(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Stacey, mine suckle for 5-10 mins max..

now got droplets of milk already...
just now when squeeze, got 1 spurt of milk out!(just 1)
So far, not the full mature milk yet, cos still in droplets..

Oh, i wan to know, I duno if my stitching wound or my anus got infection...so painful sitting down.

I have to lie down to feed bb to ease the pain.

Can try PureLan from Medela.

I use my milk too, cos always squeezing to check supply..or leak when massaging.
The rule is, do not use soap to wash your nipple.

I thk after bb suckle, just put the excess milk on it. no need to wipe.
Going for post natal checkup and PD visit tommorrow.
Just want to ask, do you guys stick to the PD that was recommend or change other PD? Wanted to change to nearby PD cause is too troublesome to go all the way to Mt E from Jurong East.

Any good PD recommendation around Jurong East or Bukit Batok area?
which PD are you seeing at Mt E? it's okay to change.. it's your convenience.

The PD that was assign is Dr. Siva from Kinder Clinic. His clinic is at Paragon and the timing is not that convenient somemore Sat can't make booking. Thought of changing PD. Any recommendation?
my PD is at Mt E itself..
i didn't follow the PD that my gynea recommended cos it's under the Singapore Baby and Child group. a lot of people and wait very long. i don't like. the PD that i'm seeing now is the PD that i see when i'm a baby.
juz had my cake

ayukie, why u dun wanna take chix pox jab?

saintbaby, rotavirus not compulsary but its good to take lor...

kimifin, jia you on bfing... did u use the mother's lotion for ur stitches?

ru yun, the GP tha i mentioned includes consultation and panadol also...

carinez, i am using avent nipple cream after i latched on bb...

karen, for PD, i only go back to the assigned PD after we were discharged...after tha i will go to my own PD/GP...
saintbaby, i juz ate one mouthful of it as i'm not a fan of cakes... yes rotavirus is 2 doses taken orally...

esther, thanks
ru yun, panadol in liquid form...usually PD/GP gives in case bb have fever after the jab...for PD, they charge extra for the panadol on top of the jab...

geez...i juz saw the subway ad on tv...i missed subway!!! boo hoooo
Hi girls,

Jus wanna share the following info for mummies who went tru c-sec and are running a temperature.

I was running a fever and shivering in cold sweat since last evening and it didnt get better today.
Saw GP today (after checking w Gynae if i need to pay her a visit as my c-sec was just a week ago), GP says only 3 reason for mummies who went tru c-sec to be running a fever:
- Engorgement
- Wound infection
- Uterus shrinking

For me, probly was for the 3rd reason and coupled w insufficient rest (as baby was colicky the night before and kept crying fr 5am - 12pm)

I also side tracked the GP to ask why my baby will scream suddenly in his slp, not the usual wailing & crying.

GP says its probly colic, if u carry him and he still dun get better, its def colic but if just a pat is enought to soothe him, then its probly nightmare fr the day's activities.

Just to share =)
sporty, many happiest returns!

ashley and piggy, I'm in jurong west too.. do you know about this family clinic on the 2nd level of pioneer mall that is always packed with parents and kids? i wonder if it is any good...

ardenz, in the midst of pain, i can still tell she was VERY irritated.. haha

just wondering, when should mature milk come in? i read that by day 14, it should be 750ml yield at least... it sounds so far far away for me
chriszinc...i'm very near Pioneer mall wor...saw that clinic before but not sure good anot leh..if good, then i will consider going there...

how much u pumping now? how many days liao?
Hm.. then I gotta start doing my hw and list down all the necessary jabs liao. so far
- 6 in 1
- rotavirus
- pneumococcal
- chicken pox?
What else? I heard polyclinic can also right? You know what do they have?

Ha.. then just look thru your wardrobe la.. I’m sure you’ll find something gorgeous!

Ru yun,
The first time you leave him it’ll be difficult.. but subsequent times you’ll find its easier and easier to leave him. But within first year still hard la, coz breastfeeding. If pumping also troublesome coz even though bb not around, still gotta pump to keep up supply n prevent engorgement. Difficult to travel too..

Is your wound around 4-5 days old? Is yes then the pain is from the healing.. I also got the very sore pain.. 4-5 days after I returned from hosp. Then about 3-4 days later it got better liao.
ariesgal: Hehe.. I also desperate le den resorted to seducing hb le.. I really hope I'll be like you lor.. Will help me in my dilation den Wed go see gynae got gd news.. hehe..

stacey: My hb okay lehz.. He's just worried he may hurt bb tts all.. Lucky he's not turned off by me.. He says I still look very pretty n sexy.. Lol *Shy*

sporty: Ya, lucky hb willing to give in lorz.. but now he keep saying.. what if i give birth tonight after we did this morning..cuz he's not home now.. Sun morning den come home..

Anw, sorry for the late replies.. Went pa tok n last min shopping for bb.. Orchard looks really nice now.. I love Christmas!! =D
piggy, ya lor..i'm also considering since it's near me too.. I'm at the stadium area.. it's always packed at night..okie, will try find out from people ard ...

I'm in my 6th day le .. but these 2 days kept running to hospital (bb jaundice) and doing stuff like birth cert so never pump much.. plus no latching.. but i get only about 10 ml on one and 20ml on the other each time when i do pump.. miserable hor.. i feel like a wrinkled cow..
Kimifin> If yours is natural delivery, it could be piles, cos its common to develope piles after delivery. Best to check w gynae wor.
magical: b4 i gave birth i jio my cousin go NY shopping in march, now i got 2nd tots le, but i see she very enthu i v paiseh. maybe just go for 1 week , b4 that stock up more milk. then tat 1 week, all the milk pump n throw lor. Hope i can do it.
u near stadium also...me also wor..me at blk 978..u leh?

my baby also admitted to hospital for jaundice last few days..today PD say just tan for another 2 days can le..

so far i only latch maybe abt 5 times..sigh...baby drinking purely on EBM..today pump for tmr supply..but soon will not be enough liao...cos now baby drinking 100ml/feed..but he drag longer in between feed..sometimes 4hrs/5hrs..

fenugreek pills really works ah? any side effect on baby or mummy in the long run?
chriszinc, thanks for ur well wishes

ru yun, no prob

ayukie, ya la...chix pox can take when bb's one yr old...

magical,yeah...those are more or less the jabs...u got them rite
btw hows ur stitches? ok liao?

shirlin, ohh ur hb travelling eh? thas why he's not home?

saintbaby, i always hear pple take GNC fenugreek...u need to take ah?
chriszinc: Hehe.. ya.. he can be quite sweet at times but sometimes still feel like strangling him when he does sth stupid.. Lol!

sporty: Nope.. He's a regular so sometimes still gotta stay in camp cuz of work.. actually he will only be back on Thurs cuz he forgot my EDD.. After i reminded him tt I may giv birth anytime only then he told his boss and was excused from that exercise...
shirlin, ohhh...no wonder...i thot he still travelling overseas!

piggy, the more we shd bf when we are sick cuz we have antibodies in our bm and it benefits bb...
shirlin: it must be the postnatal hormones.. i kept getting irritated with hubby even though he is doing a lot and having as tough a time le..
ru yun,
wow that's a really good break! but 1 week to US too short anot? why not you suggest to her a short getaway nearby, like hk or tw, then arrange to go ny again when you've decided to stop bf?

meanwhile try to pump more and freeze more loh.. pump n throw is ok, but will be troublesome coz travelling will be out whole day, n u gotta pump at least 4 times a day to maintain safe supply..

dont give up! today pump for tommorow's supply is perfectly ok ah.. your supply will keep increasing if you continue pumping.. but dont forget only the 1st 2-3 weeks will be essential to increase ss, after that is maintaining, very hard to increase after the first month liao. so work harder now for a better future! =)

yes pls continue bf when you are sick so that your immunities can be passed on to bb. but if you're super sick n drippy nose n all, try not to latch on if you can pump la.. coz viruses are airborne. better to stay away physically but still give ebm.

last time got 1 stupid dr told me to stop bf until i get well because virus can be passed through bm.. siao!! dunno how he passed medical school.

so far only first dose of hepB and BCG.. havent gotten the rest yet.. when do i have to bring him ah? last time i just followed the appt given by dr keoy.. i think may take him to the kidzlink at cck.

yeah my stitches ok liao.. no feeling unless i rub against them when i go toilet.. i think this time the tear was bigger coz i feel like i got more stitches..ha..
sporty: No la.. I will kill him if he went overseas.. Haha.. At least in camp still can rush to hospital if I really go into labour..

chriszinc: Mine cant be postnatal la.. I still waiting to pop wor.. hehe~~
chriszinc, i think we get irritated easily now...even the smallest thing!!

magical, yeah...if u going for 6 in 1 jab or what, bring when bb's 6 to 8 weeks or u can follow dr keoy's date and go to other PD... ya la, mine too...sometimes stitches feel abit irritated when my pad rubbed against it...i also think mine is a bigger tear this time as it took a longer time to heal...and our gynae still tell me small tear lor...duhz

shirlin, thas true lor
Chriszinc: my baby 10 days old...

sporty: so meaning can eat medicine? if dun eat medicine, the EBM baby can drink?

i'm having slight soar throat liao..jialat...if MIL knew abt it ah, no need to give EBM liao
magical: becoZ i went NY twice already, nothing much 1. now going 3rd time, main purpose go shopping coz the largest factory outlet in US is in NY. wanna buy polo for bb. n buy bra for myself. 12 of my bras tat i bought from US got stolen when my mum hand it along the corridor. i need to stock up
ayukie, i was wondering how come ppl can store so much till wanted to give away wor...

my colleague stored 75 packs of 100ml for her baby when she went back to work leh..peifu her lor..
i went isetan shopping just now. husb let me go whilst he look after bb and i sneaked out without mom gg. sis fetched. UBER HAPPY!
saw the x'mas light up at ion heheheheh

everyone jiayou for bfing!

sporty> paiseh mia cos i was sewing my bb's stuff. now done liaos post more. Happy birthday! *HUGS

tanly> Happie bday to u 2 ! let's go whack the good food soon
jane: so nice of your hb.. Dun thk nxt time hb will help me look after bb if I put him alone.. Lol.. sometimes see him handle his nephew ardy vomit blood.. Dun even know how to wear pampers.. Lol!
I dun think I can increase my ss anymore....my baby's already 25 days old already...meaning 3 weeks plus have past and my yield is still 60-80ml.......i think impossible to increase liao. Really envy those who can pump over 100ml per session.

Hi, juz wanna check w mothers here,

for those who bathe with the confinement herbs, do you wash your hair daily?

And can we drink water on top of the red dates longan tea or SOLELY JUST red dates longan tea ONLY?

Thanx! =) Gambatte on breast-feeding~
