(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

sporty> erm, it's a good hosp still jus that sure got some pple kns one lo. jus like ur coverer kns. lol i erm still prefer it to TMC. esp since i heard the "behind the scenes" story :p

jane, whahhahhah :p ya la, TMC not tha good also, thas why i wrote complaint letter...whhahahha but overall still ok la...LOL
sporty> huh? what happ u write complain letter? yah i also think it's ok but more pers pref cos erm, i was born at mt a so i am biased... *opps
sporty - haha cant lah reason i cant put to pump rite? whahaa anyway im still trying decide should i give the first batch of bm for little E to drink or throw ..
ayukie> if u really think erm 'dirty' then don give lah, bm precious but ur son health more precious!! y not u get a wrap and jus pump at ur desk?
forget the noise. let ur colleagues deal with tht. wahahhahaha
sporty complained abt? i only complained abt the ultra slow checkout for the biling sianz ..but that time cause i super duper engorge and my baby wun suck me so i very irritataed
jane - erm .. nvm ur place still gt vacancy? ur place gt nursing rm? if gt i apply ur place whahaa if nt erm i tompang ur rm pump whahhaa
jane, complain abt the labour ward staffs...they ultra slow and i almost seh at the observation ward lor and they dun wanna push me to delivery ward when i told them i will pop very fast one...LOL :p

ayukie, juz give him drink la...throw away wasted lor...
Hi, ladies!

Sporty> Yes, u r repeating yourself again... Lol... Lil M also looks like u wat...
Ppl who know my hubby say BB looks like him shile ppl who knows me say he looks like me. Those who know both of us say that BB looks like him when awake but looks like me when his eyes are closed. *faint*

Jane> Aiyoh! Sunglasses to cover my panda eyes only ma...where got chio? Lol...
Wah!!! Swensons again??? Got share one ar??? Hehe...juz kidding. I'll give it a pass this time rd. Gg back to my old office, appt with old colleagues lor. U gals enjoy la.

Devlina> Thanks, once again, for cutting my chix for me yestday! *kiss*

Swanston> Hmm...tat's horrible lei... How can the asst director be so irresponsible?! How's ur gal now?

Btw, thks for paying, once again. How much do I owe u? May I hv ur a/c num, pls?
i oso think i will give lil E drink else i keep throwin i will super duper heartpain and somemore my fridge supply of 3 litres if diminish i will be very very heartpain also
ayukie, my office got nursing room...so juz need to apply for access can liao :p

shirlin, hahhaha...aiya...feb is juz 2 weeks away...buy now la...whahhahha :p then ur ameda sell to momo mummy lor...LOL...idea rite?!

momo mummy, if u buying the ameda from shirlin, i got new and unused ameda spare parts...cansell u...hahhaha
wah swanston, how come mt A like that one.... ya, so what's the next steps they going to do? so wat if 2nd opinion. are they going to do something if you get the 2nd opinion?

btw, i also got a bobo added me sometime ago and i did ask here who is bobo but nobody responded... then this bobo beep me and talked to me and i did ask who is he / she. Don't think it's from forum leh... she say if i know about beauty business or wat.... don't exactly know what she is saying so i just delete her request and ignore the request lor...
<font color="119911">momo_mummy</font>, haven send out the o$p$ notice yet. maybe tmr.

<font color="119911">ayukie</font>, i also din know it was the bcg jab until i asked the polyclinic dr when we brought her for the 2nd hep b jab. hee.

<font color="119911">jane</font>, ya lah. her face also got attitude look lor. see liao feel like slapping her kind of look.
ayukie, i think milk pump in toilet ok to give lah cos your milk drip into the bottle mah and you cap it immediately after pumping right? so by right no contact with any dirt in the toilet lah... last time for my #1 when i pump in toilet, i also give cos very heartpain to throw... but now my office converted a storeroom into a nursing room... got 3 tables and 3 single sofas hee..... only no music to relax! hahah..... but ok lah... cannot complain cos now privacy given...
Sporty and Shirlin, I dun see much spreed selling medela FS ley.... Y Shirlin wan to sell ameda? She still using ma... then Shirlin u got ameda liao why buy FS? Waste money la....
<font color="119911">ariesgal</font>, tat was long time back. tat time was just a swollen bump cant see the 2 holes.

later going back to talk to their coo see wat she say lor. i doubt anything will come out of it.
momo mummy i think the only spree now is by tan leng leng that do FS spree..... i got mine at Paragon - The First Year or The First Few Years... more exp than spree but cheaper than robinson for sure... comes with in house warranty....
swanston, is there like any test that can prove your bb got overdosage? cos if so, then i think that will clarify everything and then can move on to next steps on what to watch out for?
<font color="119911">ariesgal</font>, according to the 2nd pd who saw my girl yest, there is no test that can check if there is overdosage.
sporty: see i say u gd at finding sprees liaoz.. haha.. thk i'll most prob get from this spree..
And u really give gd idea lehz.. i nv even thk of tt..haha!

momo: i wanna get the FS cuz easier for me to bring ard when i go back to wk.. you wanna get my ameda? i sell it to you la..hehe..Anw i thk the ameda we saw at robinsons is not the bpa free model.. its the older version lorz.. i rmb saying 'tts y mine still more ex..'
go &amp; buy new pump lah. can sell off when u stop breastfeeding. Think it's worth the investment. The earlier u buy the earlier lucas will hav more ebm to drink..

y not u wear gloves into the toilet then remove it, wipe ur hands w wet wipes prior to pumpin?

I tot sleep thru the nite means, bb wake up for dream feeds...eyes still closed..
but seems is Un-interrupted sleep...

I am waiting..

my bb now v sleepy in the day, can sleep deep n fast...

Since FS is the like the mother of all pumps liao, just get FS or else if u get ameda and it does not help improve or only improve a little bit, u will start to wonder if use FS will be better then have to spend more money to buy FS.
Mitsy, I agree with u... that's why... haiz... now i need to tok to my hubby... see how la...

But the sprees sporty gave i think oso US set right?
jane.. u damn joker.. fs flingers lol... so no need to make it dry ya.. i still wondering how to make it dry tho till now i still just leave it air dry by itself.. hehe

ayukie.. ma ma de wei da.. u taking additional one month ML to bf ur boy.. if by den ur ss drops, just sell ur pump off..

jane.. ur iphone kenna stolen.. gosh!! dun forget i oso share the same gynea as u n swanston.. yess he is very GOOD =)

Toking about mount A.. they got no bed and i spent 2 nights at the children ward.. soooo small n bed soooo uncomfortable.. in the end i pay the same pricing for 4 bedded.. haiz.. stupid
swanston, I also have bad experiences with the nurses at MT.A. The nursery nurses are rude and impatience

The doctor that give your bb jab is an recommended PD by your gynae?
back from work, sterilised the bottles boy drank from today, 'set up' tmrw's bottles, bathe boy, do 2 loads of laundry had dinner, fed my boy and here i am!

anise> yea
u wanna be a flingr also? :p our gynae - ya, he's good lah i will wanna go bk to him for #2 but the mt a sometimes a bit cock up but thankfully my exp with them this round was erm quite near perfection
yah, my iphone got stolen. kns lo.. u all still haf till feb lei, i am bk liaos but i suppose i work erm short weeks so i shld b happy since i haf a day each week to watch my boy's dvlpmt :p

ayukie> send in ur CV lah!! my place is bb pro so got LACTATION room. my side got FREEZER also and hot water hahahah

swanston> yah lo, i use dr ho to deh her. lol.
hello...anyone ard?!

shirlin, hahha...my idea damn good rite??!! provided momo mummy wanna buy from u, if not u post on WTS lor...heheh :p if not, juz leave one pump in office, everyday juz bring bottles also can...easier...

kimifin, i saw combi bulk purchases before for the chairs but not always avaliable...

momo mummy, ameda is very portable also...i lugged it to my office everyday last time until i managed to borrow a unit from my fren, so i only lug bottles everyday! heheh :p yes the spree is the US set...local set if u buy its at least $799 i think...

anise, u going back on 1 feb??!!

jane, wow...multi tasker at work eh...after work still got energy to do so many things :p
sporty> me, supposd to be studying but foruming, facebooking and "talking" to my son. lol. he got alot of things to "say" tonight
multi tasking again. =P

jane,hahha...both my kids koon liao...so now i pumping cuz went to my mum's pl for dinner then mil's pl for awhile before we came back...hehhe
