(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Like to check with all mummies, do you all wake your bb up for last feed? My gal got no feeding routine as I feed on demand.

last night my gal never wake up at 5am and only woke up at 7am..... i woke up to find my bedsheets wet lor..... and super painful.... what a start to a new year... haha...
went back to sleep after i pumped and my hb did the morning feed so i can zz more...juz woke up and pumping now...

tanly, usually my gal's last feed abt 9 to 10pm...i will wake her up lor... i tried to do dream feed at 12ish before but she refused to open her mouth...hahha...

airesgal, nvm la...pump now!! hehe

re: jabs
i shd be bringing my gal for jab tom... i was surfing and saw this, might be useful if u all wanna compare prices...http://www.healthwaymedical.com/healthway_news/Healthway-InfantPackage.pdf
Yea, was only online for awhile cos baby was very cranky last night.
I look carefully @ my card and realise The shop ("Babywearer") in SQ 2 i mentioned is not MIM but carries MIM sling, my sis bought it for me thr.

So ke lian abt yr episotomy. Get well soon.
sporty - no wor i nvr con him is dr ang mention try for 2nd 1 6 mths later and we dunno when can XXX and we too shy to ask him so i take as 6 mths later lor whahhaaa

Wah... i came in to read forum and there is so much XXX juicy story.. haha... man will never feel tired abt XXX.. haha we poor women got to bf, do everything and then still got to serve our man... always ask God why he didnt create man to give birth and do bfing...

Cant wait for 7 Jan 2010 to see u mummies
Recently my bb keep crying while drinking... then I cut a bigger hole on my number 1 nuk teat thinking that he not patient enuff to wait for the milk flow.... but after that he is ok for the 1st few feed then now back to sqaure one he is crying while feeding again....

When my confinement lady is ard he can drink up to 100ml... now he bearly drink ard 70ml nia... i abit worry why he is reducing milk in take... my bm ss also went down after my cl left...

Any mummies encounter that as well? I wonder issit now too fast for bb, i very worry he ganna choke by the milk flow yet if dun cut he like cannot wait like that... wah piangz... how i wish he can talk to me and tell me why he so angry...
then hor, i also got weird feeling before and after i pump... my neh neh like got electric shock feeling (very suan suan pain feeling)... issit becos never pump finish? how does engorgement feels like? my neh neh soft after pump ley but why still pain huh?
Mine also cries while feeding ever since we chg to similac advanced, wonder if its the formula but dun dare to chg leh.
Also dunno why, he cries almost every feeding & i dun tink he is being naughty.
I am using similac 0-1yrs... or issit similac is too sweet huh?
Wah, my baby very skinny leh.. i see my fren bb very fat 1... i so worry he not drinking enuff...
mine also cries when he fnish abt 40ml, then we will put him upright which kinda soothes him then he calm dwn (at the same time burp him since the feed stops), he will give out 1-2 burp then we will feed again and he will take in another 10-20ml before crying again and the same procedure happens again until he finish 100ml.

But sometime he really cries vry hard & refused to drink & its also only 50-70ml.

My mum's method is she will soothe him dwn by carrying him upright then wait till he is "luan mian mian" le or half aslp then "dream" feed him & he will finish his feed w/o fuss, it works too.

The only thing is we gotto be really patient.
momo_mummy, that weird feeling is let down.... continue to pump when you got that feeling and you will see milk coming out for a short while... usually i will pump to get at least a few of such let down lor... this will also stimulate for more milk... hee...

as for crying while feeding, is it cos no burp? my gal will cry and then i will burp her and she will stop crying after that. sometimes i gotta burp her 3x in a feed...
babylele, i did the same as your mum's method.... my mum and maid will also do that.... that's the only way to get my gal to finish her 100ml too.... but sometimes i no patient so end up only finish 70 - 80 ml niah....
U also on similac ah?
Do u tink its the formula huh?
I really had the impulse to chg but dun dare leh cos before that,when he was a newborn, the feeding isnt so difficult.
So its normal for babies our stage to cry while feeding?
Seems like a few mummies here also got the same issue but mine is quite a dramatic chg after i chg formula so dunno is it when i chg, just nice he is at this stage of crying or its really the formula.
Sigh and i jus bot another 2 big tins so gotto at least finish it 1st lor~
My bb 6weeks liao only drink abt 50ml to 70ml nia... how old is ur bb... i wonder when mine can finish 100ml again...
Ya i use similac, i tot of changing to enfagrow, any recommendation? but i heard if wan to change must slowly mix and change cannot change suddenly... similac so expensive liao... enfa even more expensive.. wonder if enfa will work on him...

Let down effect will b during pump or before or after pump? cos my weird feeling is before and even after pump.... like the feeling never go away 1... but now my neh can only produce ard max at good times 70ml... if not only 50ml for both nehs nia ley....
Morning to all! Happy new year again!

sporty: my girl only fell aslp ard 1plus.. den woke up for milk at 6ish.. was pumping ard tt time too but too tired to log on.. hee.. morning feed handled by hb cuz i was so tired tt bb crying beside me i also got no energy to wake up.. slept all the way till ard 1pm den woke up n pump cuz bth liao.. haha..

babylele: which part of redhill u stay? my mil also staying at redhill.. =)

similac: any mummies here still using the similac pro-calci formula?
momo_mummy, my bb sometimes cry during feed and sometimes after feed. We notice is the reflux, we burp her or sit her upright position, she feel better and continue to drink. Last time my CL around she can finish 100ml milk in 5 mins time. CL left her intake still 100ml for BM and 90 for FM and she takes at least 15 mins to finish and sometimes even longer as she drink half way will stop or sleep and we need to keep waking her up to finish it. Don't think is the formula my gal is on S26.
my bb is also drinking the similac advanced formula..
During feeding is okie but recently she cries a lot.
Change diaper also cry, carry also cry. Cry until voice hoarse leh.. so heart pain.. duno wats wrong with her.. so sad.
Wah i think all the CL very steady... when they ard everything seems prefect then they left we all go crazy....

My bb cry until hoarse oso when i chnage diaper for him.... maybe they dun like to be exposed.. haha... oso dun noe why...
my baby is 7 weeks old, ya yrs 6 weeks stil drinking that amt is quite little, but did yr baby wake up at shorter interval? like more feeding but less milk? My boy drank that amt but wake up puntually 3hrly.
I tink my frds are using Enfalac, is it the same as enfagrow? Their babies are very sturdy and i hardly hear any prob fr them.
After i finish my tins, i will try to chg.
Ya i saw some mummies post here if need to chg formula, gotto like 3/4-old + 1/4-new, then slowly 1/2-old + 1/2-new and vv.
Is it true? can we mix formula like that?

Redhill very small only, opp the employment centre =)

My baby takes at least 20mins to finish or even longer, 5mins sounds like a dream come true.

Wonder if its the phase now leh?
my boy also got his moods, some days very easy, some days like last night and today, cry and cry, until no voice.
No matter what we do, he still cry until very cham, so i try the cold turkey method, really bei tahan le, also doesnt work, cry even harder, cry until when he stop, he still shivers. manage to coax him to slp, even when he slp, he still shivers.
Can u imagine that was how cham he was crying???
Starz, momo_mummy, my bb these 2 days also cry till very jialat and also keep struggling while i want to change her diaper. Just put her down she cry liao.

These 2 days my gal also getting fussy especially time when she suppose to sleep, she like can't fall asleep on her self even we carry her. We give in to pacifier already and hopefully she don't reply on it to sleep so much.

momo_mummy, not sure is the CL steady or bb have grown and different pattern come out liao. Maybe when they are newborn less than 1 month, they still blur blur gong gong :D
I think my baby is a big eater. he is 6 weeks now but taking 120ml of milk every 3 hour. is it normal? we tried toreduce to 90ml but he kept crying for milk. cos my bm ss not enough to catch up, we supp some feeds with fmilk also 120ml. i cannot let him latch on cos dunno how much he takes in and then he will scream after a while cos not enough and we dunno how much to supp liao.

any mummies do this? if let's say baby taking 120ml, you give baby bott of ebm 90ml and let baby latch to take watever amt he wants. i feel like doing that cos i still want to latch him on when my ss increase to his appetite. but i so scared i will be overfeeding him. i read that overfeeding can cause obesity when he gets older.

My boy also cry for the slightest thing. the thing is that whenever he cries, my in laws will straight away go pick him up and cuddle him think he got this habit liao so always cry to get the cuddles. sigh.......
ive been feedin my boy similac immunify formula since we back from tmc so far my boy ok with it just s0ometimes needs burping in between feeds before can continue lor ..
babylele, when CL around my gal finish milk in 5 mins, now at least 15 mins but most of the time almost 30 mins, and she can't finish the milk also.

Hopefully what people says over 3 month easier to take care. Everyday different patterns really tiring especially need to carry her. My wrist and back is aching already.
karen, my wrist and hand also aching. cannot carry baby properly cos too pain! i also hope baby will be easy to take care soon. i've been trying very hard to decipher his cries....sometimes it seems like he's hungry, sometimes it's cos of diaper, sometimes dunno why!! so confusing!
Hi, ladies!

Back from Malacca & juz managed to surf net. PILs were here, leaving tomorrow...

I read bout acid reflux prob faced by mummies. My BB seems to have the prob, too! But he is the 'merlion' type sometimes wor... Hmm...I'm getting a little worried le. He seems to 'kek sai' all the time, even when feeding & after feeding. He will lift up his legs or spread his hands and 'kek' till his face is red. If no 'sai' then he will cry...
I also notice that his tummy is bloated... Trying to feed 'Ridwind' on regular basis but it's not easy for BF, as he will spit out the med!

Sporty> Thks for the invitation but I can't join you ladies at Kushin-bo coz my cousing would be here till 11th Jan. :p She is soo anxious to see her little nephew lor. I tried to dreamfeed my boy, to no avail, too. He refuses to open his mouth. Even if I stick my nipple into his mouth, he refuses to suckle! Btw, he's still on full time BF lor. Haven't started yet, as hubby was bz... Bought a NUK bottle, though! Hehe...
Karen, try to carry her with a sling or carrier maybe that will release some stress on your arm and back. Which I am trying with a sling or carrier now to release some stress.

My gal also everyday different pattern one. Yesterday never zz much in afternoon, today zzz from 1pm till now, miss her feed. Everyday pattern liao liao.

My gal also difficult to coax her to sleep at night. So tiring.

Babylele, yes I chg formula fr S26 to Friso. By 1 day 2/3 S26 1/3 Friso, 2nd day half half, 3rd day 1/3 S26 2/3 Friso and 4th day Friso.
Happy new year to all!

So wana know for bb naughty n not sleeping, anyone give in to yaolan?

I duno y, when bring bb out(include carride for 10 mins minimum), bb can sleep so well at other's place...
come back, instantly cranky n cant sleep easily...
shirlin and sporty> i din pump lei at 1 lei. latched on awhile like 5 mins at 3+ then zz till 7+ woke up engorged liaos then pump bottle after bottle..really must not be lazy damnit!

momomummy> hahha, yes see u on 7th!

how's everyone's new year? me at parents place now. just back from ion.. hehe, din go watch movie just went shopping to pak tor..hb bot shoes and bot me a top

u all wont believe it but a baby lizard tried to eat my baby washing powder then died inside (i assume of sodium hydroxide poisoning =P) and the worst thing is I ALMOST TOUCHED IT! WAH LAU DAMN GROSSSSSSSSS! NEW YEAR SOMEMORE! Made my hb throw away the whole packet. SICKENING lizard :p

okies. me gg to try my sis's tea from TWG. she keeps going on about it and apparently it cost like 70 bucks. any TWG fan? mayb we can go for high tea. (TWG @ Ion btw)
Jane, got to drink you fav Choco drink fr Ion?

I just came back from Novena Sq and my gal sleep fr 1pm till now missed her feed. How I wish she could zzz like that at night. Btw should I wake her up for feed???
My mum also says the same thing abt the after 3rd mth will be easier.
My wrist & back also aching, going to see TCM this mon for back massage, hope it helps.

My baby is taking 90-110ml of FM every feed, 3hrly, sometimes 2.5hr
Used to take only 70-90ml but we try to increase and since last week, he is able to consistently drink the abv mentioned amt.
But yours is EBM, guess yr intake shd be more.

Is your baby taking more after chging formula?
Waaa your baby must be damn tired to slp so well, if its me i wont wake, cos my baby will get cranky when he got waken up like just now, he startle and woke up then cry non stop and inconsolable =(

Yucks abt the lizard, faintss.
TWG was a hit with their mooncakes on the last mid-autumn festival, dun mind the hi-tea ;)
hello all...
me juz came home and going out again after pumping!
went to jurong bird park with my kiddos today but it rained when we are abt to go home!

babylele, yes alot of places sell MIM slings even robinsons and kiddy palace lor...

momo mummy, yeah...cant wait to see u on thurs also
electric shock feeling i felt it before i pump and whenever i have let down lor...engorgement is the whole breast like rocks and very pain and hard...

shirlin, at least u slept for abt 5 hrs from 1 am to 6ish mah...even tho u had a hard time putting her to zzz... wah, u slept till 1pm...good leh, how i wish i can do tha!

cheryl, no prob abt the gathering...join us next round then
nvm la, u sahm mah can slowly intro bottles...

jane, wah u went ion again! the lizard sounds gross!
tanly, my hb do help to coax my gal, now with the rocker she can sleep better. In fact the pacifier also works well to calm her down. She been sleeping since this morning and only wake up for feeding. Hopefully later she don't have pattern again.

rachelle, for my gal she not hungry, not change diaper, but is want to sleep but she won't fall asleep by her own, previously need to carry, now carry also she struggle and like want to suckle and i give pacifier she straight away calm and sleep. Also, if is after feed, she get cranky is because she need to be burp.

Cheryl, my gal have reflux, previously was very serious always can smell the sour smell. She also always curl her body and like "kei sai", all this is because she is not comfortable and need to be burp. Now she is better cause my PD says after feeding she need to be in upright position for at least 30 to 45 mins,so every time after feed we will burp then let her on upright position for at least 30 mins. On and off when we carry her we will burp her. Also don't over feed your bb. you can feed her more frequent by less intake.
Really envious of the mummies with babies who sleep thru the night.. mine still wake up frequently for feeds.. sometimes it's 12mn, 2am, 4am, 6am...by the time day breaks, i concussed le.. how to train leh? my boy hitting 5kg le leh..
jane: yaya must break your bad habit.. if not u every night engorged lehz.. i jus finiah pumping.. feel damn shiok..haha

sporty: ya..today hb very nice.. let me slp till 1pm.. but still tired..hee..hows bird park? i super long nv go le.. wait till my girl bigger le den bring her there.. =) I nv get to drink my bb tea today lehz.. Maybe ltr make a trip down to tiong bahru plaza to buy.. haha.. If not i'll keep thking abt it..
oh really ah, i didnt know that.
Any idea anywhr selling ergo carrier?
Wan to have a feel of it before buying it online.

How do u put yr baby in upright position for 30mins? sitting up? or over your shoulder?
I try to but my baby always fidget, already very hard to burp him, let alone putting him upright for 30mins.
Hi all,

I BF my bb. I notice recently his inside of the lips is whitish n seems like peeling skin...

anyone knows if this is normal n why?
Babylele, my gal still drink the same as before. 80ml every 3hrs. Sometimes she sleepy then only take 50ml. Same as before changing formula.

Karen, wow your bb get to sleep so easily. Mine get cranky before she sleep and need to be carried to sleep if not she will cry and cry no stop. I gave pacifier but still need carry. The rocker have no effect on her.
My baby is colicy again...tummy got lots of wind. Already use the Infacol during feed n the gripe water when giving her water. Around this time, can be from 6-10 pm, she'll cry in pain. Is there any other way to cure colic? Seems like a lot of our babies having the same problem.
My baby also has been drinking 90 ml every 3 hrs. But sometimes drink only 60 ml, sometimes need 120 ml.

My baby also gets cranky when sleepy n needs to be coaxed to sleep. I haven't succumbed to use pacifier or yao lan.
tanly, my gal today can sleep so long cause my hb do the coaxing. so far we know why she cranky so still got so solution to it. If she got new pattern then dunno how liao. This time the new pattern solve by pacifier. next time if got new i also dunno what else.

babylele, we put her on upright position by put her sit on our lap and support her with our arm. for burping, i follow my mum style, sit her on one of the lap, and hold her like you bath her by holding her under her armpit, then one the leg she sit on lower a bit then the other leg to support your arm and her so that she sitting like 30 degree like that. sometimes while burping she fall asleep. To sit her upright we sometime just let her sit on our lap like burping but close the leg a bit where she can lean on the other leg and lean forward a bit but still sitting upright. Hope my describe can be understood

I'm glad I am reading this thread cos now i know that i am not alone in this challenging quest of taking care of baby! Thanks to gals for all the sharing of your experiences. it;s really useful and make me feel that the prob i faced are common. I used to think why i'm hving those prob but i realise prob like diff to establish routine, reflux, colic etc are common prob.

I really hope that we can all go thru this stage with ease!

Agata, i think can try massaging your baby or putting her in the position whereby her legs are crossed and brought up to her tummy, like squatting position (the position which she was in in the womb) the lactation consultant told me that the squating position helps to expel wind, is like we try to poo while squatting like tat.

Kimifin, my boy used to have the peeling skin on his upper lip as well. my PD said it's blister cos of bf. but it's not painful to the baby so need not be bothered abt it.

Karen, your rocker is automated? cos it's so tiring to rock the rocker! anyone knows of any good auto rocker? thinking of getting one also
