(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

hey piggym!

u feeling better le ma?
Morning Awbb,
Ya lor. HAving lowe adbomen cramps leh. Haha...
but now whole tummy wor. Maybe its BH.
HOw is motherhood life?
Ok lah. thanks. On and off leh. Going to do CTG later. Hee HEe
today weather super hot! cant tahun!
What is for lunch today?
Piggym: hehe! baby coming soon~~~!! So excited for u! Pack hospital bag already!?!??!
BB admitted to hospital over the weekend due to jaundice. No idea on the words to describe motherhood...hahaa...my feelinga are mixed.
keke.. if got good news sms me yea..

today eat black pepper chicken rice!
u eh?

how is baby now?
dun worry, jaundice in babies are common..
dun get stress yea..
Good morning or afternoon.

Today can sleep till 9+am cause my company is off replacement for Deepavali holiday today, so no need to work today.

These few days the weather is really hot, need to on AC if not really can't sleep. Really hope confinement that time the weather is better. I have told my hb, i can't on fan, so i will on AC during confinement, somemore next months onwards electric rate is going up as mentioned in the news, i told him be prepare himself to have higher electric bill.

I will start to clear my annual leave starting next week, i will be @36+ week next week, hope can get my mum to come over from Msia early if not i will be bored at home alone.
Dunno leh.. Hee Hee. Nurse said could be fake contractions of BH? Hee HEe
Yup, just finish packing yesterday.
Oic, so how is baby Gab now?
Haha, mixed feelings.. I think that is normal.
saintbaby: baby is doing fine...think I am stressing myself abit. No idea why I keep having some mixed feelings about the whole situation. Kinda sad when I think about it. Is it suppose to be like this? hmmmnn...
Haha. But its still early leh. Me only 36 wks plus.. HAven not reach 37 weeks.
Me, Dunno what to eat... So sian..
Wow, black pepper chicken rice?
saintbaby, why dun u get the PJs from chinatown? since u working there

awbb, so is ur boy still in hospital now becuz of jaundice? hope he will be fine soon!
i had a bit of post natal depression when i had my #1 too.. cos it's a brand new experience.. dun stress yourself and take time to learn..
it's a brand new role yea!
*hugs* come online when u can, the support u get her from the other mummies helps!
Piggym: I remebered having frequent menstrual cramps 1-2 weeks before I pop.For hospital no need to bring so much. I dun even knw why I bothered to bring PJs cos the hospital do provide. Are u having CL??
BB Gab is back n healthy! His skin color is sooo much better. I remember looking at him in the hospital n cant help crying. The 1st time I felt 'mother love' coming out from me mwhahahaha!
saintbaby, then bo bian lor...get it this weekend! oh ya, i also having chix for lunch... but claypot chix rice...lol

awbb, quite common for bb to have jaundice...dun worry...it has nothing wrong with u... what u can do is to monitor him and sun tan him when necessary lor...cheer up gal!
Oic. Yeah, me too having that since yesterday. Maybe its abt time... Hee Hee
Hmm, my hospital dont provide PJs leh. So I will be bringing 2 sets.
Good to hear that he is back!

ITs normal to cry. If I were you, I will also cry lor. Hahah
sporty: yup! BB is disharged after 2 days hospitalisation.

Saintbb: Thanks gal...I actually felt so guilty to think of the things I am thinking. I mean we worked so hard to get me pregnant n then after birth I didnt expect that I will be feeling this way.

so your bb come out on the 37th week or not?
just curious, were you still activly moving around or doing housewk while having cramps.
saintbaby, maxwell market's fish soup is nice also...and lotsa good food there! yum yum

piggym, c sec for ESH is 2 days stay? ur 2 sets of PJs is enough?

awbb, i think u are juz overwhelmed of being a mum...thas why u have tha mixed feelings lor...dun worry la, things will get better... now u juz work hard on bfing...
Dunno leh. Depends on condition? Its either 3 or 4 days wor.
I only bought 2 sets of PJs.. Hahaha
I am tinking of wearing long pants and a top. ANyway see how it goes, maybe get another extra set.
Piggym: Excited right?? U knw the time is getting nearer but no idea when! Mine caught me at the most unexpected moment hahaha!

My CL is good but abit talkative n sometimes lor soh *grin* Nevermind 3 more weeks to go...I abit cannot tahan my apartment filled with so many people. Now got total 5 ppl in the hse. Still love my privacy =)

Rae: ya...I am trying to stay positive. Guess kinda wierd...all along it has been only my dh n I...now one more party pop out.

Sporty: Ya..thats what the nurse said to me too. Am trying to be positive =)
Hahaha... Ok, will do that. thanks.

HAve you ever heard of old ppl using Hazeline (dunno if I spell correctly) as nappy rash cream to apply on baby butt?
hi ladies, so far, anyone took more than 2 times of coconut drk per week?
I am taking once per week, plus watermelon juices 2 times per week...
hmm, did not see the effect of cooling my heatiness.
kimifin: Nope. week 35. I am still moving but walking is abit wierd during the last week. I remembered having bad lower bad pain 2 days before I am due.

piggym: PJ dress is better...separate top n pants even for normal delivery I already feel abit ...... bcos after that u prefer to minimise movement of your lower body. U having Csect?
AWBB, lower back pain, like b4 period, got backpain?

I got very different back pain, just a bit on and off, not the entire back, while walking.

thanks, I will take note. Wat about any BH contractions or real contractions?
I felt my contractions recently becoming more intense.. the the belly shape v v funny...aiyoh.

Doc has to up my dose of progesterone so that to reduce premature labour.
Yeap! Haha! No idea when! Yours is most unexpected lor but ur labour is consider quite fast, 7 hrs nia.

Haha! Talkative CL! Nvm, as long as she does a good job that is the most impt thing.
Oh ya hor, now ur apartment filled with 5 ppl.
Dont worry, 3 more weeks to go. Tolerate!
PJ dress is more convenient. Haha. Yeah, most likely C-sect.
You mentioned you had lower bad pain for 2 of whole days b4 you were due?
Kimifin: How many weeks are u now?? hehehe! I knw wat u mean by the belly shape. Mine look super wierd at times too.

Piggym: Ya...thank goodness I never join u gals for dimsum...I can imagine few preggy ladies panicking mwhahahaha!
yeap.. Csec GA, hubby will be able to c baby after they clean up.. they will bring bb out to let ya hubby count the toes and fingers..
before bringing baby up to nursery.
AWBB: I am 36 weeks now, doc says just bear with it for 1 more week...

Hmm, anyone wans to meet up for tea on 29 or 30 Oct?
Of course, to be sure you are not so ready to Pop yet?
Maybe we meet at PS or city hall.
i asked hubby.. he said if your husband is waiting outside the OT. they will let him c the baby after the gynea has delivered the baby.. cos the cleaning up is done at the nursery.
they just wrap the baby and bring to nursery..
last week and before, yes, the shape is like butt...
but yesterday, the shape is off, 1 big and 1 small side of each butt...
has anyone experience baby kicking ribcage? i've not experience it so far. but i can feel wiggling on my LHS.

sometimes i will see 1 big 1 small. I guess the big one is baby's buttock & small ones are the feet
Rue, the butt seems oversized for me leh...
my doc says BH is the uterus tightening as a reaction of the bb movements, so should not be too frequent and may bring about early labour.

For my case, bb head is down, so I felt hiccups nearer to the lower tummy(near to pelvic area) and kicks or "waves" along the upper tummy, nearer to the ribs area.
Anyeone also felt the movement of bb more intense at this stage?
I felt that the bb is trying to use his feet to push himself as he stretches...
awbb, yeah...i heard some CL really very talkative...i hope mine wun talk unless necessary...ehheh :p yes yes good to stay positive!!

piggym, no leh...never heard of using hazeline snow... but my mum did use corn flour to put on bb butt for diaper rash

kimifin, thot 36 weeks liao...gynae can put u off the medication liao...hehe

rue, my bb always kicked me hard on ribcage...very painful!
Now, whenever my butt area, tail bone is pain, i really scare in labour...
I know got many other symptoms...
if waterbag burst must rush to hospital. jialat, forget the other case where need to rush immed.
Din carry my doc's letter with me today, cos also think must rush home to pick my bag + crodlife pack anyway...
Nowadays I slept with AC at 23 degree (usually hubby set to 24-25, otherwise he'll keep sneezing), but I felt it's like turn on the fan only. I really don't know if i can not turn on AC n fan during confinement.

BH contractions more often n more uncomfortable, especially bb also kicked me to complain. Tomorrow I'll be on my week 37.

rue & sporty, my bb often kicked me on ribcage too (mostly right side), can be painful.

Kimifin, yup. I felt bb's kicks n stretchings stronger lately too.

kimifin, when u rush home to pick up ur stuffs...dun forget to take a shower too...heheh :p

agata, how's ur rest at home? so juz waiting for the signs eh?
