(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

raerae, so he agreed to pay the money and make ur mouth "shut"? hahhaha.... i was considering very long tha time before i placed my order and i never looked back since

dingdong, hope after 3 mths ur results will be ok la...if really bo bian then have to revert back to the pathetic diet lor... ur PISA already good enough la, dun dream of the FS la...i dun think it will make a big diff also, juz tha FS more portable!

Updates abt payment...
<table border=1><tr><td>NICK</TD><TD>ITEM</TD><TD>PRICE</TD><TD>DISCOUNT (10%)</TD><TD>SERVICE (10%)</TD><TD>GST (7%)</TD><TD>AMOUNT</TD><TD>TOTAL</TD><TD>GRAND TOTAL</TD><TD>STATUS </TD></TR><TR><TD>1st time mummy</TD><TD>Love me Tender</TD><TD> $10.50 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.05 </TD><TD> $0.81 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Carinez</TD><TD>Caramel</TD><TD> $10.50 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.05 </TD><TD> $0.81 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>pastries</TD><TD> $8.50 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $0.85 </TD><TD> $0.65 </TD><TD> $10.00 </TD><TD> $10.00 </TD><TD> $22.36 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>Momo mummy</TD><TD>Happy Tea</TD><TD> $10.50 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.05 </TD><TD> $0.81 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blessed Cyn</TD><TD>Chocolate</TD><TD> $10.50 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.05 </TD><TD> $0.81 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $15.50 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shirlin</TD><TD>Pink Beauty</TD><TD> $10.00 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.00 </TD><TD> $0.77 </TD><TD> $11.77 </TD><TD> $11.77 </TD><TD> $11.77 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane</TD><TD>Honey</TD><TD> $10.50 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.05 </TD><TD> $0.81 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>carrousel</TD><TD> $10.00 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.00 </TD><TD> $0.77 </TD><TD> $11.77 </TD><TD> $11.77 </TD><TD> $24.13 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>sporty</TD><TD>sweet heart</TD><TD> $10.00 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.00 </TD><TD> $0.77 </TD><TD> $11.77 </TD><TD> $11.77 </TD><TD> $11.77 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>superwalker</TD><TD>sweet fran</TD><TD> $10.50 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.05 </TD><TD> $0.81 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $13.93 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>jocelyn lee</TD><TD>tea shake</TD><TD> $10.00 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.00 </TD><TD> $0.77 </TD><TD> $11.77 </TD><TD> $11.77 </TD><TD> $14.91 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>chris</TD><TD>almond</TD><TD> $10.50 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.05 </TD><TD> $0.81 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $13.93 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>caffe latte</TD><TD>Chocolate</TD><TD> $10.50 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.05 </TD><TD> $0.81 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $13.93 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>zen</TD><TD>g blossom</TD><TD> $10.50 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.05 </TD><TD> $0.81 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $15.50 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>sponge</TD><TD>Chocolate</TD><TD> $10.50 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.05 </TD><TD> $0.81 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>macaron</TD><TD> $12.00 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.20 </TD><TD> $0.92 </TD><TD> $14.12 </TD><TD> $14.12 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> $165.50 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $16.55 </TD><TD> $12.74 </TD><TD> $194.79 </TD><TD></TD><TD> $194.80 </TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

me just back from a movie.... "It's Complicated".... quite a nice and funny movie...
Then when i came back from movie, my mum told me what my elder gal said and somehow it broke my heart cos it makes me feel that i'm not doing a good job of managing her emotions with the younger one... my mum say that her maid was helping to feed my #2 and my mum was busy cleaning up the room. Then my elder gal went to a corner and mumbled to herself that no one loves her anymore and start to pout and sulk by herself.... quite heartpain to hear that lor... my mum went to hug her but she don't want and only after a few coaxing then she went back to her happy self.... i wonder if it's also cos she started going to school so feel that she has been neglected.... i feel so bad upon hearing that... now thinking what can i do to make her feel loved again.... any ideas esp those 2nd or 3rd time mummies?
you and hubby can bring #1 out without #2.. do the things that she likes and wad u guys used to do together before #2 come along..

for my case, it's my #2 that's feeling this way.. so we've been bringing him out without his sisters.. u can c there's a difference.. he treats his mei mei better.. we reassure him that we love him.. so we make it a point to give him hugs and kisses everyday.. now he will remind us if we ‘forget‘..
saintbaby, actually we have been bringing #1 out without #2 quite often esp on weekday nights when we just want to do grocery shopping leh... but i guess maybe it's not enough and maybe i should start bringing her to swim cos that's her fav activity before #2 came along but now we stopped swimming cos no time at all... and also cos she has been behaving real naughty.... i guess it's attention seeking ba... cos after we scold her,she requested to be hug so now i suspect she did all those just for the sake of being hugged after a scolding....
no wonder i saw you keep bringing your boy out... hmm...... maybe i bring my gal out in one of those gatherings ba....
Anyone around?

I last fed my boy at 8pm n he slept from 9pm. I kept waiting for him to wake me up for his next feed....then waited till 3am he still did not cry then I bush tahan..went to his room to check on him - he so cute....opened his eyes n smiled at me! Aiyoh..heart melted n decided to just pick him up n feed him although he did not cry for food.

Sporty, ya!!! Orange watery poo!! Now back to yellow...

my gynae never say anything, i not seeing her anymore. Now i go polyclinic for followup and have to retake the test 2 weeks later. If still fail, most likely will ask them to refer me to specialist.

I feel its easier to control now compared to during pregnancy because at least we can exercise now. I also not as strict with my diet and since no longer pregnant, can at least drink coke light. I just try to eat healthy like brown rice, whole grain products, everything else just buy low sugar, like soymilk. Even peanut butter also use those without sugar. Snack wise, I have treats like the new lay potato chips which are whole grain and reduce fat and sugar or self popped popcorn with just some butter.

When go out just try to eat more protein, at least now not pregnant can eat medium steak or eat salmon sashimi.

Overall, at least now baby not inside so diet control not as strict and not so stress.
Just try to look on the brighter side and take one step at a time.
Finally finish pumping n cleaning the bed coz juz now she merlion again, gave me a shock. Long time nva lidat le wor. My girl finally sleeping but tink will be waking ard 6-7 again. So tired.
my boy also very naughty at home.. he bullies his older sister and will do a lot of things just to get our attention.. i guess it's normal ba.. cos last time before baby came along, all e focus was on him.. now suddenly, the focus is on someone else.. naturally they'll feel insecure and jealous.. ya lor, that's why i bring my boy out more often.. but he's very sticky to his daddy.. sometimes when my husband scold him den he'll come to me for attention..
dingdong, how many weeks after you give birth you do the test? GD is cause by our hormone, if your hormone still high, your GD might not be down yet. However, according to my gynae, if the hormone is down but still have high reading, means you might be diabetic before you pregnant just that you don't know. You going back to do the test 3 months,your hormone should be down already.

I did the test 2 weeks ago, the reading is normal already. However, my gynae ask me to control my diet, no need to be as strict but eat more healhty as it is easier to control as I used to the diet already. This is because we have 40% chance of getting diabetes, if we eat the healthy diet, can reduce the percentage or delay it from getting.

Anyway, no worry too much, diabetes won't hinder you from having #2, just that gynae need to take extra care if you have the condition.
dingdong, Actually doc suspected i have GD earlier but it was confirmed in week 28 i think. cannot rem exactly when. my Glucose tolerance test was 9.8. borderline case. so i was on diet control and was pricking fingers after every meal. it fluctuates from 5 - 9. Then the worse thing is i was eating almost the same thing everyday but sugar level kept rising (by right if eat same thing shd get same readings mah)
So, gynae refers me to a diabetic specialist. That was when at 35 weeks, i had to inject insulin. purpose was that i can eat more and not get high sugar level. Else if i keep controlling diet, baby not enough nutrients. I have a fren who has to inject insulin everyday from the start of her preg but her readings after meals are high like above 10. she has 3 children and she did that for all 3 children. all her children grow up to be healthy also.

it's actually quite common now and it can be controlled. so dun have to worry so much.

At first when i took the insulin was really a torture. i have to try to find a spot on my tummy where i think there will be no blood vessel to inject. there were occasions where i prick a blood vessel and it was painful like hell. but then i sort of got used to it. is the same thing as pricking fingers. just need to get used to it. all for the sake of our babies!

ya, dun worry about having a second baby. it;s all about control. a healthy meal can be interesting as well. just need some creativity.

I din know that there are few gals here with high blood sugar as well. i tot i was the abnormal one as i read that only a small % of woman will get GD. I had GD cos i was polycystic and my parents are diabetic .so increased my chances.
morn all!

dingdong, *sayang* nvm la, at least u taking healthy food now...

ariesgal, as there's only my hb and me at home...normally we will each attend to one at a time so #1 wun feel left out lor...so far so good la, except during his nap time at skool, he started to miss us...hehe

1st time mummy, yes uob to uob faster...but i'm ok with uob to dbs too...no worries

superwalker, not bad...ur boy slept 6 hrs straight! signs of sleeping thru!!

momoko, ur gal seems like a night owl too...
Used Nepia yesterday. Eh the urine indicator so fast reflect full liao. Blue means full or green ah? I gt saw blue n aso saw green leh. N I think the cutting aso bigger than drypers n the poopoo I think may leak out. I happen to c bb poking then I go change but I aldy see her side is fill with poo liao. Mayb my bb too EXPLOSIVE liao tats y will leak.

Btw, my bb poo is yellow watery. Is tis normal? My mil kp saying isit LS... Can advise? Thanks.
Gals, i;m having this predicament. I;m going for a fren's wedding dinner at marina mandarin. the thing is i need to pump every 3 hourly else will get engorged and i dun want blocked ducts to come back and haunt me again. If i pump first at home (take about half hour plus washing), then travel to the hotel (another half hour), means that I can only stay there for max 1 and half hour before i use another half hour to travel back home.

So i intend to bring pump along. but then i called the hotel. no place for me to pump. How ah!? i dun want to waste the milk cos my ss already not enough. but i dun feel like pumping in toilet. sigh.... anyone has similar experience and got over it?

actually i do wonder what to do when i start work cos i can;t possibly pump every 3 hourly. but if i dun pump 3 hourly, i so scared will get block ducts again. sigh... my storage tank very small=. mayb that;s why can only store up to 3 hours...

Ding Dong, i read goat's rue helps but then i dunno where to get in SG. my hb bought for me from US. it's a supplement with goat's rue and fenugreek. it's still on the way to SG now.
starrz, i never go and notice so closely whether the indicator is blue or green...as long its indicated its wet (think BLUE), i change the bb! which size are u using for ur bb? could it be tha its too big?

rachelle, marina mandarin...easy la...theres alot of nursing rooms in marina sq...juz go to anyone of them and pump there lor... btw if u start work liao, dun think can pump every 3 hr, even if u can, ur boss might not be happy...i intend to pump twice at work when i go back...so u have to start planning the intervals and "practising" it the last few weeks before u return to work...
Sporty, Yes i place my FS order liao... hehehe... Cant wait for my FS to come... hehehe.. i more hard working liao... i drank milo and mummy milk before every pump oso... hehehe...

Raerae, finally right.. i got the same feeling as u... think and think and think... but in our hearts/mind we oredy know we want FS just that we cant bear the $$ portion... but after ordering damm shiok feeling right... hehehe... but i didnt order express courier ley... i will wait 3 to 6 weeks... hehehe... i oso ordre the car adaptor cos will be travelling in May... hehehe...

Any experience mummies bring baby on flight when they are 5 months old? I tot of bring Lucas to perth in May. we book our own air tixs before i deliver lucas but now seeing lucas i abit "bu se de" to leave him alone with grandma in SIN. Issit safe to bring baby on flight when he is ard 5mth old?
rachelle, if you are starting work soon, i think you can start to practice pumping at 4 hrs interval? start by stretching your 3 hr to 3.5 hr... and maintain for a few days and then stretch to 4 hr? ss won't be affected if you clear your boobs. now i'm already pumping also between 4 hrs and sometimes go out already stretch to 6 hrs....
momo mummy, should be ok to bring bb on flight lah... when taking off and landing, try to latch or make bb drink something so that the ear pressure can be eased off.... i see my expat colleagues all bring their bbs (from 2 mths onwards) home for hols too.... and imagine they fly to US or Germany.... so many hours....
anyway, i also intend to bring bb to HK in June and thinking of another trip to BKK in Apr leh...
starrz, i have been using nepia...my boy's explosive shit also leaks from the side. i guess the shit is just too explosive n the diapers got no time to absorb the poop before it leaks ba?

sporty, heee...everynite i tell my boy :if u guai guai and sleep longer, mummy bring u out ok?" heee... so i have to honor my words n bring him out today
keeee....trying to get a foot massage done today too cos my mum is coming with me - she can hold my boy when i do my massage

momo mummy, u REALLY wanna bring lucas along? leave him in SIN la....so taxing for u and baby leh. go enjoy yourself and let him spend time with his granny la. u will sure miss him, but i think its a good break for u to recharge
momo mummy, good tha u are hardworking and hope u can commit to tha
jia you
not easy to bring bb for hols lor...thas why i only waited till my #1 was older like 10 mths old...also now if u wanna bring, have to check with the airline whether they still have bassinet seats for the bb lor...and also the take off and landing is the toughest part becuz of the ear pressure...

superwalker, u better fulfil ur promise today !
today also going out day for me! have errands to run and co dinner to attend...both w/o bbs!! hahhaha....
this month is a wedding month i think.... kenna 2 red bombs this mth... one tonight and one on 25th..... haha... just when i tot all my friends already married and now my younger cousins turn.... still got hb's side all the cousins now in tertiary sch so i think in a few more years another round....
superwalker, nope...my #1 went to skool... #2 my hb take care mah... evening more shiong, hb take care of 2 lor when i'm out for dinner...
superwalker.. my gal slept from last night 11plus till 8.30am in the morning..normally at night if she din wake up, i will let her sleep all the way. My mum told me it's ok to let her sleep.. if she hungry, sure wake up automatically.

ayukie.. u betta haf a nap whenever ur boy is sleeping.. short nap betta den nothing..
hi sporty - have done the transfer.

saintbb - think i am going to centrepoint... maybe later.. which one is better? shall I bring bb ? hm

momomummy - think it should be okay... but gotta get him a passport!! Superwalker has a point though -maybe will be a good recharging break for you and hubby
i also planning to go robinson.. see if i got the chance today anot.. later bb godmum wanna help me look after my gal so i can haf some "ME" time with my frens in the evening. At least man....

sporty.... we going back roughly the same timing.. u took 4 months ml straight? i still got one month.. must use wisely.. now i very stress up.. coz till now still haven confirm putting my gal where... argh!!
anise, so good your bb can sleep more than 8 hrs in a straight..... mine at most give me 5 hrs in the night.... waiting for the day when she can give me 7 hrs at least... i hope she wont be like my elder gal..... only when she is 1.5 yr old then can sleep thru the night.... but sometimes still wake up for feed....
BTW gals... if u putting ur gal at nanny or IFC, how are u going to store the ebm?? all in bottles just nice for a day feed or in milk bag?? i am abit confuse.. i worry wat if they spill and there is no additional milk for my gal... now i recording and see how many feed my gal take during the day to roughly estimate..
1st time mummy, okies...thks for the trf...will check

anise, i took 12 weeks+ 2 weeks of AL...still have 4 weeks of ML left...and lotsa AL...so now dunno how also...hahha... good tha ur gal slept thru liao...envy

ariesgal, ur gal slept thru 1 and 1/2 very good liao...mine 2 yrs + lor...hahha
1st time mummy... if u are going alone, i suggest u dun bring bb.. else later u got to carry diaper bags n i doubt u can buy stuffs.. if u going centrept can drop by GAP to see if still having any sales...

ariesgal.. ya i m quite happie my gal can sleep thru now... started 2 weeks back.. sometime she sleeps at 9 plus 10, can sleep all the way till 6 in the morning.. only on wed, suddenly wake up at 3am for feeding.. just hope she cont to sleep thru when i go back to work..
sporty... wah u got sooo many leaves.. i oso leave with 4 weeks maternity leave.. still got about 10 days 2009 leaves to use... just worry go back liao, hard to take leave onli
Morning mummies!

anise, your baby so good le. can sleep thru the night. My bb still need feeding every 3 hrs.

Sporty, your first one can only sleep straight for 6 hrs at 2years old? I thought if they drink more and sleep longer. I don't kw when my bb can sleep straight for 5 hrs or more.

momo_mummy, quite tiring to bring bb overseas. I was at plane to US and there was one couple who brought their bb along. Poor bb, keep crying non-stop and the mummy and daddy got to take turn to carry baby and walk around.
pinky, my sleep thru meaning sleep from 9/10pm to 8ish next morning for my #1...he can sleep 6 hrs straight but not till next morning...hehhe
Date: 18th Jan (MONDAY)
Venue: Swensens @ United Sq
Time: 12 pm - 2pm (LOL)

1. Jane
2. shirlin
3. sporty
4. superwalker
5. zentan
6. rue
7. blessedcyn
8. momo_mummy (KIV cos Lucas 1st day at nanny)
9. magical (KIV)
10. shihui

ariesgal u coming?
know it may seem jus another ordinary day to those on leave but i am at work so really look forward to weekend!

husb came bk last nite late at 11+ i was so sleepy.........

so i was lazy and din pump since i left office then when i went home i latched bb. finally at 2+ i bth engorged so woke up and woke my bb to latch. but i think he din drink alot and i was leaking so woke up to pump for awhile then zzz until 7+ again. i think i become deep sleeper liaos. alarm ring at 6+ i always cannot hear. thankfully always make it to work on time...

bb din poop yesterday and day before though. praying hard he'll haf explosive poop today!
anise and sporty, i still got my 7 weeks left slowly taking lo....

momo mummy> since lucas doesnt udnerstand concept of 'travelling' yet, think u shld jus go and enjoy with bb...
Date: 18th Jan (MONDAY)
Venue: Swensens @ United Sq
Time: 12 pm - 2pm (LOL)

1. Jane
2. shirlin
3. sporty
4. superwalker
5. zentan
6. rue
7. blessedcyn
8. momo_mummy (KIV cos Lucas 1st day at nanny)
9. magical (KIV)
10. shihui
11. ariesgal_76 (KIV)
Big Hello to everyone

Been a long time i havent post here..so sorry, you gals had so much fun meet up and all babies looks healthy and so cute..

can i join the Monday lunch gathering? im abit shy coz my first time to meet up with all hot mama

Also my first try to go out alone with baby Valerie..
Username: ariesgal_76

Post Number: 1833
Registered: 11-2006

Posted on Friday, January 15, 2010 - 11:04 am: Edit Post Print Post
Date: 18th Jan (MONDAY)
Venue: Swensens @ United Sq
Time: 12 pm - 2pm (LOL)

1. Jane
2. shirlin
3. sporty
4. superwalker
5. zentan
6. rue
7. blessedcyn
8. momo_mummy (KIV cos Lucas 1st day at nanny)
9. magical (KIV)
10. shihui
11. ariesgal_76 (KIV)
12. chen mama

of cos chen ma ma .. c u !!
thanks thanks for sharing on nepia diapers!

Starrz, yellow watery stools for bf babies is normal!

Sporty, tried last night, my boy dont like FBM, alamak! drink 20 ml and pui out.. I smelt it too, very fishy leh! why huh? try again, hope he doesnt waste the ten packs in the freezer!

Ariesgal, aiyoh, your girl so emo, poor thing..
other mummies who have #2 or #3, really difficult to juggle the children's emotions right?

Dingdong, take care!

You ladies talking about breast pumps, actually i like my avent manual best, im also using PISA. The manual is easy to control and i can achieve let down faster and more often then PISA. In fact, i can get on one side the amount i get from PISA both sides combined! Think its lighter and more portable too!
abit worry to take public transport too..will be my first time

Yesterday baby Valerie went for her PD visit and she is 8weeks 4days weight 5.08kg..also had 2 jabs..
<font color="119911">anise</font>, when i pump i usually use the higher level for my pisa worr. hmm... oh, icic.

<font color="119911">superwalker</font>, wah! he sucks his whole fist! just last night my mum and i were discussing if we can put our fists in our mouths coz my girl is always licking at her fist and sucking her fingers.

<font color="119911">momoko</font>, your girl is so cute!

<font color="119911">ayukie</font>, aiyo. take care leh.

no comments here so far so i take it tat it is ok to split the bill evenly hor.
$225.40/27 = $8.35

pls transfer to posb savings 037-68465-1.

1st time mummy
caffe latte
dreams x 2
momo mummy
rue's sister
pinky.. dat time i try to dreamfeed my gal.. initally ok but as time goes, mission failed.. and from then onwards she sleep thru =)

Jane.. wah u still got sooo many days.. power..
jane, wow...u can tahan w/o pumping at nite...peifu!! wow...7 weeks of ML, sounds like alot lor!!

chen mama, come...join us
where do u stay? maybe u can share cab with those staying near u...

min, fbm have a fishy smell, thas why my #1 rejected...u have to train ur bb to drink it lor...good luck

pinky, u meant lost weight after we discharged from hospital? i only lost abt 4 to 5kg then...

swanston, finally u hang ur pig's head...i trf to u tonite k?

morning mummies,

bb woke up at 530am n refused to sleep...sigh...

anyway, he really likes to sleep in the netted bouncer char, wonder why bb dun like to z in mattress/cot?
