(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

i think now i really need to make an effort to wake up at least once now in the night cos i think my gal now latched only once or sometimes sleep thru (so far 2x only) and i noticed a decrease in ss cos now morning pump doesn't yield as much leh....

I have decided to get the Medela FS la..hai Mitsy rationale (or her husband) is very good haha convinced me!

Think i am goin to order from the spree sport recommended.. Anyone else?
Morning mummies...
Aiyo yesterday my turn to b tortured by my gal. Fed her at 1plus am then frm 3 am woke hourly... Cry but duno for wat..so tired .

Eh did any1 reply to me abt wats the diff between bouncer n rocker?
Hi Morning Ladies!

Sporty, woo, u are early.

Jane, my baby gal born on 2 Nov
You aiming for the 3rd one? steady, dragon year is baby boom year. hehe.

Welcome Nicole, I am also new here.

Raerae, Good Morning!
Wat talking about age. Actually having bb at an older age not so scary lah. I gave birth to my gal at the age of 35. Didn't go thru much test thou. The pregnancy was fine. So no worry in giving birth at an older age. My target for 2nd bb will be 2 yrs later, by then I will be 37 loh.
Hi gals, since the topic is now on pumps, I got my PISA from USA at SGD430 (inclusive of delivery). then my dad helped me get the adaptor at some neighbourhood store for $15. so my PISA is total $445. I think is worth the money. but if spree cheaper then go for spree. that time we missed the offer. sometimes, some US websites have offers and their things are cheap. Hubby just ordered some other things from USA and I got him to buy the medela harmony manual pump for me. It cost about SGD60(inc delivery) while in SG cost $100. Decided to get a manual one cos i got freaked out when I tot what if my PISA die on me one day and I dun have a pump to pump milk out? I think i till be super gan cheong. also i think manual easier to bring out and can help me relief engorgement while outside. oh yes, the spare parts like the membranes, valves, shield also cheaper. perhaps we can org a spree ourselves to buy medela spare parts/accessories fr USA?

Ya PISA suction is strong. i cannot go beyond level 4 else nipple will be like pulled out till pain. i dun like the shape of the nipple after pump. so protruding!!!

Well, I'm turning 31 this yr. I'm aiming for a rabbit baby. cos last time i went fortune teller, he told me that each sheng xiao animal will have 2 other good frens. so, goat's gd frens are rabbit and pig. the good frens are 4 years apart. So, if you are a rat, your good frens are dragon and moneky; if cow will be snake and chicken. dunno how true but since rabbit means tat can start trying next mid yr, i dun mind cos i'm not getting younger liao.

Dingdong, your sugar level din come down? Now i scare liao cos i also got GD and haven went for the glucose test yet. Can still have babies la. just need to be more careful about your diet when preg. worse come to worse, have to inject yourself with insulin everyday during preg (which was what i did when i was 35 weeks preg)definitely can have babies. dun despair!

Nicole, I;m using sensible milk tray to freeze my milk. i find it more space saving and easier to handle cos the ice cubes are all in 1oz (30ml) qty. easier to prep warmed milk then if i use bags or cups. i find it harder to guage the amt of milk to be used.

Hi mummies,check out: http://www.addalittlelove.com

It offers the cheapest pumps so far. My friends all bought from this site

Medela FREESTYLE BREASTPUMP – introduced in spring 2008. This pump has the same two phase technology as the Advanced pumps in a compact unit that hooks onto a belt (belt included with purchase). This pump includes everything needed to pump plus a hands free hook up --- allowing mom to pump while participating in just about any activity! -- $299.00

Item number 57027 Pump In Style Advanced Breastpump – shoulder bag -- $239.00

Item number 57062 Pump In Style Advanced Breastpump – Backpack -- $239.00

Item #57036 Pump In Style Advanced Breastpump in the METRO BAG (black bag with butter cream trim) -- $265.00

Medela Pump In Style Advanced Breastpump Limited Edition in the taupe bag (it looks very light in Medela's picture but it is a pale taupe color) -- $249.00

Hope it is useful
hi pinky
i delivered to my baby boy on 28th oct. wanna join us for gathering on Monday 18th? Some of us going for lunch @ Swensen's United Square. U can come with or without ur princess

i jus had #1 where got so fast aim #3? hahaa, only aim for #2.. cost of living very high. if i haf 2 kids i tink i will close shop liaos!

raerae> maybe u can contact haystack who jus posted. prob price cheaper than spree and u can get it almost instantly (no need to wait)
having breakfast now...

jane, i used level 4 for letdown and level 5 to pump...i think level 4 to pump like too "mild" liao...kekkeke

ariesgal, u can try for dragon bb la...cuz i also thot snake bb is good also cuz me and hb are snakes...hahha...but by then i also high risk...hahha

nicole, welcome to the thread
u can freeze the milk in milk bags or bottles...in normal freezers, can tahan up to 3 mths...but rem to write down ur date n time of expressing

raerae,so early ah today...hahha...so u joining FS gang!! hahah...think can join the tan lengleng spree...

starrz, rest more today ah since never sleep well last yr...

pinky, woke up to pump mah...thas why early

tanly, u didnt go thru amnio test rite? cuz ur bday end of the yr mah...

rachelle, yeah...i read abt the horoscope "good frens" too...heheh...wah, seems like many mummies will be mtbs again in 2012...LOL :p
anyone's bb here is taking NAN 1 HA? cos i got 2 sample bottle (in glass bottle) from the PD and my gal is not drinking any FM yet. Expiry is 15 March 2010. Let me know if anyone here is keen and I will bring down on Monday if I can make it or if not, can arrange to meet elsewhere.
Sporty, maybe I am the lucky one. I pass my OSCAR test hence no need to do amino test ;)

I am going to Robinson sales later. Need to buy some clothes. All my pre-preggy clothes cannot wear liao
hw to use the milk tray. i rem it's freeze it in milk tray, then transfer to ziplock bag. then defrost in ziplock bag?? or?? dunno if it can go thru milk bottles leh..
morning all! tough day yesterday...busy monitoring my boy's fever n he is so sticky when he is sick! will cry if i dun carry him - so i end up putting him in the carrier for a while in the afternoon n carrying him in my arms in the evening. in the mean time, i had blocked ducts for the 1st time...ouch ouch... so sore... so painful....worse when my boy was crying n kicking n hitting my boobs! luckily after latching 3 times n pumping twice, now cleared. phew! blocked ducts are NOT fun!

my boy sometimes wakes up at 6plus in the morning n makes a lot of eee eee ahh ahh sounds, but i just ignore him until almost 8 to feed him. :p bad mummy hor?

jane jane, i wont be going into town today. maybe tmr. let u know....
rue, it is to freeze in milk tray, then transfer to ziplock. Never defrost in ziplock cos not clean and hygienic.

What I do is to thaw in milk bott. is a little tricky here cos not all milk bott is enough to take in the stick. so have to get those which can. you can also break the sticks into smaller pieces and put into milk bott to thaw. i have this pigeon milk bott (the tall type) which I use solely for thawing in the fridge. then I'll transfer to the feeding bott to warm and feed. of cos it will be better if you can put the sticks into the feeding bott straight for thawing and warming. then can minimise contamination but my feeding bott was too small for this purpose. I find it useful cos it's really saving milk and space in the fridge loh

welcome nicole!!

Yes I'm also like tanly - gave birth at 35 - my bday in august..... only did oscar - and if its ok dont need amnio.......and I also plan to have another in 2+ years... tanly - snap!!!! =)

I also am using FS, use 4 for letdown and 5 for pumping... got reasonable amount of ss but bb still only want to suck little bit for 10+ min only... gonna see if i can stretch her out to 2.5-3h and see if she wants to drink more... now napping...
By the way, i really admire you gals for having good ss of milk and can pump with hands free to type keyboard.

I have to massage and squeeze the boobs for that solid 10-15 min of pumping to ensure all milk comes out so that i have maximum yield of milk for baby. sometimes squeeze till boobs become red red and sore.then after the session, i will manual express again and squeeze hard to get the last drop of milk out. Actually can we everytime squeeze when pumping? will it be bad for our breasts and milk ducts? cos sometimes i feel that i'm squeezing too hard. dunno if my ducts are being pressured too much.

oh yes, jane, thanks for the advice on drinking milo to increase ss. i think it works for me! i'm drinking like 2 cups of milo everyday and there's a slight increase in my daily output. haha and thanks to you gals, think i;m addicted to bubble tea now too!!! i would sneak out to buy BB tea (cos i staying with in-laws cannot drink cold drinks in front of them...)

Oh yes, something happy to share. I wasn;t able to latch my baby cos he would fuss as my ss not meeting his demand. then i notice his feed at 5-6am is usually 60-80ml. so i latch him during that period. this morn, after the latch, he smiled at me!!! so long haven seen him satisfied after a latch on!! the last time i seen him satisfied after latching was before i had blocked ducts. it's so satisfying!
1st time mum, my bb same as yours! he will wake up at 6plus also to kek sai. but then usu he will cry also. this morn, he was passing some poo out which is a little watery and he was crying all the way. is it normal? not diarrhoea rt?
ariesgal and sporty> i tink wat level also good lah, as long as got milk! up to u to "abuse" like what sporty says. lol..

Rachelle> glad it works for u. sporty teach one. lollll congrats on ur boy smiling at u! i know i melt when my bb talks to me and last nite he said "Ma" lol

superwalker> haha good good don go if not i jealous! :p
Pinky and sporty,
I am so confuse, is Medela FREESTYLE BREASTPUMP and Pump In Style Advanced Breastpump the same? The pricing is in SIN dollar? How come so cheap huh?
momoko - o yeah i forgot to answer you as ive been busy being sick and my granny funneral anyway i dont take fenugreek nor the mothers milk tea le .. but i just pump when i can and if i need to lor .. now seldom think about quanity just pump only when needed anwyay im back at work le also very hard to keep pumping .. but im still subsituting 1 feed with FM the rest BM and i got around 3 litres of bm in fridge nw lor ..
momo, FS and PISA are different. FS means that you can be handsfree when you pump. PISa has a bulky motor but then the motor supposedly better in terms of durability and power then FS.

The website as posted by pinky shows USD. so if you convert, times about 1.4. then add delivery cost which is about $60 - $70. then you will get the amt in SGD. If buy from USA, the only troublesome thing is to get the adaptor and that the warranty is such that if spoilt during one yr warranty period, you have to send back to USA. but like mitsy say, cos the price is almost half of that in SGD, so if spoilt, can actually buy another one.
rachelle - I think its ok - sometimes her poo will be explosive one!!!! but sometimes a bit leak out only and she gets vvv frustrated so cry and cry.. then will give up if I start playing and comforting her.. the next poo will then be the explosive one!! hehe

yes milo is great!!! thanks for the tips girls... also oatmeal is good too.. and if you can be bothered, fish + green papaya soup...
tanly, yes u already very lucky to have ur daughter with same bday as u !

superwalker, aiyyooo hope ur boy is better now! yes i hated blocked ducts...thas why must die die wake up to pump...

1st time mummy, ur gal latching every 2 hrly now?

rachelle, i will squeeze my boobs if i still feel full after pumping n when i have blocked ducts...so nice to see our bb's toothless grin rite? LOL

momo mummy, FS n PISA are diff... US versions are cheaper as no warranty...which pricing u refering to? u can join tan lengleng's spree...think her shipping quite cheap too

saintbb, so fast going back liao...u took 12 weeks?
rachelle, i m abusing my boobs like u too! i massage n squeeeeeze very hard to yield every drop until my boobs are red! heeee

1st time mummy, we r in the same "age group"! i m also planning for a rabbit for #2....

jane, wah... lil jo can say "ma"!!!! so cute hor?

waiting for my mum to come play with her grandkid
Mummies who wan to buy Medela,

Agape Babies [[email protected]] Selling at:
Medela Freestyle - $520sgd
Medela Pump In Style Advanced (either backpack or shoulder bag model) - $415sgd

(let see where cheaper we order together? Wat say u mummies?)
me on no pay leave ma.. cos they didn't wanna give me ML remember? they now rushing for audit.. they wanted me to go back 1st week of jan one but i already delay 2 weeks le.. but i'm on e lookout for new jobs.. lolx..
superwalker> yes!! then he said "hello" twice liaos and knows how to reply. my videos of him laughing are endless..........
superwalker, ur mum can liao...u can take a breather :p

momo mummy, think agape bbs not the cheapest....lol

saintbb, ohh ya hor...good luck for ur job search
Rachelle, I saw the milk tray in mumfairy but u sounded like thawing is a hassle and my hubby is commenting is unhygienic due to multiple transferring of the milk. Do u think is unhygienic?

Sporty, I thought of milk bag, but my mil(caregiver for my boy after i start work) is an environmentalist ...she kinda of think milk bag is v environmental unfriendly =( so guess that option is out unless i can convince her.

Hi Pinky

I using FS too, and i think it really convenient and efficient worth the investment =)
1st time mum - oatmeal also good? then i must try also. i;m a little desperate to up ss. tried fenugreek. it works well but i suspect it gives me and baby wind. so, i;ve stopped it for this period first. my hubby buying goat's rue for me. he said that adoptive mums take goat's rue to get their milk supply so that they can bf their adoptive child. so if a woman who is not preg and can bf with goat's rue, i think it's quite potent huh? moreover goat's rue helps to increase the mammary glands. so boobs will be bigger too. haha

my fren told me tat bf will make boobs bigger but when stopped bf, boobs will be smaller than before preg. those not 1st time mummies, is it true? jia lat liao. i;m already small. if it's true, i'll be a washboard after i stop bf!!

sporty, glad that someone is also squeezing boobs like me. haha. ya, i also dun want blocked ducts. I hate it!! so painful!!

momo why you need to buy pump now ah? i think most of us here already got our pumps liao lei. by the way, for big ticket items, may not be economical to buy in bulk ourselves cos if above SGD$400, have to go to the immigration at paya lebar singpost thr to pay GST and collect the item. A bit troublesome. if got someone got spree, mayb better to buy from that person if that person can get it cheaper than you get it yourself loh
nicole,if not u are left with the milk trays or bottles liao...

rachelle, my boobs were pre preggy size after i stopped bfing...no change for me...heheh...yes oatmeal helps alot!!
Nicole, i think it's ok cos a few of my frens are using the milk trays and they have been feeding their babies for months. so far no prob. is a little ley chey for the trasnfering. but then as compared to bags, i think it's less wastage. imagine you pump out 200ml and you put 200ml in a bag to freeze. but you only need 100ml. so you have to thaw the 200ml bag and then use the 100ml only. then you must use that 100ml soon also cos once thaw cannot refreeze again.

Recently i bought this tommie tippee anti colic milk bott. it's opening is wide enough and i think can fit in 3 sticks(90ml) so you can thaw straight and warm. after that feed. so it's one time milk transfer only. same as milk bag, you also need to transfer once also.

I think whether hygienic or not depend on individual loh. some will think very unhygienic but then if use other methods, there will also be at some points, contamination. why not ask the other gals who are pumping and feeding as well. mayb have different perspective?
i have a pck of size S DRYPERS to let go, as it is too small for my boy. Bought at $15, selling at $13. 64pcs in a pack.
rachelle, Aiya i got a pump is mini electric and is not powerful enuff cos old pump liao (pass down from my sis).... last nite i pump out 50ml nia very UPSET... mummies here all the ss like 200ml 300ml and 600ml 1... i bearly got any bm... super SAD everytime i pump... bo neh water come out ley...
ya loh sporty smack me liao.... hahaa... ok will listen to u mummies i will get FS...
momo - okok. ya i think a good pump makes all the difference when it comes to extracting milk. if only want temp relief to engorgement, any pump will do. Medela is really the best.

Gals, was surfing and saw this:


Haha i used to learn lap dances, exotic and pole dances before. I think it really help to boost self confidence and is a good workout. i still rem i had nice biceps when i did pole. but cos was trying for baby, stopped pole dance. can consider lap dancing for vday. i think we also need to get the spice back after giving birth huh ? wink wink
rachelle - I don't freeze so much in one bag.. quite wasted. Freeze only what baby drinks... split it into 60-120ml quantities....

superwalker - yeah - rabbit or dragon baby for #2... mydh wants a dragon baby but my gynea told me to start trying again after 6 months cos of age.. haha..

momomummy - the spree person already consolidates so the shiping by vpost is cheaper...

sporty - yah now about every 2 hours.. i think 50-60 ml only...

jane - wow lil JO is so good!! So young can say ma and hello already! =)

momo mummy, actually hor...sometimes its the frequency and the time tha u spend on pumping to get the supply going lor... the model of the pump does play a part but not the majority part lor... i think its more of the determination and hardworkingness... heheh... juz my 2 cts worth

1st time mummy, wow...so fast trying after 6 mths...woo hoo :p u never try increasing ur gal's feeding amt so at least she can last longer till next feed?

seems like everyone is freezing their ebm, i think i'm the only one not doing it...hehe
