(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Date: 18th Jan
Venue: Swensens @ United Sq
Time: 12 pm - 2pm (LOL)

1. Jane
2. shirlin
3. sporty
4. swanston
5. superwalker
6. zentan
wah, seems like u ladies have a good lunch
gonna call it a nite soon...pumping now...

dingdong, yes we did...join us next time

blessed cyn, u like to take pics hor...next time u be the designated photographer...haha :p
blessedcyn, dun worry la... i will hang pig's head if u never pay me...hahhaha... i calculate liao and will let u kno next few days...

jane, i ard la but eyes closing soon cuz wanna koon le...hahha
Momoko good tt you went to doc for records. Must stand up for yrself and baby! Think u should really move bk to yr mum's plc. Yr JRT can put up at pets hotel first. Dun let his guilt nw soften u. I have a fed who got abused by husband too. I'm jus worried next time he will do it to yr girl as well
was nice joining u girls for lunch for the first time just now... such a big group of mummies hahah we were the centre of attraction....

had to leave early cos my boy was fussing and cried SO LOUDLY at twg my gosh... had to run away in cab... tat naughty boy stopped crying once in cab.... haiz... i had high hopes to go robinsons to shop!! grrr.... hahaha

think my boy doesnt like the way i sling him... struggled so much just now.... lucky had 1st time mummy and the rest of the mummies to help me.... but i think i still cant get used to the sling... need to get a carrier soon... cos my shoulder ached under the weight....

jane> tat white cup is mine!! oh no... used it to warm bottle forgot to take it... but i dont think i can join u all at united square leh.... too out of the way for me... where do u stay ah?maybe i can drop by this wkend to get frm u...hey jane, think i saw u before... was in the same class as u for mrs wong's class at amk... sunday class afternoon class right? heee

sporty> hey thanks for organising and thanks for paying for us first! let me know how much i owe ya after u do the calculations... hahaha should be very luan right...so many ppl
carinez> ooh so the cap is urs.. i am at bishan..
let me know when u wanna come get..
yes yes, i am from tht class. lol. and nice to c u too!

sporty> u zz liaos me still here :p
<font color="119911">momoko</font>, u take care worr. *hugs*

<font color="119911">sporty</font>, how much to offset from the swensens bill ar?

<font color="119911">jane</font>, 18th lunch i kiv first. i wana monitor my girl's infected bcg. so upset that she was given overdose of bcg lor. 2 holes can. so heartpain to see. lucky never spread to the lymph nodes. this sat going back for dr to review.
<font color="119911">dingdong</font>, ya lah. so upset lor. dr say most likely is the dr who administered the jab wasn't sure if the first jab got in so poke one more jab. *faint* i checked online bcg overdose can have very severe side effects one.

I'm also a silent reader. Really envious those mums who have high milk supply. I have to feed my baby FM coz my milk supply is low. Currently, even when I'm super engorged, I only managed to pump out 130ml.
My baby is already 2 months old and I've been taking fenugreek for more than a month. Will my milk supply still able to continue to increase? Sometimes, I'm really frustrated with myself.
<font color="119911">dingdong</font>, my dad ask me to bring baby back to the hospital and make them run full test on her to ensure everything is ok.
fritt, try pumpin at 10 mins interval. the "power pumpin" method i thhink sporty mentioned before. pump, take 10 min break then pump again. gd luck!
hi all!
so long never post liao.. coz my elder boy recently super sticky to me.. die la, its the start of sibling rivalry liao.. every time i pump he;ll be with me so cant take out laptop otherwise he'll keep asking me to find Hi5 on youtube for him.

aiya, i missed this gathering again! #1 just started playschool from 11-130.. maybe i can try the 18th jan one.. stop by a while then gotta rush off to fetch him from school

i dont think anyone should suffer what you did.. hitting is wrong no matter what, esp a husband to a wife. a bad tenper is no excuse..i hope this is a one-off thing because caring for a baby is really straining on a person's mental sensibilities,so perhaps give him the benefit of the doubt. but in no way you should tolerate another episode PLEASE! thankfully you did the right thing by seeing a dr for record.. hope you recover soon, esp emotionally. nothing feels worse than being hurt n betrayed by the person you chose to care and protect you for life!!
Anyone ard? My girl just fell aslp.. pumping now b4 I can go to bed.. dunno y recently super easily feel engorged.. Anw tmr i'm gg to bring my girl to mil hse earlier so tt I can come hm n have a good nice nap b4 gg for class.. really bth liao..
carinez, nice meeting u too, too bad didnt talk much to u!
yes, will let u kno how much u need to pay me for the TWG and swanston will let u kno abt the swensens bill

jane, i zzz liao juz now...now woke up again! hehe

swanston, i will msn u the amt
hope ur gal will be ok from the overdose of bcg, tha's so scary! shd go back to hospital to complain lor

fritt, have u been pumping frequently? drinking lotsa fluids? if so, ur ss shd increase gradually...

magical, ohhh no wonder didnt see u ard...hehhe...ur #1 really sticky to u!
shirlin, me ard...pumping now cuz juz finished feeding my gal... maybe ur ss increased liao so easily engorged lor...yes u shd rest more lor, let ur mil take care of ur gal!!
3 more mins to go n i can wash the stupid pump.. sterilise and go ZZzzzz...

sporty: I'm just abt to go bed and u ardy woke up from a nap.. envy sia~~~ And yup, i told hb le.. i'm gg to slp like a pig tmr afternoon so dun call me or msg me..wahahaha~~
shirlin, hahha...my gal slept from 8ish till now...but when i left her in her cot juz now, her eyes still open la...now i dunno...after pump must check on her again... ya la, ur gal really is a night owl...now then sleep!!
How I wish my girl is like yours.. can slp by her own.. Mine ah.. lie on bed more den 10mins.. start crying liaoz.. I dunno when den she will learn to slp by herself..
shirlin, nvm la...wash ur hands with the ebm!! hahahha... mine can sleep on her own but cant sleep thru lor, i'm still waiting for THA day!!!
sporty: If mine can slp on her own. I'll be a happy mummy liaoz.. Just now i kept asking her why she cant slp on her own.. she stared at me giving me the 'stoned' look.. I dunno whether to laugh or cry.. =) I'm gg to store my milk n wash my precious hands with my precious ebm liaoz.. den I'm gg to ZZZZZZZZ~~ Goodnight! We'll continue gossiping tmr after my nap! hee~
Omg my boy just made me super super busy.. He cried super loudly for his night feed and woke my mil up.. Pooed super alot till it leaked all over me... Then after his feed he merlioned super alot on my bed and all over me again... Gosh..
morning ladies..

anyone around now?
me just fed baby.. now pumping..

how can e doc be so careless? better bring back to e hospital and demand that they do tests on her to ensure that your gal is fine! but u should not bear any costs!
Hi guys, I am looking for milk bags for storage of EBM. So far i have only used The first Years and Pigeon. While surfing juz now i saw this brand blue egg brand and lansinoh from babyhub. Anyone used these before?
morn gals...me pumping out before i set off for my med appt...

jane, hang on la...another 3 days to end of the week! wah, good tha ur boy slept thru liao...i'm still waiting for tha day tha my gal can zzz thru...

raerae, i think the lansinoh one is not bad...many gals are using it here...
raerae, i m using blue egg. its around $9 for 25 pieces and comes with a "zipper" to seal in the freshness. quite value for money, i would say. so far no leaks.
i think my boy was exhausted after his jab yesterday. he slpet from 1am to 7am...wah...its the first time! i kept waking up to check on him..touching him gently to see if he is ok. paranoid! haha!!

emmm....the adapter of my mini electric died... i see if i can replace it today..otherwise i cannot pump liao.. used my avent manaul but NOTHING came out!!!

wana know, is normal fpr bb to have phelgm? my boy last week, while vomitting some milk, the phelgm also come out, sticky!

Anyone can advise, how/when to start storing for reserves of EBM b4 going back to work?
Rae Rae,

for the pigeon milk bags, can we use the zipper to pour out the EBM in portion? cos if we tear the seal, means must use the entire plastic bag of EBM.
Superwalker: where to get the blue egg bags besides online? Coz i seldom see them around
Thanks for the advice! Did u assemble the avent manual correctly coz for me i always overlook that small round thing, put it upside down :p den now milk come out before i realised it haha

Kimifin: i use the zipper to pour out the milk ..i just pour out wat i need and zip bk. If there is spillage i will just use wet wipes to clean the zip area. so far everything is ok, as in my gal is doing well.

Milk bags: where is a good website or pl to get them coz i only see the pigeon one around!!
