(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

chris: Oh.. but gynae say wound is okay liao right? maybe exert too much while poo-ing ba.. I super smart.. nv ask hb to come in with me when i went to see my gynae to check wound tt time.. hehe~~
shirlin, hahhaha...there's always the "first" time...lol

saintbaby, yes lor..."hot" topic...whahhaha :p

chriszinc, wahh...ur gynae so nice to ur hb, even gave ur hb heads up tha u are "ready"... whhahhaha :p
3 more mins...kekkeke :p
me hungry le...having soup
Happy New Year.

How I wish my gal can zzz for 8 hrs too. But she like alarm clock like that very punctual with feeding every 3hrs. It causes me deprive of sleep.
i heard the ships also sound their horns when the clock strikes 12! heheh

shirlin/saintbaby, my old house can see fireworks from marina la...now face diff direction le...so cannot see...LOL
my area the notty boys around all screaming and whistling..haha..

sporty, my old place in woodlands can see msia fireworks very well also.. miss my old place!
sporty> when i was younger, my dad used to bring me and my sis to hear the ships blare their horns and shine red sparks to celebrate the new year. hehehe. wah ur pl can c fireworks nice!

shirlin> ur pl also can see? nice! at where u stay?
chriszinc, where do u stay now? my old place in sembawang also see the msia fireworks very well

jane, my old place can see fireworks from SG side and malaysia side... current place can only see "sparks" from malaysia side...hahhaha
sporty> wah then u shld haf erm advertised tht when u sold ur old place. did u??

my husb drink vodka without me . damn it.
now ulu ulu Jurong West.. lucky we have Jurong Point, the biggest suburban mall and now the biggest aircon interchange to do us proud..haha
jane, hahhaha...ask ur hb to give u one shot la! hahah...then ur son will sleep longer tonite :p

chriszinc, u jurong west ah...then u can go with ashley on thurs... but ashley's name like not on the list yet...hehhe...maybe i go buzz her via sms

jane/shirlin, i'm going to get my pumps ready...going pump soon and call it a day liao...very zzzzz le cuz today woke up at 7am and no nap/rest till now....
sporty - i v dry and yeah i use dr ang as excuse cause he mention what try for next kiddo 6 mths later so i heheee told hb .. dr ang 6 mths later then can wor whahaa
jus fed my girl her last feed.. go put her back in bed 1st..geting sleep le..thk gg to pump after bb settle dwn in bed...

jane: Am staying at bukit merah.. cannot see alot la.. hai hao only.. =)
min - u nt as bad as me i dreamt once also i slpt 8 hrs throughout that in middle i already pumped my milk and gt 1 btl on table le .. wake up its all a dream ..
chriszinc, nites

ayukie, ur hb very cham leh...always kena conned by u!! u c sec wun be as painful as natural birth la...dun worry

shirlin, u MIA rite...i thot u went to xxx...hahhaa...yuan lai u went to feed ur gal...hehhee...

i started pumping liao...sleepy sleepy!!

sporty, i went to Zhou's Kitchen at Anchor Point for Hi Tea buffet. Food not bad... so full that my dinner became supper at 11pm.
Had bak ku teh at River Valley and then walk around Robertson Quay while waiting for the countdown... suddenly feel so old there cos see all the young punks! haha.....

Ok, I just finished pumping.... so next one should be 4am or 5am when my gal wakes up.
missed the countdown here.. :p fell asleep on the sofa.. :p

pumping now... hubby got to wake me up a few times to make me awake enough to get my pump.. :p
hello all, me back...up to pump after feeding my gal...

shirlin, so what time did ur gal sleep? sounds like she sleeps quite late hor

ariesgal, how's the spread of the hi tea at Zhou's kitchen? isit ala carte tim sum? wah, ur countdown also happening leh...eat bak ku teh and walk ard robertson quay

mitsy, once u are a mum, multi tasking skill is a MUST! hahha...tha day i was latching #2 on one hand and another hand patting #1 to zzz!
