(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

jane n sporty.. thanks.. ya putting fingers cross now man.. hope he recovers soon..

jane.. u shave ur boy urself.. salute wor..

karen.. y wanna stop bf?? i planning to cont even when back to work wor

anise, is very troublesome, even now pumping at home also troublesome cause me need at least 30 mins to pump cause need to hold the bottle and massage the breast, the dual pump no use to me cause got inverted and short nipple. Also my gal will be send to bb sitter when i back to work, if bf also a bit troublesome.
anise, yes...pls take care of urself also...

karen, actually u can still pump...like morning and night when u are home...at least some bm is better than no bm and maybe ur gal's daily feed, one feed can be bm
Dear All

Am new to this thread/forum
I delivered my girl on 17 Nov and she shares the same birthday as her daddy.

She is currently on total breastfeeding, 100% latch on. Want to ask what's the feeding intervals of ur babies and how long do they take each feed?

jane, u very funny leh..use lady's shaver to shave yr boy's head... haha.. btw, why must shave huh? Any specific reasons? my boy's hair very long and curly but i cannot bear to cut them.. hehe.. coz i love to smell them after his bath..hee.. abit sick right.. haha..
i'm very proud of my #1, he survived his first bus ride home ALONE!
i was so worried abt it...

adeline, welcome
i feed my gal on 3 hrly basis during daytime...at nite, its on demand basis...

chriszinc, u are not the only "sick" one...i love to smell my bb also :p
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I also leave Fmilk max 1hour after prep. but then i left it in the bott warmer max for 1 hour. Fmilk goes bad faster than bm.

Just now went to eat sashimi again. haha. hubby said mayb my milk not too fatty enough so baby cries for milk often. so i must take more fatty fish to get more oil in the bm haha.

I also cant bear to shave my boy's hair. he;s born with a lot of hair and i like to stroke his hair. Chris, you are not sick. i also like to smell my baby. cos nice nice smell! but i heard baby will start to drop hair and then they will become bald. then new hair will strat to grow. I hope my boy's hair will not drop too much.... jane, i really admire you for shaving baby's head yourself!! I won;t dare cos so afraid will cut him. btw, after shaving, will baby's hair grow out to be coarser? you know like we shave, the hair is thick and pricky. will baby's hair be like tat too?
sporty &amp; chriszinc
cos now baby got baby smell ma.. hehe.. that's why we like to smell our babies.. my son always smell my gal.. aiyo.. looks like dog.. haha..
karen.. ya i agreed with sporty.. actually should cont to give some BM for bb.. tho it's troublesome but i am persistant to cont bm till my ss goes off lol.. BTW how come u need 30 mins to pump? abit long.. normally i onli pump for about 10 mins each.

sporty.. thanks.. will take care.. tink i din really eat well during confinment as my mil dun really noe how to cook confinement food.. my mum is making up lol.. i dinno we are not suppose to eat overnight rice and soup.. and oso beenhoon during confinement.. at time i still feel pain on groin area when i trying to use my leg to shift the mattress.. =(

adeline.. my gal feed at 2 hrs internal and normally latch for min. 10 mins.. night time she dun feed lately.. will sleep all the way from 10pm till next morning 5am.. lol
rachelle, take more carbo to make ur milk fatty!we shaved my #1 twice but his hair still very fine n not coarse at all!

anise, icic...now ur mum trying to bu for u eh? wow...ur gal slept thru liao eh...great! any tips?
Back! Went shopping alone with bb today.. so proud of myself.. only brought 2 ebm, 3 diapers, wet wipes n a romper jus in case.. survived from 1plus till ard 5ish.. hehe.. went to centrepoint cuz i need to get sth n found out that BABY GAP IS HAVING 50% OFF! i bought quite alot for my girl..some very worth it sia.. Mummies must go see ya~~

sporty: now dun thk got time to study liao.. after this course finish.. am gg to stop liao lorz.. mayb till bb older den i may take some courses again.. Anw, i may covert to b a financial consultant after my ML.. company offer de.. but i still hesitant lehz.. hai.. if i dun take up the post den my corporate ranking wun b promoted too.. =(

carinez: my Pd recommend Dentinox Cradle Cap shampoo.. i just bought it recently.. using for my bb's head n eyebrows.. not bad..

saintbb: I shld reach STC ard 11plus ba.. provided bb cooperate n dun be fussy in the morning la.. hehe..
you gals have fun tmr!! hope to join you gals next time when my boy more settled and can face so many aunties! must be so fun to meet you gals cos we all gave birth ard same time and can share our experiences since our babies ard same age!

chrisinc> of cos use ladies shaver lah! more gentle mah.. i shave him cos a bit of his hair fell so pd suggest to shave so his hair grow back more evenly..

shirlin> wah u went shopping! pity tmrw at stc no baby gap.. i also bot a romper from bb gap last week when i went to vivo city... i also gg bk to work to take course. dunno can concentrate anot.. abit of brain cells like die-ded... feel more absent minded nowadays...

saintbb> i can be ur assistant for a "nominal fee" tml. LOL :p
sporty: saw a few jackets/cardigans tt are really cute.. rompers are a gd buy.. and also some bottoms.. bought a mini skirt for my girl..hehe.. And i know PFCs earn more but the tot of rdshows..trgs..meetings.. den i super sian liao.. but my uncle say now must thk of bb.. how to earn more to save for her future...
Rachelle, ya lor, i'm also afraid that his hair will drop...but dun think it happens to every babies.. cross fingers his hair is here to stay then i can continue to stroke and smell (no wonder my hubby is jealous of my boy now..haha)
Dun know why most babies' hair i see not all black one.. mostly dark brown and some even a little blondish... very nice..

anise, continue to nourish yrself well ya..heard we can do that for 100 days..
jane: yup.. went shopping cuz stay at hm super sian..i also bought 3 rompers for my girl.. 2 of it only costs $8 each! the other one abit more ex.. ard $11 ah.. but I like! hee~~ And ya.. its really diff to concentrate.. i keep forgetting whatever i learnt in class.. my exam sure die liao..haha.. Marina gt Baby Gap ma??
jane, suntec got bb gap? no meh? they have a gap store there leh...

shirlin, yes can earn more but u sacrfice more time at work cuz working hrs are long lor...but then PFC is a general progression from SA...hehe ... wow the rompers are cheap!!
sporty, my girl is attending The Montessori Place near my mum's place. Just now just keep psychoing her not to cry tomorrow... hee...

btw, you say your boy take bus alone? school bus or? i dare not let my girl take school bus alone yet cos if not, i would have registered her at cherie hearts liao.....
it's really a tricky trade off hor..
sometimes i would think of switching to part-time to spend more time wif bb..sometimes i would worry abt the escalating costs wif a bb and think of giving tuition on weekends to earn more... dilemma leh..
chris: yah lor.. damn sian.. lucky my boss aks me to thk abt it 1st.. when i'm back at wk den give him a reply.. but if i choose to take up the post.. i'll be trf to another branch which i dunno will be at where...
jane, after kushinbo...we all raid the bb gap!!

ariesgal, yes skool bus...n hes the youngest on board so i was worried he will cry or what but he alighted the bus with a smiley face!

chriszinc, u working as teacher ah?
chris, you a teacher? me too! is sporty a teacher too? my ML ends during mar hol. so start work in term 2. i hate to start in term 2. prefer to go back in jul but hb said no money must work
shirlin, no la...sometimes wun be the case tha ur gal sleeping now= wun sleep later

rachelle, me not a teacher la...heheh...almost become one but didnt...haha
sporty.. ya my mum trying to "bu" for me now =p.. my girl sleeping thru the night now =).. dun really haf the tips.. initially i wanna bottle feed her at 11 ~12pm but there are a few times she totally knock off.. no matter how i try to wake her oso useless.. so i give up.. and that night she slept all the way till morning.. worried coz her last feed at ard 9pm. From den, she been sleeping thru.. one thing i must do is to swaddle her.. make sure she is WRAP UP =) At time really worry she will be hungry man..

shirlin.. u so power.. can bring ur bb out shopping alone.. i doubt i can do it..u sling her huh.. or use pram? wah make me gien to go see GAP clothing man..
wow! looks like you got great buys wor.. hehe.. okay, i go auth you in fb.. i'm leaving my house at 11 tml den will catch a cab down.. so will reach STC at 11plus too.. hehe.. shall we meet?

wad's the ‘norminal fee‘ wor?
rachelle, nope, me not a teacher with MOE.. but in the education sector too .. ;p
start work in term 2 not here not there hor.. i have a fren, a teacher, who took one yr no pay to look after her kids and supplement her income with tuition.. hmm.. apparently it's financially hard lah.. so she's back in school le.. my hubby said the same thing.. must work ..

dun know at where ah? so risky.. but then u stay quite central so not so bad... ya, consider properly.. life is always an irony .. those who give up career to spend time wif kids sometimes regret when they lose touch with society and is no longer of "value"..those who carve careers and miss out on growing years of kids regret they lose those precious moments forever..so both ways, there will be "risks"..i guess important thing is to not regret decision once made bah... sigh..

Anyway, i'm resisting the urge to spend on clothes since they outgrow them so fast..so if we r going sweep gap tom, remind me i can only buy ONE set for CNY...hahah
Haha! Think i got everyone excited about Gap~~ =P

sporty: I got phobia ah.. My girl this few nights cannot slp at night.. must drag n drag till ard 2ish-3am den will slp de.. Super scared tonight will be the same again.. Hb came home le n tried to wake her up but she still cont slping like a pig~~ haha

anise: Hai hao la.. quite a few mummies here also bring bb out shopping alone.. One of them is Jane.. Just tt cannot go out too long lor.. a few hrs I'm still okay.. and yup, i sling her lorz..pram too heavy liaoz.. Waiting for the day her head stable le den can use carrier.. easier den sling lorz... Maybe you can try bringing bb out alone to nearby places 1st lor.. I started with gg downstairs 1st.. hehe~~

saintbb: No prob.. We can meet up den walk over tgt lorz.. but I cant promise you I can be on time la.. hehe.. if really cannot den I see you at the restaurant hao ma?? Hehe.. I PM you my mobile ltr den we contact thru phone tmr lor.. =)

chris: Ya lor.. was toking to hb about it.. his concern is also abt the location.. cuz i once worked at pasir ris n bedok branches.. imagine from my place have to go all the way down.. everyday i come hm super tired liaoz.. And i will TRY to stop you from buying more tmr la..but if I'm gg to buy more tmr.. den I thk I will def convince u to buy more den 1 set de.. haha.. 50% off lehz..
I am now pump at 7am &amp; 7pm, if next time working hours ok (no OT) and have ss I will try to pump.

Tanly, how to get her on schedule ah? Don't really have any methods, just that the timing happen to fit and my gal cooperate, as my mum says when bb grow older easier to take care and settle. I read somewhere from week 6 onwards we can try to train them with schedule. For me is just happen my hb start work liao, so morning i need to wake up early to do my things e.g. pump and wash up before he leave for work, and he will help to change her diaper and feed her before go out, then from then my gal is mainly feed and sleep in 3 hours interval. Kind of go into schedule lor.
Shirlin> where did u get the dentinox shampoo from? My bb cradle cap really bad alot of flakes now... Wah peifu u can go shopping alone I don't dare lor... Wanna go shop for bb stuff also love shopping for bb stuff so cute..

Everyone have fun tml!
carinez: Can get it from guardian.. cost ard 11 for 1 bottle... and no la.. my bb guai guai outside ma.. wun make noise unless she wants milk.. but at home, she's a terror~ haha
gals, do u find the weather very hot these few nites ah...i feel so hot leh! blasting the aircon now!! haha

anise, ic...do u on aircon for ur gal since u swaddle her? u can also bring ur bb out urself...there's always the first time

chriszinc, hahha...u sure u only buy ONE set...LOL...

shirlin, hopefully tonite ur gal will cooperate la...wun drag till 2ish...

karen, ya...or u can pump after u wake up and before u sleep...also can...
sporty: REAL HOT~ Somemore this few nights i gotta coax her to slp.. feel even more frustrated.. and I doubt she will cooperate today.. I tot tonight i super lucky cuz hb managed to pat her to slp n place in cot.. Who knows.. she is 'eh-ing' now.. Haiz.. another loooooong night...
Put her in the rocker.. switch on the vibration.. so far so gd..she kind of fell asleep.. gotta wait at least 1 hr ltr den bring her to cot.. must make sure she really deep asleep...
okay.. we confirm via mobile tml..
actually just now i type a very long message but my phone hang.. remind me to tell you tml.. hehe..
sporty: high chance u will see a panda tmr la.. this 2 nights ardy got effect liaoz.. i look super bad lor..

saintbb: Okay! remind me to remind you to tell me wad u wanted to msg me ya..hahaha.. I now like goldfish memory la.. =X
