(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Hi, I am also joining.

Date: 18th Jan (MONDAY)
Venue: Swensens @ United Sq
Time: 12 pm - 2pm (LOL)

1. Jane
2. shirlin
3. sporty
4. superwalker
5. zentan
6. rue
7. blessedcyn
8. momo_mummy (KIV cos Lucas 1st day at nanny)
9. magical (KIV)
10. shihui
11. ariesgal_76 (KIV)
12. chen mama
13. Mitsy
count me out, bb crankiness start the moment we go back to our house...either he likes places with lotsa ppl to carry him, or he testing my patience again!

Also, going to "dump" him this sunday to attend a wedding dinner too..

4 hrs no latch/pump
Look forward to meet up face to face

Sporty, thanks.. i just check with my hubby that where is United Square..haha, i am a mountain gal.. ok now, i can take Mrt to Novera lah

my hubby say everything there is a first time.. encourage me to join you gals and also give me shopping money ,,hee hee
Jane : 7 weeks of ML left.... thats good.

sporty: so u have another 4 weeks.

so envious.

I am returning to work on Vday and CNY --> 14 FEB!! and i m left with no ML.
kimifin, if ur cot have cot bumper, some bbs dun like to sleep in it in the day if its a hot day and no aircon lor

chen mama, okies sure...if u wanna meet at novena mrt to walk over tog, lemme kno

blessedcyn, ya hor 4 weeks more but sounds like next week i'm going back like tha!! hahah... 14 feb no work la...public hols!! hahhaa...so u going back on 16th feb
nvm mah, u still have annual leave...
sporty, anise and blessed cyn> ok lah, i prefer to work shorter weeks so each week i get to spend some time with my boy, do hsework, give my mom a break and run some errands. waiting for feb to come then i tink i can bring my boy out alone with him in car seat for some shopping!
but u all take block leave also got pros mah

cyn> u started ml before u delivered?

how come all go wedd dinner not bringing bb?? i intend to bring my son alone for my coll's wedd lunch on 30th jan or maybe i am jus too ambitious? actually, is cos i haf no choice! :p no one to look after...
Rachelle Ling - just wear a gd support bra bring breasts pads and ur pump along .. pump before u go to the dinner and after dinner pump on way home thats what i did ..
jane: i took one week before i delivered and have to take 16 weeks at one shot. so sad.

sporty: ya so start work on chu san. no annual leave.
anise - when my boy slps its time for me to pump, wash btls , sterilised and preapre the btls for his subsequent feeds ..
raerae - i did put alram but i didnt wake up to pump twice last nite so nw i need compenstate for the laziness haiz ..
ayukie> i am like u, time to be maid when bb sleeps.. last nite, did laundry again for the new bedsheet for cny.. i still remb how u be "maid" when it was new year, clock struck 12, lol :p

re: springcleaning. jus did the new bedsheets think this weekend mus wash curtains liaos..
cyn, same same... Took ML till 14th Feb but will take AL for rest of week to celebrate CNY... AL harder for u hor... dun sad k... there's still another month to go.. we come out and enjoy more together..

Just went Melaka for a 1 day 1 night trip for er ren shi jie with hubby... one way of babyproofing marriage i guess.. ;p But just couldnt enjoy myself totally coz miss baby too much... funny creatures mummies are... haha

Swanston, sorry i do not have posb.. will ask my hubby to transfer tom can.. thanks much!
ok, my husb said my boy pooped today after i left for work..not explosive though but erm, at least better than nothing.

ayukie> yest in office i pumped 3 times! today i tink in office i must also pump 3 times cos last nite only pumped 1 time
Swanston> I've made the xfer to your a/c le.
Transaction Reference is 2658696362.
Thanks, once again for paying in advance.
Thanks gals for the advices. can i ask when you go back to work to pump, do you use a new set of spare parts like the shield, membranes etc or use back the same one when you do second pump? cos if we were to wash, then how to sterlise? does it mean that we have to buy a few sets of the shield and membranes so that we can pump a few times at work?

Anise, if i were you, i will prep the bott in the exact amt for each feed cos you dunno how they transfer the milk whether clean or not when they pour. my MIL used to work in ChildCare centre where they also have IFC. she witnessed how the pple treated the infants. Cos too many infants not enough staff, sometimes the treatment can be quite harsh. She saw these and decided to quit her job to look after my child cos she cant bear the tot of pple mistreating her grandchild. anyway, not all are like tat la. just to take precautions and to minimise any possibilities loh

Ayukie, i;ll be driving so difficult for me to pump on way home. unless i can multitask. Pump and still drive hahah. then the other drivers on the road will get free show

I think many pple try to get married before yr of tiger. heard the coming tiger yr not so good for all.
Superwalker, jane, sporty, 1st time mummy, pinky and ariesgal: Aiya, i tot of not wanting to bring Lucas to perth 1... but now i am growing so IN LOVE with lucas that I dun noe how to be apart from him... haiz... i noe holiday with baby wont be easy... haiz.... see how ba...
Monday coming also I am bring Lucas to nanny, pray hard that Nanny will love Lucas and know how to take care of Lucas....
Hi Ladies

Need your advice, not sure if anyone of you have encountered this prbm. My bb use to drink 100ml to 120ml of ebm at one go but recently he has come up with new 'pattern' i.e. at each feeding of ebm, instd of finishing his bottle at one sitting, he has started to throw tantrums and takes about 1hr to finish his bottle (need to coax his to semi sleep state bef he'll willingly semi-suck from the bottle). We tried change the teats to see if that was the problem but it wasnt. In a fix now cos not sure if shld let him stop when he refuse to feed and wait for next feeding but it's the same cycle. Afraid that in doing so, he will not be getting enough. Anyone has encountered this? pls advise.
My bb oso like that... sometimes he just wants to be blurp then he can continue to drink more. My bb takes 30ml nia then very "pek chek" liao then i will blurp him then he will drink abit more then "pek Chek" again and again... jus blurp and blurp...
At 1st i tot was the teats as well, then we change to bigger hole he also very "pek chek"... the only feed he is not "pek Chek" is direct feed la but also wont latch long... he is a small eater and till date he only drink ard 70ml per feed nia and he is on his 8weeks liao.
rachelle and momo mummy> i bot extra spare parts so i only "lug" the fs motor ard which is very light. i sterilise with hot boiling water from airport. at home steriliser also use hot water mah. or rather STEAM, which is erm hot water at 100 degrees celcius..
Aside from that my CL told me that some babies likes to throw tantrum (their own "xiao pi qi").. this one i dun noe real or not la... hahaha...
My bb likes orange lights and people talking so when i feed him i will on orange lights and TV and keep talking to him then he will drink better... Hahaha
Jane, you mean let's say you pump 3 times in office, you bring 3 sets of spare parts? or you bring 1 set of spare parts and sterlise them before you pump? sorry ah, i;m deciding whether to buy spare parts now since hubby going to buy some stuff from US.
babymuffin, is it cos bb not hungry and he was so called forced to drink? for us, we let the baby cry a little (ok a little heartless) then make sure he's really hungry then feed. then he can finish the whole bott. cos if he;s not hungry, feed him, he will spit out the milk or even possible that we overfeed him.
My bb also like that. Drink halfway then start to throw tantrums. Then, I must carry her n walk for a while then she is willing to carry on drinking.

Momo_mummy, I same as you. Thought the teat is small, change to a bigger hole one, more "pek chek". then got to change back to smaller hole one.

I have the same question on the pump sterilising.
I intend to wash with soapy water n use the hot water to rinse. Not very keen to use chemical to soak.
Rachelle, I think to save $$ then dun buy spare parts lahz... use hot water to sterlise can liao. is clean enuff just that is very mafan nia... cos got to bring a air tight box or something similar to put hot water to sterlise the parts.

Actually in office also cannot pump so often hor... so open unless hide under the table with the pumping nehs sound... Whahaha... cos toilet no plug ma... my very nice female boss says she dun mind me pumping my nehs infront of her... hahaha... cos i am in the same office as her... whahaaha
hmm, why bb are so fussy at this stage?

Sleep is only time they quiet.
once wake up, cry for attention n food or to go to sleep...

maybe I dun really understand bbs...

2-3 mths not considered newborn right?
There is a hokkien saying: dirty eat n dirty grow up....
SO dun hv to be too clean lahz... not good for babies oso... next time they fall sick very easily cos we too clean liao... hehehe
sporty, paisei. actually wanna to ask usually after 2mth, how much weight can we lose? Any mama willing to share? I gained too much weight when I am preg, now trying to lose weight.
rachelle> all u haf to know is i have 1 set at home and 1 set in office. anyway by the time u trpt the parts from home to office, it's not sterile already! i use hot water to wash and rinse after and before every use! if not u jus get the medela sterile wipes, no need water/ rinse anyting jus wipe nia.

u so cutie...

do u all mind pumping in the handicap toilet? thk shd be ok right??

for those who intend to transport milk from work to home in the most cool stage, can buy the "ice-pack", penguin brand. I put the frozen milk with the frozen ice pack in the coleman containers, my frozen milk did not melt at all.

If from workplace, using the thermal bag, can keep the refridgerated EBM well with the ice pack too.
pinky> i think weight loss is subjective, vary from person to person. u shldnt compare urself to anyone since there is no 'hard and fast rule'
y not u jus take less carbo and do some exercise if u r so conscious about it? anyway u r bf so the weight loss shld come!
Hi Rachelle

Yah, I also try to wait till he cries a little more cos sometimes he cry cry then fall a sleep so my ebm wasted and very heart pain so now I wait till he cries a little more then feed but still like that, really headache.

My bb similar to yours. Feed a little then burp and then same cycle but still don't finish bottle. Sometimes burp also he will get angry. 'Hai'
Only latch on he does better but also like your case, bb don't latch on long like 5 to 15 mins only. So kinda worried that he not taking in enough.
Will try to see if TV works then. Thanks

same as you, carry and walk for a while but works at times cos sometimes he falls into deep sleep then won't even open mouth to take the bottle.

Thanks again ladies
kimifin> i laugh when i read ur post. toilet and handicap toilet, both also toilets? unless u mean no one uses the handicap toilet in ur office?? cos my office got pple use the handicap toilet. :p

my place not so bad, got nursing rooms, but sometimes, nursing rooms taken up, so instead of running to another block , was thinking if the handicap toilet is ok..

actually my office is shared with a roommate, if hide behind door, no one will see...cos got transparent glass which I try to use paper to block out...
