(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

thanks For helping me update fieda's option..

actually we can fen gong he zuo.. for mummies who need to attend to baby but wanna eat express.. those free can help to take food.. hehe.. just a suggestion..

Hi all,

Hope one day I can join you guys for a meal, though I'm really new to this forum. Going back to work on 8 Jan this Fri as there is an impt event at work. I initially intended to work once a week in Jan, then more days in Feb and so on. But judging by my bb's feeding and sleeping pattern, I think I better just go back to work 2 days in Jan. He usually sleeps around 11pm, wakes up at about 1.30, 3.30am for his feeds, then will stay awake from 5am onwards. Hence I end up getting only 3 hours of sleep in total everyday. Hard to nap during daytime cos he hardly sleeps for long too.. I'm dying...

Someone suggested giving him FM at night and pumping my milk out. Anyone breastfeeding mum doing that too?
tanly, guess she enjoy the vibration of the rocker and also the pacifier do helps to sooth her. Sometimes rock her rocker a bit she fall asleep. Or maybe she knows now only mummy take care of her cry also no use so she behave herself. Yesterday my hubby come back, see she so guai at the rocker and not cry for carry, he ask whether my gal is ok. Haha...

Sleep through the night ah? hm... even when the CL is around, she only need to be feed 2 times in the night. Guess now we feed her a bit late 11+ pm and she dong till morning. Think my gal want to sleep more then need to feed.
rhapsodyrach, i'm giving baby FM at night and pumping out milk at night.

I find that baby sleeps longer if given FM. if you really need the rest, can do this for a few days. i give 2 FM each day but then i think i'm going to give BM totally soon. reason why i gave FM is cos i dun have enough milk ss.

i'm also Nov mum, did occasionaly follow the discussion of the mummies here.
My baby also having reflux & colic, she is fully BM. i had been trying to train her bottle feed since one month ago, but she still reject.
Tried diiferent bottles, different people to feed her, she still insist of direct latch...headache... so, i was struck at home, can not go out without baby & no one can feed her except myself...so stress..
i also give my baby 2 feeds of FM.. the one early in the morning at 5plus or 6plus.. and the next feed after that.. her last feed is 150ml of ebm at 12plus..
rhapsodyrach, I give my bb FM and BM also. My hubby wants to be a real daddy and wants to feed so ask me dun be selfish to hv baby all alone plus i dun hv much BM ss so got to give FM also loh... but my baby prefer my BM than FM so he hardly finish 60ml of FM and will wake up very fast for another feed.
Jane and Sporty,
Guess better update you guys... i am both ok with express or normal (will go with the flow la.... if not i alone choose normal then u all leave liao i eating alone with babylele... hahaha)

Saintbaby, i dun think can "fen gong he zuo" cos if is 60mins express means time up got to leave the place liao... dun think they let u stay and tok tok.... so must eat super quick before time up.

Date: 7 Jan 2010 (Thurs)
Venue: Kushinbo @ Suntec
Time : 12pm
Price: $26.90 ++ ($20.90++ for eating within 60 mins)
Reservation: Jane Ong

1. Superwalker (express)
2, Jane (express)
3. Sporty (express)
4. momo mummy (express or normal oso can)
5. BabyLele
6. dingdong (express)
7. ariesgal (express)
8. shirlin (express)
9. swanston (express)
10. momoko (express)
11. Kimifin (express)
12. chriszinc
13. sponge (express)
14. ayukie (unless something happens) (express)
15. 1st time mummy (express)
16. agata
17. jocelyn lee (rsvp thru fb)
18. wendy lim (rsvp thru fb)
19. blessedcyn
20. Mitsy
21. ashley
22. FieDa (express)
23. Saintbaby (express)
momo mummy
my gal also has her days where she prefers bm.. i prefer to give her fm early in the morning den last her for 3 hours, just nice for me to pump and bathe.. when she wakes up, i'm already washed up..

my bb also 7weeks plus, I find his crying not as loud(or maybe cos I moved to my mum's place n there v noisy)?
Also find it much easier to settle him...
Not sure if cos according to research, bb crying peaks at 6 weeks?
my bb also starting to drk more n longer time now.

But seems yours is heading to the routine n Guai side.

Which mummy also experience bb changing for the better?
or it is the cool weather making bb sleepy?
momo mummy
wad i mean is can help the mummies who's busy to take food.. so they can eat and tend to baby at e same time.. we mummies are good at multi tasking! hehe..

just now i had my lunch and bubble tea! lolx.. but eat halfway baby cry, so carry her 1 hand and use the other hand to eat..
i managed to take a pic of my gal sleeping on the playpen.. now short of the mattress... hehe.. but she's sleeping now.. so i take later den send it to ya..
Raera - i agree more than less and yeah im the bpa free queen whhhhahaa

my boy had his jab and rotavirus today ..
Saintbaby, orh... i get u now... haha... ya man after i hv my bb i am so good with multi tasking.... now i shower less than 5mins come out liao... baby can hardly sleep well in the day... i can hardly poopoo or eat well or shower well.... my lunch now is always quick bites nia that's why my BM ss going lower and lower... haiz... with no mum or MIL help i am so tired
okie mummies, i am loggin off.. always so looking forward for 6pm to come so i can take a rest when my hubby is back to look after bb... going for dinner liao... see u mummies SOOOOOOON...
been some time i last post.. busy with bb and helping my mum attend to my dad =(

Gonna miss coming gathering.. gonna b fun with lotsa babies..salute those mummies man..

jane..u make mi gien to get bubble tea man.. dats my fav.. lately eating too much sweet stuff till my ebm tastes very sweet.

btw gals, where u all buy ur nursing bra?
ayukie... wah ur diaper bag contain so much stuffs.. i rem the 1st time i bring bb to pd, my bag onli haf nursing shawl n a toy lol... faint.. in e end bb poo n i no diaper to change for her.. hah
wanna check with you mummies..
if after heating up the fbm.. there's a layer of dark yellow colour in the top layer of the milk.. is it okay?
saintbaby, i do have a layer of stuff on top of milk but not dark yellow. If i'm not wrong, it's the fats. so, just need to shake well then is ok. not sure about the dark yellow stuff. mayb is also fats?

anise, i buy nursing bra from the forum's spree. some sell good nursing bras at cheap prices. can go check it out. i find that those which button in front one not too good cos not flexi enough if you grow fat or thin. hook behing ones beta
if it persist, then ask doc? but i think shd be ok cos is breast milk mah. if we nvr pump out, we also dunno what's in the bm. just ensure it's not contamination when handling the milk.
ya lor.. but i didn't let her finish the milk.. was pretty worried..

anyway, is it okay to mix fbm that has been thawed and ebm together when want to heat up? any mummies can advice?

what i know is that you cannot mix the milk if they are of diff temp. so if you thaw the FBM in the fridge for some hours, then you can mix it with the refrigerated ebm when they are of same temp.

So same goes for if you freshly expressed milk, you cannot mix with ebm from fridge immediately. must ensure is same temp.

Dunno what the reason is but hubby told me this info. but actually try not to mix so much cos will increase contamination. if bo bian then no choice have to mix.
woot mummies, think you all are going to cause quite a commotion at kushinbo! poor kushinbo, going to kuiben with all of you whacking the sushimi
you ladies are good man, can carry baby and go for a buffet, finish in one hr summore!! hope to join you ladies next gathering when i am more confident of going out alone with my boy...

rachelle, cannot mix ebm if they are at diff temp? oh no, i have been doing so all the while.. cos sometimes express less than one of his feed then top up the next time i pump.. sometimes when i collect leaking milk using the breastshells, i also add to a bottle in the fridge.. cannot ar??

ayukie, you are very cute!
i laugh about your dream so funny.. and your diaper bag, so kua zhang but its always good to be prepared! mummies who didnt bring enough diapers, you know who to borrow from!

hais when will my episiotomy wound recover?? saw the gynea so many times! my appt card is already full.. think is a little guilty over my case, she didnt charge me for followups.. she says wound healing but still open and me still pain la! still using the float one month aft delivery?! haiyoh...
Hey girls think I will have to give kushinbo a miss. My granny is in hospital again and quite critical .
Jane - think I will give bontanic garden a miss too
take care ya gal..

i thaw my milk in the same fridge as e ebm and i thaw for more than 12 hours le.. should be okay to mix right?
looking for me? me bz today...went for my papsmear at gynae, went to my son's skool to see how he's doing and my parents' place for dinner..finally can sit down and pump

ayukie, pls take care...hope ur gran ok ...
ayukie... do take care!!

mi oso pumping now.. i give up waking my gal up for feed.. these few days she simply refuse to drink.. end up i always throw e ebm away
ok....read back the posts...

raerae, sure no prob...enjoy ur massage

jane, thks for making reservations

karen, seems like u are coping well now with bb
u worry too much initally...

rhapsodyrach, u cant get ur hb to help with the nite feeds? at least u can get abit of sleep...if not how to work the next day??!

lerler mum, welcome
if u are going back to work, better get ur bb started on bottles, if not it will be stressful for urself and ur bb when u return to work as ur bb might be on milk strike and u have to rush home everyday to latch bb...

momo mummy/blessed cyn, express or normal lunch doesnt matter la...its the company tha matters
dun be too overly concerned la...

kimifin, call by nicks its easier during the big gp cuz sometimes very diff to rem the real name...unless we always meet la...then can rem better1

anise, hope ur dad's ok...pls take cae of urself also...i bought my nursing bras from moms in mind website...been wearing them since my #1's time...recently bought 2 more new ones...

saintbaby, think tha layer of thingy in the fbm is the fats la...even those bm tha i leave in fridge also have....i have to shake it before i warm it up...

min, ur wound still not ok? gosh...damn sianz leh!
hihi ...

saintbb> miss me ah? :p..

anise> i love sweet things also so must drink alot of water. hope ur dad's ok..

ayukie> bummer! anyway, hope ur granny will be fine. *hugz

sporty> no need thank me.. u r the organiser too! if u din go and make the event known on fb, there will be less pple attending... what's more, i tink everyone is drawn to ur "class" hehehe

i just did the impossible. well, not really impossible but something i never thought i will do in my whole life.... stay tuned...
ya lor.. looking for you.. hehe.. didn't c u online today ma..
was pumping earlier.. tot got pumping pals here.. cos we all almost pump at e same time.. hehe.. i was worried abt that layer man.. at least now i know its fats den not so bad. i felt very bad when my gal was drinking just now..

ya lor! miss u ma.. hehe.. you whole day never really post!
wu ying wu zhong.. hehe..
re: mixing expressed milk

actually there are different articles with different views on it. some said is ok to mix milk at different temp, some said is not good. so generally, i follow the views on the following:

1) freshly expressed milk can mix with ebm stored at room temp but have to be consumed within 8 hours

2) freshly expressed milk cannot mix with refrigerated ebm unless it is cooled in the fridge first as well. the 2 ebm must be expressed within 24 hours apart from each other. cannot be too long apart.

3) freshly expressed milk can be added to already frozen ebm.

4) frozen ebm, has to be thawed in fridge before adding to ebm which is stored in the fridge.

so the general guideline is to mix ebm of same temp. except (3) above. what i understand is that cos when we mix frozen ebm with freshly expressed ebm, we are not mixing them directly as the freshly expressed ebm will freeze on top of the Frozen ebm . then when both are frozen, when you thaw, they are of same temp, so it is ok for them to be mixed when they thaw. hope can understd what i'm trying to say here.

but if PD said is ok to mix, then is ok to mix. and if so far nothing had gone wrong for the baby, then i suppose is ok to mix. think i a bit kiasu lah. prefer to be safe than sorry.
thanks for sharing! i agree there's different views on it.. but very impt cannot contaminate it.. i normally mix ebm that are in the fringe if it's not enough.. but i try to store into 1 bottle 1 feed.. easier..
saintbb: i'm here! pumping now...hee~ Went out to run errands todayn also went for class so left bb with mil till hb went to fetch her in the evening.. tts y whole day nv post..

Thurs coming soon!! Yaye!
My baby's milk intake did not drop, so shd be fine ba.
Ya the MIM sling is very useful, now my mum & hubby is also using it while coaxing baby to slp.
All of us are too tired manually rocking & swaying him esp he is getting heavier! hahha

So envious, slpt tru for 7hrs??!!

Hahaa, so cham huh, only left u & me~?@?

I also dunno leh, go w the flow?
If not, like what momo-mummy says, all left except u, me & momo, wahhahaha
hehe.. you also had a busy day yea.. no wonder la.. all MIA..
me going to bed soon le.. yeap! thur coming le.. looking forward to c all of ya.. hehe..

was so tired...slept from 11ish until now and didnt wake up to pump...only woke up to latch my gal! think these few days of preparing for skool for my #1 affected my ss abit as i had no time to pump... hopefully he settles down soon tha i dun have to worry so much...

jane, what impossible did u do? share share leh :p

saintbaby, was bz these few days mah...i didn have much rest also, yesterday afternoon only managed to nap like 30 mins...so tiring

rachelle, thks for sharing regarding the mixing of ebm tips...for me, i will mix freshly pumped ebm with those in fridge but so far its ok for my gal n and my boy!

shirlin, u went to run errands and classs whole day and u can tahan w/o pumping ah?!
