(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Tell you gals sth. I have been giving baby the bott with either ebm or fmilk cos my milk ss is low. Then just now, i couldn;t resist the temptation of letting baby to latch. So, i gave him 90ml (he has been taking 120ml) and then let him latch on.

The feeling of him latching is so great! it sounds stupid but then i really enjoy him latching then to pump out and then bott feed him. but then so sad. cos my ss still low and milk flow not as fast as bott, he started to fuss and get agitated. sigh... i only hope by the time my ss comes back, he would be able to latch like how he used to and let me enjoy the latching process again!

Which formula milk brand do u all use? I'm using Nestle Nan Pro 1, which was given while in KKH nursery.

Rachelle, that massage position i do that at least once a day. Sometimes it helps, sometimes not. Now baby is very sleepy but sometimes will cry cause her tummy is in pain. Very poor thing.
Rachelle, same here. My milk supply still very low, while my baby is impatient type and will cry to complain. So either i latch on as long as i can, while i ask hubby to prepare the fm...or i give her EBM.
Rachelle, the rocker is not automated to rock still need to rock manually, but it has one vibration mode, we on it for her. Think the vibration makes my gal sleep better.
Hi Chriszinc: my son is the same lor. He's already 5.4 kg and 8 weeks, but still waking up 2hourly for latching. Last night miracle, woke up 3 hourly (maybe because he had new year hangover). I felt so relieved that I got some extra sleep. Mothers whose bb sleep through the nite are indeed fortunate!

Seems like most ladies hear pump at 3 something am. I pump around the same time everynight too, but no energy to turn on laptop to go online lah.. Half concussed already... But I agree that the feeling after pumping at night is great. Feels like I've just detonated an explosive..

Would very much like to join you all on 7 Jan, but I;m going back to work for just one day on 8Jan. Feeling very scared cos don't know whether can tahan work while still having to wake up frequently to latch bb on the nite before. Are you ladies all taking 4 months maternity leave?

good to know u did not give in to pacifier or yao lan.
I think during this time bb really wan attention.
my bb actually V V sleepy, but forced his eyes to look around things and refuse to sleep.

I alone cant take care, need to take some time off to rest if not able to coax him to sleep thru the day.

bb so far, noon is cranky, nite also..

cos i've been latching 90%, n thru the nite, so my neck hurts...Cos worry bb nose pressed by my skin or lips did not latch properly...Also worried I fall asleep while he is sucking.

And recently, he's been latching 2 hourly...so tiring..

Gee, I dun realise that feeling until I heard from u all.
thanks, I treasure this bonding moment with him

Did u try to pump when bb is on bottle? Cos need to keep the supply coming in as though bb is feeding thru the day. Let him latch as much as possible.

I tried to take Fenugreek 2 weeks back for a few days, seems to help. But gave body some smell and tot bb colicky cos of that, so I stopped.

also been taking Oatmeal (instant oats) during tea breaks or mid nite supper. Thk helps body to produce milk from eating more...

try to massage breasts before n after and ensure no clogs.

I quite "mean" to my boobs, keep feeling the boobs after pumping/latching to ensure no lumps, cos the lumps will reduce supply.
is bb sleepy normal for 7 week baby?
my bb these few days tend to be v sleepy n tired and cranky.
She is v slpy but yet need to coax and carry to slp. Put to cot, wake again...
I worried if she slp too much...and not play around.

Mine was super sleepy 1 day noon to night(sometime this week), I was so worried...
ended up, he woke up every 2 hrs for food in the middle of the nite.
Poor baby, i know how heart pain it is to see baby suffering fr colic.
Heard colic will be gone when babies rch 3m, lets hope this 3rd mth comes quickly since we are more than half way thr liao!!

I may succumb to get Yao lan soon if baby gets more cranky the next few days/weeks as his attention span gets longer. Cos baby demand to be carried at least half of his waking hrs which made me and mum very very tired esp seeing my mum at this age still had to carry baby (who is getting heavier) and rock to soothe him dwn for hrs =(

Btw girls, ur know whr do we get the yao lan ah? Actually i forgot the reasons why yao lan is so strongly discouraged le.

Thanks for the info! i understd what u mean.
Will try to do that if my cranky boi allows me to ;)

I also enjoy looking at my baby latching when i was still b/f, its soooo cute and a sense of satisfaction when he is drinking.

I am taking 4m straight ;)

Some days my baby also very slpy and slpt most of the time but some days, slp & wake up and slp only last for 5-15mins for >6hrs, my back almost break fr carrying him.
I guess its normal ba.
Shirlin, what do u count as last feed?
the one before midnight? he's pretty consistent so usually abt 100ml FM.. sometimes in the night i wld try to feed more but at most last 3hrs max...but can sense he's not comfortable wif drinking too much.. wind in tummy prob..

rhapsodyrach --ya lor.. i miss sleeping at night.. daytime naps are never good enuf
u so funny...detonated explosive..hee.. well, dun know how that feels though coz milk supply never that much ..anyway, how come u take 2+ months maternity only and going bk so soon?

rachelle, can imagine yr thrill.. i dun latch now but there was once i tried when bb was really hungry and i had no hands to make milk..i just propped him there and he was sucking eagerly.. even if it only lasted a short 5 mins...
babylele, hmm if i rem correctly, it's not so good for the spine.. and if shake too hard also no good for the brain..
other mummies correct me if i am wrong k..
Re: Yao Lan

I think when the old folks keep saying Yao Lan allow bb to sleep longer and easier, but I thk is cos, once we put bb in YL, they assume bb is asleep, but cos of the effort to rock the bb is less, though longer time, bb may not really sleep that much.

I duno about this, cos rem kids in YL still sleep like 1-2hrs n need to be rocked again.
I'm also taking 4 mths ML straight cos boss din allow me to break the leave tho we can break 2 mths and then 2 mths. mayb is also good cos first 4 mths quite a good time to bind with baby.

I guess YL shd be quite ok since most of us were in YL when we were younger and all of us are still fine now.
but i think there was this concern that baby may suffocate cos dunno how to turn away from the cloth or folds. so beta to use YL when baby knows how to turn his head.

Kimifin, if i;m not wrong, baby will get growth spurts so will want to feed at short intervals. this is to stimulate your breasts to pdc more milk. so is ok to feed on demand.

sigh...my baby doesn;t want to zzzz. is it true that if baby dun zzz often, will hinder brain devt? cos i think my baby like din zzz long enough
babylele: can buy from kiddy palace..my hb bought it there.. thk babysupermart also have.. i have a YL at hm.. hb bought it cuz bb always want me to carry n its killing me.. so far i nc always put her in.. only when her pattern starts cuz the YL will give her the secure feeling.. just dun shake the YL too much lorz..

chris: my girl's last feed is ard 11ish-12ish.. i usually give her FM 100ml n can last her till ard 5am..
me pumping now...wanna call it a day today...
very tired after being out for the whole day and last nite didnt sleep well cuz my #1 woke up and di siao also...

chriszinc, u feed bb ebm when he wake up in the nite? try increasing the amt? so at least can last him longer?

shirlin, bird park's quite boring as compared to the zoo...hahha...anywyas it started to rain when we were leaving...i haven had bubble tea for 2 days liao...heheh

babylele, ergo carrier they dun sell in shops one...last time they sell in metro but not anymore...i have one but not using it yet as my bb's neck not strong enough...if not can show u and let u try it...some pple dun like yao lan becuz they dun want their bb to be reliant on it to fall asleep...same theory as pacifier and also some pple worried tha its diff to wean off also

kimifin, my gal also have these white skin thingy on her lip...but she didnt cry or what so i juz ignore it

rachelle, my rocker's from fisher price...sometimes my gal cranky, i juz on the music and vibration mode and leave her there to sooth herself...after tha shes ok or she will fall asleep...

rhapsodyrach, i have to be online when i pump...if not very bored and will fall asleep in the middle of the nite lor...so fast u going back to work on 8 jan, anything special on tha day? i was supposed to take 16 weeks then becuz of some issues at work, i changed to 12 weeks...now kena sabo-ed by someone and i dunno whether i have enough time to clear the balance 4 weeks...haha...so now i envy those who can take 16 weeks straight! haha

Me pumping now also. Can I ask if you pump both sides every 2-3h or just the one after latching? Can they fill up enough by the next feed?

jane - please tell me the secret to pumping bottle after bottle!!! =p

I just had bubble tea from amk hub!! just went to visit a friend at thomson who just gave birth, then went to hub to walk walk and then went to sakae sushi and ate lots and lots of sashimi...yummy.. (with no wasabe, cos bb reallllly does not like it when I eat... I think maybe the taste comes out into the milk or what... hehe.. always scrunches up her face when the hind milk comes... =p

sporty - enjoyed your day?? Must be tiring and walked a lot... I like zoo better than JBP... I think jbp quite boring! BUT I havent been there for eons... they have a dino exhibit now??

Oh and bb is 4.3 kg at 8 weeks - thats 10-25%... but she was also 10-25% when she was born so she is following the trend... pd says she's fine...but 'm now worried she's not getting enough... i'm doing total bf with no fm supplementation...

babylele - I am not using YL.. my MIL got me one but I dont want to use it - I think the baby gets very used to being carried or go to sleep in a certain way - best to carry a bit, then put her down to fall asleep by herself - better pacifier than YL... at least can be mobile! Also I have heard its not good to shake the baby too much - not much research done to show how strong the YL can be on a baby's brain 0- may cause slight whiplash.

starrz - My baby nurses for about 20 min, then we play for 30-60 min before she naps for 1-1.5h. what i know, is that babies need 16-18h of sleep...counting the 8x feed ~ 30 min each = 4-5h awake, she only needs a total of only 2-3h of awake time before naps, which is not a lot...(so being cranky may mean she is not getting enough sleep! =)

rhapsodyrach - I'm taking 3m straight, then half days 4x per week up to april.. =)
Thx for the info, will probly go to baby hypermart cos also need to get carseat.

Icic, well if it can save my mum and my back and baby fr crying less, likely we will succumb to it. But like what shirlin says, only when baby gets cranky lor.

Ya, thats what i thought, when baby is bigger and stronger then buy the yao lan lor.
babylele: no prob! tt time when i 1st got the YL, also scared she'll be addicted.. but so far she dun depend on it yet lorz..

1sttimemummy: my girl is weighing 4.5kg at 5wks plus.. i also give her EBM mostly n only 1-2 feeds of FM at night so dun worry abt your bb not getting enough.. She looks good tt day when we met!! =) as long as PD says she's well den its okay ya~~ =)

sporty: both of us so poor thing.. cannot satisfy our craving.. thk jane cfm got drink hers this 2 days de.. LOL!

just pumped at 10.30.. gg to pump again b4 gg to bed.. wanna rest well tonight.. hee
1st time mummy,
I'm really amazed at babies who can fall aslp on their own.
Mine never and dun tink any chance he will, sigh~
when he is slpy, he jus cry loud and hard and when he cant get to slp, it will only gets louder & harder.

1st time mummy> there's no secret. i pumped bottle after bottle cos din pump for 8 hours!

shirlin and sporty> yup, i had 2 cups today.
lol. ion's bb tea sucked though..

me also gg bk to work from 8th jan . sian..

tanly> i had bb tea no caramel choc. but had my bjourn chix. super nice!
bb tea...... me no drink for 2 days liao... today walk pass but tell myself must ren ren ren.... diet...... i'm giving myself one month to look slimer before i start work on 8th feb....
jane: Am cfm gg to satisfy my bb tea craving tmr.. haha

my girl cranky again.. sleep halfway wake up cry cry cry.. now hb tryin to coax her..
me up pumping after feeding my gal!
she slept from 10ish to 3ish...at least i managed to catch a sleep of abt 4 hrs! going back to zz after i pump...

1st time mummy, i pump both sides after latching and sometimes longer on the side tha i dun latch! but i dun pump really after every feed tho, i roughly pumped abt 3 to 4 times a day after feed... actually pumping after feed is to clear ur boobs so tha more milk can be produced! wah, good tha u get ur bubble tea and sashimi fixed today...i'm already thinking of the sashimi tha we are gonna have next thurs :p yeah, i told my hb, it was a great "workout" for me as i was slinging my gal thruout and walking up and down the slopes of JBP!!! maybe shd go and weigh and see whether i lost weight! he too had a great workout, pushing my almost 16kg #1 in his stroller up and down the slopes! hahah... yes, they have the dino exhibit now but it sucked...wasted our $$$! hhaa... what was ur bb's birth weight? mine was pretty small at birth...2.61kg

babylele, yes ah...when u are desperate then resort to it lor! personal sanity and rest is more impt!!

shirlin, i'm trying to "ren" my craving leh, thas why 2 days never go and drink liao ! juz now feel like having slurplee on the way home! almost asked my hb to stop by 7 eleven so i can buy... but then my #1 was trying to fall asleep in the car and i was trying not to "disturb" his sleep from getting in/out of the car so in the end didnt buy!! as i was sitting between 2 car seats so if i move in/out, very troublesome!

jane, 2 cups?? will caffeine overdosed or not :p

ariesgal, we gonna start work on the same day
shirlin and sporty, tried increasing amt before le.. didnt last him still.. or rather never thru the night.. he must wake up for some feeds.. wondering if it's becoz he doesnt sleep well/deeply... i also worried he's not getting enuf sleep.. he did not sleep at all from 12pm to 10pm yesterday!
anyway, had my pak tor fix today wif hubby..went to watch midnight session of Sherlock Holmes.. i like.. Robert Downey jr and Jude Law are both charmers... engaging and mind boggling stuff.. must watch if u like this genre..

May I know whose bb been able to feed 3 hourly now?

Wahhh, my bb change habit, now feed 1.5 hourly n only 5 mins each time!

Wat to do?
last night had 3 hours night off n went on a movie date with hubby...
watched Bodyguards and Assassins.. not bad.. finally a HK movie worth watching... :p

Rachelle, Karen,
be careful when u have wrist pain.. must be properly managed.. take care of ur wrist.. once it's hurt, will keep havintg recurrent pain.. get a wrist guard.. dun be like me.. for my #1, i blur blur tong the pain until i got tendon inflammation.. end up got to take steroid injection at the inflammed area... now, i got to be careful with my hand coz the slightest wrongly exerted force will trigger it again..

yucks!! so gross... luckily it died.. :p muz for Na Hydroxide poisoning.. maybe the whole throat of the lizard got alkaline burn... hehe.. :p

TWG at ION looks gd leh.. passed by tt day.. but with 2 kids, dun dare to enter... hahaha.. :p

i'm planning to bring my kids to the Bird Park too.. maybe tml.. :p did u go to holloywood dinos? thinking of going there coz my #1 loves dino.. but he's very timid.. worried tt he will get frightened by the sudden effects.. :p den may end up scare of dinos for the rest of his life.. hahahahaha... :p

is there alot of mozzies? i still rem tt the mozzies there were terrible when i went there in pri sch... :p
my gal is now 8wks going on to 9 wks liao.. when she latches, she will latch for 20min each side... den will feed 2 hourly (counting fr start of latch).. but when we bottle feed 150ml, can last for 3 hours...

my bb latch max 15-20 mins total.
though I try to let him latch the 1st side for 15min for the hind milk.
mine is 6-7weeks.

Hopefully, he is getting enuf. the 5 mins per feed is ridiculous...Wonder if this is CLUSTER feeding?
actually for my #1, he started latching for only 5min when he was 2mths old.. he was quite an effective 'sucker'.. :p so 5min gave him more than enough milk...

my gal likes to feed slowly... very xiao jie... :p
my wrist pain is also getting from bad to worse. yesterday my hubby tried to massage my hand for me and now its feels more swollen.
kimifin, cluster feeding normally occur during evening time and it will last for a couple of hours. bb will store the milk in prep for long zzz at night.sth like hibernation. but sometimes, he drink at short intervals cos of growth spurts also. i think my 6 week old boy is going thru growth spurt now. every 2 hour can drink 120ml. he;s like a milk monster!

Jane, you can tahan not pumping out for 8 hours?!?! i 4 hours nvr pump feel like dying liao. that time i rem i din pump out for 6 hour, i kena blocked ducts. so now i dun dare to go more than 4 hours without pumping

Shihui, inflammed wrist sounds scary!i better start doing my wrist exercise!

can we take cold drinks? cos i heard cold drinks will make baby colicky. but i also have cravings for bubble tea!!!!
Good mrning!

Sporty- thanks for the info. Sincebi just do single side feeding- didn't know if I should pump both sides or not. Quite funny when I pump the side that I latch and not the other as one boob is quite full and the other one is empty! Might even be a cup size different! Hah. I think I will pump both sides now

I am still waking bb up ard 12plus for last feed but recently she doesn't seem to be wanting much. Only drinks about 50ml (bottle EBM) and then falls back asleep. Wakes up then about 4-5am. The feed before usually ard 930. Does She need to have that 12 o'clock feed do you think?
Kimifin- my bb goes from 2-3h between feeds. Sometimes even 3.5h. Sucks very strongly and for about 15 min each time. One day- I tink it was day after Xmas, after so much excitement- she suckled for 5 min and then fell asleep every 1.5h. Think they do that when they want to catch up
on sleep. But that way if latch, will get green poop dye to fore/hindmilk imbalance. Anyone else's baby gets green poop?:p
my baby like dun get enough zzz. he seldom zzz more than 2 hours in a stretch. sometimes he wakes up after half hour or 1 hour. is it true that baby who dun zzz enough means the brain not devt well enough?
Rachelle- even at night? In the day - short naps I think are normal. Should sleep longer at night. As long as bb is getting. At least 16g sleep total per day I think it's fine..
1st time mummy, sometimes at night when he's extremely cranky with colic prob, he will also wake up 1 - 2 hours intervals. sometimes is driving me crazy!
my bb is giving explosive mustard yellow poos, since day 1.

so duno wat milk he is really getting. I try to feed him EBM before the nite ends, to ensure he gets hind milk, cos I express after latching.

Sucking for 5mins, hope he gets wat he needs. If not, I delay n let him latch after dragging some time..
good morning ladies,

where do u change diaper went out in the neighbourhood town center where there's no nappy changing room? do u change bb on public bench, coffee shop, fast food restaurant, toilet?

i wanted to bring bb out, but worried no place to change nappy.
back from the GP...brought my gal for her 6 in 1 jab and rotavirus...
she's 5.6kg and 62cm

chriszinc, ohh we were up ard the same time this morning but i logged off after i finished pumping to zzz...hehhe... increasing amt may help in delaying the intervals between each feeds, at least u can rest more... wah, u went for movies...good to get away awhile rite?

kimifin, my gal still doing 3/4 hrly... huh? 1 and 1/2hrly with 5 mins latch? very shiong leh... btw thas not considered as cluster feeding la...

shihui, finally u went on ur date
the hollywood dinos was such a disappointment, not stroller friendly at all... my #1 was so scared of the dinos...hahha... mozzies ah? ok leh, never kena bitten and i ran out of mozzie patch so my kids went w/o mozzie patches...hhehe

rachelle, cold drinks is a must for me everyday leh! i cannot live w/o them...hahha...so far my bb's ok after my cold drinks

1st time mummy, yes...if u tend to feed more side more than the other, maybe will have lopsided boobs...hehhe... if ur bb can sleep thru from 930pm, juz let her be... or u can continue the dream feed at 12am to make sure she sleeps longer...

jazz, i can change bb anywhere...hahha..in the car, on public bench also... as long bb can lie down and i can lay my changing mat! hehe
First mummies Lunch next week in 2010!!

Date: 7 Jan 2010 (Thurs)
Venue: Kuishinbo @ Suntec
Time : 12pm

1. Superwalker
2, Jane
3. Sporty
4. momo mummy
5. BabyLele (KIV)
6. dingdong
7. ariesgal (KIV)
8. jeelomeelo (KIV)
9. shirlin
10. swanston
11. momoko
12. Kimifin (+ mum)
13. chriszinc (KIV)
14. sponge
15. ayukie (KIV)
16. 1st time mummy
17. agata (KIV)
18. jocelyn lee (rsvp thru fb)
19. wendy lim (rsvp thru fb)
20. blessedcyn (KIV)

anymore mummies keen?! add ur name in
come with or w/o bbs...
Pls confirm your attendance by mon (4 Jan) as i will make reservations on tues (5 Jan)... thks
hehe.. i was thinking, public bench windy bb will be expose to wind. then if i change at eatery, like not very nice when ppl eating i change infront of them, so dunno where to hide.
jazz, last week we changed our bbs at tcc while we were having lunch even tho the changing rooms avaliable at isetan... think after beiing a mummy will train u to be more thick skinned...heheh

hi all! patting my girl to slp now.. hb still slping like a log.. haha..last night all my pumping time cock up cuz trying ti make bb slp den i KO-ed myself too..

sporty: haha.. bb tea addiction very diff to get rid one wor.. unless we dun go out at all if not go somewhere tt sell bb tea cfm will want to drink de.. oh ya, anw how den counted bb doing cluster feeding ah?

chris: slowly lorz.. maybe your bb still haven tune to the longer feeding time..

jazz: yup! sporty is right.. must be more thick skinned lorz.. jus gotta be faster if changing bb outside..
