few times..... so now i stopped all sour stuff including ice lemon tea and sweet stuffs seems to work for me now.... but ya gotta control to avoid diabetes..... but i'm like loading up on fruity mentos.....
Helo mommies-to-be, do you know if we can drink chicken essense? Im in my 9th wk, always feel very restless and sleepy in the day, thinking of drinking chicken essense to boost up my energy ...
ehhh think its very normal to be sleepy in the day... not sure about whether can drink chicken essence or not..

but i heard my mum said cannot be too Bu3 or else will be very heaty...
Yes, you can drink chicken essence. My gynea said that we are safe to drink chicken essence and bird nest but need to becareful with other chinese herbs.
sunny, can drink chicken essence. i was drinking it every alternate days during my 4-5th week as i was feeling very tired at that time. i love chicken essence.
ariesgal, sour stuff also don't worked on me.
i suspect my 2nd one is going to be another boy again coz when i expected my first son, sour stuff also don't worked on me. my gf who gave birth to gal around same time with me was ok with sour stuff..
ehhh.. but it doesnt apply to all preggy women rite?

hmmm... kekeke i dont like the taste of chicken essence.. thk will puke when drink it.. i even had problem drinking the chicken soup my MIL made for me 0__0 got a funny taste which i dont like...

hmmmmm.. wonder if u all pangdang or not...my mum was asking me nt to take those second hand maternity wear from those mummies who gave birth to bb gers... if i wan a bb boy.. ehhh i wonder hw come old ppl can thk of all these weird thgs... She said only can take after gender has been confirmed 0__0 aiyohhh.. ended up i cannot take my da sao's maternity wear nw 0__0
bz day... at work... :p

when i had #1, sour plum is a no no.. eat liao straight away vomit.. :p but for this one hor, i can still eat 'fuo2 shou3', dried mangoes etc.. n sour plum smells appetising to me... :p

really ah? for me, wat i heard is tt it's gd to get maternity clothes fr others coz will 'bless' the baby in our tummy.. make sure it grow well..
never hear abt the gender issue leh..

anyway, gender is one thing which i dun pandang one.. coz hor, it's all already decided during conception mah.. boy means boy liao.. :p baby can't change gender one mah.. hehehe... :p
shihui: thats why i say depends if u pangdang or not lor.. like sometimes ppl said got black magic... so if indonesia woman or malay woman (no offence hor) touch ur tummy, maybe will switch the bb lor... sounds so scary lah...

so dont knw if shld believe or not... but of coz if we just wana rely on science, we all knw tt bb gender is decided during conception... but hor i oso knw sometimes its not accurate leh..Coz i heard of bb boy born into a bb ger or vice versa sometimes...coz sometimes it depends on the position bb is during the gender scan rite?

if #2 then okay ba.. coz u may already have the gender u wan for ur #1 mah...and anyway its ur own bb mah so wont 'switch' de...

Like said its up to individual lor.. if dont knw nvm lah, but if knw le, will be disturbing if i dont follow rite? kekeke...
so hungry and i went to eat oreo biscuits... but realised i got so full i may not be able to eat dinner later

always have problem with dinner these days.. so sianz... do u all have problem with dinner? I always feel v bloated at dinner.. and dont feel like eating...
black magic sounds scary leh..

ya lor.. i heard b4 tt scan gal turn out boy n vice versa.. it really depends on how cooperative the baby is..

actually i pandang other things lah.. like no cutting on bed... no assembling of furniture etc.. :p all these i will follow lah.. hehee... :p

anyway hor, as long as not too mafan to follow, juz follow for peace of mind..
better than question ourselves if something really went wrong... :p
yaya, i agree lor.. like wedding prep tt time lah... my hb thks tt my mum v troublesome but he still follows as much as he can lor coz he said no ma fan its better to let old folks be happy...

so the same for preggy lor...
For those who has the FBI card from TMC, is there discount for the OSCAR test? I have already paid for my OSCAR test and we have yet to apply for the FBI card..am thinking when I should apply.
morning & hie all.... now my turn to feel quesy. not puking yet but nauseous most of the time in the day. and having those 3am wakings are damn tiring! uggghhh...

Hi Jolene,

nowadays i also have problem with dinner. dont feel like eating... I wonder if because i dun like the way the food is cooked or it's just me losing appetite. Am completely fine for breakfast & lunch. Wonder y..
