(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Ha.. hope you can save your breasts then.. =D
Or just hope that with time they’ll get conditioned to pumping and then we ‘ll have a better time too.. now I dread the beginning of each pumping session, but after the first few minutes, its not painful anymore la and I can concentrate on reading my book..

Yup at the new blocks.. you too?

BM always gets blamed .. older generation wont know the benefits of BM, so don’t get overly affected by what she says!

Must be the position of the funnels then.. better call her soon, otherwise drag for too long will really affect supply eh..perhaps you haven’t adjusted the length properly too.
Don’t feel down.. beginning of every journey is definitely difficult coz still adjusting ma.. soon you’ll be an expert mummy!

i stay near the little guilin..
I m trying to maximize the usage of the bottles. Can I express 60ml at say 2pm then put in fridge. Then say at 5pm express again and put in the same 2pm bottle. Then i transfer the bottle into the freezer. When i use that frozen ebm in say 1 week time and bb only need 90ml, can i thaw the milk in warm water, then pour 90ml into his feeding bottle, then keep the 30ml of clean untouched thawed milk in the fridge for 2 days in the fridge?
me up pumping...so sleepy!

ariesgal, i asked my hb to look for the ameda flanges juz now in the storeroom, found the box but not the flanges, he said he threw away liao...paiseh cant compare it with medela for u...also the medela soft shields is not like the avent padded "cushion" as its another part attached to the pump...so i think its diff to attach to ameda...

jing hui, jia you,..hope u popped or dilated more by now!

magical, wow waist smaller than pre preggy! envy envy!!
u can join the nov thread in fb if u have fb

piggy, per day how much can mummies pump depends on individual...i have a fren who used to pump 3 litres a day...it depends on pumping frequency and also whether the mummy had enough rest, drank enough fluids etc... for me, normally i get more than 100ml per pump...

mel, bo bian lor since ur mil so unsupportive of bfing...haiz...

ayukie, ur boy finally go for the jab eh...hehhe :p

superwalker, u can transfer the 5pm express into the 2 pm bottle and freeze it...but when u thaw it, everything must be used... cannot put the 30ml in the fridge for next 2 days... but the 30ml can be left in room temp up to 4 hrs maybe for the next feed...
Wahahaha, me still here! Jialat liao, stil no contraction at all ler!! Really dragging lor...

Start from now onwards, they don't allow me food and drink liao. What's that supposed to mean huh...?
hi jinghui, hope the labour starts real soon for ya..

hi sporty, me bk again .. after 1 week.. coz the mucous plug was for real! popped 1.5 days later...

here's my little story juz to share:

12/11/09 3pm: regular contractions during work. increased in pain and intensity slowly but surely. whole night of contractions at about 15 mins interval

13/11/09 10am: the 5-mins interval came. bathed, had breakfast and got ready to head to gynae. but realized it may be lunchtime for her and thus... went for a movie 1st! ha

13/11/09 4pm: CTG at gynae's. funny, the movie soothed the contractions somehow and it went down to 10 mins interval. but gynae says "ok, 3cm, u can be admitted" But hubby and i decided to go home instead since waiting in the hospital is scarier (to me) and i dun want epidural or any drugs. we wanted to save a day's hospitalisation $ (ha, so cheapskate right)too. contractions became a regular 2-3 mins at home.

13/11/09 11pm: admitted to hospital. 8cm dilated. waiting...8.5..9..9.5..

13/11/09 12am: at 9.5cm, the waterbag burst and splashed all over the nurse's face. thus began the real work.excruciating pushing...

14/11/09 3am: out came the little one but with aid of forceps since his face was facing upwards. a pity since he could be out earlier, in a less "painful" way if he faced down.. but i guess it's all fated.

anyway, the past 1 week was tough.. milk slow, baby crying all night and wants me as human pacifier after bf, baby hospitalized for jaundice (felt so bad, all my fault for not enuf milk).. only after i read this forum did i realized i'm not alone... dun have to cry alone le.. can seek advice/comfort here..

so here!

pumping now.. pathetic 30ml combined each time.. but i know cannot give up for bb's sake..

BTW, Catechins, re the brown rice tea, what u can do is
1. buy brown rice(red not white kind) and wash, the dry well
2. dry-fry the brown rice with ginger slices then air dry
3. store in fridge and just use as needed. just pour boiling water and immerse for mins before drinking.

A qn, any mummies bfing and using pacifiers? what brand/kind is most suitable/least "nipple-confusing" pls?

also, how do u know ur ducts are blocked and how to clear them (suspect so but totally clueless)
sorry, one more qn.. we can sterlize the pump parts in the sterilizer right? and then can use it immediately after? coz the water droplets are still around.. will it affect quality of bm?
My '1st phase' of induction failed, I think. 2 tablets inserted with no effect/reaction at all. So, 8am will go for 'surgery induction', breaking water bag. Hopefully after that really 'have action' lor!...

Very stubborn cervix I've got!!...
morning all!!

chriszinc, congrats!! u very steady leh...8cm then reached hospital!!
i used to give my son nuk pacifers n no confusion at all...we kno ducts are blocked when we have lumps on our boobs, to clear it, juz press on it when u latch or pump... normally i will fling the pump parts to drip off some water before i use...

jing hui,jia you on 2nd phrase of induction!!

superwalker, if i rem correctly shd be 100 to 200g per week...
chriszinc, do u do the brown rice tea urself?.. mu mum at first want to do for me.. buti think this sachet is more convenient and save time.. i hope its has the same good effects..

its supposed to help clear constipation and reduce water retention.. =)

yesterday.. i am very frustrated... cos baby is crying a lot.. and i really felt so angry.. but i shouldn't.. then in themorning when wake up.. felt so guilty.. looking at my baby, my love is renewed.. i think as a mother is like this bah.. renewed love..kekeke.. later going for massage..

I am using freestyle. I read that we need to dry the pump parts properly or condensation might occur in the tubing of the pump so what I do is that I will dry with tissue paper before using. So far so good.
magical: but we are in sg. hehe. i m 1 of those who rush for ox leh. end up hor, when go honeymoon know i preggy then cant play alot of things.

ayukie: how much are the jabs? whats the cost diff between polyclinic and GP? Do we have to wait very long at polyclinic? my hubby say can call n book appt, really meh?

Jing Hui: Did u talk to yr baby? hope u delivered by now. Jia You
morning jane!

sporty, i managed to solve the pump issue liao.... i called philips and they do sell the cushion padding separately but at their spare parts office. so hb going to get that for me tomorrow... .so meaning i no need to get another pump or try the medela spare parts too.... so happy...
catechins, dun feel frustrated abt bb crying...thas the only way they can express themselves...

jane, haha,..we are the fling-ing FS users....LOL

ariesgal, good good
ariesgal> g'morning, can i ask u to ask ur sil, does she do just filling up of helium balloons and delivery? good that u resolved ur pump issue. jiayou with bfing!
thanks sporty.. haha.. more stubborn than anything.. gynae warned that i must not do that next time for no. 2 or else i'll give birth at home..

catechins, my mum got it all prepared before i delivered. so now it's in a container and i just use a few spoonfuls when i need a cup.. and i understand how u feel.. my baby cries non-stop at nite too and i'm so helpless coz i dun know why..feel like such a failure.. these 2 days, he's hospitalized for jaundice and my heart pains with e thot of it.. have to keep smelling his little mittens..

okie, think i'll both fling and clean tough parts with some tissue..

one more silly qn, i realized when i feed/pump, i perspire quite a bit at the nipples.. will this "spoil" the bm? i mean, perspiration is salt-based and all... ???
such a quiet day today...everyone bz eh?! :p

chris, ya lor...for ur #2, u definitely need to go in earlier...heheh :p normally if i persipre at the nipples, i will juz use tissue to wipe while i latch/pump...
sporty> i am here daily, lol. jus lazy to post *winks.

ariesgal (daph now) hehe, u tink u can msn me her #? lazy to email.
jane haha.... paiseh, cos i use the other nick to buy from sprees due to email link... hee.... then somehow when i post in another page, the username here auto change also.... didn't realize that! hee...

Her # 93878141. Her name is Carole. Ok to post her # here cos she is going to do BP anyway.... hee...
I still haven't pop yet ah!...but good news is, contraction finally kicked in at 9.30am this morning after 3rd tablet was inserted. If the contraction progresses well, shall deliver maybe in the evening or night! :D Such a relief now...at least contraction started altho doc haven't check how many cm dialated. Now contraction comes irregular at interval between 10-15 mins.

Way to go...!
i also fling the parts to dry.. and there are very little droplets inside... so should be okay.. oh yah.. now i can pump around 80 ml per session, so far 2 sessions.. cos i max the speed button and put around half for the strength.. juliet recommends hygeia pump for me.. and it works very well for me... hope it will continue to be good.. i think the reason y i get very little is becos.. i put the speed to half.. so the suction not too good.. when put on max.. it sucks well and also can use the handsfree

Hehe, if it's today...then my gal gonna share b'day with u liao! :D I also hope it's today la!...

Anyway, HAPPY B'DAY to u, sporty!
Hi all.. Hows everyone today?? Its a nice day to laze again.. hehe..

Anw, I'm damn bad just now.. haha.. If anyone of you read my earlier earlier earlier post will know tt I'm not dilated at all at 39 wks.. so guess wad i resorted to???

I seduced hb just now.. hahahahahhaa.. Hopefully it'll help a lil.. Super scared till nxt wk still the same la.. den gotta consider c-sect..
jing hui, thanks
today's tanly's bday as well
hopefully she gets her wish fulfilled...same bday as her gal

shirlin, wahh...seduced ur hb ah...LOL :p

Haha, ur notti! Going desperate liao uh! :p I was also intending resorting in doing so weeks ago when it was very near to my EDD but just got no mood la...then aching n pain here and there. I guess when we're in desperate mode, can resort to do anything huh :p

Hope u won't end up like me la...overdue and now still stucked haven't deliver yet! :p But pray hard will deliver by today...if things go well.

Good luck to u! ;)
Jing hui, I'm in Mt A now. Fr 9 till now only dilate 2.5cm. Nurse say very slow. Faint ah. On epi n drip now. Gynea broke my waterbag at abt 9.30.

Mt A very full today, nurse mentioned that the last time they so busy is in the dragon year.

Jing hui, let's jia you together.
jing hui, no leh...no special celebration...juz another day!

tanly, happy bday n jia you!!

jinghui/tanly, one of u at nuh...one at mt a...i wonder bearycue isit at tmc now...LOL
Wow, tanly...Jia You! looks like ur better than me ler, most probably will deliver earlier than me since ur waterbag has been broken. Me having irregular and mild contraction only, don't know how many cm dialated but will be checked at 3pm. Hopefully something good to hear...
Ya, hor...bearycue might also like one of us now. Wonder how is she doing...?


Forgot to wish u HAPPY B'day as well

sporty: according to the chart, bearycue really supp to give birth at TMC.

Jinghui: yr endurance very good, can wait so long. Jia You. shldnt take too long.
