(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

juz woke up from my nap n finished pumping!

shirlin, ya hor got mac delivery! hehe

ardenz, i think dr ang have his reasons why he dun wanna wait after edd cuz i ever heard him said before some pple wanna wait for labour to come naturally if they are over due and in the end, something happened to the bb... i think he has ur interests at heart la...not tha he purposely ask u to go and induce... i trust his expertise la esp he delivered 2 kids for me and he also did the d & c for me when i had a m/c... dun feel so stressed la, ur bb will feel it too... who knos ur bb might arrive the next few days?! cheer up, gal

hui lin, welcome
wow...twin boys
double happiness!!
Hi ardenz, I think your gynae don't allow you to go pass EDD is because your bb is big. I have GD before and my gynae did mention to me GD mummy cannot go pass EDD cause scare bb is too big.

I was induce at 38weeks where i was 1 cm dilated for 3 days, however not due to GD but low in fluid. Induce is not that bad, your gynae just need to do the necessary e.g. priming - soften the cervix.

Talk to your baby more and ask her to come out :D
Just wondering, when are we going to increase bb milk intake? I have been feeding my gal 60ml FM or EBM per feed for 11 days, today seems like she wants more and keep crying, end up top up 15 FM.

How fast bb milk will intake increase? and add how much? by 1 month, normally how much will bb been drinking?
karen, depends wor...my 10 days old boy drinking 100ml for the past few days..i think is abit too much, but he drag longer hours in between feed...ard 4hrs time..
karen, if ur gal's not satisfied with 60ml...can slowly increase by 10ml... juz have to play by ear cuz every bb's diff...no standard amt tha a bb shd drink how much...
piggy, your boy drink 100ml? wow... so much.

Sporty, now i try to increase to 70ml per feed. The thing is not every feed the same, morning she cant finish the feed of 60ml, but afternoon feed, she wants more.

Now also a bit worry about her sleep. BB suppose to sleep more right like 20 hours, my gal stays alert so much. Trying to coax her sleep by cuddling her. She sleep but a bit of sound, she can just wake up and stay alert again, she don't really cry when she is alert, but just worry she not enough sleep as bb suppose to sleep more.
anyone have this problem?
shirlin, so far the gals here who went for induce...were successfully done cuz induce can be via tablet, drip or burst water bag... those who ended up emergency c sec is becuz of water bag already burst before they get admitted or bb in distress la... so induce is definitely not as negative and will end up as emergency c sec lor... maybe the gynae might "stretch" the cervix abit before induce as well...

karen, try to swaddle ur bb before she sleeps as they will sleep better? use the beansprout pillow if you have recieved it already... mine juz like to scream suddenly in her sleep...when we go and see her, she's still sleeping...
sporty: Orh..Okay.. understand.. =) Anw, been having backache n cramps since 4pm till now.. Dunno if its false alarm.. i still damn cool playing online game...haha
magical: the funny thing is , they only aim those i bought from US like VS, CK and maidenfoam leh. got once, 1 hanger 6 bra, they take away 5 and left 1 Pierre Cardin for me lor. SG de they dun wan

ardenz: no complication just wait. Some gynae very kiasi. my fren say her gynae told her near EDD if baby 3.2kg wanna induce already.

hui lin: congrats!
hihi mummies...have been reading through this thread as I am a nov mummy too and have just delivered 2 weeks ago...and now really BORED at home. Other than the baby...like nothing much else can think about / do...and cannot go out yet haiya. Everyone in the house went shopping liao only me and bb #2 at home now.

Was reading ardenz posts so tot I'd juz write on my experience with Dr Ang. My #1 was induced at 40 weeks exactly also and he also suggested not to wait. He din say cannot sue him la haha but he say there will be more risks if carry the baby longer. So, there is less risks if induce the baby come out. Also, my bb already 3.4kg. Wat he says makes sense la.

I defnitely was in dilemma also coz like very bad to force bb come out when not ready. In the end I juz trust the Dr lo. He offered c-sect also if I dun want to go thru pain of putting in the pills haha (aiyoh I think put in the dilation pills is the most painful of the whole process...I went on epidural after dat ha...)

Then I think once induce, the Dr will really try his best to get the baby out and prevent an emergency c-sect one. He is really experienced la I think, my #2 in posterior position he can also vacuum him out...tho got some tear la (but soreness same as #1, not dat bad).

Dr Ang is like dat lo...got his plans sometimes but as long as bb safe and sound...I dun mind wat the Dr do to deliver the bb la. Oh ya, I think induction usually labour longer so must tahan very long if want to go epiduraless.

Well, dilation may juz be round the corner!
shirlin/ardenz, think u gals dun worry n think too much la...no one wanna end up as emergency c sec also...juz take ur gynae's advise as they kno best!

shirlin, maybe its a sign!
Sporty, the CL did swaddle her , but she like very scare of heat leh. Now she already have heat rashes on her neck. Also she always struggle to put her hand out, sometimes struggle till vomit milk. Seen PD this morning, PD mentioned don't over wrap her.

Beansprout pillow should be arriving in 2 days time. Hopes that helps.

Shirlin, backache? hm... could be the sign. I was induced, and the only "ache" i have is backache cause my bb is facing side so when contraction comes, it feesl like backache. Time the interval. Might be the real thing. Good luck.
Karen: My bb is facing my right side too! Goodness..could it be a sign.. I'm alone at home wor till tmr morning..

sporty: how to time contractions ah?
Ru Yun: but mine is like almost continuous lehz.. ok.. now it just stop.. i shall see when it start to pain again.. skali false alarm.. haha
Hi gals,
do u all feel depressed easily? I think i am...
I am easily emotional and cry easily.
Tat time after seeing PD, that time worried abt bb jaundince and not drinking milk and the PD comments make me so depressed and i cry like nobody biz at home.
duno why whenever i think of bb, i will cry...
Shirlin, could be the sign.
For me, after the 2 tables inserted during priming, my backache start after dinnerm then midnight the backache like got interval of 30 mins till 2am the backache become 10mins interval. I still blur blur thought why my backache so painful. then i call my gynae, my gynae says is normal and still early, but if pain unbearable, can check in early as i suppose to check in at 7.30am for induce.

by 3am can't take it, so quickly bath , wash hair , eat bkf and go Mt E. that time the interval is like 5 mins already. Reach hospital at 5am , nurse strap me up and etc... says i am having contraction, then only i know backache is the contraction haha... i was like how come no one told me contraction can have backache instead of stomache :D

anyway... 7.30am gynae come to do the induction.

Shirlin, hope your tolerance is high, cause i was told by nurse when baby is face side when there is contraction, will push down to the nerves, as compare is more painful.

Just prepare yourself. My tolerance level is not high, i ask for epi, when I am 2 to 3 cm dilated after water bags was break by gynae.

Good luck and Jia you.
shirlin: yr keep on pain lasted how long? so far how many times already?

Starrz: dun be depress and dun cry. my mum say during confinement cant cry 1. i also cried a few times le, but now try not to . When my baby admitted for jaundice i cried alot also. And also PD say my baby heart valve dilated. But i believe he is strong enough to overcome everything. Dont take to hard what the PD say. Be a happy mummy
Karen: Wah.. so far still okay.. I'm still coping well.. Still can fight villians online so shld be ok.. Hopefully it wun full blast tonight if not i gotta go hospital myself.. Lol..

Okay..now stop again after it started again at ard 6.20... now lets see wad time the backpain comes back..
shirlin, if the pain continues, suggest you go hospital and strap to CTG to monitor.
mine is also only backache but with menses cramp kind but also continuous and it last me 8 hrs before i decide to call hospital to check.... then really the real thing cos apparently it was 3 - 5 mins apart but i just can't tell cos of the backache.... and i was already 3cm dilated then...
so good luck to you that it's real...
ariesgal.. Right now I'm like wad u described! Exactly the same with menses cramps feeling too.. Mine ardy 2hrs plus.. Shld i wait somemore??
insecticide not good for baby right?

my MIL spray almost the whole house lor...walao..i smell liao, already feel so bad, what abt baby siah?
Shirlin, the pain is like sudden sharp pain for a while. At the beginning is not that pain and longer, when it got stronger, the pain is more pain and shorter one. Just time it when it come back. No worry and don't wait too late then check in hor, if full blast very painful scare if you alone, you can't walk ah.

Starrz, don't be depress, when i attend the ante natal course, the nurse mention all mumm will have post natal blue after give birth. We need to manage that. When i was back from hospital, just looking at my bb, i can just cry out till my mum ask me why so emotional. When my mum went back msia, i also tear a bit. When my hubby went back to work and i was resting i also can tear maybe is due to the stress. Cause I was stress on things like what if CL confinement lady leave then i will be taking care of baby alone and worry bb didn't sleep well as she cry and etc.. but really got to manage it, and take it easy.

Be strong, and adjust slowly to parenthood.Lets jia you together.
juz finished my dinner...

karen, yeah hopefully the beansprout pillow helps!

shirlin, ur gynae got hotline? or hp? call him/her now and tell him/her ur condition and see what he/she advise? better go hospital early esp u are alone at home...

starrz, cheer up...think we are more emo after birth...juz look on bright side of things... not easy to be a mum, we juz try our best!
Ardenz, i agree with ru yun, if no complications (like low amniotic fluid), perhaps it's ok to just follow yr heart.. do try the love act (helped my mucuous plug to drop)and walking .. but dun walk too much also coz massage lady said i walked too much and uterus is very swollen (coz of weight of bb pulling down).. dilemma right..haha..
i drink red raspberry leaf tea too.. not sure how much it helps but i like the taste so dun mind having it everyday... most imptly, talk to bb..they are more spiritually in tune with us than we think..

starrz, i felt the same way ..been crying buckets for some nights coz of low milk supply and jaundice bb...can't help but blame self for everything but i guess it's really a passing phase.. now better le.. my fren's advice helps: "we tend to overworry..but really babies are very adaptable little creatures meant to survive this tough world.. The trick is also to understand the cry--either hungry, sleepy or wet..sometimes more tricky, colicky.. Remember, these difficulties are temporary.." Now i try not to be too hard on myself.. if really no milk, there's always formula.. letting bb down in some ways but i will make it up again during solid food months by working hard to give the best nutrition.. that's how i'm consoling myself.. take heart, u r not alone..
sporty: No lehz.. he asked me to call hospital in case of any contractions.. if really need him den hospital will call him de.. so now how? I scared false alarm lehz..
shirlin, actually at the stage u are in hor...esp almost at finishing line liao, diff to have false alarm la... u wanna call hospital so they can page for him and he return ur call then u tell him ur symptoms? for my gynae, we juz call him direct for any signs before we proceed to tmc...
sporty: Hmmm... i also dunno lehz.. Maybe I have my dinner 1st.. den see how it is.. if still continues den I'll call TMC.. or call you! =P but today bb been squirming ard whole day since 6plus in the morning lehz.. non stop.. does it mean anything?
shirlin, no harm calling la...if at least its real contractions, u can pack ur stuffs n go prepare to go hospital... maybe ur bb trying to engage herself?!
sporty: Alright.. all of u chasing me to call le.. I better call.. but let me go have dinner 1st.. I'm gg to eat now.. den i will call immediately after this.. I'm hungry la.. since hotcakes till now nv eat liaoz...
shirlin: call yr gynae. that time i call my gynae den he tell me go tmc . at there they will ask u lie dwn there for 1 hr. then they will take the reading of the contraction.
shirlin, just call the emergency hotline or your gynae if you know the number. i don't have any sharp pain or wat... just mild menses cramp + backache.... and no ls or wat... just normal poo.... no show and nothing which is why i called hospital but apparently if backache + menses cramps is a sign as well.... so pack your bag and get ready to go... no harm calling or go hospital cos u are really like anytime one lor...
shirlin, don't be afraid of false alarms... they cannot fault you on this... so better be on the safe side lor..... that time i also ask my hb what if false alarms... then i reached hospital, the nurse asked me if i need wheelchair and i say no need and she still say me like not in much pain so maybe it's not real but who knows it's the real thing.
its preferable not to let baby stay inside too long because the quality of the placenta will deteriorate. water bag level may drop also reducing quality of the environment for bb. plus additional risks of infection should the baby poo inside. and dont forget the risk that baby may still get entangled by umbilical cord... i myself would prefer bb to be out once its gynae certified safe enough.

ru yun,
maybe for syndicate aiming US brands.. then next time better dont put outside la. or else install cctv n put bait out to catch the sicko loh.. many years back i went chalet i put my swim suit out to dry then next morning disappear also. so sad.. gotta buy new one otherwise cannot swim..=)

my heart goes out to you man.. the last part of waiting and waiting is the worst! hope you'll have good news to report soon!!

when the real contractions hit, you'll have no doubt its the real thing..!

probably you;re experiencing blues brought on my drop in hormones level.. *sayang*..
its normal to feel like that .. just be careful not to let it escalate into depression k? talk to your hubby about your feelings, dont hide and cry by yourself..
Ru Yun: I dun have gynae's number.. the number he gave me is the TMC emergency number.. so i will call that ltr n see wad they say...

ariesgal: I packed my bag le.. and ya.. really anytime now cuz ardy 40th wk le.. and i have all your signs.. I will call them soon n let u girls know ya..

Thanks all for the concern.. =) Appreciate.. Feel so loved.. =P
haha...so cute eh u..

when its others who are going thru this, we feel kan cheong, but when it was myself, i just felt darned pek chek.. the last 2 weeks before i delivered i always in bad mood n so sian loh.. until my hubby worry if he did something to make me angry.. =D
sporty: Yah lor.. i like still super cool.. den all of you more gan chiong..hehe.. anw I've called the emergency number le.. I thk they paging for my gynae or wad... Just ask me wads wrong.. whos my gynae.. my name & contact.. den say 'we'll call you back'.. is this the procedure??
magical: my mum stop hanging outside le. That time wanna install cctv coz v angry ma, but aft that cool dwn le nvr put le. btw not only the 12 bras, i got panties n tubes missing also.

Shirlin: if they wan u to go dwn to check u better bring yr hospital bag just in case coz hubby not ard to go back take for u. btw admit after 10 30 pm consider the nex day.
Ru Yun: Okay..will bring my hospital bag with me just in case.. i now waiting for the callback.. I also dunno who's gg to call me.. So ltr if they ask me go dwn.. den i shall take my time till 10.30 den go down ba.. Hehe~

shirlin: depends on how urgent yr case ba. tat time mine is go induce, then gynae say go after 10 30 den dun need to waste 1 day money. but if yr case urgent then just give them lor. how's the interval now??
