(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

super cranky n awake bb yesterday. was not sleeping from 5pm till 1230am, midnite..

down 2 bottles of EBM b4 he satisfied. cos he quite impatient with latchin on when he's fighting z.

this morning, woke up at 530am n cant get to zzzz...

now KO (hopefully bb can get some zzz)

btw, bb regurgitate quite a lot this morning again.

tried to burp him b4 putting him to cot, but he seems too sleepy. but he puke when he cudn't get to sleep n while we changing his nappy.

Is it normal to regurgitate BM?

I din seem to feed him a lot.
Good afternoon mummies. My gal really everyday pattern liao liao. Last night she slept at 3am woke up at 6 and 9 for feeding and zzz. Until now.

Not sure she today got what pattern again.
Afternoon mummies. My gal yesterday night my gal sleep at 12+am then 1+am wake up fussy, carry her fall asleep 10 mins later. Then she sleep all the way till 8am as we wake her up for feed as like so long didn't feed her. after feed she sleep again till we wake her up 11+ to bath her and feed. Her pattern change till always sleep in day time and very alert around 9+ pm.

Tommorrow hubby going back to work, will be all by myself, start to get a bit worry cant handle her.
Karen, my gal also pattern liao liao. She is also sleeping very soundly now at my bb sitter place. So tonight I am prepared to be an owl again.

Going pat tor with hb having lunch at sizzler now.
tanly, you send your gal to bb sitter place already ah?

Think later evening time if not raining, will bring her down to walk walk. If cranky at night then i jialat.

So nice can go pak tor with hb, enjoy your date.
blessedcyn, thanks. I wanna burp him cos he colicky...n got wind. but he normally throw temper when his sleepiness is disturbed.


same, my bb pattern changes more n more. I trying to cope with the changing pattern to see how to coax him to sleep better.

Tonite moving over to my mum's plc cos hub gg back to work. Think change of environment, bb will also give new pattern.
so quiet today eh...me juz finished my chores, showered n now latching my gal while waiting for my hb to ta bao lunch back!

ayukie, u are the mummy, the cow...of cuz he likes to look at ur face lor!

blessedcyn, same i seldom burp my gal when i latch unless i wanna wake her up to latch the other side!

superwalker, check ur msn email...think swanston emailed to ur mailbox there...

tanly, wow...sizzler... *slurps* ... since 3am last nite, ur gal seems to be on 3 hrly schedule liao...

karen, seems like ur gal has the signs of sleeping thru the nite! dun worry la, am sure u can handle...
Karen, I just let her be at bb sitter there for 1 afternoon to test water and also to steal some couple time with hb.
oic ... I will be sending my gal to bb sitter place 11 Jan onwards. The bb sitter came over yesterday to visit us and also carry her see whether my gal ok or not, hm... she smile at the bb sitter.

I will spend like few hours for 1 or 2 days first, then full day for another 2 to 3 days before i go back to work.

My gal poo poo on the fisher price rocker and now no choice but let her sleep on the net bouncer, hm... surprisingly she can sleep soundly on it now. Maybe as my mum says, when bb get bigger is easier to take care or maybe we know her pattern liao.
Hello, ladies!

My bb refused to zzz last nite, stayed awake till 5am!!! Eyes big big like marble, kept crying for feed! When I carried, he dozed off but whenever I put him down, his eyes opened. I thought of letting him self-soothe to zzz but he cried after a while.

Funne> Ya lor... With BB, sometimes I feel as though I hv lost my life...

Sporty> Wow! U can still do chores, look after 2 BBs & cook! How do u manage???
blessedcyn, i agree...thas why i seldom burp her unless my hb bottle feed her la...

ayukie, hahha...u say until like tha!

cheryl, sounds like a tiring nite last nite,...normally on sundays, my hb will send my #1 to my mum's pl before he goes out to play his game...then i have the morning to catch up on the chores while my #2 naps...with 2 kiddos ard, very diff to do chores la, unless my hb is ard to jaga #1...or i entertain #1 with a dvd or something
Sporty> Oic...Tat explains... :p Coz I find it difficult to manage my BB, do chores & cook alone lor.
i seldom latch my boy now cos of low milk ss. but yest cannt tahan, let him latch but before that, disturbed him a little and let him lay tummy down on hubby chest. he is able to locate hb's nipple and began sucking. haha hb was screaming and baby also cry cos no milk came out. haha

then i tried to do the same on meb. he is also able to locate my nipple and suck on it! so cute! but then i think the angle not right, he like a bit choke on the milk. so latched him properly. he got this happy and excited look when he saw the neh neh. makes me feel so happy!

I realise that my breasts will start leaking when hear baby cry. think this is a motherly instinct that stimulated the let down.

sporty, i really envy you lei. you like super mummy can do so much by yourself! i think i cannot make it if not for my in-laws who are staying with us and helping us with the chores and baby. I only have one baby somemore!

i'm really going to buy a auto rocker. getting tired of manually rocking my rocker!
Sporty/ swanston, I checked my hotmail but I think something is wrong with my hotmail addy. Can send to my gmail please? Same user name...
I heard my bb has this "phelgm" in this throat sound as he make noises. I tot he overcry n his throat is coarse.

But no leh, when he cry v loud, no more this sound.
But i'm sure his throat got somethg..is it his milk + saliva?

cos he tend to vomit leftover milk + saliva recently...n tot his throat is not cleared.
cheryl, its abt time management and multi tasking...i always do my laundry while vaccuming and mopping floor...so once i finished with the floor, i can hang the laundry le...same abt cooking...i prepare the ingredients when bb and #1's napping, so when its dinner time...juz need 15 mins to cook... have to find time abit here and there... i'm sure u will manage it eventually, dun worry

rachelle, maybe u can still latch ur bb on to trigger more milk ss? yeah...i agree tha we will start to have letdown when bb cry..heheh... dun envy me leh, i have no help, thas why everything have to do it myself! i envy other pple who have help @ home!!

superwalker, i try to find the email and forward to u
wah sporty, really have to learn from you. Pei fu, pei fu.. some more you are ftwm. I'm still relying on my mom for the household chores..
hello ladies.. how's everyone's weekend?

me jus back. went to ippudo restaurant at mandarin gallery the one that sarah jessica parker had to q for 1 hour at its New York branch. didn't q cos sis could get us in . food so so nia. but the q was damn long. the pple in the Q looked longingly at us when we finished. hehe.. had to change bb's diapers halfway through the meal though. we were quite lucky, could get our own seat (cos of seating plan, some haf to share tables) and the waiter kept beoing my son. lol.

then went to mandarin gallery and taka walk walk and have tea.. shiok! generally feel quite good mood since last nite husb took care of bb and i had abt 6 hours straight of sleep. (had to wake up at 2 to pump cos wanna burst liaos, and play my fb game)

everyone, please CONFIRM UR ATTENDANCE for Thursday as i will be telephoning KUSHINBO TMRW! thks!
oh yah, sporty and shirlin, i din drink bb tea yest and today. but no withdrawal symptoms lah.. maybe cos it got 'substituted' with my ben&jerry's ice cream bt tmrw bk to bb tea. LOL
Haiz... My gal sleep all the way from morning until now, still sleeping. I am damn worried that she will not sleep tonight.

I would expect another sleepless night again. So tiring.
Tanly: Keep positive! Babies at this stage sleep alot ..my gal slept the WHOLE day ytd but still managed to sleep through the nite till 7am today =) Jia youz!

Diapers: juz a survey wat brand of diapers are you ladies using? I've been tryin to see wat else is there to use besides nepia, pampers & goon? Seems that Goon is more expensive than pampers for Size M? Nepia is not bad but kind of thick rite?
raerae, thanks. Hopefully she can sleep tonight.

I am using pampers for night time and drypers for day time. I find huggies not bad too.
sporty: My girl depend de.. sometimes she guai guai.. time's up le den she will fall sleep after her last feed.. but recently dunno y keep crying.. fall asleep le den after awhile wake up crying and is those cry till face red n breatheless de.. even carry also cant calm her down till prob abt 10mins ltr.. dunno wads wrong.. slso her frong 2 teeth like showing out le.. so fast meh??

jane: i nv drink bb tea for 3rd day le.. withdrawal symptoms le.. =\ tmr die die must drink..

Just nw brought my girl to guan yin temple to pray..cuz b4 i delivered, mil went to pray for us.. it was super duper hot!
So sad, just had a fight with dh over our daughter. So piss with him. Just feel that he didn't help much in helping to takecare of our daughter. I am just so tired. To him always work come first even on weekend.
Jane, I'm confirmed to come this Thurs for the gathering.

Momo-mummy, I'll sms u and arrange to go with you. I'll be going alone, my baby will be with maid. So I can go with you and your baby.

Rachelle, hahaha...your story about baby sucking on hubby's nipple made me laugh so hard. Cause my hubby will have similar reaction, as hubby is very worried baby will clamp on his nipple when being carried.
Shirlin: i think if is FM den should nt b too much issue, if BM abit odd le..coz my gal poo at least 3x per day on total BM..If more than 2 days i think should go ask dr..
Tanly: think it is inevitable..hai me too sometimes i oso..if got nite feed he like so reluctant to do..change diapers i think in the last 2 mth less than 10 times lor!!but juz tell myself at least, at the end of the day my gal will sayang me hahha..on the other hand for them oso difficult coz they usu nt domesticated and kan cheong la when bb cry..plus erm got to work tired
depends on my mood!
my gal also daytime BM, early morning feed is FM.. sometimes she never poo for 1 day also.. but the next day she will poo! and it's a lot lor! hehe.. monitor and c..
Shirlin> my boy on bm & fm for last feed also...these few wks also weird, cos he poos only once a day... but his poo is ALOT for that one time...
i hate it when the hb's relatives who lives next door keeps coming over to grab the baby over after his feed... then when he cries they'll pass him back to me and keep telling me he din have enough milk, bf he wont be full, latching u dont know how much he is taking blah blah blah when he just fed for less than an hr... i know he is just cranky that he wants to sleep but can't sleep... but they dont seem to understand kept telling me he's hungry hungry.... arghhh... my mil also telling me same thing, they are like discouraging me to bf....

sometimes i just feel like giving up bf-ing also... my nipples are damn sore... i dont have enough ss.... haiz..... it's just so hard...
carinez1, cool down...i know its difficult esp its mil and relatives.. for me.. my dad will tell me bb hungry hungry hungry.. but i express my milk to feed by bottles.. which i feel its better.. at least we know how much he is drinking.. and the timing also more predictable..

there are many reasons y bb will cry.. u dun stress.. vent out here.. we will support u. =) just like how i got the support from ppl here. =)
don't understand why they always like to say that baby does not have enough to drink. I bottle feed and he drinks every 3 hours so impossible that he is hungry.

Today my PIL came and keep saying baby not enough to drink when baby is crying. To me, I just think that he is tired. They keep insisting we feed him, then in the end vomit out half the feed. waste my ebm and make baby uncomfortable.
finally can sit down and pump...haven pumped since 1ish...
brought my parents and my kids to the airport juz now for dinner...
juz abt to "kick" my bubble tea obssession then my hb juz came home with a cup for me! geez

esther, dun have to learn from me la...we are staying by ourselves mah, no PILs no parents, so everything have to do it ourselves unless we can stand a dirty house lor...hehe... u are very fortunate to be staying with ur own mum!

jane, ur lunch sounded very cool...ur son really orchard kid liao...heheh

tanly, how was ur date with ur hb? cheer up la, dun fight with ur hb, juz tell him u need more support from him in terms of participation...whats the bb sitter's comments abt taking care of ur gal?

raerae, my gal's using pampers for going out and nepia at home...i find tha nepia's pretty good so might wanna use tha going out too...

shirlin, ur gal's teething? could be la...cuz i myself started teething at 3 mths...but teething have other signs like feverish, loose stools also...

blessedcyn, jeelomeelo's going from tampines if she's going...maybe u can share cab with her?
hi sporty,
me also pumping. waiting for son to wake up for his feed. For these past few nites, he has been drinking little milk. instead of his usual 100 ml of fm, he drank only abt 60ml then fall alseep and sometimes wake up every hr.. damn tiring leh.
and he hasnt poo for 3 days liao.
Shirlin, my gal also sometimes whole day don't poo or poo very little. But normally the next day she will poo alot alot till overflow. I just kena the 2nd time of the BIG poo till kena my short again. Sigh...

As for diaper, I am still using huggies as in hospital she is on huggies so i just continue to use. However, i find pampers and goon is good as i like the indicator and also the waist is more elastic. Of course huggies is cheaper. Last week NTUC got promo on Pampers, not sure still on or not.

juz finished pumping...spilled some milk when i was pouring them to the container...sianz!

piggym, ur past few nites sounds so tiring...he haven poo for 3 days? maybe can try massaging his tummy...then can trigger his poo...
