(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Zen, which pigeon wipes? the red one? white one? or the chamomile one?

devlina> c u soon!

ariesgal> hmm i dunno never pump for cont 30 mins before lei..

superwalker> okies. *jealous.

pumping now

My gal also loves to chew on her mitten, but I still let her wear mittens, afraid scratch her face. My maid can trim baby's fingernails, I don't dare. So far, my baby's toenails didn't grow.

Zentan, Pigeon wipes $9 for 3...where r u going to buy it from? That's very cheap!

Wow Ariesgal, u pumped for 30 minutes?!
zen, aiyah i just place order for pigeon wipes leh.... and i bot a carton of 8 packs somemore lor.... if you only ask me earlier, i will share with you. where you get $9 from? the one i got is $9.50 for a pack of 3 and buy 8 packs and get free delivery.
agata, haha usually i pump 20 mins lah but then now with fs handsfree, i will surf net, type here etc and forgot about the time and just let it run lor...
zentan, okies...will check my internet banking later...thks for ur trf
u getting the pigeon wipes from where?

sponge, yes must always give 101% concentration when cutting bb's nails lor...i also very scared one but bo bian, if not no one can help liao

ariesgal, yes...FS stops automatically after 30 mins as they dun encourage u to pump so long...i never pumped 30 mins before so i never encounter the auto stopper...but i did read abt it somewhere in the manual...

min, yes, i'm M on fb... i use pigeon scissors for trimming nails one for cutting bb's nails...i think its easier la...and also trim after u shower them cuz the nails are softer and easier to trim...
zen, if they deliver the wipes to your house, then how you carry so many boxes out to disribute to us leh???

jane, dun be jealous. take leave la, then we go shopping!!

emmm.... i saw some of you using nursing aprons...tempted to get one...i go surf the net n see...
superwalker, zen can deliver to us la cuz she always "handsfree" mah...LOL :p thot u doing well with ur shawls...u need nursing bibs ah? tha day the one tha blessed cyn was using was from robinsons...
sporty, ah ok.... i tot my motor ki siao.... hee..
as for next mon hor, i need to kiv first cos i'm planning to go back to office on mon to settle my medical claims and expense claims so i need to bring laptop back to connect to office connection cos i cannot print from home when i logged into our company system.... so need to print from office... and united sq is near to my office lah but i need to see if i will over-run while settling the stuff in office or not.... scarly my colleagues started getting me into meetings then i die.... i purposely chose next mon cos most of them will be at beijing for a major ocmpany event so less chance to get pulled into some discussion...
saintbaby, i bot from shopbug.com. have been buying in cartons from them since 2 yrs ago.... but their pricing went up slightly too... last time was $9 for pack of 3.... hee...
sporty, hee most confirm if ki siao or not before i sent for servicing lor... if not, later the person who service tot i ki siao.. haha...
sporty, i tot my shawl is a bit hot for my boy ... :p aiyoh, although zen is handsfree, but we not handsfree leh... how to collect from her? oh, i know! get her to bring it to my house!
I get them from cheong choon at chinatown..erm..if i can get them by next mon,i can distribute to those who are going US..

it's the normal one..white/red packaging outisde selling 10.50 per 3 packs
kimifin - i have the combi high chair that can swing the baby as well as fisher price rocker and the net rocker haha ..
Hello~~ realise i like nv post for very long.. Kana tekan by bb AGAIN last night.. almost 3 den slp.. I latched her on lying dwn den both of us jus fell aslp.. LOL~
Talking abt trimming nails..gotta trim my girl's nails ltr.. Am also using the pigeon nail scissors.. yday forgot to buy milkbags.. thk ltr gotta go out n buy..shun bian trf $ to sporty b4 she hang another pig head.. wahaha

Pigeon wipes: Zen, am interested lehz.. but like a lil heavy to bring hm from US ah.. hee~~
cannot pump beyond 30 mins. i tend to exceed 30 mins leh. sometimes can pump up till an hour. i wonder if i'm causing damage to my nipples.
superwalker, like tha zen very bz lor, have to "deliver" to our houses!!! lol

shirlin, u juz woke up ah?! almost 3am? gosh...

<table border=1><tr><td>NICK</TD><TD>ITEM</TD><TD>PRICE</TD><TD>DISCOUNT (10%)</TD><TD>SERVICE (10%)</TD><TD>GST (7%)</TD><TD>AMOUNT</TD><TD>TOTAL</TD><TD>GRAND TOTAL</TD><TD>STATUS </TD></TR><TR><TD>1st time mummy</TD><TD>Love me Tender</TD><TD> $10.50 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.05 </TD><TD> $0.81 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Carinez</TD><TD>Caramel</TD><TD> $10.50 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.05 </TD><TD> $0.81 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>pastries</TD><TD> $8.50 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $0.85 </TD><TD> $0.65 </TD><TD> $10.00 </TD><TD> $10.00 </TD><TD> $22.36 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>Momo mummy</TD><TD>Happy Tea</TD><TD> $10.50 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.05 </TD><TD> $0.81 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blessed Cyn</TD><TD>Chocolate</TD><TD> $10.50 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.05 </TD><TD> $0.81 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $15.50 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shirlin</TD><TD>Pink Beauty</TD><TD> $10.00 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.00 </TD><TD> $0.77 </TD><TD> $11.77 </TD><TD> $11.77 </TD><TD> $11.77 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane</TD><TD>Honey</TD><TD> $10.50 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.05 </TD><TD> $0.81 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>carrousel</TD><TD> $10.00 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.00 </TD><TD> $0.77 </TD><TD> $11.77 </TD><TD> $11.77 </TD><TD> $24.13 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>sporty</TD><TD>sweet heart</TD><TD> $10.00 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.00 </TD><TD> $0.77 </TD><TD> $11.77 </TD><TD> $11.77 </TD><TD> $11.77 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>superwalker</TD><TD>sweet fran</TD><TD> $10.50 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.05 </TD><TD> $0.81 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $13.93 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>jocelyn lee</TD><TD>tea shake</TD><TD> $10.00 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.00 </TD><TD> $0.77 </TD><TD> $11.77 </TD><TD> $11.77 </TD><TD> $14.91 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>chris</TD><TD>almond</TD><TD> $10.50 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.05 </TD><TD> $0.81 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $13.93 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>caffe latte</TD><TD>Chocolate</TD><TD> $10.50 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.05 </TD><TD> $0.81 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $13.93 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>zen</TD><TD>g blossom</TD><TD> $10.50 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.05 </TD><TD> $0.81 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $15.50 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD>sponge</TD><TD>Chocolate</TD><TD> $10.50 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.05 </TD><TD> $0.81 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD> $12.36 </TD><TD>PAID </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>macaron</TD><TD> $12.00 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $1.20 </TD><TD> $0.92 </TD><TD> $14.12 </TD><TD> $14.12 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> $165.50 </TD><TD> $- </TD><TD> $16.55 </TD><TD> $12.74 </TD><TD> $194.79 </TD><TD></TD><TD> $194.80 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Zentan, i want the pigeon wipes 2packs (means 6) $9 x 2 if is the red packaging one... but hor u stay where? i stay kovan ley, how i get from u?

esther, u bio-ing my neh by my side ah? got small valley nia but non producing nehs.

Sponge (my daughter), wah we are the smell smelly mitten gang.. whahaha.. i love to smell my bb smelly mittens oso but somtimes can be really smelly after 1 whole day. Hahaha

Sporty, MUST trim nails EVERYDAY ah? wah i just try try remove his mittens yday but he like very in secure like that then his hands very cold ley... then i wear the mittens back again.
I Remove the PIG HEAD u hang on my door liao. Transaction ref: 2655029711 transfer $12.36 to u liao also. hehehehe

carinez1, yes i saw my bb picture (bb and the glass with straw) taken by michelle. Somebody oso taken this picture but never post up ley, can post up?? I want my bb picture ley... hahahaha...

Superwalker, YES robinson got sale up to end FEB 2010 as per the staff. I went there after our meet up bought the nursing shawl (the 1st year) blessedcyn using for $29.90 (got 20%discount).. good buy... mustela some item oso got promotion and many many more. the baby carrier sporty using also on promotion $69.90 nia.

DIngdong, WAH, i really like NEPIA ley. really can tehan explosive poo and many many times of PEEpee. Not their promoter la but is really good la... I love it and baby love it also... best la NEPIA DIAPER. Thanks sporty and i forgot who recommend me liao....
sporty: yes.. I just woke up ard 11ish.. sleep n wake up n pump n slp n wake up lorz.. till just now her 11am feed den I lazy to slp back again plus I'm feeling engorged so woke up to pump lorz.. really bth her late nights liaoz.. She better dun be like this when i start wk in march if not I cfm become walking zombie lorz.. haha

Hmm..feeling hungry now.. wad shld I have for lunch...
Unless those staying nearby can consolidate yr own orders so it's easier to collect..or can drop by their shop at Chinatown to buy..but their opening hrs only from 1.30 to 8pm mon-sat.sun closed.
zen, i stay far far from u unless i drop by my mum's place at serangoon. anyone's staying near me at BP and wanna get the pigeon wipes too?
momo mummy, okies thks...will check later hor
no need to trim everyday la, i trim every 2 to 3 days,...sometimes i forgot too! u really become nepia spoke person liao!! LOL

shirlin, get food near ur house lor...u shd rest more in the day,..
sporty: yah lor.. thk i just go dwn to hawker centre to buy food.. but i miss bb tea wor.. haha.. if want to get bb tea den I must take bus for 1 bus stop to go tiong bahru plaza.. den I can buy my milkbags too.. hmm.. see how lazy i feel later ba..
Zentan, u stay so near me. I can pick up from ur place. I not so rich la, dun stay in kovan melody, i stay near hougang super bowl near the india prata shop at kovan.
Wah u so near me, can i order MORE? i want packs of 7 ($9x7=$63) Let me know when i can pick up from u. Helping my sis to buy also since so cheap.
Thank you SO MUCH.. hehehehe...
Min, is thin and super SOFT! so soft that my baby likes it so much (i think la... after he wear nepia he smile more ley)... i think i am crazy over NEPIA... hahaha... I think is a brand after use liao u wont want to change other brand... Got urine indicator, from yellow will chnage to blue.
At home i still have so many other brand of diaper (got mamy poko, got huggies, petpet, drypers) but everytime i change bb diaper i will want to pick up Nepia instead of other brands cos is really good and comfortable for baby and i dun need to change so often... hehhe...

Sporty, ya manz i am crazy over Nepia. Si BEI GOOD LA... thumbs up and really nice la.
buy what at chinatown? im back at chinatown whahaa ... anyway jane ar hws ur pumpin schedule just pumped 100ml in 10mins in toilet in toilet pump sibeh sian and orbit haiz ..
Momo mummy
I'll be ordering 3cartons(if via delivery)
if my hb can go n buy,will buy less..I'll help u get as well..
So anybody else wan to tong bang?
Zentan, ya u need more order not enuff can let me know as well... dun mind taking more as well... got many many baby mummy i can pass it to in church.
jane: YA! rockery's bb tea totally sucks.. I tried it once n vowed I'll nv drink it again even if I'm suffering from withdrawal symptoms.. haha.. My hb threw his whole cup away after drinking 1-2 mouthfuls..

momo: Hee.. nvm la.. once a day is okay de..I asked PD &amp; gynae b4 le.. as long as not whole day keep having intake of caffine..
Aiyoh...my son got a fever suddenly! The first one...so worried. At 12.30pm he was still 37.2 degrees Celsius, then suddenly at 1pm become 37.6! He took his prevenar n rotavirus vacinations this Monday.....could it be due to that ?
Shirlin, my pd told me to give only when my boy gets a fever. So on mon n tues, he had no fever, I was so happy! So I continued to swaddle him loh. Then today suddenly fever. Gave him some paracetamol n now monitoring his temp every half an hour...
my pd told me that bb after taking jab 38 degrees celsius then consider fever ley. He gave me the panadol syrup also but only to take if is 38dc so my baby 37.5 i just continue to monitor then keep him warm. After awhile then he ok liao. so u monitor ur baby and keep him warm 1st. dun worry ya
superwalker, usually fever will come in a day or 2 later.... not immediately one... but if below 38 then i think it's ok. just give the paracetamol and monitor. rotavirus won't give fever but prevenar is likely to give fever. your boy should be better after today.
