(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Raerae, cluster feeding is feeding your bb every 2hrs in the evening before the last feed.

Starzz, kimifin, may be you can read this book introduce by 1st time mummy "secrets of baby whisperer" I think it is really helpful to understand your bb.

i want to faint liao. my monster baby has been awake since 8 this morning, he is super cranky but refuse to sleep. try rocker, yaolan, carry, lie on bed, all cannot. in the end put him in the sling and now is sleeping. tried to remove him from sling and put in bed but he cry so loudly.
mitsy> no wonder why. always see u with bb in the sling ur bb like very cozy mah. bb like mummy's warmth
i got exactly the same sling as u but i still find it hard to use although i see the video liao..
u so clever... bb so comfortable in your sling..
think just have to try and try. I also did not know how to use initially, but i was desperate to leave the house alone with him to go to kushinbo the other time so die die also must stuff him inside.


think he always like to bully me. Everytime i talk to him,he do not want to 'talk' back but when other people talk to him, he will talk. Even the pd says that he is so chatty when i brought him there today.
wahhh u all are gg to turn me into an huggiees fan if u all carry on abt the huggies redemptions ..

anyway wheres to get the pigeon wipes in bulk ar in chinatown? can share ?
raerae - i tried the mothers milk tea nt much effect i oso tried the gnc fenugreek nt much effect cept gives me block ducts i dare nt take anymore ...
back from lunch n shopping...gonna prep ingredients for dinner soon!

shihui, aiyooo...sounds bad tha ur sil blames u...hope everything gets settled soon... yeah, join us for lunch next week!!

mitsy, so good...taking 16 weeks at one go!!

funne, u not going back to work soon eh? thas why u 100% latch now...

caffe latte, thks for ur trf...will check...

saintbaby, ur gal very guai tha u can dreamfeed her successfully! i wish my gal can open her mouth for me to dream feed lor

ayukie/ariesgal, i thot i am the only one who dun freeze...so we sama sama la :p

raerae, my mum's theory tha she told me was...since u can provide fresh ebm for ur bb, why wanna defrost and feed fbm...what she said was true la... so after tha i never freeze my ebm liao.... yes oatmeal can increase ss, works for me
mother's milk tea i have but yet to try but my frens who taken it said it worked for them...

tanly, haha....let ur hb pay ur cc bill lor...ur "reward" for giving birth! hehe
raerae - dun tenpt me into gettin the fs also .. whahaha hb just gave me 1k to cheer me up after my granny death cause i said i aint gg celebrate new yr and my boy also wun be celebrating so he says i need to celebrate cause i marry into his family and gave me 1k to cheer up dun make me spend it on another pump hurhur .. im sooooo god darn tempted
raerae - i have the combi chair also but my boy wants carry till he shiok le then can put him down to the chair and rock him to sleep .. so die die also must carry haha ..

sporty - i need you to teach me hw to use the ergo carrier manz .. i must be doing it wrong my boy hates it nw ..
sporty - no place to freeze and erm i dont know if my boy likes frozen ebm so hehe .. i just cut his supplemental fm feed to 1 feed every night lor and the rest bm ..
sporty, my mum has the same theory... why freeze bm when i can give fresh.... hehe.... but on the other hand, my ss is not so much that i have to freeze too lah.... so now my #1 is helping me clear the slight excess (those that are like 2 days or 3 days old bm lor)... hee...
Hi tanly - my gal is mix of spirited and touchy!
used to be seriously touchy but after a while changed to more spirited. It takes a while to get her used to cluster feeding - keep at it yah? I find swaddling and a pacifier works well for calming her down too.
i hong her to zz then faster change liao... she hor pattern liao liao...
after changing.. coax her to zz again then she dun wan zz on the bed.. put her on the netted rocker then zz... haiyo everyday diff pattern one...
it's beside the hawker centre above the coffee shop.3rd floor.
It's a shop selling all bb stuff..No need to buy in bulk actually.I want them to deliver to me so I need to hit $200 for toiletry.if not for other bulky items,$100 or $150 they will deliver. already.

yah, I tot the worst is over, skedli new pattern come out. I thk bb testing us to be good parents.

Starrz, every hour? v v tiring. did u try to bottle feed EBM? maybe the fatty ebm can last bb longer?

Or bb got other conditions distubring him? change environment to see which suits


U so Pro in your sling that ur bb likes.
but must be tiring for u too

JIA You, all wei da mummies

any tips from the whisperer book? i dun thk i got time to read. can say the impt points?

bb now napping, with my MIL helping to glide or rocker the bouncer. if he wakes up, he either wans play or milk(fuss n cry)

funny, i tot our bbs settled down...
i fed her FM leh.. duno why after 3 am she almost wake up every hour n cry... few times i pek chek to hong, go make milk for her although not her feeding time yet, but after drinking then she calm down.. dun tell me growth spurts again...blur!
FM shd last..
mine is BM, so cannot say anythg.

Oh, I might overfeed sometimes, cos when I lay him down after a feed to sleep or change nappy, he spit out some milk, just a mouthful, but already worries me if the extra amount hurts him.

so must try to pat him upright more b4 laying him down

thk dats y he prefer to sleep in rocker.

the combi high-low chair will be deliver this sat. hope bb likes it (in the daytime)...nite still wan him to sleep in cot.
ayukie, ur ah lao so good to u, gave u 1k to cheer u up!! thot ergo carrier quite easy to use? no need to teach ba...

ariesgal, good tha ur #1 helps to clear excess...since my #1 attends skool, he cant help to clear much nowadays cuz i cant let him bring ebm to skool mah...haha
sigh... when i pump just now, got a hard lump in my breast. shit. i think is block ducts. I just got over one and slowly gained back my milk ss now this has to happen!!! ARGH!!! any idea what i shd do to prevent it from worsening? hot compress then 2 hourly pump? any remedy would be most appreciated! i dun want ss to drop again!!!!!!
rachelle, yes use hot compress on it or press hard on it when u latch/pump and massage towards ur nipple... thas why its best u pump on time regularly to prevent blocked ducts....hope it disappears soon!!
Thanks sporty! really really demoralising. i had such difficulties building my ss back after the last episode of block ducts. I dun want history to repeat itself!!

i was lazy yest night cos baby gave me a 4 hour rest. so i pump nearly 4 hours later. usu is 3 hours. so i think that;s why got the blockage again. ARGH!
Kimifin, u got to read the book to find out the kind of bb your one belongs to. The bk also tell u how to read the cue of when bb is tired, overstimulated, hungry etc. Interesting book.
i intend to go to baby kingdom and source for rocker one of these days... ya i also hope bb likes it.. but i dun wan her rely on it too much also..
Sporty, Raerae and Shirlin,
YEAH, hubby says ok just buy from sprees... I will get MEDELA FS... My BOOBIES ARE SO HAPPY! hahaha...
Tanly and 1st time mummy,
I got the book too.. but it made me so stressed up the first few weeks.. the EASY schedule, my boy was nv on it.. did you manage to get your bbs to play after feeding? mine would sleep after most feeding except in the morning and evening.. he also dun sleep on his own, must nurse, fall asleep le then put on the cot.. how about your bbs?

Shirlin, what carrier did you buy that is so good? me wants to check it out too

momo mummy you are so cute, really can go do advertising for nepia.. I've got many brands of diapers at home too (huggies, fiti, mamypoko) but i and my boy still prefer pampers.. other brands like the sticking part very hard and often make his thighs red red.. how is nepia compared to pampers?

and hor, anyone has cats at home? My mum's place has a cat and i dont dare to bring my boy there though i would very much like to when there is no one at home.. so lonely! but afraid of the cat's hair and toxoplasmasis too..

reg storing EBM, advice advice please please?
i pump a few times a day and prob will get about 3 bottles of 80ml. the past few weeks i've been putting them in the fridge, then transfer to the freezer when its 2 days and havent consume.. then i total latch on my boy and only give one bottle a day to get him used to bottle.. i am wondering should i continue doing this or pump and freeze immediately, taking out one pack of FBM to feed a day..
help help! cos i just transferred all my liquid into the freezer to become solid! argh
sporty - me and hb dun know hw to use the carrier and our boy dont like us experimenting with him haha .. hmz gd nt really lah ok lah just to shut me up lor .. but i told him i want my granny more /..
Hi mummies, so long never post. Been sending my gal to bb sitter for the past few days and spend 1 to 2 hours there and back to do some spring cleaning. "7788" done, the rest if weekend can do then do if not close 2 eyes don't do liao.

Going back to work on Monday, so sian, check my company email, boss has been arranging meetings and courses for me to attend and some outstanding works waiting for me to go back and settle.

bouncer vs rocker,
I have the net bouncer which i need to bounce manually and bought a fp rocker with vibration so that she can sleep better. Initially the rocker works wonders but sometimes bb just got different patterns or maybe now she get use to it, sometimes might not calm her down as before. The rocker can be use as toddle chair too, so i guess is ok as she still can use for quite a period of time.

Starz, not sure you want to invest in a rocker to let ur gal sleeping longer, cause i find that the posture they on the rocker is not that good as the bb will slanted to one side . My gal has been going to bb sitter place for few days and she mainly sleep on the mattress (sea horse brand - firmer) , seems like she can sleep well too. I also thinking of getting the mattress for my home too, as next time changing on the mattress on the floor is safer and she also can sleep on it. Anyway, just my thought.

momo_mummy, u say till nepia till so good, i have yet to try but just got the diaper today. Tried huggies and pampers, so far prefer pampers but is a bit ex if no promo. The nepia delivery man so nice, he was early at my place today, he call me and ask whether can leave it on my door as i was out at the market, he trust me as i transfer money to his account when i get back. If nepia is good, i wonder when i get back to work and want to order can he still delivery like that as their delivery till 5pm only.
i must be suffering from holes in my brain because a few times i remembered i posted something, but then i cant find the post!!argh..

my elder boy still cry when we leave him at school .. sigh.. i wonder why he suddenly become so clingy.. last time not like that 1 eh.. maybe he really feels threatened by his younger bro..

later going to a property career seminar .. haha.. if i really go into real estate you all want to buy/sell house must call me okay? =D
sporty.. i going back work on 1st of feb.. so fast so sian =(

raerae.. wow u tinkinof no. 2.. dat never cross my mind right nw..

momoko.. u pumped so long? 40 mins.. it ink the longest i drag is onli 20 mins.. i m just too lazy.. so at time i dun tink i clear my boob..

jane, ariesgal n sport.. i normally use level 5 but at time i wan faster i will use level 6 or 7... lol.. i tink i am abusing my nipples.. sometime within 5 mins, i can yield 100ml lol

swanston... the 4 bedded kid n maternity room are same pricing.. anyway suan lei.. lol.. they onli apologies n give mi fruit basket lol..

1st time mummy... u give birth on which day.. 18 or 19?? or?? initially they wan mi to overnight at delivery suite but i die die dun wan... lol..

pinky.. i oso bought my FS from that webby.. =)

tanly.. wah so good, u swap using ur hubby cc.
Min, I hasn't really go into EASY yet as I just got the book and still monitoring my gal's pattern.

Magical, any lor bang for 5rm or EA at Bishan or Toa Payoh? Me looking for a house now ;)

Anise, its my cc but the bill goes to him every month. Kekekek...
finally for the first time my baby "slept thru" yesterday from 12 - 6am! so happy... but that was after one whole day of nvr sleep properly from 2pm - 12 *faints*

so happy!! i'm going Robinsons sales tml!! got one whole list of "to buys" haizzz... i must CONTROL! finally got the courage ask my MIL take care of my bb ONE WHOLE DAY so i can go SHOPPING!!

wah forum so hppening with all the pumps stuff... haizz...my Ameda not so good leh... painful when using, especially my aerola always like STICK to the funnel, damn sticky then DAMN pain! and the funnels like abit small for my nipples then my nipples will "bua" against the funnels.. *ouch* and it's not hands free like FS... u all make me feel like buying FS man!!! but so ex and i got alot of things to buy... hahaaha but it'll still be on my "to buy" list... IF I WIN 4D OR TOTO!! CONFIRM buy ah...
thanks for your concerns gals, timmy is better today. after taking his orange flavored paracetamol, his poop is actually ORANGE in color today! hahaha!!!

for the robinsons sale, is it a 20% storewide sale? i shall go stock up on my vitamins if its a storewide sale...

emm...my boy has learnt to suck his FIST! yeap, his FIST and not his fingers...he actually puts the entire fist into his mouth and makes loud sucking noises! hahahah!!!
Min, Nepia is really good ma. That's y i keep praising them. I havent compare pampers before. U shld ask Karen cos now she hv both pampers and Nepia.

Karen, ur delivery man is EARLY? Wah mine, sporty and saintbaby all LATE for delivery ley.

Raerae and Shirlin, I place order with Tan Leng Leng liao. I going for medela FS cos is smaller to bring ard and is HANDSFREE... i also order the car charger. Havent seen shirlin today...

Superwalker, ur baby so adorable... hehehe

Sponge, huggies must collect 3 (small or newborn) + 1 medium barcode ley. Where got 2 can redeem liao? Now i got 2 small and 1 newborn, pending for last medium size before i can redeem. hehehe

Raerae, I think many days liao... cannot sleep keep thinking... got someone offer to sell her 2nd hand (use less than 5 times) local set warranty over since Dec 09 PISA to me at $330 then i think and think and think... i top up abit more can buy new medela FS ley... so i told hubby and he says buy FS la dun buy PISA and also since i so SHORT, PISA also too heavy for me to carry ard. SO I STOP THINKING and place my order for FS with leng leng liao... then now I super happy liao....
