(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

i just woke up to pump.. my gal just woke up. hehe.. engorged le!

try to catch fourty winks when u can ya.. i agree preparing kids for school can be very tiring.. esp the 1st week.. jia you!


ya, me doing back to work early Mar, now already very stress when i train her bottle, she will shout & cry like no tomorrow, also try dreamfeed last nite, still refuse to suck the bottle.

I had tried nuk, tuppee tummee, avent & pigeon, waste my money, she still refuse it.

My girl born in 5th Nov, now almost 9 weeks le, i wanted to colour & cut my hair, facial also dare not go out, scared my hubby / mil unable to handle her...so envy you all, can latch & bottle feed, my girl is so "yim jin"

Good morning everybody!

Hope you all have a nice day today! Any one of you sign up the post natal massage at Rustic Nirvana? I had signed up at Rustic Nirvana when I'm desperate to look for post natal massage after i deliver. I actually confirmed with one malay auntie to do massage but she fly me aeroplane..so bo pian..
Later going for one of the session (I already had 5 sessions at home during my confinement) i have another 5 sessions in their outlet..
Morning all,
bb out of all feeds, got 2 times 3hrly, rest are 1-2 hourly, so I think he is moving on stretching his schedule.

Wah, tml can see you all.
just a pity, I not confident to bring bb out alone.
Cos not v good at using sarong sling.

When bb neck is strong, I will use the carrier.(carry in front, bb face front one)

when will this be?
rehi...me back after a nap and juz finished bathing n feeding bb...

saintbaby, yeah...went to koon for another hr or so...feel much better now...

ler ler mum, still have 2 mths plus...u juz try training lor...she cry also bo bian...if not u cannot do ur own things...

kimifin, normally neck is stronger after 3 mths...
hi sporty,

You do not have helper at home also can manage so well, you are very experience & efficient leh

Me also same, the #01 already 2.5 years old, every morning, my hubby sent him to childcare, so i will handle #02 alone at home.

how come i send request to join the FB for Nov mum 09, but no confirmation leh ?
Blesscyn and Babylele, hahaha... ya we go with the flow ba... if not we like the 3 greedy pigs all left liao we still eating... hahaha....

I carry my baby until my arms break liao....
ler ler mum, are u c***dy l** on FB? if so, its authorised liao... ohh ur #1's born in 2007 as well? which mth? ya...i dun like to have helper at home, thas why everything do it myself! hehe

momo mummy, how heavy is ur son? so heavy meh??
seems like‭ a few of us have kids born in 2007..

i've added some of the ladies that joined the fb group recently.. pls auth me ya..
morning! up n pumping now.. my girl slept at 3ish last night! Was so exhausted la..

sporty: got pump la.. if not i explode liao.. i pumped b4 i left the hse ard 12.. den brought my avent manual out lorz.. den ard 6ish when i cannot tahan liao den pumped with my avent and went for class after tt.. lucky class ended early ard 9 den i hurry pia back hm to keep my ebm lorz.. hee~

saintbb: got add me?? got add me? LOL~
sporty, my baby got 2/5 my size liao COS I AM SUPER SHORT and small size ma.... he always wans to be carry... i at home bo pien at times using carrier to carry him ard... if not i cant do anything.... noe he likes to eat tutu n when tutu fall out of his mouth then he cry... i feel like using tape to stick tutu on his mouth... wah going mad sometimes....
hi mummies!

It has been a longggg time since i've last posted. Hows everyone?? Seems like it will be a big grp of us tomorrow yah.. i dunno half the pple on the list! hahaha..anyway looking forward to yakking and eating! I wonder if they have oysters.. yum!

Just saw the post on the mixing of ebm with freshly expressed bm..uh oh.. i have been mixing them for the longest time! But so far my boy seemed to have no problems with that..*cross fingers*..

Ayukie..u really the best! i think next time u can bring those small suitcase out to bring your boy's barangs! haha..anyway take care.. hope your granny recovers soon.

Dont keep us in suspense leh!!
shirlin, u brought ur coooler bag along ah? no wonder can tahan...btw what class u attending now?

momo mummy, ohhh no wonder...i thot ur bb very heavy :p
morning ladies
.. doing my first pump of the day!!

my "impossible" was that i shaved lil J.O,'s head myself last night!!!!!!!!!!! check out my fb for pictures.. hahaah
sporty: ya lorz.. but the cooler bag tt i brought out is lousy one.. LOL.. its the pigeon de.. tts y faster pia back to keep in fridge b4 4hrs deadline up.. haha.. Anw, i'm now taking my 2nd Dip.. my 1st dip is abt ppty mgmt.. den now taking business admin.. sponsered by bank one la..if not i also wun go study.. finishing in march le.. finally..
sporty, i also didn't thought my gal so guai cause previously she startled she will cry , now she startled she can soothes herself unless is serious type. Maybe the rocker vibration and the pacifier can calm her a lot.

Now she kind of on schedule already, time to wake up, bath , feed, sleep and last feed is about the same and she is ok with it. Hopes she is ok when she go bb sitter place next week as now she like rockers have not really sleep on mattress at home.

I am now trying to stop bf as i am going back to work soon. Now i only reduce to pump 2 times per day 7 am and 7pm. How to stop totally without having engorgement and without medication?
kimifin/jane, so qiao ur boys both are botak now! haha

jane, u shaved ur boy urself??!!

shirlin, u meant its a fridge to go bag from pigeon? ohh any bond if take the bank sponsored diploma?

karen, juz lengthen the pump intervals and reduce pump time liek from 30 mins to 20 mins the next day then 10 then 5...eventually juz stop...might take 1 week or so la...
hey mummies,

speaking of botak heads.. any of your babies having cradle caps? mine has very dry scalp..i'm applying a cream prescribed by the pd... but its not improving leh..
sponge, hihi...haven seen u ard! u bringing ur boy tom?

jane, wahhh...u use what kinda shaver? u daring leh!

karen, yes...dun empty ur breast...thas why i said gradually reduce...if u reduce substantally, will have engorgement...
hmmm.. i don't know if i added you le.. cos i add those who posted on the wall.. lolx.. you identify yourself on the wall den i can add you..

you power eh.. shave off the hair yourself.. did he struggle ma?

Not bringing him.. leh ceh la.. will only let him 'liang4 xiang4' if we are gathering at somebody's hse.

Cute sia your botak boy!
re: hair
i don't bear to shave my gal's hair off.. hehe.. the other day my mum trim the sides of my gal's hair while i carry her..

did anyone of you trim baby's eyelashes?
jane, wow...u daring lor!

sponge, so ur maid will take care of him?

saintbaby, bb lashes, me not trimming, must trim meh?
sporty: Nope.. no bond.. as long as I still stay in the bank within the course of study.. when course finish le den i am free to go.. hehe.. And nope.. its not a fridge to go.. only a milket but can be used as a coller bag too lorz...

saintbb: Okay! I'll do it ltr den u add me ya..hee~~

jane: you power la.. I guess i'll nv have the guts to do it.. haha
they say if trim, den the lashes will grow out longer and thicker.. both my older ones trim.. now my son one very long and thick..
even longer than his sister.. my baby's one started growing longer le.. hehe..
shirlin, orhh then good leh...shd study more!!

saintbaby, my gal's lashes quite long,...so dun think i will trim lor

My godsis cradle crap was v bad when we took care of her when she was younger than 1 yr. She put olive oil, took some time to recover.
shirlin and sporty> haha, i am amazed at myself too...

saintbb> my husb was holding him. he struggled and cried after some time cos i tink he was bored being 'restrained'.. no not trimming bb's eyelashes, my boy's quite long thankfully
and i think trimming bb's eyelashes sounds more erm challenging!

sponge> thx! wah ur baby j so 'secretive' lucky i met him that time.. loll

re: shaving of bb's head.. bb's head so fragile i was quite nervous at first... hope his hair grows out nicely in time for cny!

sponge> will bring the olive oil for u tml
if not gentle auntie jane can help shave baby j's head. hahahah

I'm F**N in FB, pls authorised me leh..

Having my lunch, simple just steam fish , spinach & rice only...

My son born in June 07, i found that is more easier to handle baby boy than girl, girl is more fussy & xiao jie... my son is much easy to take care ( maybe is a pig year bb much easier ..hehe )
ya, i heard that too that trim the eyelashes, Indian like to do that, that's why they hv long eyelashes, i also wanted to trim my girl's....
me had a busy morning..... today my elder gal started her first day at the playgroup school. so far ok. was told that she cried and vomitted a little but slowly settled in liao. went to pick her up and when she saw me, started wailing loudly again... hope tomorrow she won't scream upon seeing the door... hee...
trim eyelashes? not very true for me leh... my mum trim mine when i was a baby.... eyelashes still not long but end up i got natural curls for the lashes... no need lash curler.... my #1 eyelash also hidden kind and it's straight straight point down kind... heng my #2 got nicer eye lashes.... hers like mine... curl up on its own but not very long still lor... but ok lah... me dare not try to trim though...
my gal has cradle cap. A few wks ago, it appeared on her eyebrow too. thick ugly layer, then we brought her to see GP. She told us to apply olive oil 1 hr b4 bath, then wash off. At night, apply aq cream. the eyebrow parts cleared liao, now hair kena. haiz... tried shampoo w pigeon shampoo, hear it works. Bou it today..

Re: trim eyelash
heard of this saying too, but dun dare to try cos scared dropped into her eyes..
Want to ask u mummies ah.. How long can I keep untouched pre prepared formula milk at room temp ah?...

My bb recently has alot alot of cradle cap I think his scalp sensitive to the kodomo milk non rinse wash... Anyone got gd bb wash to recommend? Now I feel like cutting his hair botak but my mil die dun wan cut... Then say if first mth nvr cut muz wait till 4th month Liao...
back from lunch

saintbaby, then better be careful when u trim ur gal's lashes...

ler ler, i saw le...i think u are authorised liao
wah, u still managed to cook...these few days i bz with settling my #1 with skool...never cook and never pump much also... my son was supposed to be june 07 but he was born earlier :p which day in june is ur son born? i find tha gals easier to handle than boy...maybe my #1 is a diff bb la...heheh

ariesgal, i'm sure ur gal will settle down in playgroup soon...dun worry
btw, which playgroup did u send her to?

carinez, untouched FM think can tahan 1 hr in room temp...if i rem correctly...
saintbaby, went to have prawn noodles...heheh :p and went to kiddy palace to do some shopping...now gonna do housework before my #1 comes home later

oh, i just saw it in FB, thanks

my boy born in 8th Jun, i can't manage to handle 2 kiddos at home if im alone, so, my MIL will fetch my son back to her house evening & he will eat there too, after 7pm, my hubby will fetch him back ..

juz finished the floors...now can sit down and pump for awhile...

saintbaby, my side still sunny leh...no signs of rain yet!

ler ler mum, not easy to handle 2 kiddos alone la esp if the #1 is very mischievous... but now ur #1 goes to skool already rite?
