(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

wahahaha... so funny... I yest tried the munchee strips, new launched de.. Very very spicy loh... and salty too.. but i like .. taste as nice as like mac spicy burger.. but even more spicy.. keke.. i ate 2meals for my dinner.. 1 was home-cooked meal, 1 was 12pcs munchees combo..
welcome new mummies!!!

Jolene, dun scare mi lah, i still want watch horror tonite hor.. gt 1 website all horror show very nice de.. some outside also cnt find... hehe...
Ling - Welcome! OSCARS test is supposed to be done between 11 - 14 weeks. So if you are doing it when you are 12 weeks its ok. Same here, i'll be doing it when i am 12 weeks
can we drink yakult now? hmmm. wanna buy later..

Dingdong, so shiok ar, eat jp food... so envy.. cos i cant stand the smell.. Gd appetite liao ar?
Thanks ASHM!

*yawn** dunno why i feel so sleeeeepppyyy....
Btw, do u ladies have this funny metal taste in ur mouth anot huh? With this funny taste, all food become so un-appealing.. Dun feel like eating anything.... sigh...

Sorry for MIA for a while, I bet some of you have forgotten me. Just to share a few things, I went for my first scan yesterday with Dr. Woo at Tiong Bahru. I'm in my 6th week, can't see anything clearly except the heartbeat of my little one like a blinking star, it was amazing.

Then, I was given this 'Duphaston' for 10days consumption...Just wondering any of your gynea given you this pills?? It is a hormone pill, actually to be taken if you have bleeding or spotting which I don't have. I dun dare to take as I read from am article saying that it might effect the growth of the baby!! My hubby called up the clinic and asked whether they gave me the wrong pill (coz usually doc will give folic acid/iron) The nurse said it is ok to be taken during the early stage of pregnany...so confusing!!! How come there's such a contradicting pills...
Ling, dun have metal taste leh..

Bluerain, best is not to eat if u dun have spottin or bleedin.. Last time pple also nv eat all this supplement bb also very healthy.. so, dun take the risk..

They should give u folic acid instead of tis..
Best is now eat healthy...
I have asked around all my frens, they have never taken this pills...me and my hubby are clueless whether to continue with Dr. Woo or not...Haihzzz
jocelyn, my appetite on and off kind. feeling so full till i wanna puke.

blurain, i'm also having duphaston even though i do not have spotting or bleeding. gynae says it's meant to stabilise the pregnancy and i'm suppose to eat it till 12 weeks.
bluerain - I'm taking duphaston too. Doc says its meant to stablize the pregnancy esp during 1st trimester. And during ur 6th week u can alr see bb's heartbeat le ah? I can only hear during 7th week, cannot see blinking blinking...

Jocelyn - I have this funny taste in my mouth lor... makes everything tasteless. Same kind of taste when u are sick...
Dingdong and Swanston,

Same same, I am one who worries alot, even trival matters. Even a fengshui master also said so. I am also a Virgo!!
another unhealthy input. drinking schweppes cream soda right now. Keep having this bitter taste in mouth, need something to cover it up.
bluerain, i still take. i don't think any doc would presribed medicine to you when the drug is not safe. they have their reputation to protect too.
had duck rice for lunch juz now.. now keep burping out the stale duck smell.. yucks.... :p

haha.. i'm re-reading Harry Potter too!! but hor, i only hav Deadly hallows (book 7) with me.. coz book 1-6 were bought b4 marriage n they r now considered my sis's property liao... :p somehow, i feel tt reading makes me forget abt MS coz too engrossed liao... :p
Oh, but how come some gynae give and some gynae dun? confusing leh.. As for mi, my gynae only say i just need folic acid will do... so nv eat other type.

Cn i start eating cod liver oil now? NTUC sellin those type..
i think different gynae gives different 'medicine cocktail' lah... some give the minimal.. just folic acid will do... some very kiasu.. give almost everything... :p
Yeah, I understand. I am glad that some of you did encounter this pill as my fren whom visited Dr. Woo was not given this...Hmmm...

The nurse asked me to drink lemon tea or chrysamthamum tea before the scan and hold my urine...I can see a white spot blinking on the screen and doc said it's the heart...2mm onli, HA! Anyway, my next appointment will be 3 weeks later...hopefully can see more things...
Ling and May,
Welcome to this thread!!

We have the same EDD, 12 Nov. Which gynae u are going to? Your #1?

So glad that my sis is staying over tonite at my place. This few days, it has always been me and and son...
why drink lemon tea or chrysamthamum tea? So funny. my doc ask me not to drink any sweet stuff as it will impact the urine test.
I have no idea...initially I drank mineral water, then the nurse asked me to get either lemon tea or chrysamthamum tea so that I can see better during the scan...
when going for ultrasound scan, its 'easier' to see the sac if we have a full bladder. That's why usually the nurses will advise us to drink more avoid to pee pee right before the check up.

but during later stage when our tummy is big, there's enough amnio fluid liao, so doesn't matter anymore if drink water or not.
bluerain2410, no worr. my gynae din give me tat. he only ask me to take folic acid and gave me multi vits. many pple also tell me that multi vits only from week 12 then need to take. but multi vits no harm i guess. so i just take lor.

stmama, the shi fu i saw for the wedding date said that to me too. hahaha. he say i got rabbit brain. keep thinking non-stop one. then tots will jump here and there too. very accurate.

shihui, tatz the book i dun have. hahaha. i have 1-6. haven buy 7 yet. i'm reading order of the pheonix now.
STmama - Yep! This is my #1! I'm seeing Dr Michele Lee from Thomson Women's Clinic at amk hub cos it's near my plc (more convenient).

Anyone heard anything abt her?
hi bluerain! We're seeing the same gynae! Just went to see Dr Woo just now..i finished my course of the duphaston meds..it meant to stablize the pregnancy lor..so dun worry..i guess its gd to eat cuz in our 1st tri, baby still not very stable yet... and i saw my bb's heartbeat just now too! at 6 and half wks... the blinking blinking thingy! My hubby grinned from ear to ear upon seeing that..den Dr Woo congrats me saying tt bb is healthy~ =)

Jolene: thk our EDD will be quite apart le cuz tot i was supposed to be in my 7th wk plus now but just now gynae say only 6wks plus so cfm EDD is end Nov.. now bb only 2.5mm..so tiny! but amazing to see the heartbeat lor! =)
Sherine: from wad i know, drinking lemon tea n chry tea will make the bladder full faster..dunno y too but it works for me..bladder was empty when i 1st went it den went to buy a bottle of lemon tea den after 30 mins, full liaoz.. maybe you can the nxt time round?
Thanks for clearing my doubts and worries, dear MTB's...Oh yeah, my EDD is end of Nov too...

Shirlin, if i sign up the package with Dr. Woo next visit, we may deliver ard the same time hor...keke!!
drinking a bottle of lemon tea will increase my sugar level.

The nurse was complaining why my sugar level so high during my last urine test. But i only took half cup of chry tea b4 gg for the urine test.
bluerain: yeah!i just took up the package today..cuz 2nd visit le.. actually see if you feel comfortable with him anot lorz..if not den change gynae earlier better.. both me n hubby's okay with him plus appts dun need wait so long.. i'll be delivering in TMC..decided liaoz..hehe!

Sherine: hmm... maybe diff ppl work differently ba..mine is still okay..cuz today woke up only 1 hr b4 check up tts y no time to drink water den resorted to lemon tea~
Me and my hubby are okie with him, plus he has been 2 of my fren's gynae too...actually just the 'duphaston' that puzzles me coz my sis is doing pharmacist in Aust, so when I told her abt this, she was quite surprised and ask me not to take...just continue with folic acid and multi vit. Overall we find Dr. Woo pretty friendly.
saintbaby: I have always told myself, 1 day if i were to have a baby, i will def give birth in TMC~ =)

bluerain: He is also recommended to me by my fren who is seeing him now too.. i find him not very pushy lor..like today he wanted to do vaginal scan for me cuz my bladder not full but i dun want den he say nvm la..ask me wait for another 30 mins den see him again... =) anw, so you gg to take the duphaston?
Hmmm, I have yet to go for the hospital tour but so far the feedback i got from my frens who delivered at TMC says its fine lehz.. thk i gotta wait till the hospital tour.. worse to worse, i still have another choice at MTA~ =)
jocelyn, i am no longer eating oily food. chg taste.

but hor gals, i think mac is a hot fav amongst preggie mummies leh. i also crave mac. and no appetite will drive through and get a cheese burger without onions and pickles and eat. wow. haven....

Mummies, ask you all ah.. i haven been eating beef for the longest time due to religious reasons but now pregnant le dunno y got craving for beef eg cheeseburger... but dunno i shld eat??? somemore i heard beef is gd for foetus~ How?
