(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Pumping now too.. My girl just poo-ed.. I was so excited when I heard the sound..haha.. but poo a little only.. better den nth la..

sporty: I dunno izzit teething lehz but the 2 teeth getting more obvious.. She hasnt slept since 4plus in the afternoon.. see her like very xin ku.. so poor thing.. And dun kick your bb tea habit la.. acc me ma.. hehe!

shirlin, remind me to show u how to massage the tummy on thurs...by then by thurs ur gal would have poo-ed liao...whahhahha :p no la...teething will have fever etc one...maybe its not la...if not u may wanna try using teething gel on her... i'm trying to kick the habit la cuz sekali cannot quit next time, will put on weight one!
hi gals...
BB is 2 months today!!! Happy 2 months for your bb tomorrow sporty!!

Just able to sit down and pump now ... been out whole day with baby... and now she is back on 2h feeds... v tiring!!!

shirlin -your bb only 5 weeks teething already?? Actually my bb issalivating a lot these days and quite fussy - I wonder if teething also???

raerae - I am using mammy poko and goon ( though goon is a bit big for her now and leaks often)

blessedcyn - yah jeelomeelo is going from tampines...
hello ladies,
my gal had occassional greenish poo. dunno due to wat. MIL & mum said cos she had a fright. Some said could be due to change of milk powder. I witness it myself. Her face will suddenly turned all red then she burst out crying. Anyone kw wat happen??

Talking abt milk powder, my gal doesn't like enfalac. Haiz the most expensive cow milk yet not appreciative. i tasted it too, yucky. any recommendation on nice tasting + high AHA FM??
Hi 1st time mummy,my bb is also salivating alot. I also suspect she is teething. can anyone enlighten us?

Thanks Sporty.

Hi jeelomeelo, are u going from tampines?
hellooo...me up again! dunno later can wake up on time or not...1st day of skool for my #1 and i will be going to skool with him!
feeling abit mixed feelings like he suddenly grown up and need to attend skool...hahha

1st time mummy, thks for ur well wishes...yes my gal's 2 mths old today
happy belated 2 mths to ur gal too

rue, green poo could be becuz bb taken in alot of foremilk... change of milk powder, i only heard tha Nan will cause green poo la... actually i think FM smelt yucky, last time i always hold my breath whenever i was making FM for my #1...hahha...

blessed cyn, drooling is one of the symptoms of teething la....there's other symptoms too... http://www.babycenter.com/0_developmental-milestones-teething_6574.bc
sporty, my baby has the same birthday as ur baby. today 2 months old.

my baby is teething, bottom teeth. can already see the teeth budding out.
mitsy, icic
think quite a few of us popped on 4 nov
so fast ur bb's teething, mine no signs yet n i hope wun be so early as i hate to latch on when bb have teeth cuz they bites!
i didn't notice the teething but my fren notice it when my boy was screaming his lungs out. Initially abit worried about him teething so early but my fren said that her girl also started in her 2nd month.

i only latch once in a while, just bottle feed the EBM so at least not worried about bitting.
morning all!

today is my first day of work. unfortnately, my boy i s down with flu. need to bring him to see PD before starting work. Feel so heartpain to see him falling sick at such a young age. Guess he catches a flu when going shopping with us over the weekend.
morning all!

first day of skool for my #1...now pumping and gonna prepare him after i'm done!

mitsy, juz keep a lookout for other signs of teething lor...or get teething gel to standby...

shannonbaby, so fast u are back at work already...u didnt take full 4 mths of ML eh? hope ur boy gets well soon...better bring him to see doc!
gd morning!! first day at new sch for my boy.. pumping away too.. rhis wk, he will be attending half day sch for orientation.. n i hav to be ard for the first 2 days... :p

u so fast going back to work? i will be going back aft CNY.. now thinking how to geng for MC... :p

u boy attending which sch? going for full day too?
Hi mummies,

Can baby be drinking lesser from latching than what we pump out? (Cos i read tt baby can extract more from latching than pumping) .
I took a break from latching last week and did exclusive pumping. Yield avg 80~100 3hrly intervals and can feel breast being emptied.. Btl feed 100ml 3 hrly also. Now back to latching and everytime he finishes, feel tt breast is not empty. Latch avg 3~4 hrly (if he sleeps) or 2~2.5hrly (if he is awake).
carol, usually latching will extract more milk than pumping that is if your bb latch for like 10 - 20 mins (depending on how efficient on sucking the milk out). if latching can last 3 hrs, then i think that's ok. maybe your ss has gone up slightly? cos latching does helps to increase ss....
sigh.... i was like so excited about today cos my #1 supposed to start her 1st day too but then she caught the flu on new year day and now gotta delay and start only on wed.... so anti-climax.. haha... end up today i gotta bring #2 to PD cos she got super blocked nose...
I'm pumping out and then letting baby feed on BM in the day and 3 feeds of Fm in the night. Baby's poo also explosive kind. sometimes is greenish (i suspect is the fenugreek which i took). poo not as much as when i bf him exclusively. so i think it's normal bah.

carol, I heard a lactation consultant said that your milk ss in the breast is actually about 3times the amt you pump out. so if pump out 100ml, means you have 300ml inside breasts. but dunno how true la. in any case, baby's sucking is always more efficient than pump provided that baby does proper latching. Now after every pumping session, i will still need to squeeze my boobs to get the last few drops out. frankly speaking, i hate the feeling of pumping. not as comfy as baby latching.
rachelle, how about you cut down fm to 2x in the night and try to squeeze in one more BM? you can mix that BM with FM lah if not enough but slowly try to reduce the FM lor.... cos if you keep using FM to supp, ss very hard to up one leh... it might be very demoralizing lah when you try to squeeze in that one feed of BM but it will pay off one.... alternative is replace one of your FM with latching.
aries, i want to use EBM but then hor, it's very difficult to warm up the EBM and by the time it is warmed up, baby would have cried till red red. Anyone has a fast way of warming the EBM? what i'm doing is to refrigerate my EBM (cos can store up to 2 days in fridge) and then warm up when baby wants it. it's easier to predict baby's feeding in the day but at night very difficult and i dun want him to cry so much while waiting for the milk to be warmed up.

I also tried latching but then it's always not enough and even after i tried to supp with FM right after latch, he would like want more. sigh... i'm getting tired of all these. sometimes just want to give up bm and stick to fm.

If i pump 2 to 3 hourly instead of letting baby latch, what is the likelihood that ss will go up?

yes, pumping seems to drain a lot only initially, when i squeeze out, got more..though I only is hygienic or not to express by hand into the pump.
but i felt a big lump behind the nipple, but dun wanna squeeze too hard to drain my breast completely...maybe just massage.
morning all...

it's normal to have mixed feelings.. hehe.. i had that too when my #1 went to school.. reality sat in when she put on her uniform! lolx.. that moment i almost tear! suddenly from mummy's girl to a big girl le..

which part of bukit batok Is just kids at? i went to c sparkletots at your house there.. but i find e environment not condusive! so now still lookin around..
Hi HI Good morning ladies!!

Rachelle: I oso have the prob for warming up EMB, try not to use the bottle warmer, i previously used the Lucky baby one and found tat the water used to heat up is almost boiling! Destroy all the antibodies man.. Wat i do is when my gal is stirring up in her sleep i make milk warm, think i keep for max an hour after heating up.

Shihui/SPorty: Wow ur kids all goin to sch + childcare..haii yoo today i left my gal to my mil b4 work i oso abit heartpain sigghh.....

Diapers: Is goon or pampers more exp? i like goon actually but as i compared it seems like goon is more exp le! Anywayz M size pampers now got sale @ NTUC ( i went to the Lot 1 NTUC) prices @ $48 for 2 packs!

Childcare: I am planning to put my gal at childcare near bouna vista area..any recommendations??
Kimifin, if there's a lump behind the nipple, is beta to squeeze out else may get blocked ducts. i had that and it was so painful! worst, ss will drop when you have blocked ducts. that's what happened to me now. so, try to clear the lump as far as possible.

Rae, but how do you know when your gal stir up in her sleep when it's in the wee hours? cos my prob is that in the midnight, by the time bb cries, is too late to warm the milk. I;m using the pigeon bott warmer. so far not much prob but then it's slow in warming up my ebm from fridge.
morning all~ Am pumping now.. just noe super lazy.. latched bb on left side for 15mins b4 she went back to slp.. den i also webt bac to slp den right side now like gg to explode..haha.. nv pump for 7hrs..

re: heating of ebm
i'm using the avent warmer so can adjust the heat.. i only use the maximum heat when bb cant wait.. As i'm using glass bottles, it tend to be heated up quite fast.. Rachelle, you may want to consider changing ur bb's bottles to glass? really got difference in the time needed to heat up the ebm.. for night feeds, what i do is prepare the amount in the glass bottle 1st b4 i slp n put in the fridge..so tt no need force my eyes big big in the middle of the night.. den try to wake up b4 bb's predicted feeding time to take out the bottle but dun heat yet.. jus leave it in a glass of room temp water.. den when bb wakes up n cry for milk.. i just trf it to the warmer lorz.. so far so gd.. she nv cry till face red for night feeds..

sporty: I stil want to learn the massage even thou my bb poo-ed liao!! Thurs must teach me okay okay?? and I thk my girl shld be teething la.. show you the 2 white white on thurs.. I went to the webby u gave.. she like has quite a few signs.. drooling.. irritabilty.. sleep problems.. But she start earlier also gd.. at least now i haven wk still can look after her lorz..

My hb not wking again today..whole camp's on leave..hehe.. thk ltr I gg to go out awhile to buy my bb tea liaoz.. really super bth..

the lump not very "accessible"...n just behind the nipple, also kena blocked behind...i try to massage more lor
shirlin, thanks for sharing! but then what if baby din wake up early enough and the chilled milk is left in room temp? can leave for how long ah?

baby so fast teething? i tot is after 3 mths!

by the way, can bubble tea increase milk ss? I'm really desperate now to increase ss! tried fenugreek, sashimi, papaya soup etc.... even ordered goat's rue. but ss still like 600ml per day. not enough to feed my milk monster who wants about 700ml sigh

may i know if we freeze the EBM.. how do we thaw them?

my auntie say to put in a pot of boiling water and then after it thaw use it.. the remaining put outside for the next feed.. but i think its wrong..

wat is the correct way to thaw? one packet, i might have 170ml.. and so far.. i only use 120ml
back in office after bringing my boy to the PD. He is having blocked nose n cough.

sporty n shihui,
I work in childcare industry. today first day of school, so must start work no matter what, since first day of sch is super busy for us.

RE: gathering
Akways wanted to join u gals in the gathering, but always have something on that day. last round is my wedding anni, this thur is my gal's 2nd birthday. Hope to be able to join u gals in the future..
rachelle, you can try pumping every 2.5hrly if you don't want to latch. that's how i did it to up my ss (including waking up in the nights to pump - nights i did 3 hrly then but not now cos too lazy). then if i latch, i will pump after latch to stimulate. very siong lah but does help.... then you must drink lotsa water... i drink lotsa of milk cos calcium is very impt. drink fish soup or seaweed soup... what i did is i put the seaweed into the fish soup so double whamy...hee.... as for milk tea, i just ask also if it helps cos i notice more ss each time i drank but then no guarantee lah... but i think cos got milk also in milk tea so maybe the milk helps....
catechins, last time when i freeze milk, i did as what blessedcyn mentioned. bring down to chiller section and leave it for 12 hrs. but must consume within 24 hrs for the thawed milk. if leave in room temp, i will make bb consume in less than 3 hrs cos actually thawed milk very fish smell liao and if leave outside, i think the smell lagi worse.
for my #2, i'm not going to freeze any milk unless i need to travel.
me home from #1's skool...hope he's doing ok...
he didnt cry but he was quite a terror and made other kids cry...opps :p
now pumping...so engorged!

ashley, okies...will add ur name to thur's lunch's list

saintbaby, yes i totally agree...my #1's a big boy now...time really flies...

raerae, u started work liao meh?? going to mil's not as bad as childcare la...at least ur MIL is one to one mah...

shirlin, pls remind me on thurs if i forgot ok? ohhh enjoy ur bb tea then

rachelle, have u tried taking oatmeal and milo to increase ur ss??

shannonbaby, no wonder ur first day coincides with first day of skool!
Rachelle Ling, wah i tot 600ml per day is very good liao... my each pump only 70ml nia... and mostly i latch baby on and only pump max 2 times a day... with baby crying in the day and dun wan to sleep i got no extra time to pump...
The milk trays seems very very good ley, but now i dun hv much milk to store.... hopefully next time i got more milk then i buy the milk trays.. wonder when my bm ss will go up...

Sporty, u teach shirlin massage on thurs i oso wan to learn... my cl teach me to use cotton wool go round index finger dip with water then rub on "jing feng San" to rub on baby gum and tougue, says next time he teething then wont be pianful... wonder is real or not...hehe
Then hor u oso teach me use sling leh... now i using carrier my back hurts so so much.. i got 2 sling... tried using it but baby keep crying like wan to get suffocated liao... so i guess i use it the wrong way.. haha

Shirlin, if we bfing can drink bubble tea? tot got caffin cannot drink?

Jane, yes see u ladies on thurs. I m coming with my baby, nobody helpingme to look after...
Sporty: Yup I am at work liao, coz of things i need to settle. But the arrangement which i have is work 2 days 3 days off. so can drag to after CNY. hee hee actually coz hor erm...me & mil not best of frenz kind..like i get upset with thing she does, ie warm my EMB in boiling water even after i told her cannot! or burge into the room while i m breastfeeding or pumping.. and den somemore ask my bb nt to cry if nt will scare me off @_@ but thank God all these while it is myself who look after bb day and nite so i told her i've seen all the pattern already not scared..haha hai i appreciate she wanna look after for me but still sometimes hard to get along.. My bb goes to my mil mon+tue and Wed-Fri is with my mum..wkend with me..But i will look after her all the nites..hee but true goin to childcare will b more hard!

Childcare: Anyone got any comments on the following Agape, mylittleskool house and learning vision? I intend to send my gal at 18mth so around my wkpl got these few only..

Salivating: Is it true it is a sign of teething? I tot bb grow teeth at abt 4-6mth??now our kids are abt 2mths plus rite? Coz my gal alot of saliva coming out too and like to *strangely* lick everything in sight!!
rachelle: So far I max only put it outside 2hrs wor.. but i thk can be placed outside in room temp for ard 4hrs ba.. Mummies correct me if i'm wrong.. And I nv specially take anything to increase ss.. I take bb tea is only cuz I'm greedy n addicted to it.. LoL.. like wad ariesgal said.. Pump/latch often lorz.. Cannot be lazy.. If you noticed,quite alot of us also wake up in the middle of the night to pump..You may want to give it a try.. =)

sporty: yup.. gg out now~~ =) Just fed my girl n she went back to slp immediately.. Thk cuz yday not enuf slp..
momo: I thk abit of caffine shld okay ba..My girl so far drink my EBM no problem.. Even last time when we're preggy.. my gynae said its okay to have a cup of coffee a day.. =) Bobian la.. addicted liao.. Jane n sporty too~~ Haha! Anw, I tot carrier shld be better den sling wor.. alot of us waiting to start using carrier once bb's head stable lehz..

sporty: Wahahaa~~ You can reserve a corner in the restaurant on thurs liaoz..hold class there.. Teacher Sporty~~ =P
momo, my baby is a milk monster. he has to take 120ml every 3 hourly. so my 600ml per day falls short of his 720ml intake. Actually i feel like dun care and just let him latch on as and when on demand but it's very tiring and my in-laws kept nagging me and said i not giving baby enough milk. so, decided to pump out and bott feed. ultiamtely as long as baby getting bm and is healthy, watever way is ok lah.

then my boy is fussy on my breast liao. think he too used to bott and now no patience to suck. sigh.... i really missthose latching times!
later i am going to see a sinseh... my wrist is giving me problems.... i think must have twisted it or the nerves or something..... can't even do a full rotation without feeling the pain... jialat.... like old woman....
momo mummy, i juz showing tha step outta the bb massage la...cuz rest of the massage skills i must refer to my notes and i forgotten liao cuz i learnt it 2 yrs back... tha jing feng shan thing...i never heard before lor... i also drink bubble tea even tho have caffeine...

raerae, no wonder u are back at work... but luckily ur mil its 2 days lor, rest of the days is ur mum and urself... my son is attending little skool house... little skool house and my skool house is diff... u can check www.childcarelink.gov.sg for more childcare near u...

shirlin, pls la...i'm not conducting class la...juz sharing la...if i am conducting, must pay $$ one lor...hahhaha

ariesgal, hope ur wrist is ok...better see sinseh
I will also be attending the lunch this thurs. First time joining, shld i pass my hp no. to someone or can someone give me a hp. no. in case of last min changes?


Date: 7 Jan 2010 (Thurs)
Venue: Kuishinbo @ Suntec
Time : 12pm

1. Superwalker
2, Jane
3. Sporty
4. momo mummy
5. BabyLele (KIV)
6. dingdong
7. ariesgal (KIV)
8. jeelomeelo (KIV)
9. shirlin
10. swanston
11. momoko
12. Kimifin (+ mum)
13. chriszinc (KIV)
14. sponge
15. ayukie (KIV)
16. 1st time mummy
17. agata (KIV)
18. jocelyn lee (rsvp thru fb)
19. wendy lim (rsvp thru fb)
20. blessedcyn (KIV)
21. Mitsy
rachelle, i think my girl is like your boy. i do feed on demand and it's very tiring for me too cos she will feed 5 - 10 mins and then take another feed like maybe 1 hr or so later.... i'm like endless latching... so now day time i will bottle feed unless i go out then i do latching... but night time i do full latching from 10pm onwards cos she will do cluster feeding and thus latching easier for everyone cos cluster feeding she doesn't fix to just 100ml but will keep demanding for milk until 1am and knock out till 5am or 6am. if we use bottle feeding at night, my mum kept worrying if she is taking in too much cos she kept tracking the vol.... so latching is easier at this time... haha.... one min worry she not enough and then one min worry she take in too much... hence that explains why now i also seldom wakes up at 3am to pump cos basically i doubt i will have any milk to pump... but i will wake up at 5am to pump after latching.
Date: 7 Jan 2010 (Thurs)
Venue: Kuishinbo @ Suntec
Time : 12pm

1. Superwalker
2, Jane
3. Sporty
4. momo mummy
5. BabyLele (KIV)
6. dingdong
7. ariesgal (KIV)
8. jeelomeelo (KIV)
9. shirlin
10. swanston
11. momoko
12. Kimifin (+ mum)
13. chriszinc (KIV)
14. sponge
15. ayukie (KIV)
16. 1st time mummy
17. agata (KIV)
18. jocelyn lee (rsvp thru fb)
19. wendy lim (rsvp thru fb)
20. blessedcyn (KIV)
21. Mitsy
22. ashley

mitsy, pls pm me or jane ur contact no...

aries, mayb i shd try your method. cos i was thinking of lettin my boy latch at 10pm also. now he's on a schedule of 1, 4, 7, 10 am/pm. so i thinking of letting him latch at 10pm then supp with 60ml of EBM. can finish finish, not finish then leave it. i suspect that the most he can take 60ml of my bm only cos he not so patient to suck anymore.

wah, so many of you going for the lunch! first time i see such a big gp of forum frens meeting up!
