(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

saintbaby, ya lor...i kno...thas why i also latched first before i pump...hahha

kimifin, playpen can put a mattress on it then can sleep liao lor...if bb wanna flip, u also cannot force him not to mah...haha... bassinet can be adjusted to diff level...if its the highest level, its juz a worry tha the bb will flip out of the playpen if he knos how to flip... put bolsters or pillow ard ur bb when u move away from ur bed...at least he wun roll off... normally swanston will pay first and we will TT the monies to her...its easier and more fuss free so she dun have to prepare change etc...

the mattress got a standard type/size for the playpen or need to put cushion to make up for the space?
If he rolls on me, I duno, how?
He is now on his latex mattress(from the cot one)..duno if he rolls down, will face down or not, just worry...cos thk his neck still not v strong to lift up.


do u prefer cash or TT?
kimifin, u must buy the size of the mattress tha fits the playpen size... huh? he wun roll on u la, unless he can climb over u, which will be when he's older...hehe
my gal now sleeping on playpen.. but we bought the mattress to put.. playpen has 2 ht ma.. suitable for them now.. but as they grow older and start to climb, den canot le..
Hi ladies!

Such a big gathering this thurs! Enjoy urselves esp those who are getting their "me" time!

Juz wanna ask if anyone using nuk pp bottles? Coz i recently switched to them and my gal seems to b sucking with much difficulty as compared to the normal premium nuk bottles. Anyone experience the same thing?
Wow.... I finally managed to sleep continuously for more than 2 hours! LAst nite fed my bb at 10pm, then he only woke up at 4pm for his next feed!! So grateful for that!!!

Re: lunch on thursday
I will do express lunch too, but if expree lunch means we only have 1 hour to talk? After that, where do the big group of mummies go ??
Good morning!!

I'l be there on thursday.. express too! =) Sashimi here we come!!

Woke up at 4 am this morning - have bit of a cold so didn't really want to latch so asked poor DH to feed her bottle while I pumped- she refused it!! So in the end I had to latch her - and she was so happy.

Rae - maybe you hve to increase the hole size?

Date: 7 Jan 2010 (Thurs)
Venue: Kushinbo @ Suntec
Time : 12pm
Price: $26.90 ++ ($20.90++ for eating within 60 mins)
Reservation: Jane Ong

1. Superwalker
2, Jane (express)
3. Sporty (express)
4. momo mummy
5. BabyLele
6. dingdong (express)
7. ariesgal (express)
8. shirlin (express)
9. swanston (express)
10. momoko
11. Kimifin (express)
12. chriszinc
13. sponge
14. ayukie (unless something happens) (express)
15. 1st time mummy (express)
16. agata
17. jocelyn lee (rsvp thru fb)
18. wendy lim (rsvp thru fb)
19. blessedcyn
20. Mitsy
21. ashley
22. FieDa
23. Saintbaby (express)
morning ladies,
wow this thurs gathering seems happening.

My poor baby didnt poo for 5 days. Yst only manage to poo a few hard poo.
gg to bring him to PD later.
tanly, check her diaper and also burp her too. Mine sometimes cry when feed her, then notice she shitting or sometimes is she got wind in her tummy and not comfy.
Hi mummies,
Y dun we all do the normal makan instead of express? Then we can stay there longer and eat slowly since some with babies then need to feed cannot eat how? then some come without babies then can hv time to eat slowly? if not we eat for 1 hr then got to find another place to chat... oso waste money....

HOW HOW?????
babylele - hm ok i also think im getting the normsl insert but the sucking pads hor i wanna get but the color dont seems to match with the carrier im gettin im gettin the navy blue carrier
sporty - no kua zhang lah cause my boy can be quite messy lol and i very scare explosive poop i tried before so i always have spare clothings but go out near near short while within an hr only 1 bag - bottle warmer
I agree with Momo-mummy abt the normal lunch issue, esp when we have babies ard and when they start fussing, half the time is gone and mummy left with NO FOOD, hahahaha~~
And so many of us, can have more time to chit chat, drink and savour the desserts, hee.

Oh ya, only got creme & mocha.
Mayb can get the organic cream? seems ok to go w midnight blue.

My boy cries almost every feed and push the bottle away, we always stop and stand to put him on upright position & walk ard, sometimes hop abit, he will usually stop crying and soemtimes let out a loud burp.
Then we will continue to feed.
This usually goes on a few times before he finish his feed, i suspect either air or reflux.
Gotto be very patient lorrr.
Thanks babylee and karen for the information, just manage to read up the posts for Dec31 ones..
Yes, i have bought the MIM sling, will try to use it

babylee, my bb also had this problem, although she is v hungry but she cried after drinking halfway, maybe you can monitor the amount she drink, if it does not drop over the days, it should be fine. My bb milk amount drop over a few days and my PD suspect that she had heartburn, she is on medication now
Btw, if your baby still have rashes or bumps on the face and is using steriod-based cream given bt doctor, you can try the "hope relief" cream, i brought it from the bulk purchase. Can also buy from overseas bulk purchase. it works and most importantly it is made from natural organic stuffs, not harmful at all...
Hi Tanly, I think your scenario is similar to what I have encountered a week ago. Baby gets very cranky and refuse to drink milk. I brought baby to PD and was given Ridwind Baby Drops (can also get from guardian; approx $6.20) and some good bateria medication.

If you are certain that it's due to colic, just continue to burp your baby whenever you see her "struggle" during the feed. FYI, I only learnt from the PD some burping skills. Didn't know that we need to burp so hard one.
Ayukie: Hmm yes i rem u are the BPA free Queen hee hee..not sure wat happen to my gal, everytime i use pp bottle she drink like SUPER slow take almost 45min le..sigh..

Tanly: Jia you!! my gal sometimes alfway through feed oso struggle den make noise so we usu stop n burp her..

Superwalker: Haha i oso bring 10 diapers! scared n one set of clothes too! Coz i use a backpack and diapers light so it is ok..better more than less!
correct me if i'm wrong.. but nuk's pp bottle the teat looks pretty similar to pigeon's wide neck teat? is that e one?
does anyone know if robinsons is still having sale? i wanna buy milk bottles.. hehe.. i didn't realise that nuk their teats got s,m,L.. i just went into kiddy palace and grab one.. didn't realise it was a large hole one!
ic.. initially i wanted to let my gal try.. but when i saw the teat, i changed my mind.. cos like pigeon wide neck one.. i scared leak like crazy.. hehe
raerae, u not joining us on thurs?

kimifin, usually after having a kid, u wun sleep like a log la...u will wake up more easily and i dun think i will hit or cover him easily...hehhe

jane, wahh...so early bubble tea liao...today i try not to drink any...but i had slurpee...hahhaha

superwalker, wah...good leh, ur boy slept from 10pm to 4am! hope he can continue this routine tonite! hehhe

1st time mummy, think ur gal is hooked on ur boobs! hahha

ayukie, u even bring bottle warmer? wow...10 diapers??!!

piggy, the GP will do development checkup as well...my GP does tha last week when i brought my gal for her jab!
Thanks for all the advice. Will monitor her milk intake. My gal is a slow drinker and also drinks very litttle. She drank like 80ml per feed only. Hope she can drink more and stretch the feeding time longer.
Sporty: I've got a massage appt liao =p haha wanna massage away my tummy hai so sian... But u ladies enjoy urself la!

Ayukie: U bring bottlw warmer!!! Liew.. tat one is ultimate..but as i say better more than less haha
Any mummy giving S26 to bb? I have a BN tin of S26 to let go at $30 as my girl has switch from S26 to Friso, hence gotta let go the unopen tin of S26.

Collection preferably at Bishan, Toa Payoh or Novena.
Date: 7 Jan 2010 (Thurs)
Venue: Kushinbo @ Suntec
Time : 12pm
Price: $26.90 ++ ($20.90++ for eating within 60 mins)
Reservation: Jane Ong

1. Superwalker (express)
2, Jane (express)
3. Sporty (express)
4. momo mummy
5. BabyLele
6. dingdong (express)
7. ariesgal (express)
8. shirlin (express)
9. swanston (express)
10. momoko (express)
11. Kimifin (express)
12. chriszinc
13. sponge (express)
14. ayukie (unless something happens) (express)
15. 1st time mummy (express)
16. agata
17. jocelyn lee (rsvp thru fb)
18. wendy lim (rsvp thru fb)
19. blessedcyn
20. Mitsy
21. ashley
22. FieDa (express)
23. Saintbaby (express)

called kushinbo liaos. so no more changes ya? as for express/ normal lunch i leave it all up to u all since it is up to individual and baby as to whether the mommy can eat within 60 mins and cos some pple may be late and some pple need to leave early ya? i only did the grouping cos i thot it may facilitate billing...
if u all wish to chat after don haf to find another place to eat mah.. can jus find a place to drink? or occupy the "kids lane" center.. or even go to sky garden if weather permits? jus my 2 cents suggestion..

c u all on thurs..
Hi mummies, how many feed is your bb having now? My bb (7 wks +) now is having 6 or 7 feeds per day only. Her feed is average 3 hours but she can skip night feed. She sleep from 11+pm and till 7+ am.

tanly, I'm coping well. My bb quite guai, morning wake up, daddy change her diaper, feed her at 7+am, she then will sleep till 9+am. Then i bath her when she wake up, feed and she will sleep again. She can now sleep on her own on the rocker or play herself on the rocker. Sometimes will just make some ee ee ah ah sound, but not like last time cry loud loud for people to carry.

I can wash her clothes and cook simple lunch in between.

Not sure is our hormone still high or is mother instinct, sometimes I can tears when my gal smiling at me. Dunno is home alone with her too quite or i also missing my mum who stay with me for almost a month during confinement.

Wow, Karen your girl so guai can entertain herself. Mine still wants to be carried even if I left her on the rocker.

Also admire that your gal can sleep thru the night liao. So good.

My hubby going out station at the end of Jan, gonna miss him
