(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

jia you wor!
it'll be over before you know it and you'll be able to c ya little princess..

Sporty.. Thanxs for e list. It's very comprehensive.

Toking abt lizard, if I see it inside my hm I sure néed to get rid of it. Can't tahan a foreign visitor in my hm :p

shihui... Great dat u manage to get ur hl. I will try to get 3 days mc from gynea b4 start of my ml. Hopefully he will give man!
morning ladies!!

momoko, think u r with ur gal now. WAKIE FROM UR GA!!
congratulations to u and husb again! enjoy the balmoral suite... and thanks for "talking" to me last night...

anise> go to the huggies website and go request for diapers and also go to www.diapers.com.sg to get free goon sample, the rest, i check out then let u know on msn...

shihui> that's great! i think me and anise dr don usu give hl. mus check it out

superwalker, ariesgal, anise and shihui> yah we are the anti-lizards gang!!

saintbb and esther> poor thing, hope ur children feel better!!

re: HR and coverer> Honestly, I give up on them... since they all can be like that, TWO CAN PLAY THE SAME GAME!! let me just endure till i go on leave.

i will still start my leave on the same day and take MC from my dr instead of ML lo....

TGIF!! 3 more BL**DY working days and i'm getting out of this S***HOLE!! REJOICE!!!!!!!!!!
tks for the tips. will keep the nepia seals.

will try asking my gynae for HL around wk 38 bah. too early stay at hm also "zhuo bo". eat sleep scared grow fat

ur princess shd be out by now!! Yippy! Congratulations! Rem to rest well & conc on nursing own health + taking gd care of princess, dun think abt all other unnec stuff.

TGIF Ladies,
do u think we can do any treatment to our hair (ie perm, rebonding, colouring) while breastfeeding??
morning ladies..

i'm still at home now.. raining.. going to c gynea soon. waiting for my mum to come home to take care of my son..

he's slightly better le. at least not so feverish. but still continue to let him eat medicine every 4hr.. later i got to drop by PD to buy his med..
morning all!
wah...so many pple scared of lizards! haha

shihui, good leh...4 more working days for u!!

momoko, jia you

jane, hope u feeling better today *hugs*

saintbaby/esther, hope ur kiddos get well soon...my son also juz recovered from fever!

anise, glad u find the list useful

rue, yes we can dye or perm or whatever during bfing...cuz it wun directly affect the milk
Jane, Anise,
maybe can talk to ur doc n try to sound really pitiful... :p tt's wat i did lah.. but maybe bcoz my work really needs me to walk ard n stand for long hours.. so my gynae understand tt i will feel really tired towards the last stage...

Jane, superwalker, ariesgal, anise,
my fren was still telling me how poor thing the lizard is.. it's not a pest... it juz looks ugly... but we are so cruel to kill it... :p but den hor, it's bad for a preggy to get a shock by it every morning too mah.. :p so it's either lizard or me.. hahaha.. :p

actually i will be at the start of my 38 wks when my HL starts.. so abit panicky liao.. coz #1 pop at wk 38+.. so expecting only a few days of rest at home nia... :p

perming n colouring no problem when breastfeeding.. but hor, if u go for those aroma massage where they use essential oils, need to highlight to the therapist tt u r still breastfeeding.. coz i rem last time my therapist told me tt certain essential oil not gd for bb.. else, the milk pumped juz aft the massage got to throw...

hehehe.. counting down.. but panick ah.. coz i still got tons of paperwork to do.. hahaha.. :p
jane, great tha u found a new way to "tackle" tha prob!! heheh

shihui, better get ur paperwork done soon! so good...juz 4 more days for u...another 10days for me! haha
sporty, shihui,
think back again. perm/colouring/rebonding take such long time. then half way thru nd to express bm how?? haiz.. i'll KIV bah
rue, ok la...go somewhere near ur house to do it la...

juz recieved an sms from momoko, she POPPED liao!!

Thanks ladies for the kind words for my gal. She's not having real high fever, just between 37.5-38.5 but worrying enough cos also have loose stool. Dunoe why this fever kept coming back, she just recovered from a bad one a few weeks ago! Wonder if it's because of the MMR jab she took last Friday... but then the virus like abit retard rite if the fever only occurred 2 days ago... lol.

Anyway, by now Momoko should delivered le rite? Congrats!!! =))
Congrats Momoko!!!

Today weather so nice to sleep. My hb have half day off and still can choose to work from home and i got to come back office to work full day. argghh... can't wait to start my AL.
Coloring of hair: I planning to do a DIY one just before the full mth celebration. Maybe prior to that, go for a haircut session in the neighborhood area. Will also ask my beautician to come to my house too for a pampering facial session! hehe... super vain. =p
Morning ladies!

Sooo glad it is friday again..can take a good rest instead of rush here and there!

Shihui: Hi hi... Do you know where i work now?? haha i was talking to that fren of mine and mentioned to her if her wkpl oso got ppl preggie den she go find out haha.. So qiao..the world is very small indeed.

For HL which Dr Rauff give, how long she gave ar? Coz i oso wanna take leave but seems tat hmm not soo possible...sian..BTW, ur EDD is when ar? Seems like very near mine!

Jane: Good for u!! Yeah to b off work can relax abit b4 the bb comes! =)
esther, my boy had fever after MMR also tha time...think MMR is quite "potent"... maybe u call the PD/clinic to check why is she having loose stools? isit becuz of the jab?

karen, hahha...i always dragged myself to work if my hb is on mc/on leave cuz he's still sleeping and i have to go to work!! haha

MOMOKO's bb gal's weight is 2.85kg!
sporty and rae> yes, someone from HR is so gg to get it now. i went to print the mom website talkin abt how to apply for maternity leave... and my method is correct what

i quote

You may take the 16 weeks of maternity leave from work continuously, starting from 4 weeks before delivery.

Where there is mutual agreement with the employer, the last 8 weeks (9th to 16th week) of maternity leave can be taken flexibly, within 12 months from the birth of the child.


Know your rights ladies !
Congrats momoko on yr little pink bundle..

I saw the pee caps le..I think I'm getting cos it's washable..but the pricing is diff for diff design..might as get the cheapest since only design diff.but I like the Santa hat..hehe..

I killed or rather it got caught in my door after I slammed it close(not on purpose)n it died instantly..twice already.I think any lizard saw me must run fast..the 1st one died a horrid death..had to ask hb wake up in the middle of the nite to remove the "carcass".
I'll Sms/ call u tonite b4 gg over ya?
Don't get so upset over the HR..
zentan> paiseh abt last nite.. the lizard jus appeared beside me suddenly when i was on the computer... yes yes, see u tonight. don worry, me no upset. thks thks
Mmmm...ur company got other rules and regulations (R&R) regarding ML or not...maybe u check out b4 confronting ur HR if not wait kena from them again...coz my company got additional R&R like, 1) mc to be issued by gynae is required for ML,
2) if ML taken straight straight 16 weeks then the 9th to 16th week will be debited as 56 calendar days. If choose to take 8 weeks then the remaining 8 weeks to be taken over 12-month period will be debited as 40 working days...

Dun be upset by ur HR k...get the all the info ready then confront them and make them SHUT UP BIG MOUTH...hahaha...cheers
how many pkts u bought?
The rest of the designs not quite interesting..there's this blue aeroplane one too..
Boys not much interesting things to buy so just get this..after hb gave the green light*winks*
Any BP going on for the pee cap?
<font color="119911">bearycue</font>, not yet worr. izzit... more choice of places to go see now. thanks dearie. but very lazy to walk now. or rather waddle. lol.
the clown hat in blue also cute leh..cos got the "pom pom" on top like Santa..wondering if I shld get 2 pkts..since shld be using them everyday until my boy is potty trained..
bearycue> there is nothing to kena from them becos my hr hor din 'publish' these inside the internal website at all........ talk abt being lazy. the policy came out SO LONG AGO..

zentan> i only bought one..the santa one.. u buy other design then we exchange lah!! :p then got more variety. what u think?
swanston, hahaha...ok..since u will be on leave soon then can take time to shop when u r in the mood and not feeling tired lor

Jane, poingzzzz...ur HR really one kind leh, for us at least the info stated in our intranet or at least our HR quite friendly and willing to explain when we make enquiries....
morning all,

eh ask u all, normally u all say "show" is those brownish/redish discharge right?
Today i was peeing and halfway, like got something drip down then i wipe and see its watery discharge then i wipe n wipe n wipe and then i saw small dot of red spot. Its small like those pen ink like tat. I saw 3 spots. I quickly dun dare to wipe liao. Jus now i go pee again, dun have liao. Shldnt be show hor, coz show shld be quite obvious and more de right?
Hi ladies, me back to work today. Found out that my boss is hospitalised. Oh no, now my handing over got prob liao. Sianz.
bearycue> they only publish the obvious things, the tings like whether mc / hl considered as ml, don dare to write. like tht also can... somemore dare to say that only i got problem when it's not clear.....

starrz, show can start from lil bit u know.. better call gynae and monitor and check.
Jane: Yah i agree with you. It is HR duty to update the staff or at least their internal website. The com should not differ too much from the Gov ruling wan.. JIa you!
jane, okies...hope u get ur ML thingy settled!!

starrz, yes show is much more one...normally before show comes...u will lose ur mucus plug which is a jelly like thingy and maybe some blood

tanly, gosh...sianz to kno tha...when does ur offical leave or ML starts? still got time?
I feel more sianz than you. My boss resigned and last day will be next friday. Suddenly my dept is short of two hands. The rest feel very stress now and have to share our works. Although temp staff will be recruited during my ML, temp can only do some simple data processing work.

Hope you are feeling better today. Don be too pissed wif your HR. Some HR are unkind one.

Hope your son is feeling better.

BEtter call your gynae and check wor.
