(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

zen, no need to order for me cuz i juz stocked up angel wipes last weekend...if not u asked earlier...heheh :p

shirlin, i think u are really hooked on bb tea...could it be the caffeine tha made ur gal so awake at nite? :p

min, yes...nepia is very soft and has an indicator like pampers...very value for $$

ayukie, u cant pump longer meh? only 10 mins? like tha will kena blocked ducts leh...

superwalker, fever is 37.5 and above... since u fed him med liao, juz monitor...

My pd says fever = 37.5. emmmm....I guess all pds r different. I pray hard that he feels better soon! He was crying very hard like very xin ku like that. Heartache ah!!
superwalker: thk mayb try not to swaddle him 1st ba.. jus keep him warm.. cuz tt time my girl fever till 38.3 den send to A&E den KK doctor ask me to stop swaddling her.. den temp start to drop.. Monitor after the med see how lorz..

sporty: ya.. i really addicted liao.. and i dun thk its the caffine tt keeps my girl up at night lehz.. cuz at night she wants to slp de.. like keep yawning.. very sleepy.. the prob is she keep waking up in her slp n i cant put her dwn in bed till she's deep deep asleep..
HI Mummies! Helping my sister to spread the news. There will be a Fun in the Sun Bazaar this weekend Jan 16 - 17, 2010 at East Coast Park Big Splash area. There will be over 70 stalls ranging from baby/ kid items to face painting. There will be new and preloved items for sale. The bazaar starts at 10 am on both days !
Hi all the mummies,

I have been reading the forum on n off but never post any message before. My baby gal was born on 12 Nov. I am a first time mom so got a lot of questions.

Now i doing pure latching unless i need to go out then will feed her bottle. I think some of the mummy here will latch n pump out somemore. I would like to do this as well as I want to store some when I go back to work. Can you all share how your schedule are? Feed then pump out? but after i fed, can only pump a little out. i will feed every 2 hr.

Will ur bb always want ppl to carry n rock to sleep? when put her down she easily awake.
so sorry, everyone... think yesterday too sleepy... Saintbaby was rite Nepia $15/pack. Minimum 4pack. Dunno wat i m thinking last night... sorry...
Hi fang yen, i pump usu 4-5 hours one pump unless i have no time. i usu pump first then latch if bb wants cos bb is able to 'draw' more milk. if u wanna build up ur supply, u can try pumping more often (shorter intervals) now first..

my bb can zz by himself, although my husb and i realise he seems to want me ard (my smell?) before he doze off. no need to rock and sleep though, think it's a very bad habit for bb and tiring for the adults

hope this helps
Fang Yen,

If you followed this thread weeks back, many of our bbs had this issue. need more cuddle and hugs to rock them to sleep.

My bb was difficult to handle when he was having colic in his 5-6 weeks...

Now, its either we know how to handle him or he outgrow the colic, so tend to be much easier to cope with.

Every bb is different, so just try the methods which work n you are comfy with.
So many of you singing praise of nepia, make me very keen to try also. For size M, what is the weight range? Is the cutting bigger or smaller than mamy poko?

I think my boy like to go out to walk walk alot. everytime before going out, and wearing nice clothes, he will cooperate and burp very fast. Yesterday he puke 3x at home, today brought him out and so far (touch wood) have been drinking well (can even drinmk 130ml) and burping well. Now guai guai taking his afternoon nap.
I think i will buy a better pump. Will Ameda dual pump be good? Cos medela FS too expensive ley... cost $520 ley and is a US set somemore.
shirlin, then u must like "hug" ur gal to sleep everynite liao so she can sleep better...hehe

fang yen, welcome
if u wanna start pumping, u can can feed the pump for 15 mins...thas what i usually do... my bb normally doze off by herself after feed..sometimes she can be quite awake also...depending on her mood

mitsy, think size M is 6kg to 12kg...i not sure abt its cutting to mamy poko tho, maybe other mummies can comment??

momo mummy, tha ameda promo still have meh? at robinsons...i kno they have few weeks back la...now US set is abt $460 for brand new one...for 2nd hand ones, u can see the "want to sell" section...
HI Fang Yen,

I have an elbow nursing pillow from www.bigbellymama.com that is part of a nursing cover. I use that to rock my baby to sleep and then from there I easily put her down in her cot without waking her up. Easy transfer because she is still sleeping on the elbow pillow. Check it out on the website.

when u mention, bb sleeping thru the nite, is mean bb never even wake up for feeds?

So far, is 5 hours considered sleeping thru?
If that's the case, then need to wake up n pump pump right?

I just asking, my record is max 4 hrs....rarely

how did lucas do today at bb sitter's place?

I maybe bring my boy to bb sitter for an hour sit sit since I camping in the day at my in laws place.
haiyo... my bb really likes to rock or carry to sleep...
anyone recommendation for a good rocker? Mine now is the cheapo kind, the net one.. wan to invest in a good one...
u all say bb need 18 hours of zz per day right... my bb sleep less than that although she is v sleepy... so need to buy a good rocker..

Superwalker, my bb also change 3 diapers within 30 mins... poo n poo n pee..
My PD day if temp above 38.8, just send to hosp immediately, no need bring to see her coz they also cant do much...so ur bb 37.5 still okie bah, jus take constant temp.. dun worry okie..

Shirlin, where u stay ah? I got milk bag to let go cheaper... see where u stay..

Zentan, pigeon wipes ah.. tempted to buy..now i am using pureen wet wipes.. i like coz very moist but i scared its too 'cold' and my bb dun like leh although i like lah.. i find pigeon wet wipes not so moist n cold.... but if buy duno how to get from u leh...
I think is bad habit to carry n rock aso. We wan to quit her out of it but thinking how. She wil cry out loudly and angrily till face very red.
My baby was Screaming till no sound just now. cry till tears came out. I was so heartpain. could it be colic? we just changed the teat to 2m+ and the flow is double the speed of the previous one we had. could it be the hole too big then he swallow milk too fast. he finishes the milk in 15 min as compared to 20 min previously. we got the tommie tippee anti colic bott but still like tat. Very heartpain to see him cry like tat lei. i was like why was it not me who is in pain!!

my bb suddenly sleep more than 16hr per day, i so worry he still got jaundice or not.

heard their routine keep changing one, so hang on.

Now bb is napping on the netted bouncer, thk is the same as u mention, we din rock him, we glide the wheels back n fro...n he sleep in minutes.

dats y, i intend to buy a combi rashule, which has this glide function, n the seat belts n cushion seem better.
As it can be used as a high chair in future (provided he guai guai sit n makan), we thk it's a good investment. Cost $279.
intending to make a quick trip to baby kingdom try out.
eh wats the diff between bouncer n rocker ah?
i see the baby kingdom webby.. looks like similar to me leh but pricing is diff...
can anyone advise?

Kimifin, ya think we r using the same type of netted bouncer/rocker.. like not so safe hor...
tats why i also wan to invest in a good one..
sporty/jane or the FS gang... ask u ladies, how do u dry the pump tubing? normally when pumping, some water droplets will be sux into the tubing.. really wonder how to dry it and will it spoilt the motor if it gets into the pump?

jane.. ya hor combine will be 1.2 litre.. lol.. haha.. ALOT wor.. hehe..

sporty.. u very discipline.. i dun pump during the night wor.. too lazy.. but when start works den i try.. in case not enuff supply..

superwalker & saintbaby.. robinson sales on till 24 Jan.. card member got additional discount..
kimifin, sleeping thru by defination is 5 hrs continous la...but i think here we refer sleeping thru the nite la, tha means no need to wake up to feed bb... whether need to wake up to pump or not depends on individuals...some pple will sleep it thru and pump first thing in the morning...

anise, i never dry it...i juz use tissue paper to wipe the tips of the tubes after pump... for other pump parts, i juz fling it before i use...hahha... i'm not disciplined, if i dun pump after i feed in the middle of the nite, i cant sleep well after tha...so might as well spend 15 mins and sleep better... after i start work, i wun pump in the middle of the nite lor...want my beauty sleep...heheh

yah, so I need to watch him as I use the net now.. But the combi one got gaps n cushion, also dun wan the cushion to be a hazard.


haha, yes, when he din sleep so much, we so busy to entertain...but when his habits change, we also duno why. Hahah.

As long as he is feeding well n sleeping well, n cry n play, I thk is ok.
Currently, he has phelgm, which we thk due to the colic drops...so need to take note n burp him as much as we can.
anise> yah lo! 1.2 litre is too much lah for 10 hours lei means one day 2.4 litres liaos! :p i also don pump at nite cos like wat sporty said, need beauty sleep so now i back to work i don pump middle of nite, only latch if bb wakesup.. i don dry the tubing and also fling the parts dry -> sporty and i = the "fs flingers" lol

oh ok. 5 hours straight is good enuf for me. Maybe I try to postpone his last feed, to 10 pm..provided he KO immed, if not, also tiring.

I also v awake after I pump, so now, I pump b4 12mn, n let bb drk more to drain both breasts so i can sleep better.
jane, hahah...what a good term..."fs flingers"...hahhaha...

kimifin, ya...my gal can zz 6 hrs...so its from 9pm to 3am lor...hahhaha...but i prefer 12 am to 6am la cuz i sleep at 12am mah...hahhaha...
sporty - i think tonite when i reach hm im gg have a hard time with my boobs .. can pump longer but i nt sure abt givin my boy the milk that is pumped in toilet anot leh so maybe today pump gonna to throw so dun clear all mahz .. already pumped 200ml if all throw very heartpain wor ..
Sporty, Wah u both oso buy ah? So which ones are better? Ameda or medela FS? IS Medela PIS good? Someone selling PIS at $370 (slightly used), u think good to buy?
ayukie, actually ur toilet is dirty or clean one...if clean one, can give ur boy la...if not throw away wasted leh...hehhe

momo mummy, my ameda i used for 1 yr and i lent to my ex boss before so now dying liao...thas why i bought FS before i popped... the PIS is US version or spore version?
momo mummy
i bought my PISA for $350.. second hand but when i bought that time still had 2 months local warranty.. the one you're looking at have warranty ma?
i oso feels like gettin fs leh but then nw back at work duno hw long more i can bfeed haiz .. if the supply i build up diminish i will be soooo heartpain haiz ..
sporty - the morning pump 1 the toilet seems clean but after lunchtime 1 the toilet like nt v clean cause gt a smell (morning smells nicer haha) but looks clean lah cause i didnt use the handicap toilet which is ultra dirty .. but then still scare containmated leh ..
Sporty, hmmm i am not sure the PIS is local or US the person didnt state ley.. i jus sms her to ask.
Saintbaby, is PIS good? Which is better? PIS or freestyle?
ladies, thank you for your concerns.

<font color="119911">ashley, jeelomeelo</font>, got ur transfers. thanks dearies.

anyone added me in msn ar? i got 2 requests, one from bobo and one from michelle.

<font color="119911">sponge</font>, my mum say she din scream when she bathed her just now. so i guess the site close up liao lor. main concern now is moving forward if really is overdose how will it affect her and how should i proceed with the other vaccines.

<font color="119911">anise</font>, u check ur baby's health booklet. they got indicate inside where they jab the bcg.

<font color="119911">sporty</font>, bottle spoilt? crack ar?

sigh, got long story to tell. the attitude of the assistant director of nursing in mt a is super bad lor. she can tell me that i bring baby home for more than 2 months liao who knows what i did to the baby. *angry* so i ask her back, now more than 2 months liao u can tell me any story i also no choice but to accept right. u know wat she reply?! she say "ya lor". *faint* she din even bother to try to rephrase the sentence to make it sound nicer. and i kept telling her, u never see the baby's site u can say anything u want. she also never offer to ask us bring baby down for them to take a look. just kept insisting that record and interview with the girl shows only 1 jab 1 dosage. 1 jab then how to have 2 holes? i so angry i ask her, if like u say only 1 jab, then the other jab hole was from wat? wat else u all jab her with? *pissed* i see no point in talking to her anymore so i ask her to check with the girl again if she is sure it was 1 clean jab. she some more very bu gan yuan tell me ok lor.

after that i told my dad then he got super pissed. we called her back then my dad very cheeky, say their needles are 2 headed tatz y 1 jab got 2 holes right. lol. then he insisted tat we bring the baby down for them to see before they make any more comments. coz we already clean her with the liquid and applied the lotion so the holes are not so visible le. then they kept insisting that it is pus hole. when i show them the pic i took before we cleaned her, they shut up. the hole so big got old flower eyes also can see lor.

they got a pd on duty to come down and take a look at the site and explain to us. he found tat her left lymph node swell to about 1cm size, monday dun have one. but we can tell the dr also dun dare to say anything lor. he is a tenant dr at mt a. say anything wrong he also will have problem. the most angry thing abt this dr is he say if the lymph node swell too big then can operate and cut away. some more say is very common one, his patients also have to cut due to reaction from the bcg. wat kind of answer is this? i never hear before have to operate lor.

they did not give us an answer on what they are going to do except to keep insisting that there is only one jab. my purpose there is not to question how many jabs liao. very obvious got 2 jab holes as advised by the pd i brought my girl to. wat i wanted is wat are they going to do if there really is over dosage and wat should i do and look out for moving on now tat we suspect over dosage. in the end the qm mgr told us we can go seek a 2nd opinion and they will cover the cost. my dad wanted a letter coz dun trust her. so she went to call my gynae and ask him to be witness that they will cover the costs. my gynae was quite angry then tell her to write a memo herself and we were also puzzled. this got nothing to do with my gynae, why on earth she go and drag him in leh?

then i got so upset i tell them it is my bad luck tat i chose tat hosp, my bad luck tat i trust my baby in their hands and if anything were to happen to her it is all my own bad luck. guess wat again. the qm mgr was smiling and nodding all the way. i shoot the asst director, u see she agrees. the asst director dun dare to say anything lor.
sporty: trf $$$ liao.. UOB.. check pls.. den can take down the piggy head liao~~~ Anw, I plan to get a FS jus b4 i go back to wk.. Hb give permission le.. cuz if not i gotta lug my ameda to n fro everyday.. so thk ard march den gotta start looking for the FS spree liao..

momo: i'm using ameda.. not bad la.. serving me well but of cuz not as gd as FS la.. but since robinsons having sale selling at 250.. u may want to get it? cuz u quite worried tt you may not hav ss even after buying a better pump right?
Swanston, Wah MT A service got so bad meh? Wah terrible... ur poor baby... so ke lian...
Btw, u hang pig head oredy manz? How much must i transfer to u? I havent see any post u collecting money ley.
Shirlin, that day u pointed at the pump at robinson is Ameda ah? Is selling $300 if is the same pump we toking abt. then means the $250 offer bo liao now selling $300. haiz, i dun noe shld buy or not ley... really worry if i buy liao ss still so little then very wasted.
wow swanston sounds bad .. u should have joined us at tmc instead hurhur .. my boy gt 1 bcg jab swellin and its on his backside and took me 2 god darn mths to realise where the bcg jab is wjajjaa .. and my poor boy was enduring me cleaning his bcg jab for 1 whole week before i remember his bcg jab is at his buttock bleahz ..
swanston> *BIG HUGZ the asst dir of nursing hor is the one who sent me the fruit basket one. LOL.
yes she got ATTITUDE PROB ONE.

momo> my mobile got stolen at MT A! and i really believe today it was the nurse lo! my poor iphone..but to be fair, for the record our gynae (me and swanston share same gynae) is a GOOD guy
momo: yup! tts the one.. tt time i also worry when i bought my ameda.. you ask sporty.. i keep saying n saying n asking n asking.. in the end buy liao den pump regularly den ss up liao..so u may want to give it a try lorz..

ayukie, u are rite la...if ur office have no place to pump, u buy the FS also no use lor...cant book meeting room or what to pump?

momo mummy, yes...better ask properly whether isit local or US version... ya, i told u the ameda got promo like 3 weeks back, now dunno whether still have or not...

swanston, *hugs* so whats the next step? get 2nd opinion?

shirlin, ok thanks...will check my UOB a/c later...thanks
ohh, u wanna buy FS too eh? i suggest u join spree in feb since u going back in mar cuz the shipment takes time...

jane, seems like Mt A not very good leh...heheh...luckily i TMC supporter...kekekke :p
