(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Sporty/Ariesgal, I muz b a sadist ... I'm always start with 5 and 6 and ends with 9 then can get my pathetic 70mls ... hiakz ... my poor breast suffered so much.

Toking abt Nepia, the delivery man juz reach... Eh someone tell me wat the 1,2,3 stand for. Urine indicator but how it works ah, pls enlighten me... Thanks.
momoko, you very the can leh...... level 9! i think i'll probably have strawberry milk by that level.... today i got a little bit of strawberry milk again..... i think it's the abrasion...
Starrz, i think is help u to paste evenly la... means left size paste to 2 then right side oso paste to 2 loh... if u paste left side 1 and right side 2 then the diaper not in correct position liao ma.... PET PET also have such indicator 1 ,2 ,3...
it's 54 pieces in a pack for S size..
Starrz, the NEPIA urine indicator is the 3 yellow line loh... ur bb pee on it liao the yellow line will slowly become blue.... that time my bb from 11am to 5pm pee no poo right the urine indicator only 3/4 blue nia... means can tahan even more pee... but i never wait la... cos i want to clean him up liao....
the nepia delivery guy also delivered to me around this time when i ordered! somemore never call me to inform that he'll be late! kns! made me wait for him for 1 WHOLE DAY!
momo mummy
lolx.. we replied at e same time!

but i'm going to use pampers at night le.. nepia and many poko cannot contain my gal's pee eh.
momo mummy
but pampers more expensive.. but when they have promotion for their 2 packs in a box, it's worth buying.. but that one only starts from size M.. my 2 older kids wear until cannot wear.. lolx..
Nepia size S is till how many kg? maybe can consider to buy cos mamy poko only 48 pcs and it's more than $15..... what's the number to call or website to order?
Jane, I am staying in the east

Starzz, sorry. I mistook the bouncer for the jumperoo. haha, thought put bb inside for them to bounce type one.

momo_mummy, nepia is good? I only tried out huggies and mamypoko. How is nepia compare to mamypoko and pamper?

Ayukie, you so good le, Hubby give you 1k to spend.

tanly, what is the book title that will give us the cue for bb? My bb is cranky nowsdays

I put her down, she will wake up immediately, then must carry her till my hand tired. Don't know what she wants also. haiz.

Momomummy, join the spree to get fs will be cheaper. exchange rate is low now, so best time to get. hehe.
The number to call is 62262650.

Saintbb, ya lor never inform de, also made me wait for him whole day. Also didn't zz, coz scared wait he press d doorbell I canot hear.. How we knw he so late! Actually I gt call them at 5pm coz the email state the time is frm 12-5pm but then the lady say the delivery time is till 6pm...
that time i also didn't dare to go out cos scared he don't know wad time come.. end up waiting till 8pm eh.. the next time i order must specify that if late pls give me a call to inform.. don't wanna be a goondo stay at home and wait!
Zentan, which hawker center in chinatown har? I mayb popping by office nxt week then can go buy coz I need ALOT!!! My monster is a bb wipes killer.
Pinky, same leh my bb oso like tis n some more kp crying. Sometimes duno wat to do with her liao. This oso canot tat aso canot... Stress. Think few of us our bb aso like tis.
I luv my nepia too, tried MamyPoko, drypers and fitti, all leaks. So far Nepia best for me, and the indicators is a godsend, else I duno hw to tell when to change. =P
Ta bu lek tahan, my girl keep pushing her smelly mittens to me ask me smell n kept going oooo k oooo k, duno she ok-ing wat?
momo_mummy, the delivery man maybe happen to deliver near my place gua. I actually ask for 3 to 5pm, but he is here 10am haha... I have yet to try nepia yet, hopes it work as good as pampers.

ariesgal, if you can't get through the nepia tel, you can email them, my order was done through email, during weekday, they reply me very promptly and even with the delivery timing.

2 weeks back NTUC got promotion for pampers S size too, bought the last 2 pack from NTUC extra at Jurong Point, if not the minimart near my place is selling 18.50 for S size, there are 58 pieces for pampers, per piece is cheaper than Goon.
pinky, they got size S, M and L. But not shown on the website.

The price is 15 per pack for all sizes , for free delivery , min 4 packs.
update on nepia as compared to pampers after you try it k?

anybody can advise me on this? those who latch on and pump too, what do you do with the EBM?
reg storing EBM, advice advice please please?
i pump a few times a day and prob will get about 3 bottles of 80ml. the past few weeks i've been putting them in the fridge, then transfer to the freezer when its 2 days and havent consume.. then i total latch on my boy and only give one bottle a day to get him used to bottle.. i am wondering should i continue doing this or pump and freeze immediately, taking out one pack of FBM to feed a day..
Hi starz/ pinky - the book is called secrets of the baby whisperer. Can also search online about your baby's pesonality type if you don't want to buy the book. Angel, textbook, touchy, spirited or grumpy. Different type babies have to treat differently. For the cannot put down problem, the solution was to pick them up until calm then put down again until they are used to it. One baby apparantly she had to pick up >100 times the first day, 45 the second, 20 times the 3rd etc.
. Difficult!
i went to my in law place viaa train today horrid manz ... clark quay take to dhoby ghuat change to take to raffles place change to take to jurong east change to take to chao chu kang change to take lrt to bukit panjang almost died luggin the pump and fridge to go and with the crowd as well by time i reach jurong east i was dying of engorgement already haiz ... damn shagged ... pumped .. ate dinner .. continue pumped ... wipe down baby .. wash and wash bottles and parts and then bathe myself and just took med and i mistook cough syrup for water .. i think im in deep shit nw ..
o yeah regarding pampers and nepia .. i like nepia NB but the s size nt that great the fittin nt as gd as pampers (stretchable) thus more fittin at waist so nw im lettin my boy use pampers but im thinkin when he older abit to downgrade him hahaa
Thanks Ayukie, thanks for commenting on nepia and pampers.. my place like overflowing with different brands of diapers so dun want to buy le and then still prefer pampers..

you very power leh change train soooo many times, erhm i prob would have cab down.. mistook cough syrup for water? erhm how? you need rest!
But cannot take everything word for word la.
Must see what is most comfortable for your baby.

My gal these 2 days also cry and cry. Think it's colic and growth spurt. Dunno also lah. Put down cry, sit down cry. Sigh. Sometimes I feel just carrying her and comforting her is the best solution. Feel so sad sometimes when she cries like so sad like that.
np min .. if the waistline more fittin for my boy i would let him continue nepia but i take v long to adjust his nepia everytime so in end i gave up haha ..
erm .. by time i gave up i halfway on the journey le ..
by the way give ur gal water after her jab .. i had my boy drink 1 btl water he was dehydrated anyway i dunno why after the jab and then 1 btl jinying flower water and then 1 dose of panadol (different timings give throughout the day) dunno if that helps my boy to prevent his fever when he took his 5 in 1 ..
I'm going to the robinsons sale tomorrow too! Maybe i'll meet some mommies there! Haha. I wanna buy the infantino carrier sporty/shirlin not bad right?

Oh about freezing BM- I usually don't freeze but put into the fridge as freezing and thawing will ruin some antibodies found in the milk. I will then use the milk for up to 3 days. Better to put in the fridge than the freezer if using to feed bb straight away.
juz woke up from my nap...zonked out @ 8ish juz now even before my #1 fell asleep...hahha
now wake up to pump before i zzz again...

rachelle, thas why i will DRAG myself up to pump no matter what after an incident of serious blocked ducts lor

momo mummy, ohh u getting FS liao eh...good for u

shirlin, where are u ah...today u like MIA!!

anise, i'm going back 1 week later than u...8 feb...i feel likewise...very sianz but bo bian lor

carinez, wow...good tha ur bb slept thru...hope tonite he can continue the stunt of zzz thru

superwalker, orange poop?! watery ones? kekkeke

raerae, think FS shd be able to last until #2 la...medela leh...not kuching kura brand...

momoko, u pump with level 9??!! wow...scary leh! feed ur Lil A with panadol after the jab as a prevention for fever...

starrz, nepia delivery always late one...hehhee...but for the quality of the diapers, i'm ok...haha

min, i feed my #1 with the ebm...u can freeze ur ebm and let ur boy try fbm daily so he can get used to the taste of fbm but fbm is fishy and metallic smelling, not every bb likes it...my #1 dun like it at all! thas why i stopped freezing

ayukie, i think u too stressed liao...relax gal!!
hi hii!!!! I oso ordered the FS liao from tan leng leng.. hai is abit of relief la so sian keep thinking! Finally i agree with momo mummy!

Ayukie: u better put alarm le..usu cough syrup very sleepy wan dun wait forget to pump!

I used a number of brands of diapers too, i think pampers goon n nepia are the top 3..but i think oso bb dependent coz i have a fren whose bb only can use huggies but from my personal experience huggies nt gd for my gal le..

sporty, yes. my follow-up results ain't good. i'm not sure if this can be 'tiao' back or not. will need to go back to test again 3 mths later.

Mitsy, GD didn't come down means that i'll have to revert back to my pathetic diet. chi bu bao, er bu si. so miserable. i'm afraid that having a second child may worsen my condition. and since it's so tough to keep the sugar level within control for my first one, the 2nd one would be much worse. and imagine the 9 mths of worrying whether bb is alright and 9 months of finger pricking and maybe 9 months of insulin jabs. i don't think i can take it anymore. what did your gynae advise?

Rachelle, which week was your GD discovered? how come you need to take insulin? was your reading very high?
re latching: i totally understand your happiness. that's what my gal did to me too. and now she keep on looking at me wherever i goes and she now treats me as a walking pacifier. she refuse to sleep unless she's latch on to me. when i tot she's asleep and unlatch her, she woke up crying... so i usually won't be able to post any comments here as i'm lying on bed with my gal latch on to me...bleah
goat's rue helps to up supply? i wanna get one too. where to get it?

all the talk about FS ah. now i'm tempted to get one but i already have my PISA le leh.

ayukie, wah 1K to spend. envy leh.
