(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

sporty: Yah lor.. haha! If not after birth also may not have the time n mood le.. but mostly is cuz of my own 'selfish reason'... hehe.. i didnt tell him abt it at all.. =P

jinghui: Jiayou!Contractions will come in soon soon.. =) I'm really desperate le den resorted to this de.. Hb asked 'You sure its ok?' den i replied 'Of cuz it is! Bb got water bag to protect her ma..' hehe... But feel abit suan too.. cuz of backache n leg pain but still bearable la.. =)
Jinghui: that time i keep telling baby, mummy very pain, u faster come out hao bu hao. and on that night, my gynae got 3 induce patient, i was the 1st to pop.\
Shirlin> omg can seduce husband? I also waiting now until really damn sian hahah maybe shall try tonight.. I tot totally cannot..M still waitin to pop too.. Sian.. The wait is so not good..

Hmmm.. Been poo-ing quite alot these 2 days then just Now Ls.. Hmm do u think it's a sign?.. I'm really damn sick of waiting at home.. And I'm always alone at home nobody talks to me I think I'm gg bonkers... It's been like tat for the past 2 wks think I'm forgetting how to talk..
carinez; CAN... no problem de.. as long as you feel comfortable n no pain lorz.. I read from book say XXX can help to induce birth.. the mummies on this forum also agree.. Give it a try tonight n seduce ur hb too la.. hehe! I'm ardy entering my 40th wk le.. Wait till wanna rot liaoz.. =P

I'm usualy at hm alone too but I will try to go out as much as i can lor.. walk more.. sometimes go back office tok to colleagues too.. lol.. kinda miss work la..
my gal like yours, latch every hour in the nite, suckle 5min (if im lucky) and fall asleep cannot wake..like zombie liao

5-in-one at polyclinic not much cheaper rite? heard $88 per jab. my GP whole package $380 diff not much and save on waiting time

your hb let u seduce him ah? my hb put off by pregnant woman..dont dare touch..hahah...

pop liao? weird your gynae tried so many tablets...tot that's a medicine that can use in drip if tablet dont work..and usually quite effective. Update us yah? =)
i use good'ol melrose. in fact placed orders today to catch the 15days early bird promo..hehe..cupcakes sweetest moments not bad ba..
Should I go out Walk walk?.. The doc said due 'anytime' since last 2 appointmEnts.. Til now still no signs.. And my Hubby die die won't let me go out alone these few days make me feel more pekcek... Should I should I?
when do we start using S size pampers ah? lolz

my lil boy is ok with the Fitti premium (TMC default pampers), no rashes so far...so quite keen to order the promotion now

6 packs for $60 (out RRP: abt $15/pack)..free delivery somemore..
Wah quite far from me.. I need to walk 15 mins to get to the mrt station. I’m right at the other end..

Try not to freeze in the glass bottles coz you’ll be subjecting the bottle to very extreme temperature changes and it might crack from the contraction and expansion when u warm it up.

I tell you la, after a year it’ll return to my pre preg flab again.. my appetite usually very good, but dunno why twice my pregnancies I have no appetite to eat ..
Btw where do you take your bb for jabs? I bought the package 1.6k at Thomson for my first one, not planning to take #2 back there coz quite troublesome to keep traveling so far..
K will check out the fb soon!
Your bday today? Happy birthday!

Happy bday tanly too!

You’ll know when your ducts are blocked when you feel a painful lump.. I mean, super painful lump. =)

Sterilized pump parts can be used directly, just shake off excess water, don’t need to dry it totally.

Must recognise you are a human with human emotions. I rem last time when my #1 was about 2 or 3 months, he had colic and kept crying, and hubby always has to work late or go out entertain, I alone at home with baby. Many times I really felt like covering him with a pillow just to shut him up.. I felt super duper guilty. I think that time suffering from blues. Whenever he cries non stop I just carry him and sit down and cry together with him..

Ru yun,
My friend also was preg during her honeymoon, then end up lots of things cannot do.. =D
Never mind lah, after baby gets older must get your hubby to go for 2nd honeymoon..

Finally got some action! All the best!
Anyone needs NAN HA1? I hav 6 bottles fr TMC to be given away. Expire on 9/12/09. Collection at CCK or Bishan MRT only. PM me.
jing hui/tanly, how isit so far? anyone of u popped liao?

ru yun, ya lor...maybe bearycue really at TMC...

shirlin, u good leh...can seduce ur hb...so at least he gave in to u :p kekekkeke

carinez, LS could be a sign...juz go out and take a walk rather than coop up at home ok...

stacey, ur gp package is 6 in 1 or 5 in 1??

chen mama, will update ur details

magical, i thinking of bringing my bb to healthway GP as my #1 for 6 in 1 as their package is $295 nett if i rem correctly...wah, u went to Dr Keoy at Thomson? thks for ur well wishes

piggy, i am using nepia NB for my gal now...
My baby's full month party is this weekend and I dunno what to wear...plus my hair is in a mess...sigh.....

For diapers, we have not used any yet...have been using cloth nappies all these while....thanks to my mum who is so willing to wash the nappies for me. We really saved a lot of money.

carinez1, perhaps you can go for a breather outside but dun venture too far from your house? Or go out with someone like a friend/your mum?

Sporty, I order from Elsie's Kitchen and YLS Catering for my baby's full month leh....Angeli is fully booked
Didn;t order cupcakes cos that stupid cupcake momma never reply me and other cupcake shops are not taking in orders till next yr! Will be giving away bengawan solo cake vouchers to my guests...very boring but lack of planning is like that :p
ru yun,
wah you'rea very good mummy, still bring baby on 2nd honeymoon.. i prefer to leave kids behind and fly off! =D otherwise really cannot enjoy and relax.. unless its a family trip and got our parents to come along and help out!

yeah the 1.6k is a package for all the jabs, pneumoccocal, rotavirus..blah blah..

then the rest of the jabs? hepB, pneumoccocal.. etc? i also dunno how many kinds there are. yeah my #1 went to dr keoy.. everything in a package so i also didnt bother to see what jabs he had..

i was just going to suggest take one day off this week and go shopping for new outfit and do your hair, then i realised today is friday! got time to go out before your party or not?

actually nothing much to avoid lah.. but its good to know what you ate so if baby gets a rash or allergic reaction, you can trace back to see what food you ate that triggered off the reaction and then cut that out from your diet.
ashley, u slimmed down liao rite...shd be able to fit into ur pre-preggy clothes rite? wow...ur mum very hardworking to wash cloth nappies...are u gonna continue to use after confinement? yeah, me gonna order from elsie's kitchen also...which package did u chose?

piggy, dun take dang gui...will decrease ur supply...cut down on gasey veg like brocolli, cabbage

magical, rest of the jabs i juz ala carte lor from either GP or PD...i find it cheaper...
ooohhh...noted sporty..

trying hard to increase ss siah...

y'day total managed to pump abt 600ml...today till now abt 400ml..hope slowly can increase and have a full fridge of EBM..

my boy hardly latch..he will fell asleep while latching...this morning only managed to latch for abt 15min each side..
magical, my party is on sat and sun...hahah...no time to buy new dress or do my hair....will just find something decent to wear in my wardrobe.

Sporty, I took the $10 per pax lunch buffet...as for the cloth nappies, yes I will continue to use them
i'm ordering from neo garden..i think their food is quite nice..

if hor, next 1st mth jab hor, we can go to other PD? just walkin will do or wat ah?

i'm staying at Jurong west area..any good PD ard?

current Dr Ong from Singapore Baby & Child Clinic is good but tooo far liao...at TMC or AMK..siao lor...and the waiting time ah...like mad lidat...
Piggy, I stay in Jurong West too...our PD is at CCK, which is quite near since we drive. Anyway, we are planning to go to the GP for our baby's jabs.
piggy, no prob...jia you

ashley, i have 2 sessions also...so deciding whether to use elsie's kitchen for the 2nd session or not...YLS is not bad esp the kong ba pau...shiok!

ayukie, thks dear *muacks*
teo - the hep b 2nd dose is 30 bucks paid via edisave .. the package for 5 in 1 is around 290+ includes mmr and etc to be aid either cash or cda ... for the premococcal 3 dose rd 160 each paid via medisave lor .. all can use cash .. rotavirus they dun have yet so if they still dun have will be having that at gp .. actually price nt much diff with gp price but polycinic babies under a mth piority queue after that appt based ..
just finished my pump .. nehs abit sore .. haiz .. anyway tml shd b bringin my boy go se the world go walk around abit hopefully at nite he will slp then haiz ..
dunno to go GP / PD / Polyclinic wor..

dread going polyclinic cos of the Queue and virus floating there..lolz..but i suppose the cost is cheaper right?
piggy - i used the fitti s size diapers i find that pampers still good nw im using pampers s size diapers .. softer less those stretch marks on my boy tighs ..
Hi jing hui! All the best! Hope you pop soon! For me hvnt yet, no signs still so xiannnn.... Think must copy shirlin seduce hubby haha..

Tanly, all the best to u too!! Hope pop soon!

Chriszinc, i cannot help laughing when you shared that your
waterbag burst on the nurse face. She must be very wet?? Sorry can't control laughter when I imagine nurse reaction..

Sporty, happy birthday! Btw you mentioned NUK teat is good to avoid nipple confusion. Do you get the latex or silicone one?
magical: actually last time i told hubby unless baby older and can walk , we dun bring him go holiday. But after he admit 3d2n for jaundice, i realise i cant leave him behind.

sporty: Ok , then maybe i shall do that. but i have another prob leh. coz my baby heart got 1 valve dilated, Dr keoy gave 1 letter to give to polyclinic to refer us to NUH or KKH.
teo - erm at polycinic cause my bro made me go with him for his daughter jab so in end i oso jab my son the queue v fast leh qait like one person nia then my turn le .. the missy in nursing quite knowledgeable also ..
gp use cda depends and only so far premocucol can use medisvae pay and nt all gp can use medisave so those that cant think payable via cda or cash ... and nt all gp can use cda also so pay cash lor .. price wise gp and polyclinic nt much diff but p no appt wherelse polyclinic gt appt time 1 ..
o yeah pd price is v exp sia ... anyway i only intend take the compulsary jabs via 5 in 1 package and rotavirus and premocucol (or whatever that's spelt) for my son only .. im skippin the chickenpox jab and those nt say v highly recommended or compulsary ..
teo - 1st time go no need make appt just go babies a mth old gt piority queue v fast 1 i went that day only 1 in front of me nia for the jab and doctor consultation .. the next visit they will make appt for you also so ok lah just need stick to the appt time ..
price wise nt much diff actually nt really cheaper than frm the gp package price lor .. consultation charge $4.90 for singapore children lor .. but they cfm covers all the necessary injections haha ..
