(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

yea lor.. same here. i also "delayed" my 2 kids for the jab.. but duno this time round can we delay anot cos they say need 3 jabs before the kids turn 2... :s

confinement not tat bad la..
as long as can bathe and wash hair..
saintbaby, actually i planned to let my #2 take the P jabs this time and dun wanna delay as #1 is going CC mah...so better keep #2 vaccinated...heheh

the med the gynae gave was stronger and made me drowsy (supposed to take 2 times per day, but 1 time is enuff). So now, under control, provided that I take really "cool" shower and on aircon thru the nite...(poor hub, he dun feel as warm as me)

Yes, dim sum at Asia grand was really nice, wah, 1 whole duck for the skin is just nice for 5 of us.
I wanna get more dessert, but too bad, rest of the ppl were full.
Hub even ordered frog's legs too...hha, tonic mah.
sporty, yup I am still around. hehhe...Dunno why this time round so slow. previously my gal popped out within 2 days of 2cm dilated.

Re: P Jabs
I planned to let my #2 take the P jabs as early as possible. My #1 took 4 P jabs the other time as she went to infant care at 2 mths old.
kimifin, glad u enjoyed ur meal at Asia Grand...its nice rite and value for $$... yes i am feeling very hot everyday...i can kept perspiring when i zzz and my hb is very cold until he cover himself with a blanket!!

shannonbaby, try walking more...maybe it will induce labour?! so u are off work and at home waiting for D day eh?
u not feeling any pain? or discomfort? wah, gd leh.. mayb can end up w/o using any anasthetic
morn ladies...

Hope everyone's doing ok. I'm still doing ok ...relaxing wkend for me.

Congrats on the birth of your gal

And gd to hear that u've started bf-ing. Jia you!!
rue, dilation no pain one la...only when got contraction then pain...thas why shannonbaby dun feel anything yet... ya la, i wonder whats wrong with me leh...i kept feeling VERY HOT!!!

devlina, ur IT never ban u liao ah? :p any signs from u yet?
rue, only some contractions on n off. I chicken out and ordered for epidual in advance last friday when my gynae asked me whether i want it this time round.

sporty, my gal vomited yesterday nite and make me change a king size bedsheet, wash everything etc, but still no signs of labour..haha
I started my ML leave today but I dont want to waste it sitting around at home.

Anyone intend to on aircon during confinement? Nowadays the weather is so hot. I cant seems to survive without aircon.
Morn ladies

prevenar jab
my #1 started this jab when she's 6mths.so she had 3 jabs.
PD mentioned this jab is very painful so I thought of giving it to her b4 she "understand wat's happening".did not hve her below 6mths as there's too many jabs to be taken from 3-5mths like hepb n 5 in 1.in fact I'm one kiasu mom..I gave everything from rotavirus to chicken pox jab.opt out if flu jab initially..but due to the seasonal flu thingy..I gave it to her anyway..so my gal has taken all vaccinations so far?
my fren who was on confinement in May said it's ok to on aircon, and NOT the fan, cos the fan tends to blow direct.
I intend to on aircon, maybe set to 25 or 25 deg C.
I mean 25 or 26 deg C...

actually, very cloudy these few days, but no rain...that's why the humidity is high and unbearable...
i'm using a test laptop to log in ...heee ~
coz i'm doing some testing on the test laptop now.
Ohhh..so far, no signs from me yet. Went for my check-up last tue. Lost weight...bb gained. So he was 2.86kg @ 35k5d. Oh, I'm feeling VERY HOT too ....like u, hub will feel cold & cover himself wit blanket ..while I'll be sleeping w/o the blanket..perspiring the whole nite.
zentan, me like you.... i think my gal also vaccinated for all..... even chicken pox ha....
for prevenar jab, i gave to her upon recommendation from her PD cos she has bronchitics once when she was like 5 or 6 months and she is very very prone to flu... and so gynae suggest not to wait till 1 yr old to take jab .... then she took the chicken pox jab recently cos i was preggie and i don't want her to get any of these cos i won't have the energy to take care of her..... but for #2, i may drag some of the jabs....
I will stilll bath/shower. If for 1st week or so, maybe use a damp cloth to wipe, v cooling too..cos I use this for my itchy skin now.

Oh, my in laws say we still "store" or buy old ginger now, and able to use duing confinement.
Morn ladies

How does contractions feel like? Is it the whole tummy area pain or just the lower abdomen pain?
Been having this crampy feeling whole of last nite leh.
rue/kimifin, I also intend to on AC during confinement. Dont think I can tahan the heat, esp since my MIL refuses to let me shower everyday. And if I want to shower, must inform her one day in advance so that she can boil the water with the herbs.

ariesgal, u also giving birth in RH rite? Which PD will u be using?
shannonbaby, ya you too?
i will use veronica toh for my #2 cos she is also the PD for my #1..... i like her a lot.... and so far she is the only PD that my girl doesn't cry when she needs to see a doc.... although i got another neighbourhood PD to go to for night consultations and usual flu etc... but for jabs, i go back to dr Toh cos she is very gentle.
shannonbaby, i think i will try not to on the aircon during confinement lor...i hope i can do it... haha :p

zentan, good to be ks la...and give all the jabs to the kids earlier... tha time wanna jab chix pox for my boy, who knos he kena chix pox when he was 10 mths old...he suffered la but i save 100 bucks lor...hahha

devlina, no wonder u can online :p test the lappy longer hor :p kekekke :p ur bb's of good weight

piggym, contractions will come at regular intervals lor...its like cramps...
sporty, no AC during confinement? wah........ i cannot lor...... even now at night i on 19 degrees hor, i am not using blanket while my poor hubby is shivering .... hee...... and during confinement with bfeeding, i confirmed need aircon if not i will be so moody and hot tempered......
ariesgal, i survived w/o aircon and fan last confinement and tha was in may/june... so i guessed now in nov/dec, shd be more managable la :p main reason becuz i wanna lose the water retention in my body and wear back my pre-preggy clothes during bb's full mth party :p hahha
piggym, yes...sometimes the cramp will go to the back...tha time i even kena leg cramps.. they come at regular intervals if its really contractions...like every 10 mins kind
Oic.. Ok. thanks. But some ppl said contractions can be on the whole tummy too?
I had that and backaching yesterday. Haha! Dunno is it time???
sporty, u mean will help lose the water retention faster that way? but hor if do the jamu massage and no aircon, i feel very yucky... and perspire etc.... doubt i can do it.... and with no fan and no windows opened, i think i'll either suffer from heat stroke or suffocation haha....
i think i'll on AC still but maybe set it to like 25 or 26...... atleast got some air....
ashley hope everything's fine with your hubby now. man got a lot of pride one, mine at home also will never apologise. sometimes throw and smash things too.

momoko you going home today? i'm sure your bb will love the cot! take care of yourself.

my boy still having fever on off, so worrying, especially now that i am nearing EDD, really dun want to pop while he is sick.

these few nights i have to sleep with aircon too and my son and husband all can't take it. too cold for them.
piggym, u juz have to monitor the signs lor...but when's ur c sec?

ariesgal, i didnt engage any massage lady for #1 and this time round...tha time i lost all the weight when its my boy's full mth party... w/o aircon and fan, its gross la...but have to keep wiping urself lor... bo bian, ai swee is like tha one! LOL
ariesgal, I will be using veronica toh too for my #2. Actually for my #1, i got MC Tan but later on I insist to switch to Vtoh after alots of feedback from my hb's colleagues on the diff between the 2 PDs.
ariesgal, my mum taught me to do my own binding...so i guessed thas why it helps also... i agree with the oily jamu thingy, its really diff if there's no fan/AC...
wow sporty, ur great! no aircon n massage lady still can lost all weight within a mth. for me, I also managed to lose all weight within a mth for my #1, but I on aircon and got massage lady..hehe...And I super ks, put the jamu wrap on for more than 10hrs everyday.
piggym, icic...have u decided on the date yet? end of oct is NEXT WEEK leh! hehe

shannonbaby, no la...i did my confinement at my mum's place...so she's there to "monitor" me to make sure no fan/AC and i'm on my binder!! thas why... this time dunno whether can do it or not cuz i doing confinement at my own place w/o my mum's supervision liao...LOL :p
if ya #1 going CC, then better to let #2 have the jab earlier..
prevention is better than cure.. hehe..
i think the PD will advice ba on when the jabs need to be taken..

re: aircon during confinement
gosh.. i think i will die w/o aircon.. very tempted to on the fan man! haha.. but hubby dun allow.. cause will have 'feng-shi' next time rite? i pray that the weather will really turn cold during our confinement..
i hope ya boy feels better.. give him more wateR??
the weather no gd.. if he's still not better, better to bring him c a doc..
saintbaby, i think even with aircon/fan, we will definitely perspire during confinement cuz we need to drink lotsa hot stuffs and eat "hot" stuffs like ginger etc...
yea lor.. but at least with aircon, still not so bad.. i remember after i eat everytime, i'm like sweating like nobody's business..
straight away go aircon room..
Hi Rue,

For me, my weight gain wasn't so much. On certain days, it's either a stagnant weight gain or decreasing. More importantly, baby still kick you and I do hope my next week appointment with gynae is that baby gain weight...... it doesn't matter if mummy lose weight.

I've prepared for the hospital bag already. All baby's clothes, blankets, bed sheets...... no matter whether to bring to hospital or to put at home, whether it's new or old, I'm going to wash it first before giving baby to wear.

Oh!!! Forgot abt lip balm. Maybe I'll put in the hospital bag and bring along.

Bought a body pillow from John Little at Marina Square at yesterday's "Family Fair". Tried and find actually quite very good for back especially for pregnant ladies. Only bad thing is that the cover for the body pillow is not 100% cotton, so quite hot hugging it at night. This morning used 2 pillow (100% cotton) casing to loop around the body pillow. Hope it's less heat absorbant.
saintbaby, yes...thas why i changed tops every 2 hrs...so lotsa laundry to wash! kekekke :p yes ah, sometimes after a shower, then u sit down and drink soup or what, then u persipire again...sianz one lor!
u're all ready to deliver le wor..
i agree, as long as baby gain wt, mummy lose wt never mind.. hehe..
but they say if baby never gain wt, means abt to deliver le..

saintbaby, yup yup cuz u c sec better wear one piece PJ...

yuxuan, the parking is not complimentary...they will give u a discount parking coupon at 3 bucks per entry kind
