(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

yeap! That is true... Hee Hee
If there is pain in the tailbone, is that a sign of labour?

Your baby is of good weight.

hope u will be able to get HL..
else hor, the hosp leave so many days also wasted... :p

ya lor.. now got to fast fast handover... else hor, HL at home still need to worry abt work.. sian leh.. :p

for MMR, usually the fever will come only aft 7 days.... somehow different fr the other vaccinations..

yupyup.. now i know where u work liao.. hahaha... :p ya lor.. really small small world.. in fact, my place got quite a few preggies this year.. :p but she guessed it's me lah... :p

Dr Rauff will start HL on 26th Oct for me.. so i think it will last all the way till i give birth bah.. my EDD is 12th Nov.. yours leh?

show is the drop out of the mucus plug.. so hor, it may look abit jelly like.. u monitor n see how it goes.. coz if show only n no other signs, may not be labour yet.. my fren's mucus plug drop out 2 wks b4 she gave birth... :p


wow.. now getting more excited liao.. jiayou!! :D

dilation got to check by VE.. as for engaged anot, think gynae able to tell thru scan.. or maybe thru touch (feeling ard our tummy)..
vivian, like tha then bo bian lor since u can work from home...cuz cannot shiam from the mails!

piggym, i also have pain on my tailbone esp if i sit for too long...its very challenging when i stand up lor...cuz sure have to "ouch" one
thanks! but hor i also duno how mucus plug look like leh. Duno how to differentiate with those discharge.

ur bb weight v good.

Wah more n more mummies going to deliver soon. Yippie
shihui> i don really wanna take hl.. still waiting for hr to revert..

saintbb> oooo

vivian> wah still mus work from home...
rue, bb hiccup many times in the night and lasted 15mins or longer so i worry lor...not too sure whether issit normal coz i thot usually will last abt 10mins max...
Thks Jane! i watched birth story online at babycenter.com and the process is so scary...esp fo epi jab, the needle is so long!!!!
starrz, mucus plug is like alot of white lumpy discharge all coming out together. I experienced it a few hrs before my waterbag burst for my #1.
bearycue, no worries...I got once baby hiccup from afternoon around 4pm till night 9pm. I called gynae. He said it is normal, baby was practicing breathing skill.
Sporty & Shihui, thanks for the heads-up. Din know MMR jab will cause fever after a few days. Was rejoicing when no fever right after the jab, ignorant me.
Jane, where you read the birth stories from? I watch A Baby Story everyday on Discovery H&H and it's like watching a horror/touching movie everytime.... and I always shed tears when it shows the mummy pushing and in excruciate pain, moments before and when the baby comes out *paiseh*
Hi all,
went to see gynae today instead of next mon cos cant stand the itchy skin, can't sleep at all!

oh, my doc advise me to buy 100% cotton for clothes, so I bought Sorella pyjamas. Nice sweet prints and color, you may want to consider.
I also bought Karmy ones, also 100% cotton, but the feel is soft but denser in material, so may feel heaty again. Take note some Karmy ones are not 100% cotton.

Weekend is here at last, got many family meals to keep me occupied! Oh Yes, Dim sum at Asia Grand!
i just came home after being out the whole day! i'm so tired!!

i think i can still have another round of durians before i deliver ba.. haha..
Yoz girls, finally back !!

Jane, devlina's right.But no dilation, i can't be next. haha Baby is engaged but not those low low kind of engagement though. Well, it's a sign of relief for me that i can do natural!! Only today then i realised, i misunderstood my gynae. Coz all e while i tot she keep saying nd to c sec. Till today, she said the most is induced earlier wun do c sec and since baby is engaged, very good chance of coming out fr the birth canal. yipee! She say probably next two weeks i also wun be due leh...

I think talking to baby helps leh. Right now he's 3.06kg at 36weeks liao. He put on 400g in 2 weeks. She asked me to do natural induction for labour to kick in. Anyway, will be going for bwax next tues. Oh, she mentioned that those cramps and tightening i felt helped to push the baby down for engagement. She's pretty happy with the amount of contractions i'm having. Finally got the doc's letter for admission, all i saw was the word 'Big Baby' -_-

Pretty glad that i can do natural. So hor, right now, i'm gg to do squats and hip rotation everyday to get him even lower. Think e lower he goes, the more successful the induction will be if any. I also read that the fontanelles of baby can overlap during labour for moulding into birth canal. Phew~
congrats fieda.. aim for natural birth..
i agree that talking to baby helps.. i told baby to be a gd gal today and she was.. hehe..
next 2 weeks? hehe. almost e same time as me..
congrats momoko!
wah i think now all really like going to pop soon....
last night i had another false alarm...... i was awaken from my sleep from the horrible backache..... it was so bad that i can't even turn. then i need to go and pee, i can't even sit up. i had to ask hb to help me up and help me walk to bath room and help me sit down on the toilet bowl lor.... it's that bad..... then with the cramps, i really tot this is it..... but then the ache went off after a few hours. i wonder if i'll stretch past next week......
fieda, now i'm having the backache again! exactly like last night.... can't even stand or sit.... how..... i think i won't stretch past next week liao.... got the feeling really like anytime.... my photoshoot is this sun!!!!!! must hang on for that!!!!
ariesgal, got regular cramps not? i also having backaches last night... really can't sleep lo.. turn my body also got pelvic pain on top of backaches. my gynae say hor sometimes contractions can extend till e back leh
fieda dunno leh.... like got slight cramps lah but not intense or wat yet but the backache is worse...... like wanna break into half liao....
Websites got say backache is sign of labour leh.. when is yr next check up? That time i was also very bothered abt cramps too. Yr cramping is at lower uterus or whole ?
wow congrats momoko. do take care and rest well, hear from you soon.

shannonbaby, if i were you i'd be so gan jiong, do keep us updated!

fieda, do squats and hip rotation can get baby engaged faster?

seems like everyone got some symptoms except me, me 37th week liao gynae still seeing me once 2 weeks and never check for dilation bb also not engaged..

my first one also till EDD still no signs in the end induce..
this time i dun wan induce...hope can experience labour start at home.
Ashley... pls drop me a msg again.. My phone died and I dun have your account number le.. Tks! =)

Anw, Congrats Momoko on your lil Princess~~
Hi mummies, i have few bottles of NeurogainPB Fish Oil (for pregnancy) to let go. Selling at $26 per bottle. PM me if you are interested. Thanks..
Congrats on the birth of Baby Abrielle! Take care and rest well.

Congrats to u too for been able to go for natural birth. So u going to be induced? Nowadays my menstrual like cramps spread to my back, dunno is it BH getting more intense? During labour the contractions really make ur back ache.

No lah maybe i mislead u cause i side track and talk about my girl poo poo spraying at me. Not using the pee pee caps for my girl. Let me know if the pee pee caps really work. thks.

I had PM u my hp, did u receive it?
Mummies, thanks for all the well wishes. Both Abrielle n myself are doing fine, she managed to latch on nicely on the colostrum le =)

So whose coming up nxt after me??
glad that u and Abrielle are doing fine.. csec not that scary ya.. hehe.. when you're settled down.. share with us your birth story..
meanwhile.. take care of yourself and ya wound k?
Morning all and happy Deepavali

Momoko, congrats again and good to know dat baby Abrielle is latch on nicely on the colostrum so bfing shld be no prob for u hor...hehe

Fieda, congrats...happy for u dat u can go natural and all the assurance given by ur gynae such boost up ur confidence to deliver a big & healthy baby hor...hee, jia you!!!

Vivian, thanks for sharing on the hiccup...at least now i know dat it's normal and not so worry liao

taurus033, sorry...my hubby had accidentally thrown away the handout given by my gynae on the strep B swap test where it states dat antibiotics shld be used during delivery and not recommended b4 dat...maybe i try to get from my gynae again tis coming friday during my visit hor :p

I have selected my c section date to be next sunday, 25 oct!! i decided to go for epidural.. so that my husband can also be with me.. but i am quite scared, cos i might imagine wat the doctor is doing.. kekeke.. must distract myself.. i wil be working till coming friday.. very tired liao.. and now both hands are numb....

any mummies with c section with epidural experience? i am quite concern whether will be very painful when doing the injection.. some says yes.. and some says no..

Momoko.. congratulations!! glad to know that both u and abrielle doing well!

after c section.. colostrum will auto start to come in?

Heard that Mrs Wong will be away to berlin.. but dunnoe the dates.. anyone know?

I am very nervous but also excited.. keke.. start of motherhood.. keke
Fieda.. good for u.. can go natural.. praying hard i can oso.. dun wanna go thru c-sect =(

Shihui.. we share the same EDD =) see who will be first to pop.. envy u that you already on maternity leave.. as for me.. still a long way to go man =( another 2 weeks + of working days..

regarding the pee cap.. i thot wats that.. princess no need to get onli for the little price right... lol
Saintbaby, c-sect via ga not that scary except for the part when I'm wide awake in the theatre. Knock out liao, wake up everything's over except for the pain =) juz in time to wait for my bb to come to me. I knocked out only for like 1 1/2 hrs nia.

Catechins, ya going to be nxt. Excited for you. My c-sect date was initially 25th oct too but gynae say too close to my edd liao so cannot, pushed forward. Else our bb will have same bday. keke.

Fieda can go nat, dream come true, happy for u!
Catechins, the colostrum I tink is depends on individual. Tink I'm lucky coz b4 I pop already on off have colostrum. But rite after I wake up frm the GA, I forced myself to stay awake to bf coz the first few hrs after popping is most crucial I heard.
Congratulations Momoko! Finally you are loking t our princess now. How heavy was your princess at birth. Was what your gynae predated accurate? Do post some pictures when u can
Good to hear bfeeding is going well too. Try to bfeed on demand and to latch on correctly.

Fieda,happy to hear that u can go natural

At the moment I am considering taking up this: http://www.hypnobirthing.com.my/ Heard it is very popular in Singapore too.
Saphira, i am very keen on hypnobirthing as well but I think it's too late for me to take up the lessons cos I'm already in my 37th week. It is gaining popularity in Singapore and the lessons are pretty expensive.
Hi all mummies,

just an update after my appt. on Friday..
In my 35wks, nx appt will be two wks time, in that appt, doc will do internal check to see if i have dilation, bb is 2.5kg liao, i have put on 14kg! Pass the strpB pass, bb head had turn, phew... but not engaged. Cos doc say if it is engaged then i will give birth within nx 7 days...finally hubby and i saw her face using 3D scan, she had been hiding her face for the past few visits....so nervous two more weeks to go...keke

m0m0k0, congrats on your little princess!! good to hear that you had been bfing well, jia you k!! enjoy this precious time with your bb k

catechins, you are nx in the line to see your bb! one more week to go..so excited for you! but you really want to work until Friday? can take leave early, at least let yourself rest more?

myboyjovan, maybe can try to walk more?

ariesgal_76, how is your backaches now? hope you feel better, try to lie down more or lay back on a cushion when you are sitting down...you may want to call your gynes to let him know?...take care..
happy deepavali everyone!

went to the zoo today with my hb and #1... #1 had great fun and now the whole family is sunburnt!! hahha

esther, the MMR fever usually come after a few days...i dunno why also...tha time i also thot my boy no fever and it came after like 3 days...

kimifin, did ur gynae give u any cream for the itchy skin? so how was the tim sum at Asia Grand?

saintbaby, u can have durians la...cuz u c sec mah...bb bigger also ok rite? :p

fieda, ur bb's of good weight at 36 weeks...and great tha u can do natural! ur dreams came true! i guessed previously u were juz too stressed!

ariesgal, the backache tha u were experiencing was maybe bb was pressing on ur nerves? thas why cant sit up or do anything... cuz i kena tha before... its really like "paralyse" kinda feeling

tanly, dun worry...i'm sure u can go for natural too ! jia you

momoko, great tha abrielle managed to latch nicely! thas very impt lor

catechins, wow...so fast u decided on ur c sec date...
wow u still wanna work until fri eh? shd take a break before bb arrives...

alicia, great tha u gotten the 3d scan from dr ang

Hello everyone!
Wow, lots of mummies nearing their D-day! So exciting.

Momoko, congrats on the birth of your princess. Enjoy the moments with her! Take good care of your wound and rest well.

Catechins, i was on epidural for my #1 C-sect. Actually the injection was ok, just ant bite kinda pain as they numb the external area. Just need to stay really still when they doing the injection. Will be on epi as well for my #2.
I've chosen my C-sect to be on 6 Nov. BB will be 39 weeks by then. Hope she dun decide to pop early as my gynae is going to be away the week before!

Taurus, I also had lower abdominal cramps the other nite together with Braxton hicks for more than 2hrs. So worried i went into labour (hubby is on biz trip somemore), luckily turned out false alarm. The doc says i prob overdid it in the day, so triggered off the cramps at nite. So u try to rest more and not stressed your body in the day. When's your EDD?
