(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Superwalker: May i know where u got ur milk bags from? I just went to babyhub online which sells the 25pcs for 12.50 so ur pricing is really competitive! thanks!

Morning ladies... my gal slept till 3am , woke up abt half an hr, slept again till 6am... k la, me din "die". hehe... My mum was jokingly telling me if I wish my gal slept longer next time, shd bring her out again during the day... lol

nice to know dat.
I find my bb v sleepy lately. but in all. he is meeting the target of 18hours of sleep per day.

Just that past 2 weeks, he was v wakeful...so we were not used to bb sleeping better now.

But he still wakes up 1.5 to 2 hrs in the midnite morning...

day time, he seems to "dong" hunger better, able to wait till 3hrs or more between feed.

Anyone can advise me on the phelgm? duno if need to see PD? so far, bb din cough or noseblock.
kimifin: usu i thaw the frozen milk by putting it in the fridge section overnite. i started storing the BM frm the time i haf been producing more than wat my gal needs. So now i half feed fresh BM half FBM.
hi juz tot i share this with u all for those who wanna buy lanisoh milk bags. They are goin for 18.50 per pack of 50 pieces

Ya lah. I called the baby clinic they ask me to call the hosp to trace the nurse who did it. Some more tell me they can give less but not overdose. Maybe is prick liao baby move then they prick again. Problem is now got 2 holes which means the vaccine went in 2 times. Just now my mum tried to bathe her she scream so loud, so heartpain lor. Must be pain pain. She used to enjoy bathing de. Called my gynae clinic le. The nurse ask hosp to trace record for me. See what they say lor then plan next step.
Tks superwalker but i juz fd another one, if u use juz milk bags good to see the thread. oh this person oso carried like Medela pumps i think FS is like $520, bb bjorns and desitin cream. I dunno this person in case u all think i promoting for him/her haha i just tot share with u all..I am getting the desitin cream and milk bags!
Shirlin, wah u make me envy u leh.. u can pump more than 300ml... i whole day never pump only can get 150ml maximum... SAD CASE! my storage tank too small bo BM...
haha, finally united sq, i'm joining cos i can walk there..

Date: 18th Jan
Venue: Swensens @ United Sq
Time: 12 pm - 2pm (LOL)

1. Jane
2. shirlin
3. sporty
4. swanston
5. superwalker
6. zentan
7. rue

wah, jane, ur lunch 2 hrs??
Wah had been calling the Nepia hotline... No one answer. Dun wan to order online wan to mixed the sizes. So busy meh... Y no one pick up.. I call n call, sometimes can hear the line is engaged at the moment, pls try again later... Try liao for the past 1 Hr but still no answer.
sporty> 3 days is long loh.. u will feel like me soon or erm worst cos u full 5 day week!!

raetrae> 10+. i work erm as and when i feel like but tryin to do 4 day weeks..

momo> i gt pump 600ml once lollll after 10 hrs i tink yest/ day before yest. ur storage tank quite big lei... from erm wat i saw close-up yest. *opps. lol

rue> :p c u!
Date: 18th Jan
Venue: Swensens @ United Sq
Time: 12 pm - 2pm (LOL)

1. Jane
2. shirlin
3. sporty
4. swanston
5. superwalker
6. zentan
7. rue
8. blessedcyn
Hello~~ Am now waiting for my girl to wake up so tt I can latch her to clear my block ducts b4 i explode.. hahaha~~ Just pumped at 8ish now block again.. Sian sia.. =(

momo: Hai hao la.. record holder here is Jane lehz.. Till now no one can beat her record.. haha.. and yup, i agree with jane.. your storage tank look bigger den mine lehz.. maybe cuz you nv empty your breasts?cuz you told me u using mini electric right.. thk alot of ppl say tt one not efficient in emptying wor...

jane: Haha.. i pamper my hands den u pamper your feet ah.. My hb once saw me doing it and he went 'LANG FEI!pump so hard den u use to wash your hands!' haha! Thk ltr I must go buy milk bags le.. if not I'm gg to continue wasting my BM lorz..
blessedcyn> yes, really

shirlin> i used to wash my hands last time then i poured away erm 500ml. very waste really so now i take and soak my feet cos since give birth no time go pedicure, my feet very dry.. i alr use milk bags i told blessedcyn if all forum pple come my hse and drink erm my milk, will erm, still got spare lei. :p my husb jus scream at me this morn when he opened the freezer. i haf it in the back of my mind to pour ebm into his coffee/ milo every mornign so wont waste. LOL
Date: 18th Jan
Venue: Swensens @ United Sq
Time: 12 pm - 2pm (LOL)

1. Jane
2. shirlin
3. sporty
4. swanston
5. superwalker
6. zentan
7. rue
8. Tanly(kiv)

Will try to bring my gal along this time round. Let's pray hard that she behave. Cos she doesn't like the sling or the carrier.

Mummies be prepared to hear my gal scream during lunch. Hee... Hee...
hello all~

nice meeting up again ystd!

we 3 really the best hor! Can talk until board the wrong train! muahahahahah

2 bcg jabs are no joke leh.. how can Mt A make this kinda mistake?! haiz.. how is ur girl now?? poor bb..she must be feeling uncomfortable all these while

your storage tank dont look small leh! If urs is small hor, mine is NON-EXISTENT liao LOL!
sponge> YES NICE MEETING U AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! c u again NEXT MONDAY HOR!!!!!! LOL

tanly> don worry, erm, auntie jane hands free next monday.. LOL
was just telling Zen this morning that there is nothing to shop at United sq leh! hahah... i also KIV for next mon's lunch.. update u again!
Jane, wat is fs gang? freestyle ah? very expensive lah... save money buy "gu ni hu" for baby since my tank not in working condition... and close up or far my storage tank still SMALL loh compare to SO MANY OF U....
Then WAH WAH WAH 600ml... U still use ur BM soak feet AH... wat a WASTE ley... ur tank really GOOD de ley...my baby so skinny... me bo neh to supply to him that y he no appetite oso... WHAHAHA...

Shirlin, aiya i bo pien all my baby stuff ALL PASS DOWN from my sis and my hubby sis 1.. cos we the youngest and all sister say dun waste money go buy this buy that... so got wat use wat lo..... my mini electric from my sis oso... now i bearly got any milk i scare if i go buy other pump then still no milk then also waste money ley....

sponge, mine is also NON EXISTENT compare to many many mummies here lah... even if can see but not working condition ley.... neh neh spoilt liao... HAHAHA....

Starrz, u can order online then they will send u a auto generated email then hor from that email u can reply NEPIA that u want mixed size... that's what i do as well and my order is arriving at 130pm later (order on last friday) and i find that Nepia brand S size is bigger than huggies S size and is really soft... Sporty gave me 1 to try yday n i find it very very good

Saintbaby, WHahahaha.. NEPIA delivery man really LATE but hor he got sms me to say he late ley.. hahaha... ur delivery man lazy dun wan to sms u la... hahaha
Date: 18th Jan
Venue: Swensens @ United Sq
Time: 12 pm - 2pm (LOL)

1. Jane
2. shirlin
3. sporty
4. swanston
5. superwalker
6. zentan
7. rue
8. Tanly(kiv)
9. sponge (KIV)

u remind me of my mother..hahah..she also complain her tank so big but not in production! I also 'scold' her for being 'selfish'.. her tank so big yet refuse to pass down some to me! lol
AIYA, i got to KIV lunch 1st cos 18 Jan is the 1st day i bring Lucas over to my nanny and i very scare she cannot cope and Lucas cry cry then i heartpain... aiya i very sad that Lucas got to go nanny cos nobody helping me to look after Lucas...

Date: 18th Jan (MONDAY)
Venue: Swensens @ United Sq
Time: 12 pm - 2pm (LOL)

1. Jane
2. shirlin
3. sporty
4. swanston
5. superwalker
6. zentan
7. rue
8. blessedcyn
9. momo_mummy (KIV cos Lucas 1st day at nanny
catechins> erm i was pioneer user of fs here lei. lol, erm, not sure if it's solely due to fs cos i din try other pumps

sponge> got kiddy shops mah but no FERRAGAMO/ TODS all your fave high crass shops la!!!

momo> u all mus read properly 600 ml after TEN HOURS TEN HOURS TEN HOURS!! not waste lah, i deserve erm pampering also mah, all the money i saved from spas.. LOL.. no lah, ur bb not skinny, cos ur bb younger!! and pls lo, i am still quite amazed how u put ur baby on table and "handle" him. :p
Sponge, CNY coming liao must give mummy ANGBAO hor... hahaha

Jane, I after 8hrs maximum also bo 600ml ley... my record only 150ml nia and i very happy liao... cos 1st time see 150ml... hahhaha... my lucas drink very little so got 150ml i very de CAN liao... hahha...
Then my hubby says BOY must handle rough rough de then will grow up to be very de MAN... hahahhaha...
momo MUMMY!! lol

My elder girl was also with a nanny before she attends cc.. i guess u really have to close 1 (sometimes 2) eyes when u leave your child with a nanny... some nannies are very particular..they dun like having the mummies around.. scared hinder them mah..so must see ur nanny lor..sekali she chase u away ar~ :p

i also like to dig in those bargain gondolas one u know!! lol.. very shiok to dig out a good buy in those bargain corners.. lol..aiyo i si bei aunty
momo MUMMY..hahah we this kinda low ss pple..see over 100ml already can fly liao hor?

regarding the ANGBAO...can! i have lots of EMPTY red packets at home! muahahahahha
momo mummy
i send them email... they say can order by email... but they havent send me confirmation yet..
S size bigger than huggies ah... opps i still go order 2 S size n 2 M size leh..

Toking abt milk bag...
I got the lanisoh milk bag leh... 50 pc de... new de.. tat time i buy but in the end didnt use as eventually gave up bf liao.. anyone interested...letting go at $15..
super envious of people with good supply.

This morning I had to pour away 70ml of EBM because my right nipple bled and become strawberry milk. Super super heart pain.
jane.. so u pioneer of fs.. i really hope that fs can help me to further increase.. cos really worried not enough when i go back to work.. now is enough for each feed.. and also one extra at the end of the whole day...but i din freeze it.. used it for spare.. wheni go out with hubby and leave bb with my mother..

i realised that my depression is getting a bit better now.. sometimes can still be happy.. keke...

must stay positive.. =)
momo mummy.. u whole day pump 300 ml? is it coz u latch ur bb thus little left?

swanston.. how come the dr so careless.. betta do chk on ur bb to ensure that she is ok.. bcg taken when bb just borned right? till now i dunno where exactly is the location..

wah jane.. ur record whole day is 600ml.. include latchin??
Hihi ladies
xi1 ke4 dao4...
lunch and tea was great yesterday with so many mummies..
I don't know more than half of the mummies there..
I guess I missed too many gatherings le..lol

momo mummy
u r v feng man leh..how can no milk?!?!
U not hardworking enuff isit?

mine also NON EXISTENCE..almost no storage space at all!!!
U sure u buy bargains anot??u don't look like the sort wor..
Me so paiseh when I ask u to go Novena Sq shop cos then only I rem no BRANDED shops there wor..

u can donate your bm to those NEEDY bbs with no milk to drink.u v waste leh..me just enuff to feed my boy no excess leh.

Today kinda quiet here so I thought of posting.if not hor super lazy to post.
next time i show u all my aunty-side then u know.. lol

good to know you are feeling better..come out more often for our gatherings..we can surely make you laugh

by the way i have a tube of medela nipple cream to let go.. only used once..let me know who is interested..
sponge> sporty will also tell u i beri auntie and ji jiao lol!

mitsy> Hugz. hope u r better.

catechins> Jiayou!!

anise> my record 1 pump not whole day lah.

zentan> erm, i tried to donate but no one wants my milk!! yah lo, sponge only shop at high crass pl unlike me, daiso queen. LOLL
me too, super envious those w gd supply. tt time i accidentally spill some on table top, guess wat? i lick it off. :p
wah so fast another gathering next mon......
rue, haha.... i cannot help but laugh when i saw you say you lick if off cos hor...... i also! haha...... then when my bb got left over i will scold and nag at her to finish cos if not, they will go to my mum's plants..... think they now also pui pui liao.....
jane, you are the milk queen ah.... u mean got another milk queen ah? if so, my guess is sporty? haha....
