(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

had a super tiring day today.
worse is son fell sick with fever and vomiting
had some misunderstandings and miscommunications with mil too.
so tired now.
happy deepavali everyone.
momoko great to hear from you...

momoko, congrats on the arrival of your gal.... must post pics ya...

sporty, i guess so.... but the backache happen like consecutively for 2 nights.... got me so worried..... then the cramps came last night too... interval of 10 mins apart but went off after about 1 hr or so..... another false alarm..
then this evening, i noticed that i got this very gluey discharge..... i wonder if that is the mucus plug.... strangely i don't remember seeing that for the 1st preg..... wipe a few times then the discharge was gone.... i suspect it could be the mucus plug lor.... but no blood... but i think really soon for me.... must hang on till next week when my mum is back from HK.....
then so sian, monday i kenna recall back to office to do another handover to another coverer cos my original coverer cannot cope..... super super super sian.... hope i don't go into labour while in office haha....
alicia, ya now i sit i make sure i got cushion behind me but hor doesn't really help i realized..... sigh..... maybe it's as what sporty say lor... bb pressing on the nerves...
Thanks all for yr well wishes! Haha Me not going for induction unless baby too big still dun wan to come out.

Momoko, glad that you are doing well with yr girl!!

ariesgal, i also have more vaginal discharge than usual leh.. but gynae say it's normal. I had false alarm like yrs too! 5 to 7 min intervals.. went off only i rest in bed. Why yr office so inconsiderate one! Rem yr own health n baby more impt!

myboyjovan, hope your son is getting better and today is a great day for you! =)
Hi, happen to see your post about hypnobirthing. My friend is trying this. She is due on end Oct and she juz took this course this mth. Think the 2 of them enjoy it so I felt like sharing that it is not too late.... You can check out at www.parentlink.com.sg
Saphira, my girl came out lighter than estimated at 2.825kg.

Nurse say my bm come in liao. So happy. I was so worried tt I can't bf, its a huge relief nw. =)

So now each feed I do my best to latch on 15-20mins on each breast at 3 hrs intervals day n nite to get the bm flowing.
Hi mummies,

Sorry being busy with my hand over in work that seldom chat here le. Anyway, quit my job, now i got more time to chat here while waiting for the big day to come. Been having pelvic pain very badly. Glad i left my job early. hard to sit, walk even lying down and getting up in bed is hard. sigh......
x - My mum say if our feet get the swelling 3X, means going to deliver soon le. For my cause, Its 2nd time le. I tried putting my legs up while sleeping also no use. Not even i soak my feet in hot water ( was told to do so because the feet swelled due to blood circulation) also no use. It will go back normal after few days. now my feet start to swell alittle again after went normal last 2 weeks. Look so ugly, like elephant leg hor..... :S
momoko.. how is the pain after ur c section?

i have to work till friday.. cos now is busy period.. and my temp still not in yet... i actually very tired to wake up so early also.. and my fingers so numb.. difficult to type too..

Odiey, how is ur whole c section experience.. keke.. i very nervous.. hopefully everything okay.. after the c section.. can see baby immediately right? i told myself many ppl go thru c section.. so the pain should still be bearable bah? keke...

quite glad that goign for c section soon.. can see baby sooner.. = )

btw.. after the c section. need to buy a bind right? i went guardian.. but see alot for slimming.. think buy from hospital directly..
I am having cold war with hubby now...very very sad....last night my dog ran away (again) cos I didn't know he was behind me (I opened the door a little wider to switch on the lights for him before we closed the door to go out for dinner) and he squeezed his way out. Hubby was very angry with me and I told him I dun need his help, I will go and get the dog myself. When I grabbed the dog leash and house key, he scolded me and said something which really broke my heart. He said " i hope you fall and get a miscarriage". How could he curse his child like that?! I told him to shut his wu ya zui.

I managed to catch my dog downstairs pretty easily, thank god, but still needed hubby's help to grab the dog while I put the leash on the dog.

After that while walking to the hawker centre for dinner, he ignored me and walked right ahead. I was trailing behind and feeling very sad by his comment. When I finally caught up with him, I told him I'm going home instead cos I dun feel like eating. I didn't bring my wallet and didn't wanna ask him for money.

We haven't talked at all ever since and I don't think he will apologize, knowing him. I refuse to talk to him first cos I am really really pissed.

Sorry for the rant. Just feeling so sad...I'm sure no one would curse his own wife and child like that over such a small matter. I am utterly heartbroken. I dun even wish to inform him should I go into labour in the next few days.
patpat ashley..
he might be too angry and talk nonsense to u..
cheer up, k?
my hb too sometimes will say something bad, i know he actually care for me but use the wrong words instead..
Hugz Hugz. Can understand how you feel. Sometimes when guys are angry they will talk nonsense. Cheer up! For the sake of your child and yourself, be strong.
Sayang Ashley! How can yr husband say such things!! It must be the fit of anger! Tell him how u felt about his statement? Men dun understand how hard it is to carry such a big watermelon. =(*Hugs*
hugs.. i'm sure ya hubby didn't really mean wad he said. and he'll prob say sorry after things have cooled down.. men in general have that word pride! so even if they know they've hurt u, they might find it hard to say sorry. let things cool down for a while den tell him how u felt abt tat statement he made. meanwhile stay positive and happy. don't let it affect ya and baby ya..
i'm so tired after a day of packing today.. i still got a bit more to go.. hehe.. counting down abt another 2 weeks..
yesterday my hubby and my dad finally moved the antique chest from my room to downstairs.. but my mum say i pack and pack but my room like still got lots of things.. haha..
i think i still can afford to eat another round of durians before i deliver.. lolx.. next week la.. either tml or tues have to eat le.. cos friday seeing gynea.. haha..

you'll need to get a binder after ya csec.. hospital pharmancies sell them.. not those slimming kind.. hehe..
oh ya.. i saw on the news just now that the pnuemonocol jabs is going to be complusory for babies born from nov onwards.. den i went into channelnewsasia website to check.. it says 3 jabs have to be taken before e child turns 2. each jab would cost from $140 to $180. parents can use medisave to pay but there's a annual limit of $300 a year. if not use baby bonus or cda account.

hmmm.. i think have to read tml's papers to have more info.. cos if need 3 jabs before e child turns 2, means are they going to fix at wad mth the jab needs to be taken?? cos when i let my 2 kids took e last time.. i waited till they were 1yrs old le den let them take. only took 2 jabs..
Ashley... dun be upset else no good for ur bb.. Sometime guys are like that.. I believe ur hubby will realise that his words hurt and apology to u.. most importantly, must cheer up and look forward to the delivery ya..
Wonder if any of u have stagnant weight gain or even decreasing weight now? Realised mine stay at 13kg ever since my last ck-up 2 wks ago. err, does tt mean i can induldge in more sinful food? haha. Then i read the book "What to expect when u r expecting", it said weight standstill means body preparing for labour. Oh gosh! i'm still nt ready!!

i saw the news too at cna just now. Is the jab by Wyeth??
Ashley - hug hug. dun be sad. I believe your hubby dun mean it. So insensitive of him. Cheer up and let's look forward to the big day! I do had some cold war with hubby every now and then. I always got to tell him straight that i am going to give birth le, stop irritating me. You better treat me like a QUEEN!!! Then he get it in is head. If not, he still take me as normal self, expect me to do this do that! Men doesn't know how uneasy.clumsy we are when we carry such a big balloon. :p
catechins - i am also doing c-section on this coming sun, Oct 25 at Mt E! Which hospital will you be?

Momoko - Congrats!
my c-sect was emergency one, my bb heartbeat dropped. So was actually more worried abt the bb than the procedure. But still it was quite scary initially as I dunno whether i'm totally numbed below. The doc kept asking me whether i can feel anything and i even felt the pressure as he pressed hard on me. Worst thing is he even told me that he's going to start. haha... that freaked me out. Luckily I was already all numbed. I've changed my gynae for #2, so shall see how this one goes. Hope the experience wld be more positive

As for the binder, thought the hospital will automatically incl? Can opt out?

hope you can make up with your hubby soon. Try to stay cheerful yah, else bb can feel your sadness. Am sure your hb dun mean what he said.
Its ok, dun want to trouble u. Actually i read the CDC website and it said that antibiotics taken before labor will not protect your baby against GBS.

Actually i already reduced doing housework and tried to rest more but seems like still more BH and cramps this time, maybe going to pop soon. My EDD is 14 Nov. Ur hubby still went on business trip? I told my hubby to tell his boss he can't even go to Batam as i may pop soon.

Hugs hugs. Ignore ur DH and try to be happy for ur bb. Sometimes men are just so insensitive. Make sure he apologise for his cruel statement.

Re: pneumonicol jabs
Dun understand why government want to let newborns take this jab. Anyway I am going to delay this jab.
Catechins, I guess cos tis is my 2nd c-sect at the same place so the pain is more numb n bearable plus they gave me painkillers. I can walk freely and go toilet on my own on 2nd day.

Ashley, dun b upset, I'm sure ur hb dun mean it. My hb oso said something nasty when I cried over bb's cord around the neck, he said like "cry more la, wait bb really no more then u know." But deep in our hb's heart, we know they really luv us n bb to bits. They juz duno hw to express themselves at times.

Juz now tried to express my bm out but can oni get max 4mls, hiakz, supply not fully in yet, juz kick start only. Hb see me express till quite stress, he took over the pump n help me pump instead, muz praise him coz he manage to help me get more milk out then I do on my own. Heng, he's very encouraging keep asking me to relax, kept assuring me tt I will have bm. =)
Need to relax to pump more milk, the more stress u get the less milk u will get. Actually latching on is much more easier than pumping to achieve let down. So when will u be discharged? How come is ur 2nd c-sect?
Ashley, don't be upset, men are insensitive, when both of you cool down try to talk to him and let him know how hurtful is his word. Some men are insensitive and sometimes we got to tell them it is hurtful.

Rue, my weight has been stagant for 1 mths + . My weight drop after i on controlled diet due to GD, but it went stagant when i get use to the diet . My gynae didn't mention anything on my weight as my bb weight still increase at 50 percentile. As long as bb is growing should be ok. Futhermore, our weight also include our fats , the fluid and etc... at this stage maybe the fluid and etc... is not increasing ?
I think yr hb really didn't mean it.my hb also say angry words when he's angry.He even chase me n #1 out of the hse b4 telling us nvr to go back again.And he carried on to do hurtful things to me during this pregnancy.but I know he has a bad temper n will regret wat he said on impulse after he cools down.And indeed he came saying sorry n stuffs n treated me like a queen.
hello g'morning ladies!

hope this will be a nice week for all of us!

catechins and ASHM> all the best for your c-sects on sunday!!

momoko, zentan and ashley> poor dears. i can totally understand and imagine the feeling. none of us, husbs or wives deserve to get 'said' like that, more so esp since we are preggies now. it's one thing to think of 'saying' stuff, and another to actually 'say' the stuff that is mean. I am sure everything works out always but i think everyone should have their 'cut off limits' as in these things cant happen over and over again with subsequent apologizing doing the 'trick'.

ashley> maybe if u dont wish to speak to ur husb temp, consider writing a note. i am sure 'it' will sink in and everytime he 'sees' the note, he'll always remember the 'scar' dont think so much ok? try to focus on happier thoughts

momoko> that's sweet of ur hb! jiayou for bfing!!

i went for my jiemei's wedding on sat and had my cousin's gathering at my place yesterday. time passes so fast and i didn't pack my hosp bag at all.. hope my maternity leave issue can be resolved by today. i have a meeting with my big boss later on my perf review and another meeting with third party tmrw........

totally looking forward (and not forward) to my gynae's apptmt on fri.. life is so contradicting at times.....
Taurus033, coz I had a stillbirth previously delivered via c-sect by same gynae. So this is second c-sect liao.

Jane, hope ur issue can get resolved ASAP. =)
morning all...
mon again!! another 10 more days for me!

myboyjovan, hope ur son gets well soon!

ariesgal, dun be so stressed la...if its comes it comes...dun be paranoid lor :p oh ya, i also didnt rem seeing my mucus plug last pregnancy also...so i also dunno how it looked like!

x, yes water retention is lack of water...u shd drink more fluids...

wendypoo, u juz quitted ur job?

ashley, cheer up gal...i think ur hb said tha in fit of anger and he dun meant it at all... hope the cold war will end soon!! cheer up
u will see ur gal soon...something to look forward to

saintbaby, i also waited for my #1 to be 1 before i let him take the P jab...think now have to ask the PD/GP when exactly we must take the jab for them... at least can use medisave lor, so not so heartpain

rue, my weight is quite stagnant now...cuz everyday i stepped on the weighing scales...its abt the same weight... now we may have "decreasing" weight... tha means most of our weight is taken by bb...we may be the same weight but bb gained most of it!

momoko, ur hb is so sweet to pump milk for u :p dun be too stressed up abt bfing, i'm sure u can do it one
ur mum doing confinement for u rite? so it wun be so bad...dun worry!
Morning ladies...and many thanks for your consolation.

I do believe my hubby didn't mean those horrible things but I really cannot accept his temper. Certain things I can close one eye cos I am not perfect myself. But certain things, I will not tolerate and let him think that I can be "bullied".

As far as I can remember, I am always the one talking to him first after every fight. Not this time, man. And he can ignore me as long as he wants. He can jolly well talk to me first and tell me what I'm pissing him off.

Anyway, I'm going for my gynae appt later.....hope my baby is engaged already.
morning all...

my gynae appt today changed to tomorrow cos gynae got a emer c-sect case....

sporty, ya i was stressed the last week cos i got a lot of things not settled yet cos my new place which is to be rented out also not yet sorted with the furnitures that i need to provide cos pending on tenant. now that finally settled and my photoshoot also finally settled yesterday.... now i feel more relax hee.... today or after lunch i go back office for the meeting and then i think i'm done...... will still continue to work from home until i pop lor.....
ashley, think after seeing ur bb later will cheer u up...rem to update us on ur appt

ariesgal, u sounded more relaxed now
yeah...since most of ur pending stuffs already done, u can relax and wait for the arrival of ur gal
ashley, my hb also used to have quite a bad temper actually..... and i did as what jane has suggested..... instead of me "talking" to him, i wrote him a super super long letter... hee..... somehow i got this letter writing thing when i'm super pissed and yet refused to open my mouth.... so i told him exactly what he said that hurt me and how hurtful some words were and i blasted at him in the letter.... i think maybe the words sink in..... we don't have such hurtful sessions anymore and each time one of us said something thru slip of tongue, we will immediately tell each other off (not scold or quarrel) by saying that those words are hurtful so that we don't progress into a quarrel. so far so good.... also we don't want to start a quarrel in front of our gal cos we don't want her to see that... got once we sort of argued (raised voices) and my gal started crying....
hi ladies,
do we need to give newborns a new set of clothes when we bring them back home from hospital? I've new receiving blanket, but clothes & booties are hand down. wonder if i should buy..
morning ladies,
I am still around even though my baby is engagaed and I am 2cm dilated since last friday. Doesnt seems to have any signs that my boy wants to come out. The only sign is my gal suddenly wake up and sayang my tummy and keep saying hello to her didi...hehe..
shannonbaby, i thot u popped over the weekend liao...u still ard eh? :p yeah, maybe its a sign tha ur gal said hello to didi... :p
morning ladies..

another short week for me.. going to c gyne on friday..

yea lor at least can use medisave.. if not siong ah!! very ex leh 1 jab..

the jab im not sure is it by Wyeth.. but i always c Wyeth promoting its awareness at exhibitions..

saintbaby, yes its very ex...thas why i "delayed" till my boy was 1 before we jabbed him...cuz can save 2 jabs's cost and pain! kekekeke :p
