(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

jinghui, congrats! finally saw your girl...

btw, the dialect name is given by you?
cos that time when i register my girl's name.... i dunno how to come up with the dialect name so i just put the pinyin instead.
congrats jinghui! long wait finally over...

ya, i have the same question re name.. my baby also surname "leong" and canto but we have no idea how to convert to dilaect and just use hanyu pinyin instead with leong...
hi ladies, want to noe when u r expressing the milk, the milk will come out a lot at one squeeze or is it a few drops ?

mine is few drops coming out per squeeze seem miserable...
Jinghui congrats!! And shirlin too!! And all those who popped! Feel encouraged by all your induce+natural birth stories! Seems like I'm the last still waiting to pop

Chriszinc, sorry can ask a question. How long after did your mucuos plug fall out after you did the "love deed"?

Jia You! Will be ur turn soon!

ariesgal & chriszinc,

Ya, I came up with the dialect spelling coz I'm cantonese and hubby's surname is in cantonese spelling. If I spell it in pin yin, sounds very weird and doesn't go along well. So, all spelled in cantonese lor.

Oh, ya...I forgor to add, I didn't require any stiches this time as I don't have tear. What a miracle, hehe. Don't really feel painful down there, slight pain only. But uterus contraction back to it's original size is really painful, esp when breastfeeding time. Didn't take any painkillers tho...
ardenz, the very night itself i bled... but it was accompanied by menstrual like tummy pains... the next day, this huge blob of bloody brown tissue came out too and i supposed that's the plug...

for mummies facing low/slow supply of milk, do ask yr massage lady to help massage away the blocked ducts etc... mine improved a little le though still far from ideal...
jing hui, thks for sharing ur birth story...ur wait was worth it la...no cut/tear...n u sure recover very fast one...envy envy

ashley, yeah...me gonna order the glutinous rice also...good to kno tha it tasted yummy!!

x, if there's a letdown during the expressing of milk, there will be a great inflow (many drops) of milk going into the bottle...u tried massaging ur breasts before u pump?

ardenz, ur edd is end of the mth mah...of cuz u still waiting lor...dun worry la...bb will arrive when u least expects it, juz like shirlin...

piggy, think ayukie took fenugreek pills and some gals here also bought it...
Hi all. Hope all are well. Do endure to bfeed ur babies! Jia you.
Yesterday mrng I suddenly had fever when i woke up. One side of the breast wasvery very painful. I tried massaging but it was very very diff. Bbhad his meal while I shivered. Took panadol n pumped out the remaining. After tat I stayed under
the blanket. Thankfully I m back to normal at abt noon. It felt like the worst flu n fever I ever had n felt tat it would knock me out anytime. Not sure if I had infection N why I got it but I read these r symptoms of mastitis. I did my job clearing the boobs so dunno y I got it.
my gal wants to latch on almost every hr and hardly sleep. so tiring!

jeelomeelo, me too experience that few nights ago. no fever but just shivered.. don't know why also.. my hb said is the side effect of epidural wor..
yeah i think so.. actually my boy out at 36+ weeks is considered early compared so many mummies here.. but coz i kena early contractions and home rest at 32 weeks onwards.. really bored til can cry ..

shirlin n jinghui finally can say goodbye to pregnancy..! congrats!

today i kena BIG BIG blocked duct, half my right breast was solid loh.. since 4 am, so painful!!.. luckily my massage lady came today and she helped me massage, i kept going 'ow, ow , pain pain..'. after she left i pumped and it cleared.. shiok!!
Hi mummies,

had been soo long since i logged in, my confinement lady discourage me on using too much computer as she say during confinement, our eyes already very weak, but i will still try to check the thread once/twice everyday

i have given birth to my princess on Nov 12th, induce by Dr ang. due to water bag leak, delivered within 12 hour w epi. Actually i would very much want to heed dr Ang advise not to take epi. but the contraction was so painful that i give in during my last 6 hours, and blessing in disguise, i diliate very quickly after that, the nurses said because i have relaxed.

So happy n relief when Dr. Ang pull out my baby (after 10 min of pushing) and put it on my chest!

Now i have problem latching, my bb's mouth does not open big enough, had tried many methods, maybe becos the nurse had intro. bottle feed on her first feed, sequently i tried latch many many times til my nipples sore and bled, hai...

Now i only pump out my ss to give her in bottles, if i do not latch my bb, will my ss eventually drop? im now pumping 500ml per day, had to top up w formula...

i find my right fore arm aching ( do you have this feeling?) due to massaging my breast, pressing out the milk and holding the pumps when pumping my ss...now i had find it tiring, had been trying to lift up my spirits...
Hi Alicia, I have the same problem as you, can't latch bb cause she don't want to open mouth or too tired to suck mainly due to my short and inverted nipple and of course she has ben intro to bottle in hospital as I am too knock out from induce labour abour 13 hours.

Anyway, my supply now is about the same as yours. 400 to 500ml. WE just tried our best to give BM lor, if cannot then top up with FM lor is ok one.

I guess as long as we pump regularly, the ss shouldn't drop as the pumping will stimulate the ss too.

i find my shoulder aching cause i need to massage and squeeze while pumping. It is tiring, but need to jia you for our little one.

Yes, I did not know it was piles! NO one in forum mention....
Till my massage lady keep asking, cos it would affect the tying of the tummy! Now my massage lady helped me buy medication and apply lor.

pain pain lor...and next gynae visit is on Thurs...hopefully the med helps.
Hi all, here's my birth story...

After12 midnight –Proceed to Mt Alvernia hospital, register for Mt A Ladies card
0130- Proceed to delivery ward 3A.Given Enema to remove bowel, insert pill for inducing
(can’t sleep well, cos the machine for CTG was on and was worried baby moving less)
0600- took bread and milo.
0700- Dilate 2cm, water bag burst as gynae checked for dilation. Gynae said “labour has started” and would deliver in 6-8 hours….
0800- started having regular intense cramps every 2-3min, and can’t stand it, cos imagine need to bear the pain for 6-8 hours
0820- called for Epidural administration
0900- given Epidural, 1st needle “slipped” as I was too tense. Effect of medication took effect immediately!
(can’t sleep well again, cos the machine for CTG was on and was worried baby moving less)
1030- Dilate 2.5 cm, shivering due to side effect of epi
1330- Dilate 4cm, nurse teach how to push and practice for 3 to 5 times
(Nurse reduce epidural dose from 8mil to 6 to 4 and to 2, still shivering)
1400- Gynae arrived and mentioned baby in 2nd stage of distress, need to deliver immediately. Suddenly, the whole delivery room was filled with so many staff. First push 123, second push 12 and ..
1422- Baby Ayden is out! Gynae immediately “throw” baby on my tummy, and my view, I saw his penis and slim long cord! Baby did not look as bloody as I thought
Gynae proceed to draw cord blood, whole other staff attend to baby to check his health. He scored 9/10 for Apgar scale.

Baby’s weight at birth- 2.615 kg, Length-50cm
Anyone knows wats the suitable amount of breastmilk we need to produce in week 2 after delivery or when milk has mature?

Is it 60ml per feed? How many feeds per day?
kimifin, for my gal (12 days old) she is having 60ml to 70ml per feed and 8 to 9 feeds per day (2. to 3 hours interval).

Visit PD yesterday, she grow 2 cm and increase around 400g. Doc says she is growing well and just feed on demand.
i ask a stupid question ya..... i m bringing my son to the pd for the 1st time next week. i think i m going there alone. do i need to swaddle him, then carry him in my arms (look stupid or not???)? or just carry him without the swaddle? a bit nervous to go out alobe with him, but hope all works out well
feeling so sleepy today as i suspected my gal's on growth spurt...she wanna feed every 2 hrs! n i feeling so engorged! i have a tough blocked duct on my right boob! so have to keep massaging, latching n pumping!

jeelomeelo, i have abit of running nose also...still trying to see whether it can heals by itself...

alicia, finally hear from u...i was thinking where did u go...heheh... my ga's mouth also very small, i spent more time trying to latch her than actually latching her...heheh... if u keep pumping at regular intervals, ur ss wun drop...dun worry!

kimifin, thks for sharing ur birth story...hope ur pain there is better today... whatever milk u produce in week 2 depends on ur ss...normally its abt 6 to 8 feeds a day...

x, when u pump, theres a letdown...u will see jets of milk coming out...if u squueze by hand, of cuz only droplets...

superwalker, better to swaddle ur bb n carry him in ur arms in case the clinic's quite cold...
superwalker you so brave to bring your bb alone see PD alone ah? when I bring my gal see PD first time, daddy and CL going with us. Cause need to register and etc... and we swaddle our gal, and whole journey she guai guai lor..
normally it's better to swaddle babies esp since they're not even a month old..
when i brought baby to PD for checkup, i brought extra just in case the one that i use to swaddle her gets dirty. still got extra.. hehe..
you dont have the handfree from mumsfairy? if you going to pump alot, i suggest you get a set together with the supershields. i'd have given up giving bm long ago if i hadnt had these two things.. =D

is this your first bb or 2nd? if first one n you bringing alone, i really must pei fu you! i only confident to bring bb out alone now coz its 2nd one.. got some experience liao.. no one to go with you?

better to swaddle coz bb'll feel more secure and also will keep warm. try to cover the head also
thanks for all the advise!
I shall swaddle him then - he is also less fussy when swaddled
magical, dun pei fu me yet. when i really succeed, then i let u know yah? btw, this is my 1st bb
hubby will drop us off at the pd, but he needs to go back to the office for a meeting, so i planned to take the taxi home myself :p wish me luck!!
today is baby's 3rd day at home
I actually have quite an unusual "confinement", unlike you ladies and I wonder if i will suffer when i get old! :p

see... my bb was hospitalised for 1 week due to his jaundice and g6pd deficiency. As such, after my own discharge, i was busy going to the hospital every few hours to feed him. was also busy pumping at home so that he will have sufficient ebm for his middle of the night feeds. during those 4 days, i refused to have my mum come over to do my confinement as i knew i will be running around like a mad cow. also during those few days, we decided to get a new sofa and were shopping around for a sofa amidst the extremely busy feeding/pumping schedule. seee... rule 1 of confinement - "get enough rest and don't go out unnecessarily" - i already broke it a million times. :p I even ate at food centres during those few days!!!

then when i learnt that my bb can be discharged, i was so happy that i started cleaning and disinfecting the house. Luckily my mum was not here ... she would have screamed if she saw me cleaning the house the entire day (with my c sec wound somemore!) :p

for the last 3 days, when the bb is finaly home, being a stubborn me, i chose to feed, burp, change, bath him all by myself, even in the middle of the night as I refused to have my mum stay over. My mum was here to help with the housework and my mil delivered food. I ended up having only 1.5 hour of sleep per stretch as my son is on a 3 hourly feeding schedule.... but it got better today as i managed to catch some winks during the day.

food wise, i did not take any confinement food due to my son's g6pd deficiency and his jaundice. Hence, no ginger, no wine, no soya sauce. I am basically just having fish and papaya soup, fish, pork and vege everyday. wonder if the wind in my body will ever be released ....

i have also taken showers and washed my hair with just warm water. Again, no ginger, no herbs to bath as we were afraid that these stuff may trigger my son's condition.

oh... and water? yes, I have been drinking WATER during the 1st 4 days after delivery! my feet swelled up like an elephant and sporty advised me to stop drinking WATER. I then started to drink dates and longan water and amazingly, it really helps! Now my feet's back to their original size! YEAH!

see what an unusual "confinement" i have? heeee...
superwalker, sleep when bb sleep?? I oso bery tired coz she's on 2hr schedule lately and sometimes hourly. I feel so brain dead sometimes. =P
you must take care too.. dont over tire yourself..

Mummies who have popped,
reading about your experience made me quite nervous about breastfeeding (scared I not enough milk), confinement etc...
you all are great!

I am in my 39th week, EDD less than a week away...but also no signs of labour...only poo-ing very often :p

hopefully my boy will guai guai decide to come out soon..
but we have not thought of a name for him yet...thinking of going Tai Mao Bi to get a name for him after delivery...
anyone of you also like that?
x - nt really usin it already lor i think 1st mth bah .. but i dun slp with it cause i find it makes my the area quite numbin pain ..
jane - oooo there is a magic cream? hmz maybe i go get when i get my bb supplies agn bah but nw i gt a more pressing trouble my pump motor died on meeeee *sobs**
hi mummies, i am a Dec mom and I have been a silent reader;I have learnt a lot from the sharing here! =)
My baby is engaged so preparing all i can for her arrival. I have a few questions for those who have delivered and doing their confimenent now. I hope someone here can help me.
1. Are you all still drinking milk powder for mummies? ie, those that we drink b4 we deliver for 'pregnant and lactating" mummies? Or r we only allow to drink red date drink during confinement month?

2. After bathing with herb, can we still pat on our usual toner/ cream on face, massage cream on our body, etc?

3. Anyone using dry shampoo during confirnement? How long can it last per use? I am oily scalp, afraid it will nt work on me..

Thank you and appreciate your advices

Momoko , ya, I try to sleep some when bb sleeps...but always seems like there is something to keep me occupied...so usually only nap 2 hours during the day.

Feeding my boy now
Me now pumping my engorged breast. Just now kena sprayed poo poo by my son when changing diaper.

Want to check does ur baby have peeling skin at birth? And does ur baby grunt and exert a lot of energy (until his whole face becomes red) as if like having constipation? My son does a lot that, dunno if there's something wrong. Sometimes he exert too much till he spit out a little milk.

Is it ok to let newborn cry? Yesterday night dunno why my son didn't want to sleep. When feeding he will feed till sleep but when i put him in his cot, he will wake up and cry. But when my hubby carried him, he will stop crying. So in the end i let him lie on his cot and cry till he stopped on his own which was about 10mins. Eventually he slept after his crying session.


I also bathe, change diapers, feed and burp baby by myself as let my mum go back to rest so now hubby helping with household chores while i settle baby. Now i change diapers till i scare of it cause bb kept poo poo non-stop. I also dun nap much so now looks like panda. So u not able to take confinement food for the whole month?
Hi Taurus033,

My baby also exert until his whole face becomes red when he does not get his milk in time, so I try to carry him, while hubby prepares the milk. When I talk and coo to him, he will slowly calm down.

My baby still have abit of peeling skin, so I clean the areas with cotton ball and water, yesterday tried applying the calendula cream, not sure if it will help but just try and will observe today.


I can understand what you went through cos I also had a very different confinment, my baby was hospitalised since birth till 17 days old, so I was running to the hospital twice a day and pumping every 3 hours to make sure that I have enough milk for him. I had confinement food but then I also shower and wash hair as usual and also drink alot of water, hoping that it will increase my milk supply. my hubby and I are looking after the baby ourselves. It is really exhausting. Last night, I was too tired that I forgot to wake up to pump, really kicking myself now. Hopefully will not further affect my flow.
had a headache last nite so went to koon early after taking panadol...dunno whether isit the blocked duct causing it!! arrgghh
finally gonna have my hotcakes! my hb juz went to buy it for me...

saintbaby, hope u feeling better today!!

superwalker, am sure u can handle it alone...u quite zai one!!

ayukie, lemme kno if u need the pump k? *hugs*

taurus, yes my gal has peeling skin...she grunts la but doesnt exert alot of energy like what u said... actually its ok to let them cry but not for too long if not tha intake too much wind...
Taurus, ya...will not be able to take confinement food at all. In fact I m on a very restricted diet while breastfeeding (at least for the next 6 months) as there is a long list of food and substance that may trigger my bb's condition. Have to be really careful.

Mitsy, u jia you ya! 17 days in hospital...really tough on u! Dun worry, if u only miss 1 pump, won't affect ss. Leak n engorge only :p

sporty....ha....I m trying my best

Mitsy, u

just finished pumping.... woke up with a painful hardened lump on the breast.... and now i got this white spot on the nipple.... arrgghh.... i got that when bf #1 and now kenna again ..... hopefully it will clear in the next few latching / pumping....
