(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

me back home from my dental appt...
wahh...now talking abt "storage tank size" and being aunties eh?

superwalker, wow...ur boy slept from 1am to 7am? good leh...can zzz more...i always like u, will check on my kids if they kept sleeping!! hahahha... opps, how ah, ur mini electric adapter die liao...buy new pump la!

chris, actually sometimes this kinda bb sleep thru things depends on heng suay one...so far i'm not very heng lor!!

kimifin,i thot of getting those combi chairs for #2 previously but in the end didnt...but i have frens who raved abt it...

esther, hahhaha...maybe ur mum's rite...u shd bring ur gal out more often...LOL :p

rue, u finally gotten ur wish...lunch very near to ur house!!

starrz, the nepia hotline is routed to HK one, there was this day i couldnt get thru also...then i tried the next day and it was ok!!

jane, bo bian la...8 feb seems very near to me liao lor...5 day week also like tha lor...what to do?! wow..600ml!!

momo mummy, yes mini electric not very good la...if u plan to bf long term, better invest in a better pump which will have better yield!! glad tha u like the nepia, buay pai rite??!!

tanly, yes bring ur gal along!! i wanna see her esp she has the same bday as me!! whahhaha

sponge, ya la...i told my hb this morning tha we yakked till we took wrong train...LOL ... anyways United Sq is 2 mrt stops from orchard...u can always go shop there mah

mitsy,aiyooo...hope ur nipple's ok...apply nipple cream lor...

swanston, hope ur gal's ok...rem to update us ok? *hugs*

ariesgal, so u joining us next mon? alamak...hope ur nipple's ok!

hi mummies,

Seems like you all enjoying yesterday lunch. Yesterday was the first day i send my bb to nanny home. Spend 2 hours + there to make sure the nanny bath and feed my gal well, today 2nd day kind of miss her now, but got to "ren" and will fetch her back at 5+ and now at home doing some house chores.

Next monday gonna go back work already, sian ...
ok finished pumping... suddenly nobody ard ah!! hahha

karen, ohhh good tha u have some "me" time now...nvm la, reality bites...back to work!
welcome back!! I'm having a toothache now..my turn to visit a dentist next. eecks! yuan wang ar.. I rarely shop in Orchard.. my common hide-out is in CWP! ;)

hope your nipple heals soon! must let it rest and 'breathe' yah~

u LV queen la :p
sporty, i really dunno what happen man...... i freaked out.... check my left nipple but no cuts or what leh... then i try hand expressed also no see blood... but why i pump out blood.... jialat.... hope nothing serious..
oh yes...i had raw yu sheng for lunch with porridge juz now...raw yu sheng good for ss also!! tried and tested by me!!! hahhahha

sponge, xie xie for ur welcome
today u so eng ah, can lurk ard here...hahhaha... i went to see the specialist, but good la...will see her next yr, if not very far away...hahhaa...

ariesgal, aiyooo...could it be ur nipple rub against the funnel or funnel too small for ur nipple??!
sporty but if funnel too small, it shouldn't only bleed now right? not first time using fs leh.... just now when pump at 11am was ok leh....
ask u all ah.. u all say wan to train ur bb to sleep thru the night hor.. lets say example bb sleep at 9pm then slp thru the night till abt 7am.. then bb diaper how.. must be fully soaked with pee or poo liao.. do u all change in the middle of the night?
sporty> how was ur dental??

sponge> ??? wat lv queen everyone also have mah. i wanna be erm hermes queen can? lol u are TODS QUEEN wahahahha

i fell zz at massage until when she wanna massage my boobs i said no!! later leak or be oily :p but i realise my tummy skin still very loose
Combi-high chairs + recliner

so end up anyone bought it?

I think if bb likes to sleep inside, I can do my chores.
Just now, rocking him to z from 130 till now...he on/off sleep, the netting rocker v filmsy too.. dun like...
end up, i din nap at all.
How's eveyone's bb sleeping schedule now?

I find mine v v sleepy even after waking up in the morning, even sleepy in the evening...that I worry he won't sleep in the midnite.

He still able to clock more than 15hours of sleep I think...
juz went supermarket to get groceries to cook dinner...

ariesgal, i read before sometimes our nipple become bigger after pumping for awhile...so i dunno whether thas the case for u

jane, my dental was ok...the movement between teeth still there so gonna monitor again for 1 yr

kimifin, yes my fren bought it...i almost bought it but didnt cuz i have a rocker liao and its serving me well!

U waited 1 day before you pump? like dat will leak !

If i din latch/pump fopr more than 3hrs, and carry bb, just carrying bb will cos some leaks.

For your nanny, you going back to work soon, thats y put at nanny now?

I starting work in March, but now n till then, still camping at mum's/in law's house. If put at nanny place, like too early, since I am still on ML.


BB finally fell asleep in the rocker, when I was having my 2nd lunch...


better catch some sleep now.
i don't change my gal's diapers in e middle of the night.. cos it'll prob wake her up. her last diaper change is at 8plus, den next morning when she wakes up will be around 7 plus. by den super heavy e 1st things i do is to change her diapers
Starrz, my baby gal slept from 10 plus last night and only woke up at 7am.... but we didn't wake her up for a diaper change as she was zzz so soundly. But we changed her diaper immediately after she woke up. It was moderately wet... but not soiled as she will usu poo while/after feeding.
wah... then really got to wait for nepia diaper to arrive.. my drypers cant hold the pee/poo for long!!
Few hours oni aldy enuff to stain me liao..keke.
i agree that drypers can't last.. my gal, nepia also can't her so long hours.. at night now she wearing mamy poko.. but sometimes morning will be wet.. so i gotta buy pampers le.
i agree that drypers can't last.. my gal, nepia also can't her so long hours.. at night now she wearing mamy poko.. but sometimes morning will be wet.. so i gotta buy pampers le.
kimifin, have a good rest! hehe

starrz, i dun change my gal's diapers unless she wake up in the middle of the nite...i dun wanna wake her up...haha

saintbaby, yes i agree pampers is better for nitewear...
aiesgal, maybe it's due to crack nipples. i pump out strawberry milk for a few times le. nothing serious. juz dun feed bb with strawberry milk
nepia actually also cant really hold pee well... mine always leaks after more than 5 hours... damn sian... pampers is the best that can last till morning kind... so i intend to use nepia for noon and pampers for night... i've tried drypers too, also cannot hold pee well... but nepia very good for ALOT ALOT of poo! hahaha
Sporty, would love to bring my gal along but she doesn't like the bb bjorn carrier. When I try to sit down with her in the carrier, she will start to cry.

Yesterday saw momo mummy and superwalker with their bb in the carrier and they are so guai, but my gal cannot lah.
why no one is using mamy poko? it's quite a good diaper too leh.... can hold my gal's pee quite well..... sometimes i don't change her overnight if she doesn't wake up... and doesn't leak so far... last time i use nepia on my #1 also good.... but cannot remember why i stopped after a while....
dingdong, ya later going to pump again so hopefully i don't see strawberry milk again cos frankly speaking it can be quite shocking to see it esp i never had it before lor... now a bit scared to pump haha....
Dingdong, they very fussy hor. Like that I could hardly bring my gal out unless my porter(hubby) come along or fetch me so I can bring the stroller.
ariesgal, i find mamy poko's cutting very small leh...so never use...

tanly, dun worry la...theres many bbsitters ard to help u jaga ur gal on tha day!! hee
anise, i where got 300ml? i max can pump 150ml nia ley

Sponge, I want ANGBAO WITH $$$$$$$$$

zentan, ya i dun wake up in the middle of the nite to pump cos i latch baby ma... but mummies here do pump after latch la.... but me tried before pump after latch only can pump out 20ml nia... like waste time ley so i never pump after latch liao... my neh so small where got feng man?

Sporty, YES NEPIA SIBEI GOOD... baby put on NEPIA since 10am till now i havent change him ley... the urine indicated only half blue nia and got no poo so i never change.. IS THE BEST DIAPER ON EARTH ley.
Investing in PUMP ah... now i very demoralise ley, got only max 150ml after never pump for 8hrs if consistent pump only got 50-60ml... if buy an expensive pump still like that then how la? Very wasted like that ley.

Starrz, my baby only 4.3kg nia that's y i think Nepia S size is good for him for another maybe 2mths? hmmm... i order 2 small and 2 medium oso... i think is okie de la... nepia is slighly bigger than huggies S la.... BUT USED AND TESTED NEPIA REALLY SIBEI GOOD LA....

Kimifin, i cannot send baby too late to nanny later nanny cannot cope with baby or baby dun like nanny than i still can find other option ma. then i got latch baby here and there la... but neh dun hv much leaking problem lah... i ss super low lah... eat fenugreek and drink mummy milk oso ss low....

dingdong, milk got blood cannot keep meh? that time my neh got blood bb oso suck and suck...

Tanly and dingdong, at 1st they wont like 1... but after awhile u put them in the carrier they will be okie liao... is like a sleeping bag to them very comfi for bb but tiring for mummies la... if wan to buy hor get 1 with back support one... superwalker has a better carrier than mine. mine dun hv back support end up mummy me very tired after whole day of walking with a sleepy baby.

Ariesgal, mamypoko expensive lah.... i think superwalker says indonesia sell mamypoko cheaper than SIN.
ariesgal, probably you won't see strawberry lah. no worries.

tanly, ya lor. my gal even fuss about the way we carry her. always have to change position, else she'll scream even louder.
Ladies, my hubby came home earlier today... got to go and spend time with him and baby and pump my small storage tank for neh water for my lucas... chat with u ladies tomorrow.

Sporty and swanton, hang ur pigs head soon ya... if not we will pretend not to PAY u... hahaha...
sporty, is it? i find the cutting ok for my gal.... but the thigh area where the tapes are is indeed a little tight so i will loosen that area lor....

kimifin, i pump in the afternoon and latch after 10pm.... but sometimes aftern when i'm too lazy to pump and bb happens to want to feed then i'll latch lor...

momo_mummy, is it? hmm..... wondering if i should ask my friend to bring me diapers when she comes to visit.... haha.... my relatives all in indo.... will ask them to check it out for me... but i tot mamypoko is cheaper than nepia no? i think nepia not very cheap so that's why i change the last time....
hi all

Yesterday's outing was fun! Swanston, Sporty - thanks for paying first -please let me know how much to transfer soon.

Superwalker -Buying mamypoko in indonesia is definietly cheaper. My MIL buys for me there and it is about $7 cheaper.

Swanston - So sorry to hear about your bb's BCG - thats bad! Hope they can sort it out soon.
momo mummy! so we r not in the same category after all leh.. i can never exceed 40 ml one! Like i told sporty before, my bb can sleep comfortably on my chest coz no humps lor...
Looks like quite a lot of people beo u leh..haha

Just wondering if anyone is using Goonz? Heard it's quite good too.. my hubby jappy siao so would prefer goonz over pampers .. preparing for the day bb sleeps more than 4 hours each feed at night!
gonna cook soon! hehe

momo mummy, wahh...so fast u become nepia fan liao ah! heheh... i think good pump very impt lor...if u intend to bf long, better reconsider lor... me bz today, will sort out the bills after my kids sleep later and will hang pig's head...dun worry!! hahhaha

ariesgal, i tried one pack during my boy's time last time and it doesnt work cuz it always leak so in the end, i never buy liao...heheh...

1st time mummy, no prob
sporty!! End up i got no time to rest today.. Super sian sia.. Had my lunch only at 5ish.. Now pumping b4 gg for my class liaoz... Ltr gg tp buy milkbags 1st b4 walking over to sch..

momo: seriously go get a gd pump ba.. Who knows may increase ur ss? If really dun have effect den sell it off lorz.. =)

cannot use 1 day to see supply, think of bb needs milke every 2-3 hr, not once per day. so start to pump regular, rem to massage n squeeze the side of your breast as you pump, to "maximise" your tank.
ya loh.. super sticky n keep on throwing tantrums. now he starting to refuse to let me carry bb n would throw tantrum whenever bb cries n i have to carry him.. sigh..

the outing i also gotta KIV ya? but put my name down first ba..
Date: 18th Jan (MONDAY)
Venue: Swensens @ United Sq
Time: 12 pm - 2pm (LOL)

1. Jane
2. shirlin
3. sporty
4. swanston
5. superwalker
6. zentan
7. rue
8. blessedcyn
9. momo_mummy (KIV cos Lucas 1st day at nanny)
10. magical (KIV)
i dun think gg to see GP. Now no more bleeding and also no pain. think there was a milk blister before , then after that burst liao got a small pimple like thing. Then yesterday the pimple thing burst so got blood. just super heartache for my milk.
dingdong, yeah u are right, no more strawberry milk but i also lower the suction so maybe that helps...

chris, last time i did use goonz on my elder gal... also good.... equally good too but as my gal grew bigger, i find goonz and nepia and pampers etc a bit on the exp side so i change to huggies for her and she has been using huggies since... for my #2, i was told to try mamypoko and so far still ok....
Hi ladies,
Am new to this thread.

Question on diapers: am using Goonz NB for my 6 week old bb (4.4kg) and thinking of using Nepia. Anyone can share similarities and differences?
haha...comparing size of tanks ah??!!! LOL

shirlin, aiyooo...*sayang sayang* hope ur gal dun tekan u tonite so u can rest!!

magical, good tha u KIV for lunch...finally can see u!!
momo mummy... wah u like nepia supporter all the sudden.. lol.. i m oso using that for my gal =) i tink i should order their medium pack and standby before going back work.. else next time they deliver will be tough as i am at work..

so far, nepia can hold my gal pee from night 10pm till morning 6 plus... i tried pampers but leak abit.. dunno is it coz too big for my gal.. shall experiment again
Not sure whether it is cheaper to order online. can order nepia by calling them. $11/pack but must order 1 box=6 packs. My sister give me the no. if u wan, i can pm u.
me currently using nepia for my 3rd BB. previous 2 boys used pamper for their 1st month. Nepia not bad. Soft & got indicator like pamper. the best part is it is CHEAP!

momo, u received commission from nepia ah. promote until like that. hahaha but i also agree that nepia is good lah.

there was one time i didn't realise that my nipple crack so i let bb suckle. ended up she regurgitate pink milk and her poo poo got blood streaks...very scary lor.

wanted to buy another carrier like ergo kind but dare not cos in case my gal dun like then it's a waste of money.

back to school today and got a culture shock. my class all populated by PRC. where's the locals??
